(Chabad.org) According to the website of the powerful Chabad Lubavitch Jews, of whom President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is a member, embracing hypocritical “double standards” is fundamental to the way Jews live their lives and perceive the world:
Double standards are supposedly unethical. Yet Judaism — the ethos contained in the Bible and expounded by the sages of Israel — abounds with double standards. In fact, these double standards are at the heart of how we live and what we have taught the world — and at the heart of what makes an ethical person.
One example of an ethical double standard is the different ways in which we regard tragedy, depending on who is the victim. When something bad happens to myself, the Torah tells me to trust in G‑d’s help, justify His ways, and examine my ways for what I might have done wrong so that I may learn a lesson from what occurred. Which are precisely the things I’m not supposed to do regarding someone else’s troubles…
But perhaps the most fascinating — and important — double standard in Judaism is in the way we apply the Divine commandment “Do not kill.”
Much has been written on the infinite value that the Torah places on every individual life. After the concept of monotheism (from which it derives), this is the most revolutionary idea which the Jew has introduced to mankind — “revolutionary” in the sense that it flies in the face of everything everyone previously believed (as indeed in the face of common sense), and “revolutionary” in the way it has transformed the face of civilized society.
Placing an infinite value on every human life means an utter rejection of any “scale” by which to quantify and qualify its worth. The life of an infant with disabilities has the same value as that of the wisest person on earth. An 80-year-old “vegetable” cannot be sacrificed to save the life of a 20-year-old genius. The Talmud tells the story of a man who was threatened by the hoodlum that ran his city that he’d be killed unless he kills a certain person. The great sage Rava told this man: “What makes you think that your blood is redder than that person’s blood?”
Torah law goes so far as to rule that an entire city cannot be saved by giving up a single individual. Because each and every life is of Divine — and therefore infinite — significance. Ten thousand infinities aren’t any “more” than one infinity…
In light of the above, it is surprising to find the following law in the Torah (derived from Deuteronomy 22:26): Habah l’hargecha hashkem l’hargo — “If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first.” (This law applies equally to someone coming to kill someone else — you’re obligated to kill the murderer in order to save his intended victim.)
This law seems to contradict the principle of life’s infinite value. If no life can be deemed less valuable that any other, what makes the victim’s life more valuable than the murderer’s life? Furthermore, this rule applies to anyone who is “coming to kill you” — he hasn’t even done anything yet! Maybe he won’t succeed? Maybe he’ll change his mind? Nor does the law say anything about trying to run away. It says: If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first.
The same Torah that tells us that G‑d placed a spark of Himself in every human being, thereby bestowing upon his or her physical existence a G‑dly, infinite worth — that same Torah also tells us that G‑d has granted free choice to every person. Including the choice — and the power — to corrupt his or her G‑d-given vitality and turn it against itself, using it to destroy life. A person can choose to turn himself into a murderer — someone who is prepared to destroy life in order to achieve his aims. In which case he is no longer a life, but an anti-life.
To kill an anti-life is not a life-destroying act, it is a life-preserving act. It is not a violation of the commandment “Do not kill,” but its affirmation. Without the law, “If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first,” the principle of life’s infinite value is nothing more than an empty slogan, a mere idea.
Judaism is not an idea. It is a way of life — G‑d’s ideas made real.
Notice how this rabbi cleverly equates “The Torah” with “The Talmud” — the naive Christian believes that these “religious” Jews study the same book as them — the first five books of the Bible — the “Torah” or the “Pentateuch”, but this is a lie that traces its origins back to the occult pagans of Babylon — the true origins of Judaism.
To the rabbinical scholar, the Talmud always takes precedence over the Torah — the actual Bible — because the opinion of the rabbis is more important than the actual word of God.
The purpose of the rabbi — or the “traditions of the elders” — is to make the word of God to no effect. (Galatians 5:4)
There is no evidence in the actual Bible that we should ever embrace “double standards” or endeavor to undermine the true intent of God’s word, but that’s exactly what the entire Talmud is about — the rationalization of hypocrisy, which is at the heart of Judaism.
When God says there is a “time to kill” and a “time to heal”, He’s not creating a “double standard”, except in the mind of a Jew.
Jews should never be allowed to be anywhere near a real Bible, let alone comment on it.
This is why pointing out Jewish hypocrisy — which is literally full-time job — has no effect on Jews — it’s like water running off a duck’s back.
Once again, Christ (Matthew 16: 6) is proven correct — the “leaven of the Pharisees” is indeed hypocrisy.
Christians are warned that a “double-minded” man is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8) Those who are double minded are far from God (James 4:8).
And yet Pope Francis is now trying to rehabilitate this traditional Christian ‘antisemitic’ image of the hypocritical Pharisees.
The Pope wears a yarmulke for a reason, dear Christians.
So I must share this:
I tweeted this article to my Twitter account. Of course I hardly have any followers and my posts rarely get seen, let alone liked and/or commented, but this tweet was immediately commented on by a rabbi, who summarily tagged the jew in the pic that represented the article. Apparently the jew in the pic has ‘nothing’ to do with the article. Turns out he’s some kind of public jewish entertainer who I believe dubs himself the “jewish Conan O’Brien” or something like that. He made some comments that he was hoping was at my expense and then ‘followed’ me. Needless to say, both jews were blocked. It’s only a matter of time before my acct gets taken down, so check it out while it still exists, lol… https://mobile.twitter.com/ottify
Christians For Truth
CFT chose that picture for the article not because it’s the actual rabbi who made those comments but rather because it’s a picture of a Jewish clown/comedian pretending to be a rabbi–and a rabbi that admits to being fine with hypocrisy is a clown, not to be taken seriously as a religious or spiritual leader.
If anyone needs to see an actual picture of the Jew, Yanki Tauber, who wrote this drivel:
In addition: People claim that Judaism is the oldest religion, and that Christianity comes out of that religion followed by Islam. There is some logic to this assertion…..people who became dissatisfied with the illogical superstitions and tyranny of Judaism stepped out and formed another believe system…..aka Catholicism…..the struggle for power and turf in a particular region gave birth to Islam…. Catholicism made is way to what is known as Europe dominated all aspects of life and the abuse of power of the religion caused people to walk away and create a new Christianity aka Protestantism. Those believing in Judaism claim to be God’s chosen people, Christians say they are created in God’s image and Muslims say that they are the true heirs of God aka Allah. Centuries later
Centuries later Karl Heinrich Marx a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONARY, who was not religiously but ethnically Jewish (his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier’s (Germany) rabbis since 1723) created his anti-God anti-religion secular belief system, and white men created in Gods image embraced it and helped to spread this anti-Christian secularized Judaism around the globe.
Judaism is not the religion practiced by Israel and Judah prior to the Great Dispersion. Judaism is what was brought back by the remnant of Judah from Babylon when the Temple at Jerusalem was ordered rebuilt by Nebuchadnezzar. That is where the Babylonian Talmud originated from, and thus the ‘traditions of men’ railed against by Christ.
Why do you think it was such a big deal when Ezra actually found a copy of the original Mosaic Law and had an apoplectic fit, resulting in the purging of nearly all the wives and children of the Israelite men who were able to prove their heritage during the rebuilding of the Temple?
Christianity is the simplification of the original ‘religion’ of the Old Testament which can be referred to as “Hebrewism”, which is the laws of God as written in the Scripture, and no where else.
Islam is only 1500 years old and the Koran was written by jewish scribes in which is nothing but smatterings of the Torah mashed in with the Talmud…
Peter J
The Great Tribulation started when Jesus died on the Cross. Read Dan 12:1&2 These prophecies were fulfilled in Rev 12:7-11 and Matt 27:50-53. The Crucifixion marked the beginning of the time, and times, and a half time. Read again Dan 12 and Rev 12. The Great Tribulation will end at the 7th Trump, when believers in Jesus Christ are changed into their holy angel bodies. Read 1Cor 15:52, Rev 10:6-7, Rev 14:9-11 Look up in a Strong’s concordance the word “saint” and “holy” are translated from the same word!
Don’t let any of the knaves utterances of G_d’ be taken as any reference to a Supreme Being but rather G-HOD or the Embracement of Demonic Realm through Ritual Sodomy. Now is it any wonder they are so reprobate. The Arabic/Islamic version of Same is JI-HAD but which is now claimed to or was changed to mean A Call To Arms/Battle.
I think Christ hates hypocrisy more than anything. I know I do. Every time the word ‘hypocrite’ came out of his mouth, he was not lauding the idea…
MeToo, I have zero tolerance for hypocrisy, and nobody can convince me that the hypocrisy of “Judaism is not an idea. It is a way of life — G‑d’s ideas made real.” is of God, nobody knows what God looks like, so this claim is another figment of imagination and the delusion of grandeur stance of this mindset that wages war against humanity, just like anti-Christian Marxism promised utopia and delivered death and destruction world. I for one don’t take these people seriously…..the more I read, the more I realize that joke is on them. Somebody is going to stand up and tell them to get off the pretentious high horse, because this God thing is all false pretense….you cannot be of God is you are on the side of unconscionable wickedness.
While we may not know God’s exact profile, we know His image – a white man.
The jews are not created in the image of God. They are of their father, the devil. Satan is their G_d, so much of what satan’s image said in the article is THEIR truth. It IS a way of life – for Satan’s children, just as Christianity is a way of life for the Children of YHWH (God). We have reached a point in history where more of God’s children have subscribed to the reality of G_d’s children by believing their lies…and that is why we are at where we are at. Without Christ, we are lost – satan would win every time. That is the moral of this story.
And I think I finally get what you are getting at, Lisette – correct me if I’m wrong: you think Christianity is the reason why we have fallen victim to the jew. I will not continue with the comment until this is clarified…
Well, @Ottify, I don’t want to keep you waiting. IMHO Christianity is not the problem and never has been, but people who operate in the name of Christianity and claim to be Christian. Their actions and inaction are the root cause…..the duality of human nature, and the looking good and feeling good culture. Even the ‘white man’ created in Gods image falls short and lives in the flesh much like the Jews do. Because white people live in the flesh, they take pleasure in serving the Jewish interests at all cost. FYI, it doesn’t come from me, but the history of Europe and America. History which is my favorite subject tells the story loud and clear.
Please don’t think me rude or demanding. I am simply trying to help you to understand our sinful nature. Getting to the heart of the problem is one thing – which certainly gets done here – but it is beholden to us as white people – as God’s literal children – to take the next proper step: Turn to Christ for help. Yes, “Christianity” is rife with ‘fakers’…but they are easily spotted. Most are going through the motions just because that’s what everyone else is doing. We need to stop being negative towards our people in restating the obvious – that we are screw-ups and complete jewish ‘brown-nosers’ – and get on board with Christ and start being that shining light for our brethren to follow. All this ‘truth’ can certainly breed negativity if we allow it. That is why we have the Scriptures to provide the wisdom needed to assess all of the information and process it to further the will of our Father in Heaven.
The reprobates utterances of ‘G_d’ does not refer to a Supreme Being but rather G-HOD or their Embracement of Demonic Realm through Ritual Sodomy. Arabic/Islamic version of same is JI-HAD, falsely stated to mean A Call To Arms/Battle.