A Ukrainian feminist decided to commit suicide in her Paris appartment. She was apparently distraught over her fellow feminists being “fake” and decided to then take her life:
FEMEN is a group founded in Ukraine that hopes to achieve the goal of “complete victory over the patriarchy.” It has become famous through various kinds of protests worldwide, predominantly carried out by topless activists.
FEMEN activist Inna Shevchenko has confirmed that one of the movement’s co-founders Oksana Shachko has taken her own life.
According to social media reports, Shachko died on Monday in her Paris apartment, leaving a note, written in English, allegedly stating “You are all fake.” The activist reportedly tried to commit suicide twice over the past two years.
The movement was founded in Ukraine in 2008 and registered in France in 2012. Shachko was one of three co-founders of the group, who used “sextremist” performances as a tactic to achieve their aims. The organization consists mainly of female Ukrainian students.
Sadly, another “positive” role model for young women has taken her own life.
When Shachko discovered that most young women have no interest in being arrested for parading around public spaces with cliched feminist slogans painted on their nude bodies, she became distraught, realizing just how “fake” normal, modest women are.
No doubt, her dream of the destruction of “the patriarchy” will have to wait, but there’s hope: radical feminists now have an unhinged mental patient to idealize.
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