Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu — the Chief Rabbi of Safed and a member of the Israel’s Rabbinate Council — claims that we are witnessing the beginning of the end of America as a superpower — which will pave the way for Israel to take its place in “guiding civilization forward“:
“It is with great sadness that we can remember this event [storming of the US Capitol] as part of the process of America’s descent from the stage of history. It’s a sad moment, but it happens,” Rabbi Eliyahu wrote in a piece for Arutz 7.
The Rabbi points out that throughout history many empires and superpowers have fallen as a result moral crises. Whether it was Rome, Egypt, England or Russia, no civilization can endure once there is a breakdown of its ethical foundations.
The Rabbi believes the time has come for Israel to fill the vacuum of leadership left by the failing American experiment. “One can’t help but mention the collapse of England and France, once regarded as among the four world-governing powers,” he writes. “Who remembers them today as such? They collapsed upon themselves like all of Europe, where moral values and justice have been replaced with ‘political correctness’. Family values have been replaced by hedonism.”
The Rabbi points out correctly that there is a vacuum in moral leadership in the world today and believes that it is Israel’s destiny to take up this role. “Israel leads the world in protecting family values,” he stresses. “The average number of children for an Israeli woman is double the average of the Western world, and that is what drives the successful Israeli economy and ingenuity.”
As examples of the moral decline in the West, the Rabbi noted that “Russia leads the world in alcohol consumption, and the US leads the world in drug consumption. Israel, on the other hand, has among the lowest rates of alcohol and drug consumption in the world.”
Rabbi Eliyahu also believes that there will never be a military or popular coup to overthrow the government in Israel, as happened to nations and empires throughout history. “We all remember the heavy toll of the destruction of the Second Temple and we won’t let it come to that again,” he writes, referring to the belief among many Israelis that Jerusalem was sacked because of the divisions and infighting amongst the Jews. US President Abraham Lincoln also once declared, “A house divided cannot stand.”
To some it might sound presumptuous to think that Israel could offer leadership to the world, moral or otherwise. How can such a small nation with so many problems of its own be expected to shoulder such a huge responsibility?
And yet it was this tiny nation that long ago gave the world the ethical monotheism that has become the moral foundation for all Western civilization. The modern Jewish State itself was founded upon the principles and values passed on from Moses, the Prophets, as well as Jewish traditions that have kept the Jewish people together for thousands of years in exile under the thumb of repressive empires. Even a Holocaust could not untether the Jew from the God of Israel, Torah and Hope (our National Anthem based on Ezekiel).
Furthermore, Judaism has never fallen into the violent, racist and corrupt brand of leadership that has plagued historical Christianity and Western Civilization. Even now Middle East nations are lining up to secure strategic alliances with the Jewish State. (See: Israel as a Spiritual Force in the World)
God promises that all the families of the earth will be blessed through the children of Abraham. Now, the only ones who need to be convinced, writes the Rabbi, are the Jews themselves. “It is time we remembered our destiny. We need to be prepared for it so that we can fulfill it with all the responsibility required and not make their [the Gentiles’] mistakes.”
Like many Zionists, the learned rabbi appears to be completely oblivious to the moral corruption of the modern state of Israel — and the Jewish people as a whole.
Annual surveys consistently show that Israel ranks among the world’s most corrupt states — most recently ranked more corrupt than even Botswana.
Former Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu’s tenure was plagued by investigations for corruption and fraud — which did not stop him from getting re-elected numerous times — suggesting that the electorate itself condones such malfeasance.
Israel has become a mecca for pedophiles and other assorted sexual criminals — who know they can flee to Israel where they will be more often than not protected from extradition and prosecution — illicit sex is big business for Jews, and the more degenerate the better.
And if Jews are such a “blessing” to all nations, then why have Jews been expelled from almost every nation in the world — not just once, but repeatedly?
But considering the fact that Israel has attacked the United States repeatedly — and even assassinated one of our presidents — and gotten away with it — it would be fair to say that behind the scenes Israel is indeed politically more powerful than the America at this point.
That said, international Jewry and its web of debt-based finance headquartered in New York, London and Tel Aviv certainly fits the bill not for being the Children of Abraham but rather Mystery Babylon — the beast system foretold in Revelation that will rule the world — if only for a short time.
The rapid rise of hegemonic Jewish power and its unparalleled prosperity in the last 100 years also demonstrates that God is not punishing them — and if He is not punishing them, they cannot be true Israel.
Christians have been duped into worshiping antiChrist Jewry and its base of criminal operations in Palestine marquerading as ersatz “regathered Israel” — and they remain oblivious to this massive deception foretold in Revelation.
Operation SIG.
Operation SIG is the Soviet strategy of using the Middle East conflict as a means of turning the world against the West and ushering in world Communism.The operation uses friendlies on both sides of the Israel/Palestine/Arab conflict to build up the Zionist Oppression as a perceived continuation of Western “colonialism”.The strategy involves Israel allowing itself to be used as the bad Guy as a means of framing the West for its crimes in the region.SIG also allows for continued Soviet dominance of Israel and the Middle East, with leaders in all countries in on the plan.SIG is paving the way for the coming Eurasianist World Communist Order.
Russia is still a Jewish Rothschild Satellite country as is China.
Jewish leaders of the CDC amid the Covid Pandemic that never existed
October 2020 Trump spokesman states there is no Pandemic.
Trumps CDC Oct 2020 said No Pandemic.
Jews Celebrate the Pandemic.
Dr Rancourt says Covid Vaccines killed over 13 Million so far
Chaim Ben Pesach states Jews invented Covid Vaccines.
Jewish CEO’s of Vaccine Companies.
Jews proud of Jewish leaders of the Soviet Union that killed 100 million.
“For pure murderous evil, there has never been a force to compare with Communism and Leon Trotsky…never before or since did one people construct a vast industry of death for the sole purpose of rounding up and destroying every single member of another people. The Jewish Bolshevik under orders and overseen by Trotsky, killed so many Europeans the death toll surpasses 100 million.”
TO THE VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM, LEST WE FORGET By Jeff Jacoby The Boston Globe December 7, 1995
Millions of Jews Shipped to Birobidjan, Russia Putin Letter
Posted on October 31, 2015 by eyes wide open
Dr. med Hamer to President Wladimir Putin March 3, 2015
Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Sandkollveien 11
N-3229 Sandefjord
Tel.: 0047 335 22133
Open Letter! March 3, 2015
Mr. President of the Russischen Föderation
Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin
Dear Mr. President!
THE FOLLOWING ARE ONLY EXCERPTS OF THE LETTER translated by germanvictims.com:
…There are other worrying signs. German and French broadcasts suddenly unexpectedly intersperse the
transmission with the demand for the Jews of Germany (and France) to pack their bags and take off as soon aspossible (to Birobidjan?) The reason see below…
…I myself have witnessed as a little boy the big attack on Krefeld in June 1943. In front of our house on the West Wall, they laid out the 32 OOO phosphorus charred and mutilated victims that I have seen with my own eyes. Two days before that, the well-informed Jewish fellow citizens up to the last man packed and left the city, so that in the terrorist attack on June 1943, as far as I know, not a single Jewish Citizen perished (out of about 10,000 to 20,000). Later I learned that they all drove unmolested to Basel, from there to Geneva and from there across the border into the unoccupied southern part of France, and from there to Spain…
…I also still see before my eyes my French so-called friend, a Count, [* germanvictims.com: the Jewish-French Comte Antoine D ‘Oncieu de la Batie, as pointed out by Dr. Hamer to Mrs. Ursula Haverbeck in his letter of Oct.19, 2015] who confessed to me in 1984 that he has accompanied from the beginning of the war to the very end as an interpreter huge convoys of Jews to Birobidjan [*Russia], a total of several million. [*gv: Most of these millions of Jews which Dr. Hamer talks about must be from Poland and the East.] And that even when there was war between Russia and Germany, none of these convoys of trains that were put together in Auschwitz were stopped or attacked by Russians or Germans…
German Victims – Deutsche Opfer Wir Deutsche sind alle Opfer: total belogen, betrogen, verfemt, beraubt, und vergewaltigt; ca. 15 Mill. Deutsche wurden meist nach dem Krieg ermordet.
…After the war, this count was as interpreter in the “Long March” of Moses Tung, alias Mao Tse Tung, of Jewish birth, and who came from the border region of Birobidjan near China, and returned in 1946 or 1947 to France. Later all the Polish, Czech and East German millions of Jews who had been accompanied by the Count to Birobidjan were declared “Auschwitz victims”. This communication outlined by the count I can attest by oath…
…But also a rumor disturbs the Germans: It is said that in July or August the Russian Army in agreement with the Allies, will march to the Atlantic, and evidently by then the Dollar and Euro have collapsed. Therefore all Jews should as soon as possible be moved out (to Birobidjan?) obviously, not to be bothered by the war, as usual.
I greet you respectfully yours,
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Confession of Jew who transported Millions of Jews to
Birobidjan*Frau Ursula Haverbeck Letter.
Medevedev(Jewish) visits Birobidjan Jewish Autonomous region in Russia 2010 as President
Fluoride (Rat Poison) Recommended by the CDC on humans, Poison your Water and ToothPaste with Fluoride (Rat Poison)
PharmaJewdicals RAT POISON (FLUORIDE) added to your Water/ToothPaste by Andrew G. Mellon Jewish Banker and Founder/owner of ALCOA also Treas Secretary responsible for Public Health.
Fluoride Side Effects.
Fluoride more Toxic than Lead nearly as Toxic as Arsenic.
Fluoride Deception.
The Jewish Plan to murder 6 Million Europeans after WW2 by poisoning the water supply.
Jewish Rabbi’s in Brooklyn over 18x more likely to molest a child than a Catholic Priest
The Jews overthrew the Russian Government and murdered the Czar and his family. I’ve read that the reason for killing them was to make sure no heirs would be around to reclaim the throne.
I have often wondered if the Gold Room in the Czar’s castle was removed by the Jews and sold for its value , money , just as they stole food from the farmers and sold it to other countries while the farmers and their familiues staved to death. It seems to me that when conspiracy books and television programs are made that it is hinted that the Germans dismantled the Gold Room and the hint is: where is it?. Not the poor innocent Jews who ruled Russia from 1917 to ww11 when the German invaded Russia.
I’ve always wondered why there were so many kings who no longer rule their countries , were assassinated and replaced by other governments and the only major rulers allowed to exist as kings in a country without attempts to kill or assassinate them is Great Britain and a few minor ones and I would guess it is because the Jews use Great Britain as a seat of their power and a safe haven for their control of the world’s economy and resources. It is said that the price of gold is set in England and the price of oil from Wall Street.
I have read that our taxes or Social Security is granted by Great Britain,
Some have written that we have never left the control of Britain. Maybe that is why we went to war in WW1 and WW11 to help Britain, and why they assist in United Nations wars we get involved in like Korea and Middle East and they support us.
We , as American’s have been so propagandized into believing that we are the most powerful country in the world, that most American’s believe it and don’t care what is happening in the world and our own country. Israel brags that she is a technological giant and that the world comes to her seeking Israel’s technology. Where does Israel get its technology, a country that has its citizens imbedded in every country around the world aware of everything going on , and able like spies , to keep Israel informed of every new development, and invention, or like the Patriot missile system, our secret missile system, the Israeli’s claimed they needed to protect Israel after the World Trade Center attack and our government gave it to Israel and now Israel brags of their Iron Dome Defense System they have over Israel? The Patent office is where the pretentious Jewish genius , Albert Einstein was working when others were submitting their patents on their discoveries and suddenly , Albert Einstein got the brilliant idea of the Theory of Relativity and suddenly became an overnight genius and to this very day almost every incident relating to the ether , electricity, heat, black holes, etc., etc., etc., etc. are related to the forever proclaimed genius Albert Einstein, who took his idea from others and proclaimed it as his own. Russia bought over 5000 of our patents . They had to know what they wanted , to do that. Israel is also making pacts with other countries around the world. We are being used by Israel for what they can get out of us until be can be overthrown like was Russia and many other European countries under Jewish communism. Someone has said that the patent office is the place created to get others to submit their ideas and creativity and then to steal it. And also to know what others are creating.
Does the IDF soldier, second from the right , look Jewish? I don’t think so. To me he looks _________.
Asian? Oriental?
A serious problems of Rabbis is they read the Talmud, and not scripture. They can search the prophetic scriptures all they like and they will not find Israel becoming a super power. What they will find is two thirds of Jews will be killed during “Jacob’s Trouble.”
Their leadership is as blind as they were during the time of Christ.
That status will be reserved for China and Russia, not the failed parasite state of Israel who, like a crack whore to her pimp, cannot survive without billions of dollars of international aid.
Knowing how the so-called Jews have been pushing the anti-Christianity agenda and hate Christians, I find this very questionable, this is popping up, walking in line with the “Israel is going to be the only super-power,” by fooling Christians into believe their religious hogwash, again. People drink the cool-aid…..
“Recall that our Torah portion last week centered on the rebellion of Korah, a man who questioned God’s authority and arrogantly sought to “intrude” into the office of the priesthood. It is noteworthy that his rebellion is explicitly mentioned only once in the New Testament – in the Book of Jude – as an example of the fate that awaits those false teachers who likewise despise God’s moral law. Unfortunately, Jude’s warning is often neglected today, probably because people feel uncomfortable over the prospect of God’s judgment. After all, in our “politically correct” age, people have been indoctrinated to regard “tolerance” as the greatest of virtues and “intolerance” (especially of moral evil) as the greatest of vices…. Most unbelievers don’t mind hearing the “good news” of God’s love, but they take exception when they are confronted with their personal duty to live according to the moral truth revealed in the Torah. Everyone wants to go to heaven though they don’t want to find a Holy LORD when they get there… False teachers within the church are dangerous because they feed on this sense of discomfort and attempt to rationalize or compromise it away. Jude identifies them as spiritual impostors who “work from the inside” to confound or obscure the truth of God. Such a charlatan may appear to be a genuine believer, but their hidden agenda is to sow confusion and sin among God’s children. They are proverbial “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Matt. 7:15). Jude’s warning is especially important for us to heed today, because in the time immediately preceding the coming of the Messiah, spiritual deception and unbridled godlessness will greatly increase (2 Tim. 3:1-5).
It is important to see that the primary characteristic of a false teacher is that they “deny our only Master and LORD, Yeshua the Messiah” — that is, they deny His moral authority and identity as the LORD God (Jude 1:4). Since Jude is writing to those who are “beloved by God,” that is, to sincere Jewish believers, he is careful to remind us that it was Yeshua Himself who saved the people from Egypt — but afterward destroyed those who did not believe (Jude 1:5). In other words, Jude wanted to ensure that we fully understand that it was Yeshua who was the thunderous “Voice of the Living God speaking from the midst of the fire” at Sinai (Deut. 5:26), and therefore to regard Him as none other than the great Lawgiver Himself (Matt. 5:17-7:29). That is why he is called “our only Master and LORD,” and to esteem him as anything less is to deny the reality and truth of God.
Many churches today teach that we can (and should) disregard the moral law of God. They may give lip service to the “old testament,” and they may claim it is still of historical interest that provides some interesting stories, but they arrogantly discount its essential message of holiness as being inapplicable to our daily lives. Often they are antinomian, teaching that we are no longer “under the law” and therefore are free to live in sin. Because they disregard (or “reinterpret”) the clear moral teaching of the Torah (and the New Testament), they wink at fornication, support alternative “marriages,” endorse gay clergy, and clamor for abortion rights. Many of the institutionalized churches promote syncretistic “replacement theology” that invent rituals, holidays, and symbols that are alien to the truth revealed in the Jewish Scriptures. These churches are often tolerant of “universalism,” new age mysticism, and regard postmodern skepticism as “trendy.” They may claim they are “seeker sensitive” but this is often “code” that they disregard the moral duty believers have to walk in personal righteousness. And because of their willful ignorance, some of these churches unthinkingly accept anti-Jewish propaganda – despite the irrevocable promises God has made to the Jewish people. Jude likens advocates of such doctrines to be “inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah” who will likewise be judged by God with eternal fire…
In this connection let me remind you of a verse from the New Testament: “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it [Yeshua’s return] will not come until the apostasy (ἀποστασία) comes….” (2 Thess. 2:3). The word “apostasy” literally means “standing away” (ἀπό + ἵστημι) from the truth while making a pretense of abiding within it. In Hebrew, the word is meshuvah (מְשׁוּבָה), one who “turns away” from God. It is not a word that describes an unbeliever as much as it describes a traitor…. Some people think there will be a great time of revival just before Yeshua returns, but unfortunately that is not true. Indeed, Yeshua asked if he would find anyone who had faith at that time (Luke 18:8). At any rate, Jude states that those who “creep into” congregations to teach truth contrary to the revealed will of God are apostates, and the judgment they face is terrible to consider.
We can guard against false teachers by using discernment to “test their spirits” (1 John 4:1), but we can only be equipped to do so if we “build ourselves up in the most holy faith” (Jude 1:20). We build ourselves up by carefully studying the word of God – especially the Torah, since it is the foundation of all that follows. In this way we will be able to accurately wield the Sword of the Spirit (2 Tim. 2:15-16, 2 Pet. 1:19-20). In order to grow, we must have “good soil” for the seed of the word to take root. We “get rooted by knowing the roots” of our faith! Studying the Scriptures and praying in the Holy Spirit keeps us in the love of God as we await the mercy of Yeshua who gives us eternal life (Jude 1:21). This equips us to show mercy to those who have honest doubts and to save those defiled by sin (Jude 1:22-23).” [Hebrew for Christians]
I couldn’t help myself reading some of the comments…..the Jewish Karl Marx called religion the opiate of the masses and he was absolutely correct. This supports my position that Faith and Religion are not the same, they are two highly distinctively separate things. One comes natural, and the other one is a tool of coercion and subjugation. I am not an expert on scripture but somewhere in the Bible there is something to the effect….“My people perish for the lack of knowledge” and Christians take the lead.
@CFT, I also posting this in the Bible studies section because it is related……
Our military is even questioning why they aren’t doing anything.
We must stop evil until it’s too late. Bad people are in every nation. I don’t care what nationality you have. These guys are smart, cunning and united. Just be like them.
America must wake up and act.
https://twitter.com/YousefMunayyer/status/1405130973923139589 [video]
They are cheering for the burning of Palestinian children. This chant refers to the abduction, lynching and burning Mohamed Abu Khdeir, a Palestinian child from Shu’fat in 2014.
[“The modern Jewish State itself was founded upon the principles and values passed on from Moses, the Prophets, as well as Jewish traditions…”]
Well let’s just start with the American Orthodox jews who not only condemn the lawless jew occupation of Palestine but stand in support for the Palestinians…That doesn’t include the masses that absolutely hate zionist israel and the many allied ME nations that have many many bombs pointed at the ugly bastards to give them a true and authentic holocaust that they have extorted the world for. Yes these demented laughable demons have such a high caliber arrogance they believe they are some kind of super power. Ha ha. They are afraid of their own shadow because the guilt of their sins is piled all the way to heaven…and this cuck thinks he’s moral. Israel was founded on a MASSIVE LIE AND USED THE MOST BARBARITY IN COLD BLOODED MURDER, TORTURE, AND EVICTION TO CLAIM A LAND. One word to this liar rabid babyboy penis sucker rabbi…YOUR GOD IS SATAN AND HE HAS ALREADY LOST. The day israel is destroyed will be a day of great celebration ALL OVER THE WORLD.
What does the ‘rabbi’ mean? israhell IS the world power now – America has been their ‘enforcers’ for about 150 years. the yids have been the ‘world power’ much longer than that actually, having controlled England, Spain etc also.
Sorry ‘lisette mbxl’ but actual examination of fact will show that no, White people have not and do not hate each other so much as to murder one another on a mass scale, especially over Protestantism vs ‘catholicism’. All the fratricidal wars you allude to were spurred and begun by the jew. Even those that may have been expressly because of/directed towards catholicism, were / are political in nature as ‘catholicism’ has been – from at least the First Century according to Paul – antiChrist in nature. In places where conflict has been wrongly described as “Protestant vs catholic” like in Ireland, it is actually a war between marxist and those opposed. Look and you will see that the ‘catholics’ in question are always marxist in theory and practice and are merely hiding behind the label. Remember too that every ‘pope’ for the last thousand years or so has been a jew…
Who are those Christian Zionist in America who support Israel and the perpetual wars and plundering of non-western countries?
If White people didn’t hate White people Marxism would not be the religion in the Western world including America. Marxism is secular Judaism, so in fact all those White people who are anti-Christian Marxist and demand communist socialist government are supporting Jewish Zionist supremacy .
Without White people in America there would be no war against White people in Germany, WWI, there would be no WWII subjugating Europe, there would be no Israel, and the Marxist garbage would not have spread around the world like the cancer as it did. White people created the “minority group” right laws that give Jewish supremacist carte blanche to engage in crimes against humanity with impunity. The Iron Curtain over America and Europe comes from White people in positions of power and nobody else, whether you like to hear it or not, it is fact.
The hundreds of millions slaughtered in Russia after America put the Bolshevik communist Jews in power, how many more died during WWII because White people in Europe and America were pleasing their money masters. Christian Republicans threw Joe McCarthy under the bus when he made a stink about the communist infiltration of the State Department. White people hated John F. Kennedy because he was a Catholic, but those same White people worshiped the Jews.
White people support the mass genocide of White people through the womb of White women, and they are importing non-white people all over the western world to fill the population gap. White women hate White men and call for their destruction as they are racist, white nationalist, right-wing supremacist while they glorify the dead and destruction ideology of Karl Marx and demand Socialist Communist government. In America that is over 40 million White women feminist who think that White men are oppressors (the number comes for those who hated George W. Bush and didn’t voted but voted for Obama)……
A matter a fact, all western countries are controlled by anti-Christian Marxist socialist communist White people. Pay attention to the army generals, democrats, liberal progressives in America who hate White people and worship the “minority groups.” White people oppress and persecute White people to satisfy the perverted pleasures of their money masters…..somethings that been going on for centuries. Germany (the holy Roman Empire) is the only nation that took a stand against the menace. Somebody told me again today that I am full of it because I dare to address this issue. Of course I am full of it because I don’t drink the Marxist cool-aid. White people push the death and destruction Marxist agenda…..
Easy Lisette ……………
I realize you are not White. But ease up on the WHITE GUILT.
We get it every single day. We don’t need to hear it in our Group of like minded White Believers.
CFT is a Fellowship of White people for White people.
just ease up a bit.
Why would you use the term White guilt?
White Guilt is exactly what Jews and Blacks use to impose their dictatorial will on others. The fact that “they get is everyday” and accept it instead of challenging it, says a lot. You cannot complain about something if you enable it to continue. I hope you understand that “White guilt” has a lot of ramifications for non-White people, who didn’t ask for the race-hustling Marxist “minority group” non-sense of Jews and Blacks. White people may not want to hear it, but it is a fact.
Would you be so kind to tell the Jewish and Black supremacist who run amok to ease up with the White guilt?
“…… I hope you understand that “White guilt” has a lot of ramifications …..”
Oh, trust me ….. I know about it very well.
I was a victim of “White Guilt” because of people like you. I hated myself and my race because of the lies that you also repeated.
You have been a valuable “guest” here and many of us have appreciated your input. But don’t press your luck if you wish to continue to post comments here.
I’m sure there are others here that didn’t appreciate the comment I initially responded to.
You painted with a pretty Broad Brush.
Whether you want to admit it or not —- Your comment was the epitome of “White Guilt”.
You need to parse your words more carefully.
Basil Wrathbone
The “moral” rabbi featured in this article, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, has openly expressed his hatred and desire to see Palestinians wiped out:
In 2012 Magen David Adom set up a religious ethics committee headed by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Safed. Eliyahu in 2010 issued an edict forbidding Jews in Safed to rent homes to Arabs.
Eliyahu stated that MDA must refuse to treat wounded ‘terrorists’ (meaning all Palestinians) and if necessary should poison their food in prison.
Rabbi Eliyahu also advocated the hanging of Palestinian children, yet MDA saw fit to appoint him anyway:
https://twitter.com/Timesofgaza/status/1404851446860980225 (video)
The slogans used by Israeli settlers at Damascus Gate today:-
*”Death to Arabs”
* “May your village burn”
* “A second Nakba is coming”
Its estimated 93% of Christendum are Dispensational Zionists. Strange how life imitates doctrine even if its false.
Crush Limbraw
If you’re forecasting Rev 12:9 as a future event , I suggest you read David Chilton’s Days of Vengeance or Paradise Restored.
The Rabbi is correct, they turned America into a parasitical, predatory, warmongering nation to further their own agenda. Jewish supremacist pitted America against Christian Europe and gave use international communism. Mission completed so they move one….replace America and become one with Communist China has been in the making for a longtime with the help of Republicans and Democrats, see Henry Kissinger’s New World Order. Israel becoming the world super-power is a wish of the Jewish supremacist, but will people accept the Bolshevik communists tyranny, that is the question. What I do see happening (probably still in my life time) is the whole world having the courage to stand up to the death and destruction Zionist supremacist. Commence Nuremberg 2 and charge them with Crimes Against humanity and will cure, their power hunger, greed, envy and sense of superiority for once and for all.
Bart Wilson Ford
The synagogue of Satan.
Check Steven Anderson’s analysis of Romans 11.
Chuck Baldwin is also good.
I don’t think he’s oblivious – this is their clear strategy of deception. Whilst Jews on the left destroy our values to destroy our nations, you see more and more the Jews on the right, all of them making their allegiance with Israel very publicly known, clamouring to lead the defence against these attacks. It is only ‘Judeo-Christian values!’ that can stand against this affront, they all say. And as they funnel more money stolen from America into Israel, and whilst America declines and Israel rises, they will say ‘See. Only through standing with us can you save yourselves.’ Then Israel will be the moral ‘light to the nations’.
Is any “ereb” state, a “guiding nation”?
They are very confident in their victory and I can see why, considering what they are able to do to our people, even children, with impunity but they can’t change reality.
They are not a source of morality or authority on it, but a source of the most depraved immorality, a fact that some of them are self-aware of-
https://i.imgur.com/5Sm9Dvx.jpg – World Significance of the Russian Revolution, Oscar Levy
Interesting how the Palestinian children look there in comparison to the Israelis.
Reminds me of that Palestinian girl whom ‘Johnny Gat’ mentioned in one of his videos -“Ahed Tamimi.”
I do not think Christ would want his people to despise everyone else and treat them cruelly, the white people I look up have noble, honourable values, which includes compassion just as much as it involves asserting yourself.
Their success is consequence of our iniquity, our actions/ chosen paths result in the curses in Deuteronomy.
It is always the case that prophets tried to get the whole of Yisrael to turn back to God, it was always a case of collective rebellion & sin.
Without European nobility becoming isolated from their people and looking down on the lower classes which kept them in luxury, and then choosing to corrupt themselves by associating & breeding with Jews like the Rothschilds, they would have nothing now.
Deu 28:32 “Your sons and your daughters are given to another people, and your eyes look and fail for them all day long, and your hand powerless.
33 “A people whom you have not known eat the fruit of your land and all your labours. And you shall be only oppressed and crushed all the days.
43 “The sojourner who is among you rises higher and higher above you, but you come down lower and lower.
44 “He lends to you, but you do not lend to him. He is the head, and you are the tail.
45 “And all these curses shall come upon you, and they shall pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of YHWH your Elohim, to guard His commands and His laws which He commanded you.
Pro 5:1 My son, listen to my wisdom; Incline your ear to my understanding,
2 So as to watch over discretion, And your lips guard knowledge.
3 For the lips of a strange woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil;
4 But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword.
5 Her feet go down to death, Her steps lay hold of She’ol.
6 She does not consider the path of life; Her ways are unstable – you do not know it.
7 So now, listen to me, you children, And do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
8 Keep your way far from her, And do not come near the door of her house,
9 Lest you give your splendour to others, And your years to one who is cruel;
10 Lest strangers be filled with your strength, And your labours go to the house of a foreigner.
11 Then you shall howl in your latter end, When your flesh and your body are consumed,
12 And shall say, “How I have hated discipline, And my heart has despised reproof!
13 “And I have not heeded the voice of my teachers, And I have not inclined my ear to those who instructed me!
14 “In a little while I was in all evil, In the midst of an assembly and a congregation.”
15 Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.
16 Should your springs be scattered abroad, Rivers of water in the streets?
17 Let them be only your own, And not for strangers with you.
18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth –
19 A loving deer and a pleasant doe! Let her nipples satisfy you at all times. And be captivated by her love always.
20 For why should you, my son, Be captivated by a strange woman, And embrace the bosom of a foreigner?
21 For the ways of man Are before the eyes of YHWH, And He considers all his paths.
22 The wrong one is entrapped In his own crookednesses, And he is caught in the cords of his sin.
23 He dies for lack of discipline, And in the greatness of his folly He goes astray.
Num 33:55 “And if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be pricks in your eyes and thorns in you.
56 And it shall be that I do to you as I thought to do to them.’ ”
Lev 19:33 ‘And when a stranger sojourns with you in your land, do not oppress him.
34 ‘Let the stranger who dwells among you be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself. For you were strangers in the land of Mitsrayim. I am YHWH your Elohim.
This is saying- do not act as the Egyptians did towards the Hyksos.
Essentially, everything the ‘Israelis’ do to Palestinians – whom they are actively colonising, undeniably, thanks to European support, both historically and contemporarily, especially the British & then the Americans. They bear some responsibility for all that goes on there, from the white girls & children being trafficked there, to the Paedophile fugitives not being extradited, to the Palestinian oppression.
Yip, this rabbi is completely oblivious alright!
IsraHell has more doctors than anywhere else in the world per capita all furiously trying to sort out jewish genetic deformitys. Yeah, they sound really blessed.
IsraHell has more brothels and sex slaves per capita than you can shake a stick at… I worked it out once, it was something like one brothel for every 400 jews, or something like that…
Maybe this is why they demonize American culture and it’s founding. The awful ‘settlers’.
They want to be able to justify their recent history.
Of course, just like they did convincing the world that Germans were evil and anti-semitism is in Europe’s DNA while getting their privileges to become a super-power from Europeans and Americans. I put all the blame on White people (Christians) who enable them to do as they please.
It was Christian A. Hitler that brought back the morality, dignity and compassion (destroyed during Wiemar (Jew bolshevik) Republic. The ‘Christians’ you may elude to are the Evangelicals who have sold their souls to the anti christ. And it was Christian V. Putin who did the very same thing in Russia.
Once upon a time continental Europe was majority Catholic and they didn’t play mind games with the Jewish supremacist minority, they were expelled from Spain and Portugal, and it were the new Christians in the Kingdom of the Netherlands that took them in as refugees to settle a score with the Spanish Catholics. They were expelled from the British Empire but Oliver Cromwell brought them back in for the simple fact that they were making money for the Dutch Kingdom. The Anglo-Dutch wars is at the heart of my countries history and they were all White people who fought against each other over power and turf, and who is going to dominate the seas, after they knocked the Catholic Spain and Portugal out of competition. The French revolution which abandoned Catholicism and turned secularism into a State religion was a White people affair too. Without religious division, hatred and envy among White people, Jews would not stand a chance pitting them against each other. Without that division Europe would not be the anti-Christian Marxist empire aka democracy that it is. Without hatred and division among White people in America, liberal vs conservative, red vs. blue, Jewish supremacist would not be in charge of turning America into a Bolshevik communist first world ghetto either.
If modern Israelis are those who say they are Judeans but are not, then doesn’t that loop us right back to the Edomite Question? Unless “are not” can also mean “were not” (ie: modern Israelis are descended from bona fide Judeans who race-mixed themselves out of their heritage over the past ~2,000 years).
Why did JFK balk at nukes for Israel? It was the right thing to do, but that is why it seems way out of character for JFK because as a President he was one of the best “good goys” that Israel has ever had.
Israel cannot even fight its own wars and yet some jew thinks that Israel can be a superpower? Of course, if Israel lets it slip that it could fight its own wars then the goyim might start asking questions about why we are fighting all these mid-east wars to which Israel doesn’t send any troops?
“Even a Holocaust could not untether the Jew from the God of Israel”
Perhaps one day, this rabbi’s claim will be put to the test.
Clearly, he had his limits and wasn’t a complete sell-out or else why would they have assassinated him?
JFK’s speech was a pretty strong hint to more than just a communist conspiracy, it didn’t fit how Americans, at that time, perceived or were supposed to be perceiving Communism, as a faction. It implied a global conspiracy that included Communism, which had already subverted America to the extent that “dissenters are silenced”.
The Freemasons were largely subservient to the Jews and yet one of the most prominent American Freemasons, Benjamin Franklin, had this to say about them – https://i.imgur.com/UaRhkgx.png
Freemasons believe in Kabbalah & Eclectic Gnosticism, and believe Jews are Grandmaster Magi who were long ago initiated into pagan mysteries.
dan o
That quote by Benjamin Franklin about the Jews is probably fake. It’s never been corroborated. Show the actual source of the quote….a letter? a speech? Good luck finding the primary source that it came from….
JFK destroyed US society via federal troops, and destroyed what was left of the US dollar.
Not content with just doing that for the Jews, JFK also threatened to censor the press and he turned the US federal government over to communists (EO 10988). He and his brother RFK also perfected using the IRS to persecute political opponents, and censored right-wing media of the day.
[Here is an interesting article from our friends over at American Renaissance about how JFK and RFK, with aid from Ike’s legacy, censored and defunded Christian conservative and other right-wing media in the early ’60s: https://www.amren.com/features/2020/07/silencing-dissent-by-law/%5D
Why does Israel even need nukes, when they have/had all the nukes of the UK, the USA, and the USSR?
I’d prefer neither, but if I had to choose, I would rather JFK have let Israel openly have a nuke, and instead kept the USA a country with the First Amendment, a tolerable currency, and an overwhelming White majority.
Frederic Bastiat was a Catholic and Freemason, but in my estimation opposed the socialist claptrap that became Karl Marx his Communist Manifesto. The Protestants (new Christians) and their hatred for Catholics cannot be underestimated in this saga. Protestants, enabled the Jews to engage in the human trafficking called the trans-Atlantic slave trade selling African’s as cattle to Christians.
The English speaking Anglos supported and declared war against Germany (largest territory of the Holy Roman Empire) that opposed the agitation of these radical Jewish communist supremacist. White Christians for Israel are all over the place and anti-Christian White Marxist too, these debased creatures transplanted the Marxist claptrap to non-western countries through the anti-colonial Marxist (secular Judaism) garbage. The hatred Black people display for White people is the work of ‘Jews’ (minority group) and White people (majority group) who both hate White people and Christianity.
The history of Europe is clear on the matter…..White people hated White people with a passion fighting each other over power and turf in the name of religion. Protestants used Jews to do their dirty work against Catholics. In essence where Europe refused to put the Jewish supremacist at the center of the universe, America did a much better job and they are now stabbing America in the back too…..