(Jerusalem Post) Rabbi Raymond Apple — a prominent and high ranking Freemason in Australia — wrote an essay in which he boasted about how smart and admired he is — and how he was able to take advantage of his dual identity as both a Jew and “Australian” to help transform Australia from a prosperous White Christian nation into an economically crippled, multiracial police state:
There is a gap between the role of the rabbi in Israel and the Diaspora. On the whole, the Israeli rabbi is more of a Talmudist and teacher and less of a mentor and minister. The Diaspora rabbi tends to be a professional, concentrating more on people skills, ministering to a congregation and representing Judaism to the host society.
I was an incarnation of the second concept. Forty-five years in Diaspora pulpits molded me into an ecclesiastic and ambassador. Commencing my career in the United Synagogue in London, I spent 32 years in Sydney as chief minister of the Great Synagogue. Early on, I had a meeting with the synagogue’s Board concerning the role of the rabbi. I said I seemed to have two full-time jobs – congregational minister and community ambassador. I felt I was competent to do either and asked the board what they preferred. Rather pragmatically, they said: “Both!”
So “both” it remained. I know I wasn’t the perfect rabbi: nobody was or could be. But somehow the combination of roles evolved over the years by previous rabbis (not always in consultation with the lay leaders) seemed to work, and that’s the way things were and remain. Occasionally I asked myself a philosophical question: when I got involved in matters of national debate was it as a Jew or an Australian? Once again the pragmatic answer was “both!”
The question actually arose constantly. Interviewed on TV in the 1990s (billed as “one of twenty leading Australians”) about the future of the British monarchy in Australia, did I speak as a Jew or an Australian? When I spoke at the national Sea of Hands event at Bondi Beach to advocate reconciliation with (and an apology to) the Aboriginals, was I there as a Jew or an Australian? When I helped the Uniting Church to get its first female military chaplain, was my involvement as a Jew or an Australian? At times I stood up for the Muslim, Chinese and Roman Catholic communities; I addressed conferences of politicians, judges, journalists, nurses, naval chaplains, teachers and child care workers. What was I – a Jew? an Australian? I addressed large audiences on national occasions like Anzac Day and Australia Day – as a Jew? as an Australian? I can’t be sure, but I think the answer was “both!”
I felt deeply about the quality of Australian society (and still do), about the cleanliness of Australian streets, the decency of Australian democracy, the right of every Australian to a place in the sun, and a range of other issues of our time. I wanted Australia to be a good place for every Australian. I heard from various sources that I was regarded as a sound thinker and a good speaker.
A Freemason even said I was the wisest man he had ever met – the greatest compliment I ever received.
A newspaper columnist pondered the possibility of my being governor-general of Australia. He thought it would be complicated though, and he probably had no idea of technical aspects like kashrut, mezuzot and Shabbat.
Every now and then there were nasty people who called me names, like the yobbos who trailed my wife Marian and me one evening along Park Street in Sydney with a sneering “Jew!” How clever of the yobbos to identify me. I couldn’t escape my Jewishness and didn’t want to. It was because I was a Jew and a rabbi that I came to public notice. I am sure that it was because my thinking was molded and informed by my Jewishness that I had things to say on Australian issues.
The national chief justice phoned and asked for a biblical verse for the new High Court building. Cabinet ministers (some Jewish, some not) wanted quotations from Jewish ethical writings for their speeches. The Defense Department made special kashrut arrangements for me, and so did Government House. I gave addresses at church synods and on public platforms, and wrote media “op-eds.” I was a full-time Jew and a full-time Australian – at one and the same time. Both? Yes, but it seemed to work.
What can I say about the Israeli rabbi? He is certainly in Israel – but is he of Israel? Some are. Many are not. Does the Israeli rabbi’s Torah enhance the character and quality of Israeli life? Some rabbis are suspicious of the IDF and regard non-religious Israelis as an enemy. There is little Jewish religious (or spiritual) input in their approach to national and humanitarian issues.
When we say that this [Israel] is the only Jewish State in the world, the claim is true, but does this show Israel as anything other than a place inhabited by Jews? We know about eternal issues but what about the internal dimension of Israeli life? Where is the Jewish thinking that could influence our political, economic, cultural, intellectual and scientific ethos, even in our sporting life? We talk about the size of the prime minister’s kippah but do we ask how far the Torah tradition could affect the look of Israel? I know many Israelis are scared that the state will become too “frum,” but the Israeli Declaration of Independence expects the state to follow the principles of the prophets and the sagacity of the sages – or is this just motherhood?
In other words, rabbis in Israel don’t need to take on the role of cultural revolutionary because Israel has already been bolshevized and Judaized — while White Christian nations like Australia have not — at least not entirely — yet.
And in order to take on this role as revolutionary subversive in Australia, the Judeo-masonic rabbi needs to take advantage of his dual identity, donning whichever hat that the situation demands.
The ability of Jews to pass as White has been essential to their ability to subvert White nations — once they achieve high social power and wealth, they no longer have to dissemble and can wear their Jewishness without fear — even from the “yabbos.”
And by their own admission — contrary to what they have long claimed — they were not forced to change their names upon arriving in White Christian lands — they did so on their own volition to better “blend in” and become socially, upward mobile.
Rabbi Apple helped promote the “rights” of Aboriginals in Australia — not because he really cared about them — but because by doing so, he made Australia more hospitable and accepting of Jews.
He “dialogued” with Christian churches not so that Jews could better understand how to live in a Christian nation and respect its traditions and values, but rather in order to Judaize those Christians so that they would tolerate Christ-hating malcontents living among them — in complete violation of the commands of 2 Corinthians 6:14.
All so-called “inter-faith dialogue” is a one-way street for Jews — Christians are forced to tolerate the intolerable, to grovel and compromise our basic commandments from Christ, and accept being called “bigots” and “supremacists” when we don’t cave to Jewish demands that we accommodate their anti-Christ worldview.
And notice that Rabbi Apple specifically tells us that the greatest compliment he ever received was from a fellow freemason — who extolled how “wise” he is — in case we couldn’t read between the lines.
In the last 60 years — under the watchful “all seeing Eye” of Rabbi Apple — Australia has gone from a prosperous, safe, homogeneous Christian nation to a multi-racial cesspool dominated by Jewish billionaires — where White Christians are now a minority living under a police state — closely monitored by Jewish watchdogs.
Any real Australians who object to this “progress” wrought by the rabbi and his fellow Jews and masons can be thrown in jail on trumped up “hate” crimes for expressing any objection to their own disenfranchisement, replacement and destruction.
That is the blueprint of Judeo-masonry in every White nation.
And for those who think Judaism is subservient to Freemasonry, the following quotes from mostly Jewish sources prove otherwise; the exact opposite is true — Freemasonry serves Jewish power:
“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
–Rabbi Isaac Wise, foremost Reform rabbi in 19th century America“The most important duty of freemasonry must be to glorify the Jews, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom.”
—French masonic magazine Le Symbolisme (July 1928)“Our rite is Jewish from beginning to end, the public should conclude from this that we have actual connections with Jewry.”
—Dr. Rudolph Klein, (Latomia, No. 7-8, 1928)“Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?“
—Jewish Tribune newspaper, 1927“Freemasonry is born out of Israel.”
—The Jewish Guardian, 12 April 1922“Masonry, that immense association, the rare initiated of which, that is to say, the real chiefs of which, whom we must be careful not to confound with the nominal chiefs, live in a strict and intricate alliance with the militant members of Judaism, princes and imitators of the high Cabal. For that elite of the order–those real chiefs whom so few of the initiated know, or whom they only know for the most part under a nom de guerre, are employed in the profitable and secret dependence of the cabalistic Israelites. And this phenomenon is accomplished thanks to the habits of rigorous discretion to which they subject themselves by oaths and terrible menaces; thanks also to the majority of Jewish members which the mysterious constitution of Masonry seats in its sovereign counsel.”
–Gougenot des Mosseaux in Le Juif, le Judaisme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens, Paris, 1869.“Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.”
—The Protocols of Zion, 4:2
Bernard Lazare, “The Antisemitism and its Causes”, explains something about the matter, and England’s History speaks a lot on the English-Judaism-Freemasonry in-cahoots. As early as the First Century AC, Roman Legions brought and made England getting into Freemasonry, of course, Jews arrived along Roman Conquerors, Roman centurions were mainly polytheist or pagans but certainly, were sworn into the craft, and helped Jews spreading masonic goals among British aborigine tribes. When Jews watched the English Channel immediately thought that England was the perfect island-garrison to deploy their World controlling political aims, better than Rome, because the Channel worked as a “castle moat” to keep the Island as an inexpugnable base and, at the same time, close to extend their tentacles to the rest of Europe.
I found an article from 2003 in “The Jewish News of Northern California” where the writer openly celebrates the Jews’ role in the development of Freemasonry, and includes many of the usual tropes these types of passive admissions of Jewish power do
(citing how great Jews are for the economy & businesses, despite that being an “antisemitic” stereotype; equating Christianity with “superstition” while praising the Hebrew bible; denying Masonic/Jewish power as they gloat about Masonic/Jewish power & accomplishments; use of the outdated phrase “anti-Semitic”, which is now antisemitic to use; admitting they are hated wherever they go but never asking themselves “why?”; etc.)
Here are some good quotes from it:
“Greenwald, who is Scottish Rite membership chairman for California, sees the Jewish commandment of tikkun olam and the Masonic obligation of charity as forming a more perfect union of righteousness. He says it propelled him, like many other Masons, to do good works throughout the Bay Area and the nation.”
“Actually, Jews and Freemasonry share a long history together, including in the Bay Area, which is home to 10 lodges and three Mason-owned headquarters in San Francisco alone (there are 60 lodges in California).
“According to Fred Rosenbaum, co-founder of Lehrhaus Judaica and a scholar on the subject, many middle-class San Francisco Jews of the late 19th century were Masons.
“Because the Bay Area was one of the country’s least anti-Semitic regions, Jews were successful early on in business, politics and the social scene. Masonic lodges were open to Jewish members, with leading local rabbis and synagogue leaders among those taking the pledge.”
“Joining the Masons facilitated connections with non-Jewish businessmen, says Rosenbaum. More importantly, he adds, “There was a theological congruence: Masons, though mostly Christians, opposed ignorant superstition, while stressing monotheism and the Hebrew Bible in its rituals.
“The philosophy resonated with Jews.”
“Freemasonry dates back to the Middle Ages, originally formed as a guild of stonemasons. Over the centuries, as the society grew, so did a current of savage anti-Freemasonry, which has proven as intractable as anti-Semitism.”
“Jews and Masons were often linked as criminal co-conspirators. “It goes back to early part of 19th century,” says Kornblum. “Freemasonry was a mostly urban middle-class phenomenon for people who prospered in the new social order. Rural people in towns and farms were deeply suspicious of Jews and Masons, who were urban dwellers. Plus the Catholic Church was historically anti-Masonic as well as anti-Semitic.”
“Free independent thinkers are a threat to any dictator,” he says. “It’s mind-boggling to me how people can take something so good and besmirch it. But as Jews, we understand that; it’s happened to us throughout the centuries.”
I’ve never really delved into the whole jewish/freemasonry link, because I don’t need to. I already know what the jews are and what they do, with or without freemasonry. This Rabbi Apple is one very rotten apple for sure. With an ego as big as the Aussie outback. He kept saying the answer to every question was that he is “both.” The only “both” he is; he is both a jew, and satan’s little helper here on earth. No more or less.
I’ve never delved into the “no-link-btw-Jewish-religion-and-Free-masonry”-trick. The reason is it’s easy to find that free-masonry is built from a Judaic sect.
Were my anti-jew comments a bit too much for you? Is speaking of a “Judaic sect” the best you can do?
Emmanuel D'Souza
“Freemasonry” is Islamic.
In China, as in other countries of the
world, clandestine Jews – as the mentioned authorized
sources confess – obtained high positions as Mandarins,
Magistrates and Chiefs of the CHINESE army.
Jewish encyclopedias and other books produced by
the Jews for the Gentiles, provide, as I said before, much
information on Judaism in respect of those things, which the
Jewish imperialists allow the Gentiles to know, but hide,
minimize and even misguide the Gentile reader on those
affairs which Judaism considers to be POLITICAL SECRETS
which MUST BE HIDDEN from the Gentile readers.
This information provided by the Jewish Encydopedia, a
Jewish document of unquestionable value, makes us see
that the opium traffic, which led to the criminal war fought
by the British Government against China, not only bene-
fitted British and Indian Jews, but also the Chinese Jews
Tloo-Kiu-Kloou, who also participated in the opium traffic
in Shanghai and Hong Kong under the protection of the
British government, which as we all know was already
a satellite under the control of Jewish Super-Imperialism.
Under Jewish control, the British government even sent
-betraying the ideals of democracy- its own people to
fight and die to protect and expand the Jewish opium
trade, so that the Jews might make a profit out of poison-
ing the Chinese people, and Chinese Jews participated
in this trade at the expense of their Chinese hosts.
As Indian Jews and other Israelite communities of
the Afro-Asian world were somewhat behind Western
Judaism regarding the progress of their religious institu-
(14) Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. 3rd. volume. Word:
Chao- Yng-Cheng. Page 665, 2nd. column.
(15) Jewish Encyclopedia. Cited edition. Fourth volume. Word:
China: Page 36, 1st column.
tions and internal policies, Western Judaism, during the
XIX Century, started a program to adapt the Secret Jew-
ish societies in Africa, East and Southern Asia to the ad-
vances of European and American Judaism, not only re-
garding changes in Jewish religious and social institutions
but also with regard to new techniques of infiltration and
political control over the Gentile nations, including revolu-
tionary techniques intended to accelerate their domina-
tion. The revolutionary potential of the Afro-Asian Israelite
communities began to develop progressively during the
XIX Century, as Western Judaism sent experienced lead-
ers to train them in all aspects in which they were back-
ward in regard to Western Judaism.
The Jews frequently received titles of
nobility in England, especially since the long reign of Queen
Victory, to such an extent that investigators have shown
that most of the titles of Earl, Marquis, Viscount and Lord
are presently in the hands of Jewish ennobled families
or of ancient aristocratic English families linked with Jew-
ish families. Dukedoms have been Judaized by means of
marriages of Jewesses and ancient Dukes, and those
Jewesses, with the help of the powerful Israelite com-
munities, have secretly initiated in Judaism the eldest son
of that marriage, this is to say, the new Duke. It is not
strange, then, that the international Judaism is not in a
hurry to overthrow the English monarchy, which is con-
trolled by the Israelite imperialism.
Irish Savant
Excellent article. There are so many more like this self-congratulating creep. “Both as a Jew and an Australian” my ass. Just as with every other country only one interest gets served. Like that other ‘Australian’ MP Danby who tried to get Australia to accept thousands of Muslim “infiltrators” in Israel – that was the word he actually used. By the deeds shall you know them indeed.
For anyone interested, here’s a link to Mike King’s new book:
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (w/commentary)
Well, yup, this jews hubris comes as no surprise. Australia is one giant police state, and has been since the 80s when the Queensland cops top brass got done for corruption. The police there do a good job for the most part, of course, but it’s pretty universally acknowledged that the cops and the laws are very draconian, especially with little things, like speeding for example… 50kph is the limit… 51kph gets you a big ticket. The police have a very large presence in the cities. Aussie politics is always a big bun fight, and anyone right-wing is always rounded on by the media. Nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t wana live there.
I always wondered why Australia was in the news , the last couple of years, just as the state of Texas seems to be so much in the news the last few years.
John Quisenberry
The very first “blessing” that Jews bring to any white nation is the tolerance of Satan.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Promoting the rights of Aussie aboriginals while at the same time, cheering on the methodical genocide of the native Palestinians in Apartheid Israel.
The most common defense you will hear from Jews when you confront them with Jewish perfidy is, “Well, not all Jews are like that.”
Not all Jews.
So, in other words, all Jews must be consciously participating in the destruction of our nations for the accusation against “the Jews” to be true.
What a ridiculous argument.
Did “all Germans” support Hitler?
Did all American support FDR?
Did all Romans support the Caesar?
It’s a meaningless and impotent defense.
Jews love to talk about shared Jewish values and traditions, even though not “all Jews” participate in these. That’s acceptable. But the second you talk about negative shared Jewish behaviors, they cry antisemitism!
When you praise Jews, you are speaking the truth, but when you criticize them, it will lead to genocide. There is no middle ground.
Nelly jelly
If the Jews in Australia didn’t control the police, the courts, and the military, Rabbi Apple would be afraid to leave his house.
Richie Poor
Rabbi Apple looks a lot like Vladimir Lenin.
Why did the rabbi fail to mention that he is a grandmaster freemason in this JPost article? Probably an honest oversight, as it’s probably not “relevant”, right?
ALL GENTILES IN EVERY NATION must take the advice of Ezra Pound whose studied and observational advice on Jews were:
“Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.
… Out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.
… Out of education and they cannot pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines
… Out of government and they cannot betray the nation.”
— Ezra Pound, Defender of the Principles of Americanism, North America and the United States
Against the Jew Gang of British Finance Capitalism and Soviet Bolshevism
A riveting, illuminatimg article, thank you.
Anne Frank Hoax.
Protocols of Zion Secrets
The Capitalist does not know the definition of war. He
thinks of war as attack with force performed by soldiers
and machines. He does not know that a more effective if
somewhat longer war can be fought with bread or, in our
case, with drugs and the wisdom of our art. The Capitalist
has never won a war in truth. The psychopolitician is having little trouble winning this one.
That shows their loyalty to freemasonry ABOVE all. Not just jooooz. Shame on you xtian haters. Spotlight Freemasons and stop the slant against the Jewish people. You are even worse! How many xtian “ pastors” are Freemasons? Start judging your own house! Let’s see if you censor this!
Freemasonry IS judaism dopey
Hows the weather in tel aviv there miri?
IF you could read and had any comprehension skills, you would have see that the article, and the ‘interview’ , show that freemasons are jewish in thought and action if not by dna. However, it is clear that jews control freemasonry and freemasonry is a jewish front to blind the goy. Just like communism, freemasonry IS jewish.
I think you mean Christian dont you miri with your abbreviation; you hate Jesus the Christ so much you cannot even write His name or Title. But yes, a true Christian will hate those who hate God, God incarnate – i.e. Jesus – and those who hate His people and try to destroy them. Just like you hate us. No apologies for that.
Well said luke2236.
Rochelle Walensky’s eyebrows
Don’t worry, Shlomo, those shekel loving “pastors” you speak of will have their day, too.
You aren’t exactly uncovering anything new here.
Furious frog !
Free-masonry is mainly Kabbalah ; and Kabbalah is the religion of most of the jews.
In aliquo pediculum vides, in te ricinum non vides.