Black female ‘rapper’ Azealia Banks has announced her engagement to conceptual ‘artist’ Ryder Ripps — who gained his fifteen minutes of fame when he created “White People Suck” stickers:
[Azealia posted] a photo on Instagram of a ring with a menorah on it and writing “I’m Jewish now. MAZEL TOV BITCHES!” in the caption.
Some social media users took issue with the proclamation, implying that Banks could not assume a Jewish identity by marrying a Jewish person or that wearing a symbol of Judaism was disrespectful. Banks — who is known for getting into feuds with public figures on Twitter — shot back.
Here’s one representative exchange, which ends with Banks declaring, “I’m a jewcy diva now.”
In another exchange, Banks likened her connection to Judaism to the gender identity of transgender people, in an analogy that some decried as transphobic.
Banks is no stranger to controversy. In 2016, during one of her high profile Twitter rants, she directed racial epithets at Pakistani-English pop star Zayn Malik and lost her slot at a U.K. music festival.
Ripps is a 34-year-old art director and conceptual artist who has not made a Jewish identity part of his public persona. His father Rodney, also an artist, once showed some of his art in an exhibit at New York City’s Jewish Museum on “Jewish Themes.”
These two seem like a perfect pair — a power couple for the “Great Reset” — both aggressively “racist” but in a politically-correct, banal anti-White sort of way.
We’ve previously written about the uneasy alliance between Jews and Black rappers — a shaky relationship that has succeeded so far as Blacks have allowed Jews to exploit their common hatred for Whites in exchange for some shiny bling.
Jews have been intimately involved in rap music from its beginnings — and heavily promoted it because of its overt and aggressive anti-White messaging — which can be summed up in Ryder Ripp’s pithy “White People Suck” stickers — a fact that is conveniently omitted from Ripps’ Wikipedia entry.
Jews had been fueling overt anti-White hatred among American Blacks since the 1960s with the Civil Rights movement — and rap music merely set that irrational hostility to a monotonous, repetitious beat.
But for all intents and purposes Azealia Banks “conversion” to Judaism is merely a formality as she already embodies the Jewish zeitgeist — her arrogance, crass materialism, feral and cartoonish sexuality, and her intuitive understanding that Jews like her fiance are running the whole circus — all directed toward the subversion of White Christian culture.
One art critic described one of Ryder Ripps’ attempts at art as “unthinking, unethical, and dull” — which also aptly describes a recent collaboration between this new “power couple” — Ripps films Banks dancing and rapping in front of an ugly, demoralizing “sculpture” by another “dull” and talentless Jewish artist, George Segal:
” Birds of a feather flock together ”
jews & blacks are blood related and the offspring of their father satan. Thats why even politically……………………they think, act, and want the same for white Christians. Thats why for decades upon decades they VOTE AND SUPPORT Anti-Bible, Anti-Jesus , Anti-CHRIST-ian ways by voting and supporting liberal anti-Bible agenda/thinking. They put on a class act show, but it is ALL a front.
if thats him in the photo he looks like a try-hard
Why Black Lives REALLY Matter: Corporate America is fueling race war to deflect attention from the coup and massive wealth inequality
Innocent Exile
Rap has been weaponized. USA govt has admitted it. Right now in Spain a “rapper” is being used to create unrest. They are “musical jackals” for the CIA.
Yep, I heard the story, Europeans are willing pawns in the game of the New Bolshevik communist world order dictators running America’s government….a fascist oligarchy
We need a meme Jews Suck and Blacks Suck…..
Azelia Sacrifices Chickens For Brujeria Rituals:
Azealia Banks digs up her cat and cooks the bones in a pot:
Azealia Banks Boils Her Dead Cat:
This woman is a certified witch
Azealia sacrifices animals the same way Jews do, like her husband’s relatives…. Jews call it Kapparot:
Patrick White
Talentless turd… meet talentless turd.
These two neatly symbolize the two cancers that are eating at the Western world.
It’s time to get rid.
The lyrics to the “song” in that Azealia Banks video could not be more insipid:
What do these links have to do with this article? Who’s the troll?
“Naturalization Act of 1790”
“The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790 ) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to “free white person[s] … of good character”, thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians, although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in a number of states.
The Act also provided that children born abroad when both parents are U.S. citizens “shall be considered as natural born citizens,” but specified that the right of citizenship did “not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States.”[3][4][5]”.
Major changes in citizenship rules were made in the 19th century following the American Civil War….”.
“New York Slave Insurrection of 1741”
“With the increase of enslaved Africans in New York during the early decades of the 18th century, there were both real revolts and periodic fears in the white community about revolts. Fears about slavery were used by different political factions to fan other tensions, as well. By 1741 slaves comprised one in five of New York’s total population of 10,000; it was the second-largest slave population of any city in British North America after that of Charleston, South Carolina.[2] Between 1687 and 1741, a slave plot was “discovered” on average every two and one half years.[3]
Some residents remembered the New York Slave Revolt of 1712, when more than 20 slaves met to destroy property and abusers in retaliation for the injustices they had suffered. One of the slaves, called “Kofi”, set fire to his master’s outhouse. When townspeople gathered to put it out, the slaves attacked the crowd, killing nine whites and injuring six. The governor tried and executed 21 slaves.[4]
With the increase of slaves in New York, poor whites had to compete economically. Some slaveholders were artisans who taught their slaves their trade. They could subcontract their work and underbid other white artisans. This created racial and economic tension between the slaves and competing white craftsmen. The governor of New York in 1737 told the legislature, “the artificers complain and with too much reason of the pernicious custom of breeding slaves to trades whereby the honest industrious tradesmen are reduced to poverty for want of employ, and many of them forced to leave us to seek their living in other countries.”[5] Some whites went out of business because of this.” [More]
Freemasons and Mormons:
“Prince Hall (c.?1735/8—1807)[1] was an abolitionist and leader in the free black community in Boston. He founded Prince Hall Freemasonry and lobbied for education rights for African American children. He was also active in the back-to-Africa movement.
Hall tried to gain New York’s enslaved and free blacks a place in Freemasonry, education, and the military, which were some of the most crucial spheres of society in his time. Hall is considered the founder of “Black Freemasonry” in the United States, known today as Prince Hall Freemasonry.
Brother Prince Hall was interested in the Masonic fraternity because Freemasonry was founded upon ideals of liberty, equality and peace. Prior to the American Revolutionary War, Prince Hall and fourteen other free black men petitioned for admittance to the all white Boston St. John’s Lodge.[18][19][20] They were turned down.[6] Having been rejected by colonial Freemasonry, Hall and 15 others sought and were initiated into Masonry by members of Lodge No. 441 of the Grand Lodge of Ireland on March 6, 1775.[1][6][21] The Lodge was attached to the British forces stationed in Boston. Hall and other freedmen founded African Lodge No. 1 and he was named Grand Master.[1]
Unable to create a charter, they applied to the Grand Lodge of England. The grand master of the Mother Grand Lodge of England, H. R. H. The Duke of Cumberland, issued a charter for the African Lodge No. 1 later renamed African Lodge No. 459 September 29, 1784.[6][23] The lodge was the country’s first African Masonic lodge.[24] Due to the African Lodge’s popularity and Prince Hall’s leadership, the Grand Lodge of England made Hall a Provincial Grand Master on January 27, 1791.”
“Kwaku Walker Lewis[1] (August 3, 1798 – October 26, 1856), was an early African-American abolitionist, Freemason, and Mormon elder from Massachusetts. He was an active member of the Underground Railroad and the anti-slavery movement.
While in Boston, Lewis was initiated into African Freemasonry about 1823, participating in Boston’s African Lodge #459 (Prince Hall Freemasonry). In 1825, he became the sixth Master and a year later was its Senior Warden. After the African Lodge declared its independence from the Grand Lodge of London and became its own African Grand Lodge, Walker Lewis was the Grand Master of African Grand Lodge #1 for 1829 and 1830.
Conversion to Mormonism and later life
About 1842, Lewis, who had worshipped with the Episcopal Church, converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is believed to have been baptized by Parley P. Pratt.[6] One year later, in the summer of 1843, Lewis was ordained an elder by William Smith, brother of founder Joseph Smith. Lewis became the third black man known to hold the Mormon priesthood. (The first two were Elijah Abel and Peter Kerr.)[7]”
[Chico, California Freemasons]: – Lodge and Other Masonic News
“Black History Month: Celebrating Famous Black Freemasons!” [February 21, 2019]
“By 1900, Prince Hall masonry had become a forum for politicised African-Americans, with Booker T Washington (1856-1915) and W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) serving as active members. Throughout the 20th century, many key figures in the civil rights movement were attracted to freemasonry. The father of Martin Luther King Jr – Martin Luther King Sr (1900-84) – was a member of the 23rd lodge in Atlanta, Georgia. Medgar Evers, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) activist who was assassinated in 1963, was a 32nd-degree freemason in Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Alex Haley (1921-92), the writer of Roots and biographer of Malcolm X, was a 33rd-degree mason in the same order. Thurgood Marshall (1908-93), the first black member of the US Supreme Court, was supported by his Prince Hall lodge in Louisiana. The comedian Richard Pryor (1940-2005) joined a lodge in Peoria, Illinois, while actor and activist Ossie Davis (1917-2005), Paul Robeson (1898-1976) and the boxer Sugar Ray Robinson (1921-89) were all active Prince Hall masons.” Finally, Shaquille O’neal (2011) and Nelson Mandela (1991) just to name a few.
“When Dr. King was president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, he headquartered the SCLC in the Prince Hall Masonic Temple building, effectively making the temple an organizational site of the campaign to end segregation.”
“Martin Luther King Jr. U. D. Lodge #29, Free and Accepted Mason (Prince Hall Affiliated) Arizona Jurisdiction Incorporated, was formally organized on the evening of Friday, February 9, 1976.”
One correction Jews have been fueling anti-White hatred among American Blacks since the 1930’s that’s why many Blacks became Marxist Bolshevik communist and went back on the Jewish slave plantation with the Civil Rights movement, anyone who paid attention to the developments in America knows that deal, even Erdogan knows that Jews control America….
Jews promoted the communist W.E.B. DuBois as an early leader of Blacks in America as opposed to Back To Africa advocates like Marcus Garvey. But these Black Movements didn’t get openly hostile and aggressive toward Whites until the 1960s when the Jews took leadership of the entire “counter culture” revolution and promoted violent Black Panthers, and criminals like Eldridge Cleaver who openly talked about raping White women as “retribution” to the White man.
perry mason
WEB Dubois laughing it up with mass murderer Chairman Mao Zedong:
That’s right….I read about Eldrige Cleaver (well a victim story) but no word about this his violence. What a tangled web we weave when we deceive. I lived and learned in New York that Jews are not the victims of antisemitsm that they claim to be….sorry to say it but I came to the conclusion and based on personal experiences that they are a voice of conscience supremacist bunch….little do they know that they messed with the wrong person. They gave me all the evidence I need to proof that they are nothing but a dictatorial, corrupt, hatemongering parasitical cult.
LOL, remember racially and sexually harrassed by the Jewish supremacist in Israel, she met her match a racist Jewish supremacist who thinks White people suck…..
I love how things fall together the racist continue to pimp their victims…..
Bahahahaha! That is comedy gold! I love these types of storys showing hypocrites in full flight!
So, does she think that now that she reckons she’s a jewess too, that she won’t be coughed on and stood on in isra-hell? Good luck with that…
She’s another super cheap tramp trying the keep her privileges by sucking up and pleasing massa…the video tells you much. The morally depraved government protected minorities show the world that their claims of victimhood in America is pure propaganda.