(Daily Vox) Taking a page out of the EU playbook which makes doubting any aspect of the so-called Holocaust a criminal act, a number of South African radicals, like Ayesha Fakie, want to make denying the “evils” of Apartheid a jailable offense:
The International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute defined apartheid a crime against humanity in 2002, rightly making South Africa’s white ethno-nationalist horror take its place alongside other systematic global regime-led terrors seen in the annals of international justice. Yet in the physical, psychological and juridical confines of the nation state we call South Africa, far right extremists and other historical revisionists propagate lies and myths about apartheid and the scourge of white hegemony’s role in South Africa.
Germany has famously made Holocaust denialism a crime on the deep reflection, by the international community and Germany itself, of the latter’s role in the genocides and war crimes the Germans are infamous for. It is an acknowledgment of the genocidal crimes and wounds inflicted by Germany on its various victims, especially Jewish people, and a recognition that the physical and psychosocial nation state needs to never forget, never go back.
These laws are still in effect even 70 plus years after 1945; even Twitter is bound by different rules and moderation there in being compelled to clamp down on Holocaust and Nazi revisionism which attempts to garner sympathy in the name of Hitler, Goebbels and their modern day successors in the far-right white nationalist cottage industry seemingly poised to become a global multinational spanning Eastern Europe, South Africa and the USA. (You know the names, I choose not to type them out – deplatforming them from their internet soapboxes is how we pull back the norms of civil space, and it should be a lesson to media houses here and internationally to do the same).
…No sooner after the New Yorker decision went public were the wails from people who never suffer from the harm inflicted by ignorant, race exclusionary, white nationalist, eliminationist, hate speech thundering through the chattering classes. “What about a marketplace of ideas!?” “Well if his arguments are so poor why not counter them with better ones!?” “Freedom of speech means we all have a right to…..” and on and on and on. I’m sure the Bauers of the world were readying their “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all” again, probably more so when calls like mine for apartheid denialism to be criminalised are made…
Living, working, just being in this place called South Africa is a daily battle for the majority South Africans, most Black South Africans – the peoples directly attacked by apartheid’s venom – to claim some semblance of living and dignity. And for revisionists to – in living memory of apartheid – gallingly talk without penalty or consequence via apartheid denialism and nostalgia is a compounding of a crime against humanity, an affront, an insult by people who benefit directly from the privilege of race and economics that apartheid bequeathed them.
…For those apartheid othered, excluded, attacked and abused, for those of us who survived, and those still trying to survive, hearing apartheid denialism is a smack in the face. It is society telling us we don’t matter. It is telling us it can happen to us again. It is telling us to know our place. Seeing the apartheid flag, hearing Die Stem even – especially acted out in performative victimhood by washed out entertainers – is an exercise in social PTSD. No idealised norm of freedom of speech, especially in its absolutist sense as if it is given to us from on high by an omniscient being, is worth that price.
We see this phenomenon over and over again with Liberals — the second they gain power after exercising their freedom of speech, they want to censor their opponents and call any political opposition “hate” or “racism”.
These Black radicals in South Africa have been taught all the politically-correct jargon from their Judeo-Marxist overlords.
If you substituted “people of color” for “jewish people,” you’d get the exact same impulse to censor and crush their opponents.
The last thing they ever would want to acknowledge is that many Blacks actually had better lives under Apartheid — and that idea is soon to be criminalized.
Of course, the purpose of ‘Apartheid Denialism’ is to silence Whites who would oppose their own displacement — and Whites who try to appeal to the self-interest of Blacks by suggesting that Blacks could benefit from sharing power with Whites.
And if Blacks believe they were better off under Apartheid — and many do — they will be called “self-hating” or “counter-revolutionary.”
The other day a black man quoted from a movie where blacks call one another nigga. I asked do you believe I can self identify as a lesbian even if I am a man? A transvestite? A Black man even if I am white. He said, “Yes”. I then told him I was white now I am black? Do you accept? Yes! you are one of us by self identification he said. I said good you fuckin, Nigga. He was wrath. I said I am a nigga I can call you nigga. All Niggas call themselves Nigga. Do you no recognize my self identification and thus the hypocrisy? You are an and asshole. No I protested, I do not identify with that stereotype. If it helps you understand the law has been broken then I now self Identify as a white. All be it minutes later. Did you know I said, the only people who do not buy this self id shit are Jews. Imagine I identify as Jew or Israeli by self proclamation? Do you think Israel will give me a free house and land? No he said. Exactly, so why are you pulling the wool over black lives matter movement. A Jew is by his/ her mothers birth. So self identification is nonsense. Only in white countries are negro Africans calling themselves American or British. Not so in Israel the want Swatrze out. see. Point made.
Black economic empowerment (entitlement) proves blacks are two faced. BEE guarantees x number of blacks in companies must be employed. It has nothing to do with equality rather based upon race. It is hypocritical as coloured people and Indians only get a limited number based upon size of there population. Notice they are not regarded as non white but a distinct race defined group. If BEE was legit it would not care for colour of the beneficiaries of this scam. Equally controversial is these BEE benefactors do not share their wealth with the other blacks. IOW they the people fought for freedom but get nothing of the spoils. BEE should be based upon equality of all. After all thats what they want an egalitarian society. Instead they have a new separate development of wealthy blacks and township dwellers on the others-side
. BEE recipients should be forced to contribute at source at least 30% of entitlement wealth to the new and proposed wealth fund. Equal BEE blessings for all based upon being black and for no other reason. BEE is not creating equality but favouring a few blacks rather than the many. Take the Jew Oppenheimer and the mines they made billionaire’s of some lackies who were black. The blacks must be taught to hate this and demand equality of BEE blessings. This will put the cat among the pigeons. Blacks are always focused upon white equality lets focus on black equality and show them the image reflection in a mirror. After all it was those blacks in the townships who rioted and necklaced and killed to get this new equality. BEE should not be individually dispensed but regulated to the benefit of all blacks. Turn that high powered Commie perseption on their own inequality of a system. BEE is a class creator. Blacks have not yet seen a class war its the worst as the lower classes hate the Bourgeois class.
I pray for the day we see the reaping. We will be vindicated and our Father will be glorified!
All this anti-white hate that is passing for ‘freedom’, ‘equality’, ‘multiculturalism’, ad nauseum gets hard to stomach from time to time…
So the real question is: were the Jews better off in Weimar or Nazi Germany? The case could be made that the Nazis forced the Jews to become better people, and kept them largely out of trouble of their own doing.