(Jewish Press) In the wake of the second shooting at a synagogue in the U.S. in the last year, Jews are turning to their learned rabbis for answers to the apparent problem of antisemitism, but they are finding that the answers are elusive:
…[If] these acts of violence are “senseless,” then how could we end them? If they are senseless, meaning they are not the result of some actual problem: poverty, unemployment, illness, then there is no conceivable measure we might take to make them go away.
Knowingly or unknowingly, the good people of Pittsburgh’s synagogue came in touch with a statement by second century Judaean sage Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai, who taught: “It is a known law that Esau hates Jacob.”
Rabbi Zalman Melamed, dean of the Bet El yeshiva, expands on the notion that Jew hatred is senseless: “Since Israel became a nation, this situation has continued – a constant hatred in the hearts of the nations towards the Jews without explanation or justification, deep hatred, permanent and continuous in all circumstances. During successes and in times of failure, always. Here they hate the Jews because they are capitalists, and there they hate the Jews because they are socialists; here they are hated because they are right-wingers, and there because they are leftists; here because they are too quick and talented, and there because they are a burden and offer no benefit; here because they are too advanced, and there because they are backward and old-fashioned.”
So why did Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai use the term “law,” and not just “it is known that…”? Perhaps because he wanted to teach that anti-Semitism is not merely a senseless fact, but that it had actually been established this way by the Creator, as a law of nature. Clouds make rain, Fire burns fields, gentiles hate Jews. An attempt to stop anti-Semitism “once and for all,” is tantamount to trying to stop water being so darn wet.
…There could be other solutions, all of them necessarily draconian: roundups of suspicious individuals based on profiling; elimination of all guns and gun manufacturing; mandatory limits on knife lengths; even administrative detentions by police based on information that may not cut it in a court hearing but should be sufficient to keep thousands of suspects away from doing mischief. It can all be done, but at a great cost. Otherwise, I have no idea what [the ADL’s Stephen Greenblatt] alludes to when he protests that religious people should not live in fear. What is he prepared to pay for it?
…There’s a happy ending to this story of age old anti-Semitism which is part of creation, according to Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai, who stars in much of the Zohar book of Kabbalah. Maimonides, our most intense and logical teacher, rabbi and philosopher, stated in his code of laws regarding kings and judges: “Do not imagine that during the time of the messiah any of the conduct of the world would be altered. It will continue as it did before,” then he quotes the Talmudic sage Shmuel who said, “There is no difference between this world and the days of the Messiah, but our enslavement by the gentile countries.”
In other words, instead of hating us, when Messiah arrives, the gentiles will love us. That’s all. But with that, my friends, we could fix the world. Until then – it stays anti-Semitism all the way down.
It is remarkable that with all the collective brain power of all the Jews in the world, they cannot understand the cause of antisemtism, which is obviously Jewish behavior that is rubbing non-Jews the wrong way.
They don’t want to change their behavior because that could possibly make antisemitism disappear.
And without the specter of antisemitism, how can they enact their draconian measures to stop it, such as gun control, hate speech laws, and censorship, all of which will just create more resentment among the goyim?
Among themselves, Jews have repeatedly admitted that antisemitism is essential to jewish identity, and without it they, as a people, would be lost.
Antisemitism makes Jews feel like Jews as nothing else can.
Yarmulkes, synagogues, and bar mitzvahs are quaint reminders of jewish identity but nothing compared to Hitler, concentration camps, and the BDS Movement.
To admit they bear any responsibility for antisemitism would betray their “messiah” who will never show up if they cease and desist using their power and influence to promote Tikkum Olam, a radical plan to remake the entire world into their own image.
So it’s everyone else’s fault throughout history. All the countries and nations that have thrown the jews out are all at fault and the jews dindu nuffin. I think most of these jews know exactly why they are hated. But they refuse to change their behavior.
So as long as they murder goyim, take over their countries, participate in white genocide, putting their claws on immigration laws, gun control, 911, USS Liberty, JFK, WW2 lies, lying about holocaust and utterly destroying Germany, etc, then we will continue to hate them. We despise the nature of the jew, which sees itself superior and the rest of us as animals.
It is therefore very reasonable to suspect the jews involvement in this Covid 19 deal. It would be perfectly consistent with history if we did find jews involved in this. Even jew Henry Kissinger wrote an article about how Covid affects the NWO. They want us to believe this “virus” is a neussance to them and will hamper their NWO plans. I don’t believe that $#&@ for one second. This covid 19 BS is their plan.
The late attorney Edgar J. Steele, whom I credit as being instrumental in waking me up to the Jewish Question many years ago, famously said, “Antisemitism is a disease. You catch it from Jews.”
His book “Defensive Racism” is a classical and should be in every White library:
Yet another great example of jewish projection. They forever accuse us for everything they are doing. They are obviously the ones who hate and cause division. It is unbelievable how the white masses still believe anything that comes out of these liars’ mouths.
As for alluding to ‘anti-semitism’ as a natural law, using some 2nd century rabbi’s quote about Esau and Jacob, it is an easily told lie despite the actual truth behind it. We know that the jews are of Esau and we are of Jacob, revealing the truth behind their lie.
However, this ‘enmity’ IS a natural law of God, but to reveal the actual Scriptural quote that proves this does NOT play into the hands of the jew – it reveals the full truth of who they are, and therefore they will avoid this verse like the plague…Genesis 3:16!
Esau and Jacob were of the same mother and father yet one hated the other
And one tricked the other out of his birthright
One used cunning, and “yisraeled” with the angels (wrestle-eld)
The other relies on blunt force, and would sell his heritage for a mess of pottage
The typical nations will sell their birthright, while the “atypical” nation is still wrestling with God
Which one is which?
The rabbi tells the truth when he says that Esau hates Jacob because the Jews are actually Esau and White Europeans are actually the real descendants of Jacob/Israel. The Jews hate us so much that they pretend that they are White so that they can criticize, undermine, and ultimately destroy us.
The Jews can LARP (Live-action role play) all they want as Israelites, but that will never change the fact that they are Edomite descendants of Esau who are literally hell-bent of the destruction of the true Israelites, just as the Bible said would come to pass. The Bible prophecy assures their failure, but that won’t stop them from giving it the old college try.
At the same time the Bible says this:
Zechariah 12:10
Then I will pour out on the house of David and on the people of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and prayer, and they will look on Me,>>> the One they have pierced.<<>>And all the tribes of the earth<<< will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen.
Who will look upon the Saviour if not the house of David and on the people of Jerusalem…