A new AI-powered smartphone app called Face2Gene could improve the lives of patients with certain genetic abnormalities, but only if they are White:
Eighty percent of rare diseases are caused by abnormalities in a person’s genes. And the thing about rare diseases is that they’re often difficult to diagnose, and in many cases, fewer or no treatment options are available.
A new AI-powered smartphone app called Face2Gene could improve the lives of patients with these conditions.
Face2Gene app can outperform doctors at diagnosing rare genetic disorders in children by analyzing their face. The app is available for anyone to download, but it is designed for use by healthcare professionals. Although, this hasn’t stopped angry parents from airing their grievances about the app’s exclusivity on the Apple App Store.
The app is the brainchild of Boston-based digital-health company FDNA. According to a paper published in the journal Nature Medicine, the team trained Face2Gene’s deep-learning algorithm to identify rare genetic mutations by feeding over 17,000 images of people diagnosed with rare, genetic syndromes.
When researchers tested the app on 502 photos it hadn’t seen before, the app provided the correct diagnostic guess roughly 65% of the time. And when considering multiple predictions, the correct one made the app’s top ten list 91% of the time.
Researchers also tested the app’s diagnostic abilities against those of 49 clinical geneticists in an unofficial trial. Only two of the clinical geneticists provided correct diagnoses for more than 50% of the photos while Face2Gene correctly diagnosed seven out of the ten children…
The app also needs more diverse training to correctly diagnose photos with non-Caucasian faces. In a 2017 study, it was found that the app could identify Down Syndrome with 80 percent accuracy if a photo features a white Belgian child, but couldn’t peak 37 percent accuracy if it featured a black Congolese child.
Face2Gene’s user base has exploded since the app was released in 2014 – more than 70 percent of clinical geneticists worldwide use it.
A number of Artificial Intelligence programs have been shown to have “racist” tendencies or biases, which have been blamed on the “racism” of the programmers who unconsciously pass on their “racism” to the computers. If you program a computer to understand that racial differences are real and exist, and most people with any common sense believe, then you can’t turn around and instruct the computer to not recognize those differences because they are politically incorrect.
And if computer truly does have the ability to think for itself, then it will not only notice racial differences, it will come to the conclusion that those differences are significant and immutable. As with people, no matter how much pro-diversity propaganda that you inundate them with in the media, many will be able to see through it and understand how it’s all based on lies and myths of equality. And if people can figure that out, so can AI computers, no matter how much p.c. programming goes in.
As if this technology, and all other ‘groundbreaking’ technology, is being developed by Third World countries or Third World people! Can anyone give me ONE good reason why we are supposed to be doing anything to benefit those who are not us? Imagine if I would make cancer curing medicine for some African cannibal who has lymphoma as my wife lays dying of lung cancer. In a truly Christian society, such an act would be tantamount to murder. But we don’t, so I would be lauded as a ‘great humanitarian’ and my wife an acceptable casualty!
Oh boy… in 3,2, 1…’Wayciss! Wayciss! ghetto lottery time for some [[[lawyer]]].
This is actually fairly simple physics at play here; happened to one of the digital camera makers early in the time of those being widely available/affordable. Seems digital cameras were ‘rayciss an shit’ because the camera ‘saw’ white faces better and made better pictures of them and ‘knew’ when to flash and not as opposed to black and brown faces. The maker [sony if i remember, but dont quote me] was sued and blackmailed, with the ‘normal’ results.
See, the camera ‘sees’ white faces better; due to the superior light reflection, it can ‘see’ and process more information as well as pick out nuances and minutiae that are not readily ‘visible’ in black faces. its simply light reflection and the ability to detect same.
Now of course, [[[they]]] will be suing ‘physics’ some how…
I’m waiting for that moment when Artificial Intelligence programs recognize that Jews are not White…
AI as it’s pasted off doesn’t exist. These programs can only “learn” within the parameters of their given (albeit complex) algorithms. It then takes this data and is allowed to utilize it within the parameters defined. However, these machines don’t think. They only process data that is historical and/or current/live. This is called machine learning.
There is a newer type of this being tagged as deep learning which kind of “thinks”. This does a similar thing to machine learning, but it allows the algorithm to crunch numbers and take paths of probability as opposed to things that are maybe hardcoded reaponses. (But, again, all defined within man made algorithms).
This is just another method of control and brainwashing. It will allow for scenerios like minority report etc to be more real-life than they already are (if God allows it).
Soo, basically, it gives the hidden hand even more control than they ever had before over the fleshly reality. An ai will not be stumbling on the answer to the Jewish question unless the Jews allow it to happen :p