(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Hungary’s top rabbis have added their voice to a torrent of criticism about a speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orban in which he said that Hungarians “do not want to become peoples of mixed races:”
Orban, whose far-right rhetoric has long galvanized his base and millions abroad while angering many others, made the remark Saturday during a speech in Romania decrying the arrival to Europe of millions of Muslims.
Orban’s remark prompted an advisor, Zsuzsa Hegedus, to resign. In a letter announcing her resignation, Hegedus, who is Jewish, called the speech “a pure Nazi diatribe worthy of Joseph Goebbels,” the Nazi propaganda chief.
Rabbi Robert Frölich, the chief rabbi of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that Orban’s remark was “a violation of human dignity and morals.” Slomó Köves, the head of the EMIH Orthodox umbrella of Jewish communities in Hungary, called Orban’s choice of words “unfortunate,” suggesting it was not compatible with “Judeo-Christian values.”
The rabbis’ criticism is notable because they typically refrain from criticizing the prime minister, even when others do so.
Deborah Lipstadt, the U.S. State Department’s antisemitism monitor, also condemned Orban’s speech. “Deeply alarmed by the Hungarian prime minister’s use of rhetoric that clearly evokes Nazi racial ideology,” she tweeted, saying that the rhetoric was especially inexcusable for “one who claims zero tolerance of antisemitism.”
In a part of the speech pertaining to the peoples of the Carpathian region, Orban said: “We are willing to mix with each other, but we don’t want to become a mixed race.” He characterized Muslims moving to Hungary as a “flood” being forced upon the country, in rhetoric that echoes “replacement theory,” the racist sentiment animating many white supremacists….
…Focusing on the issue of race in speeches is unusual for Orban, but he has made multiple statements that critics said were racist and antisemitic. In 2018, he used during a speech terms that critics said echoed Nazi propaganda against Jews.
“We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world,” he said at the time, in remarks reported by The Guardian.
On Thursday, Orban made a rare concession to his critics when he offered a clarification about his comments.
“It happens that I speak in ambiguous terms,” he said during a press conference in Vienna, according to the Index news site. “We are proud of what Hungary has achieved in the fight against racism,” he added. The speech in Romania “is not about racism, it’s about cultural differences.”
In a letter to Hegedus, his former adviser, Orban wrote: “You can’t be serious about accusing me of racism after 20 years of working together. You know that, according to my understanding, God created all people in his own image. Therefore, in the case of people like me, racism is excluded from the get-go.”
In his statement about Orban’s speech, Köves, the Orthodox rabbi, said any discussion of race at all is “unfortunate” even as it may be appropriate to lament “the loss of space in Western Judeo-Christian culture.” (“Judeo-Christian” is a term popularized in the mid-20th century to signify religious unity but which has more recently become a catchphrase for conservatives.)
“As I understand it, a significant part of the speech was about the loss of space in Western Judeo-Christian culture and the challenges that this poses,” Köves said. But, he added, “one of the fundamental values of Judeo-Christian civilization is that God created every human being in his own image. For this reason alone, it is particularly unfortunate to speak of races.”
So there you have it directly from the rabbi’s mouth — if you are a “judeo-Christian,” you cannot speak of “race” or different “races” — or even express a desire that your race survives.
The Jews’ say, “There is only one race — the human race” — so you had better get this pesky idea of racial differences out of your heads, goyim.
The rabbi knows that if anyone like Orban said that Israel should allow Muslims and Africans to flood into its lands — and race mix with their peoples — there would be accusations of “another” Holocaust.
In fact, many Orthodox rabbis have claimed that marriage to non-Jews is equivalent to a “second” Holocaust — or even worse — because it’s real, and it will bring about the end of the Jews if it continues.
And Orban isn’t doing himself any favors by tip toeing around this issue — claiming it’s a “cultural” thing they want to preserve — no, you cannot preserve a culture without preserving the race that produced the culture.
In the past, Orban has insisted that Hungary and Europe should remain Christian — and gotten a lot of flack for saying so — but he knows that under EU laws, Christianity as a religious belief can be preserved and defended while “race” cannot.
Orban has also suggested that Europe could become split between the Christian nations in the east and the atheist, humanist countries in western Europe — implying that the Christian nations will remain white — resisting race mixing.
Racial diversity and race mixing are Jewish “values” — or even fake “judeo-Christian” values — but it’s not a value of real Christianity.
If the white European race is mixed out of existence — transformed into an Egyptian-like brown race — it can more easily be dominated by the Jewish elite, just as the Kalergi Plan laid out over 100 years ago.
The rabbis don’t want Christians to know what the Bible really says about racial separation — but make no mistake, the rabbis know what it says — that’s why the rabbis preach diversity and racial tolerance to the “gentiles” — to destroy them as a people.

Viktor Orban- Owned by BiBi Netanyahu…
Orban has specified that he meant language not race and he has condemned those who interpreted his words as meaning race.
He said that “Christian politicians can’t be racist” (with a very homosexual voice if I can be honest).
Orban is lying or hedging. Of course he’s talking about race, not language, but he has to say that because it’s illegal in the EU to talk about preserving your race as opposed to your language. Cat and mouse game here by a politician.
Orban also said, “Christian values protect us from going too far.”
In other words, being a Christian, you will never “go too far” to the Right and become a “Nazi” because Christians don’t believe in race, according to the mainstream
If Jesus wasn’t a racist, then why did he say He came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel?
Oh, that’s right, Orban is a “judeo-Christian”, not a real Christian.
Hungary is Europe. Israel is nothing.
I dont hear any rabbis squealing about opening up Israel to the 3rd world. Why is that?
Death to ZOG.
Great to see you again, English Tom.
You can read below about one Rabbi in Hungary who was against the invasions there, but I doubt that there are any jews who want them inside Israel.
“Slomó Köves – Hungary’s racist “Chabad Rabbi”
“It seems that even other Chabad organizations do not agree with him.
Let’s take a look at Milan, Italy. Chabad prepares meals for Eritrian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and Syrian refugees—many of them Muslim—who temporarily stay in rooms below the Milan central train station. The retrofitted Holocaust memorial and museum has also recently become the temporary home of refugees fleeing to safety.
Upon arrival, they are given towels and toiletries, and shown to a shower area that was built just for them. But first, they enjoy a nourishing hot meal, prepared and delivered by the volunteers of the Chabad-affiliated Beteavon (“Good Appetite”) soup kitchen.”
[The comment at September 17, 2016 at 8:49 pm shows more about the usual jew and rabbi’s reactions to their own imported invaders.]
I recall reading that the old Hungarian aristocracy had inter-married with the wealthy Jewish class, and because of that, most of the ruling elite in Hungary, past and present, had some Jewish admixture.
Similar to what happened in many European countries, especially Britain, which is now run by a crypto-Jewish elite (David Cameron and Boris Johnson, for example)
The Hungarian Magyars do seem to have some admixture with the Khazars:
The Jews’ say, “There is only one race — the human race”
“Human” isn’t a word that you want to use to describe yourself. “Human rights” – give me a break….
Human Being. Monster. A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood and cannot be heir to any land.
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 1930.
This twitter thread proves you wrong on EVERYTHING:
And I don’t think I need to add nything else.
Personally I am very glad by Hungarian parents decided to leave Hungary and to giveme the good life I have in Italy where I currently live.
If you were honest not to me but to YOURSELF then you wouldn’t write this stuff, my 80 years old grandfather who lived most of his life in Hungary didn’t hesitate a second to live that gypsy shithole to move here in Italy and so would literally every other Hungarian if given the opportunity.
Well, all “right wing” politicians in Europe are pro-zionist, just like in America. And sure, Orban caters to the Jews in Hungary, just like all right wingers do in Europe, but the quid pro quo is that those countries, so far, are able to resist the Muslim invasion. And as a political compromise, that’s not such a bad deal.
Also : Vigilantes of Christendom by Richard Kelly Hoskins
and also – OUR NORDIC RACE
all workers of iniquity belong in the Eternal OVENS {FIERY FURNACE} of TRUTH.
see : Matthew 13:39-43
A couple days after Orbán’s “Nazi-style” speech, “posters appeared in Budapest today stating that ‘There are two races! Jews and goyim’
How can these posters be antisemitic if this is exactly what many Jews believe, especially in their “holy” book The Talmud?
“The Jews that opened the gates of Toledo”
Its no different than what Jews have done in the past with the Levant and other places that used to be fair skinned.
Orban knew that retaking media and MSM from the hands of Jewry was the key for eventual victory. It is media and communications control which allows all the other jewish scams to proceed undisturbed and unabated by the public, and is used to demonize you and all Whites to extinction. Media in jew hands is a never ending poison pump.
[The below article is by one of their leftist propaganda outlets.]
“The Art of Media War – This is how Viktor Orbán captured the free press in Hungary”
“Orbán saw the media as a battlefield; occupied by enemy troops and crowded with territories for potential expansion.
The new media concept was already set by 2009, awaiting execution. Orbán did not only aim for censorship, he rather wanted to capture the mediasphere. He knew that controlling the body which oversees this sector was necessary ….
[And, as if the jews don’t already do this, and fully know why]:
“They saw print media as the key to ruling public discourse.”
[Flanders: If you want to see just how badly the jew media is stacked against Orban, and worry about the media control issue, try this search]:
>>> how victor orban regained control – media <<>
“Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’ [Avoiding controlled opposition is not Orban’s strong-suit.]
“Have your own media. It’s the only way to point out the insanity of the progressive left,” he said. “The problem is that the western media is adjusted to the leftist viewpoint. Those who taught reporters in universities already had progressive leftist principles.”
Pure evil hidden in plain sight. The Jewish cabal are some kind of warlocks that have put a spell over the world.
They actively rob, create wars, commit genocide, enslave other tribes and claim to be the chosen master race over the gentile “animals”. Yet they remain unchallenged as the greatest “victims” of all and an infallible protected class.
There is no Judeo-Christian. The true Judeo-Christian is this: The Judeo part is the Cross & nails while the Christian part is the one whom the Jews nailed to the Cross.
There also is no Christian Zionist. You’re either a Christian & follow Jesus or a Zionist that literally worships Israel.
Biden is a Zionist, he brags about it & you see what he’s up to. Do you really want to be like Joe? That fraud John Hagee misleads millions he he commands his flock to worship Israel, when the actual saying is about God saying to help Abraham & his descendants, not Russian mongrels that immigrated to STOLENLAND.
Yep, they should be called “evangelical zionists” not “evangelical Christians. They have no right to call themselves Christian.
Same with “judeo-Christians”. Judeo-Jews hate Christ, so how can you claim to have any common cause with your eternal enemy?
Judeo-Christians might as well call themselves “Satanic-Christians” because that’s who they are in league with.
Charlatan-Zionist is what I call them, Marshal, because it describes their falsehoods. Deception is their output.
Agreed. Christians believe in Christ. Judeo followers blaspheme in their scriptures that Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier, his mother a prostitute and that he resides in hell boiling in excrement and semen. They are diametrically opposed.
if these rabbis and their kind do not like us white people our countries religion and culture why come in first place they are intruders in our lands parasites feeding off a host oppressing the people in their own countries and abusing hospitality taking countries that are not theirs because their book says so , viktor orban made a mistake pandering to these rabbis why apologise for saying what is right and true why apologise to those rabbis who seek destruction of white race
Some people also claim he is a direct descendant of the same Orban who helped the Ottomans take Costantinople:
God bless Mr Orban!!!
“Adam” in Hebrew means to turn red in the face. We Caucasians are the only ones that can blush! The Bible was written for Adam and his descendants. A history of the white race.
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two Part 19