On his May 16, 2019 show, “Stump The Rabbi,” Rabbi Yaron Reuven explained how just as the Jews in Weimar Germany in the 1920s and 1930s destroyed the German economy through usury, Jews in America are today recreating the same economic conditions through rapacious usury in the ‘cash advance’ industry, which, if not stopped by the government, will lead to a Holocaust of Jews living in America:
Who knows the first two laws that Hitler implemented?….that not only put him in a different status than everybody else for history but also made what’s called up until this the day the greatest financial miracle in history? Who knows the first two laws [that Hitler implemented]?….Rule number one: no more pornography. No more homosexuality. None of that garbage. Not allowed. Berlin in the Thirties, in the Twenties, was the Sodom and Gomorrah of the day. It was the Las Vegas of the day….homosexuality, pornography….bestiality, all the garbage of the world. That was the capital of the world. He outlawed it, and he no longer allowed….closed all the bars, all the gay clubs, all the production, all run by jewish people. Unfortunately.
Second rule: second rule was you’re not allowed to charge interest. No more interest. Now you would think, “Why? Why does he care about interest?” Well, cause all the people that had the money, that lent the money out were Jews. He didn’t like it. He said no more interest. Why? Because of the high interest that the Jews charged people, was so high, it ruined and destroyed the economy in Germany. It destroyed it.
Just like they destroyed Russia a few years before that through their communism over there. Jews destroyed Russia, not goyim. Jews destroyed it. Communism is by Jews. Don’t let anybody confuse you. You look at history: Karl Marx, all the [others]….they are all Jews. Wicked, but none the less Jews. They destroyed Russia, and [Hitler] wrote in chapter two of “Mein Kampf” now they want to destroy Germany. That’s why I have to destroy them. Now, it doesn’t make it right. I’m pointing out, that’s absolute true history.
[Hitler] saw that the Jews were controlling the financial system, and they are charging such high interest, they destroyed the German economy. To the extent that by the time you arrived to go to the store to buy bread, you had to take a whole horse carriage full of money. By the time you arrived at the store, it wasn’t enough. Why? Because the inflation was so high. The bread became so much more valuable and your money went down. So now he says “What’s this? The cause of this?” Because nobody could afford to do anything because the interest rates are so high. So he decided no more interest rates. Not allowed to charge interest rates.
At that time, the Great Depression was happening around the entire world. Everyone was in a financial collapse. America was in financial collapse. England was in financial collapse. Everybody else was collapsing. Germany collapsed worse than everybody else. But after he passed this law of no more interest, within six years, six years Germany became the leading, wealthiest economy in the world. They called it a financial miracle. Why? They were the only ones who were bold enough to stop interest.
This is one of the biggest reasons of why he hated Jews. Because they destroyed the economy, because of their greed. It’s not making him right. Don’t let this confuse you. But this is happening again.
The cash advance business is destroying the economy in America. Why? Because all of the people that are defaulting, all the people that are being stolen from, guess who they are? Small businesses, small businesses are what builds economies. It’s not big businesses….
This is going to be a huge blow up to the extent where you can see how Edom, just like the Torah says, Edom is going to come back again, Edom becomes America….Why? Because America is Edom after all. But you’ll see what happens. And you’ll see all of a sudden the six million Jews that are in America feel comfortable, that are sometimes in government, that are sometimes in politics, that are running big businesses, and so on and so forth, guess what? The same exact thing happened in Germany….In Greece same thing. In Rome same thing. In Egypt same thing. But guess what? We get greedy. We get sinful….
This, for sure, is a “Ah ha moment”. Unless the government, by mercy of Hashem, interferes with that industry and completely ruins it, we will see a Holocaust starting from this business.
Of course, fake Jews like this rabbi refer to all white nations — Rome, Germany, and even America — as “Edom” — one of the biblical enemies of the ancient Israelites.
The problem with this paradigm is that today’s Jews are not real Israelites — while the white nations they call “Edom” actually are comprised of many of the living descendants of those 12 Tribes of Israel.
And the rabbi is warning his fellow Jews that they should not take this current prosperity and power for granted. Unless their financial empire based on usury is destroyed, the Jews are facing a real Holocaust this time, not one that happened only in their minds, like the one in World War II.
The above-quoted comments begin at 1:15:00 into the program:
A backup abridged version can be seen here:
Great post, great exposure video by the Rabbi, will use
Russell G Cornell
I just know that I am tired of my tax dollars funding Israel. I’d like for the money to be spent on other causes. I am also tired of the USA fighting wars for Israel. Keep the USA out of the Middle East and the Middle East out of the USA! We don’t need any more Jews or Arabs in this Country!
Jews? “liars thieves and murderers”, “bastards”, “men who know not their father”, Bubba the devil. “dogs” Matt 15:16 said Jesus. “sons of their “god”, “father”, Lucifer the Serpent.” “snake in the grass.” 538 BC Pharisees of Phariseeism, Atheism. Satanism, 1789 AD Judaism, of 1776 AD Illuminati Zionist, Jews, “liars” of Judaism, murderers of Jesus in 0033 AD and continue today by the attempted destruction of the Organic Christian America 1776 AD, “union of several states”, left to God’s Chosen Israelites, Englishmen, now White, Natural Americans, only, White Hebrew, Chosen Israelites, Born again Christians and the Organic Natural Citizens of 1812 AD usA Republic. Under God. Christian America 1776 AD. No Democracy , Fraud, “liars” of Crime, Judaism, Liberalism, Atheism, “dogs”, of Satanism of the “bastards”, “Men who know not their father.” Jews said Jesus. John 8:44. jim
Today! 1948 ISRAEL, CAPS=Frauds, Democracy of Liberalism, Judaism, Satanism, of “jew america,” fraud of the Frauds, “liars”, 1881, the US CORPORATION, Fraud, Democracy of Crime, Criminals, originally of the 1776 AD Illuminati Zionist, Jews, “liars thieves and murderers” of Judaism, Satanism of Bubba the “Liar.” Devil? The “father”, “god”, “liar of the “liars”, John 8:44. Jews?
Never listen to the leaven of the Pharisees. Boycott all Jew owned media and use bitchute and other programs. Let them find an audience that is in exile. Lies, and lies and lies. Never be led by this lot that means turn off when you see a Jew name censor them as they censor you.
BitchUte is as Jewish as they get evidence by how they torched all the comments outing Jewish
neo-NotZis pushing the “Hitler the Avatar” garbage inculcating a targeted group.
BitchUte is totally antisocial with their ‘new’ comment system predicated on subtle LIES about disqus being the problem with images being suddenly disabled and then squeals another LIE their programmers ‘cannot process their comment file due to it being too large’.
Precluding restoration of the PURGED comments; esp. images fingering Jewish polarization games with their KKK, so-called ANTIFA, neoNotZis, and on and on.
Notice how the Jewish Nazis brigades NEVER expose Jewish ritual murder while screaming ‘the Jews, the Jews!’?
I’ve an open challenge for anyone to show me ONE Nazi leader that’s not Jewish and THEY CANNOT, because they don’t exist; only their useful idiots are goyim.
The Rabbi has historical errors. The inflation in Germany was in the early 1920s. By the 1930s Germany was suffering from scarcety of money. The Roman and Greek civilisations were not destroyed by usury. The Ashkenazi then did not exist. But still very interesting his gist.
There were plenty of Jews in Greece and Roman, but at that time they were more closer akin to the Sephardic Jews of today rather than the late-coming Ashkenazi. Both the Ashkenazis and the Sephardim engaged in usury, and that’s what he’s talking about. I don’t see where the rabbi claims that only Ashkenazi Jews engaged in usury.
I thought this was a Christian website. More than half the stories are about Edom! Why! One took an edomite to tell the truth about the other edomites and their worship of usury. Wake up. All are antichrist who know not our savoir and will be thrown in sheoul.
Christians For Truth
Most “Christian” websites worship the Edomite Jews. One of our missions is to break the spell that Edom has over true Israelites, and to expose them for who they are and who they are not. We cannot over-emphasize that point too much.
Please notice this Christian site adds the words “for Truth”. Most Biblically astute commentors here understand who Edom is, but most ‘nominal’ Christians do not and are not ‘hip’ to all of the lies they continue to swallow. It is our duty as Christians to identify our enemies and their tactics in order to warn and protect our brethren. Not to mention, so many of these ‘nominal’ Christians are asking the same question…why are these things happening, since they just aren’t fitting the ‘Christian’ paradigm they were taught?…and are coming to sites like this for the answer 😉
For those who like to wax the lie that Jesus was a Jew, let us get the facts RIGHT!!
“Jesus went on: You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I have told you already: You will die in your sins. Yes, if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. So they said to him, ‘Who are you?’ Jesus answered: What I have told you from the outset. About you I have much to say and much to judge; but the one who sent me is true, and what I declare to the world I have learnt from him.” John 8:23-26
Child of Christ
Love you brother. Truth tellers are a rare commodity these days.
Are they as populous as the sands of the seas?
Do they birth nations and kings and queens from their loins?
Are they the farmers and fillers of the earth?
Are they the great explorers and sailors?
Are they a blessing to the world?
Did the apostles stay in Canaan or kazaria to preach to the children of Israel?
Excellent set of questions that definitively draws the line between our people…kudos!
Sickening how many ‘pastors’ quoted as saying ‘Jesus our Jewish King’! I just want to throw up. Rick Wiles of TruNews has said it and he pretends to be against them. I can’t listen to lies. Thank you!
Mark 15:2 King James Version (KJV)
2 And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answering said unto them, Thou sayest it.
“THOU sayest it”! [I didn’t]! My emphasis…
Perhaps this is why Jewish lawmakers and Jewish billionaires that finance just about every anti gun organisation in the United States are behind trying to disarm the American citizenry .
This is hysterically funny. The Jew Bank – namely the Jewish central banking cartel owns ZOG; owns the US government; owns the electoral process etc. What a schtick. OK ZOG – just take charge of the Fed and cancel their charter to make usury the basis of the entire US economy. It’s a real parable of the goy’s teeth.
I looked up on the internet about the goy’s teeth. I found out that this was in a movie called “A Serious Man”. I am actually quite shocked when the man asks about what happened to the goy? The rabbi says “Who cares?”. I find this shocking. Also there is a lot of talk about identity politics these days. I think that the Jews were doing this before anyone else. They separate Jews and goy all the time. They must have created the original identity politics! I do not like how they think it is OK to do bad things to goy. This is wrong. Did I find the right story for the goy’s teeth?
Frank Frivilous
No where in the Gospel do I find Jesus claiming status as a Jew. He does however, frequently identify with his Father in Heaven which seems to have enraged the Pharisees until they plotted against him. I recommend that the good Rabbi dispense with the virtue signaling, repent and confess to Lord Jesus Christ the true messiah.
Kenny Kamel
I am from a Jewish family and now am an Orthodox Catholic Christian. I have an idea in my mind that the Hebrew people are the ones who converted to Christianity, see Saint Paul’s comment about being a “True Hebrew among Hebrews,” while the Jews were the ones to rejected Jesus Christ the Messiah. Jesus was born of Mary who was betrothed to Joseph, both earthly parents were of Hebrew/Jewish origin which is why Jesus has been identified as such during his Incarnate Life.
on education and sharing day got to wonder if anyone is ever going to get around to understanding the truth about climate change which is the work of God. Just check out the book by Gerry Fox entitled Climate Change the Work of God. He fulfills the words from Jeremiah 23:18,
See, the storm of the Lord
will burst out in wrath,
a whirlwind swirling down
on the heads of the wicked.
The anger of the Lord will not turn back
until he fully accomplishes
the purposes of his heart.
In days to come
you will understand it clearly
Whirlwinds is God speak for tornado’s!
You may also want to read up on his other 2 books lies all lies about the false teachings surrounding Gog and Magog and his take on the book of Revelations A Mystery Solved.
We are approaching the end.
Hmmm… looks like Uncle Adolph was right…again. Interesting that an antiChrist would admit it tho ; wonder what his angle is?
Maybe he really IS afraid that the goy will rise up ; would that we awake and take appropriate action!
What’s his angle? Well, from what I’ve read of The Talmud, it clearly advises Jews to avoid committing any acts against the goyim that will bring danger to the jewish community or Jews in general. It’s “wrong” to cheat the goyim only if it leads to problems for Jews.
That’s why the Jews are so touchy about the goyim studying The Talmud. From past experiences, they know how the goyim react when they find out what’s in it. That’s why they claim that any goyim who study the Talmud should be killed. They should be killed because it puts the Jews in danger, so killing a goy who knows the Talmud is considered “self-defense” which is one of their favorite ways of justifying literally any treachery.
Kenny Kamel
Since WW2 many Jews have expressed concerns about another reaction to their inherently negative behaviors and how it impacts those who have a demographic majority over them. I think there is a consciousness rising among the Jews, the ones who do not possess the wealth and influence that would protect them should things go awry, that what happened in the first half of the 20th century may recapitulate itself though in a more terrifying form in the near future.
These guys claim they know God, but they do not. Moses warned the Israelis that Lord Yahweh, “Makes a person workout his own punishment in person” in person!!
“Know then, that Yahweh your God is God indeed, the faithful God, who is true to his covenant and is gracious for a thousand generations, towards those who love him, and keeps his commandments, but who punishes in their own persons, those who hate him. He is not slow to destroy the man who hates him. He makes him work out his punishment in person.” Deuteronomy 7:9-11.
And He, Lord Yahweh declares that because these guys have decided to create their own Talmudic religion (Commandments of Men) He will become “prodigal of prodigious prodigies with this people.”
“Yahweh has said this; Because this people approach me only with words, honor me only with lip service, while their hearts are far from me, and my religion as far as it is concerned is nothing but human commandments, a lesson memorized, very well, I shall have to go on being prodigal of prodigious prodigies with this people. The wisdom of their sages shall decay, the intelligence of its intelligent men shall be shrouded” Isaiah 29: 13-14
These guys, appear to have been chosen……but for a different purpose! Because of their rejection of The Messiah, it appears that The Messiah will teach all and sundry, what happens to anybody who continuously provokes Him to his face!!
Notice how he admits Jews were behind the collapse of ancient Greece and Rome. America is next in their cross hairs.
Interesting how he puts the responsibility of stopping the Jews and their usury on the American government which is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Jews. That’s not going to happen, which means, that the U.S. government will be responsible for the upcoming Holocaust because they didn’t stop the Jews from destroying the American economy, which the rabbi claims will result in a violent uprising by the goyim, which will result in “6 million” Jews being killed? That’s not going to happen exactly that way either.
What is true is that when the goyim wake up to the perfidy of the Jews, there will be hell to pay, but it may not be as violent as this rabbi imagines. After all, the Germans woke up to the Jews, and they did not mass murder them. They merely forcibly removed them from their occupied territories, which so outraged the indignant Jews that they claimed they had been “genocided” in their minds. And at the very least, the Jews should expect that they will be expelled for the 110th time.
That’s just it – they absolutely do expect it, and that’s exactly why it will be retold by them that another 6 million got horribly massacred, but this time all the bodies were consumed by vats of acid that were dumped in various waterways, so again, no evidence…
No matter what WE do, the jew ALWAYS screams in pain while he’s stabbing US in the back!
Again, the jew outs themselves.
Sounds exactly like what we watchmen have been trying to tell the goyim (all except the Hoaxaco$t and Edom part) – except we can do it in a much more ‘concise and precise’ fashion – and here we have a rabbi discussing this on a ‘public jewish’ platform like it is common knowledge.
Wake up sheeple.
Who are the true Israelites mentioned in this article?
Christians For Truth
The identity of the true Israelites is explained very clearly here, but today’s Jews are NOT Judah; they are impostors:
Bingo !!!
I have a question and I hope it doesn’t sound as silly as I fear it might? I have been hearing from several, “awake and aware”, educated people that we should not even be calling Jews Jews. To an extent, this does seem to make a bit of sense. It is said to have come about as an abbreviation of Judaite/geographical location of Judah, where Israelites as well as “other non-Adamic races”, dwelt together for a period of time.
I also realize that this may not be of any real significance as far as our overall (slave) situation/existence. By calling Jews “Jews”, are we just buying into their biggest of all lies and total “role reversal”?
Thank you for any input. I am a work in progress and know I have a lot to learn yet. I’ve been at it for several years now and have come a long way but still have soooo much more to learn. I spent many years researching early 20th century “true” history (WW2 and Bolshevik Revolution, Zionist takeover of America, horrible FDR presidency/1933 and “the gold” – March 9, 1933 – no officially “up and running” constitution, for all intent and purposes?) USS Liberty, the hundreds upon hundreds of Jewish PACs/NGOs in the USA, Israeli Lobby, Greater Israel Plan, Oded Yinon Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan of 1923, alive and well in 2020 and Charlemagne award still awarded every year to the likes of Merkel, Macron, Clinton).
Thank you again! FANTASTIC website!
P.S. Is there any particular/specific website/book you recommend for those sincerely trying to grasp CI?
Christians For Truth
Sure, that’s technically correct. Today’s ‘Jews’ are not real Jews, and yes, we are giving into their lie by agreeing to call them that. On the other hand, if we call them, say, Edomites, who will know what we are talking about? When you say “Jew”, everyone knows what you’re talking about, except a lot of brainwashed judo-Christians. We often refer to them as Edomite Jews, but not always.
As far as Identity goes, we recommend the lectures of Sheldon Emry whose ideas are simple, practical, and straight forward:
White Christiandom, who are physically descendants of Israel, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises, whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh.
These are the inheritors of the blessings of Jacob to his sons, who would be a multitude of nations.
These are those to whom Jeremiah said, ‘“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beast.’
He also said, ‘“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord. “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the Lord, “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”’
And Hosea said, ‘the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will be gathered together,
And they will appoint for themselves one leader’.
These are fulfilled in white Christiandom, who serves that One Leader, the Christ, our Brother by race and Master by divine appointment, Who warned us about ‘the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews [Judahites] and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.’ They are indeed abominable to Him, because He is righteous and holy and doesn’t suffer mamzers and liars. As Moses said, ‘No mamzer [mixed blood] shall enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendants, even to the tenth generation, shall enter the assembly of the Lord.’ And he said, ‘Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is mixing.’
These things are only fulfilled in the covenant people’s today, in whom these promises and commands are obvious in their manifestation of His goodness, and in the repercussions for ignoring His commands.
However Amos wrote, ‘“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God,
“When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather for hearing the words of the Lord.’ And Paul, ‘because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.’
But, ‘Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders.’
If one is waiting for a deception, then one is already deceived. Also, ‘Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame.’
We are late in the game as our power darkens and our influence falls from the sky like the 12 stars of Israel. The animals feast on Israel’s corpse. However, as Daniel wrote, ‘Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven.’
Amen brother!
If that doesn’t adequately answer your question, Mamoona, possibly nothing else will…
Yes, and Daniel also confirmed that God’s kingdom would be only for these same Israelites, “And the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” (Daniel 2:44B)
[“… ‘No mamzer [mixed blood] shall enter the assembly of the Lord…”]
Mamzer in the Hebrew means ‘bastard’. One without a father.
Incorrect, Sparrow. Bastard is from the Hebrew for “mamzer” which means the offspring of a mix marriage, a mongrel.