Migrants have found themselves headed to hospital emergency rooms in the Netherlands in record numbers after eating poisonous wild mushrooms that the native Dutch know well enough to avoid:
So far this year, 28 people have become ill in the Netherlands after eating self-picked mushrooms. A significant increase compared to last year, when around 11 people contracted mushroom poisoning, AD reports based on figures from the national poisons information center NVIC.
The vast majority of the poisoning incidents happened in October, after mushrooms started growing en masse. By September, there were only nine cases of mushroom poisoning.
The NVIC partly attributes the increase in poisoning incidents to the excessive number of mushrooms growing this year. This is due to the ideal weather conditions – rain after a warm summer caused high humidity.
A large proportions of the patients are not from the Netherlands. According to the NVIC, this may be because they confused mushrooms that grow in the Netherlands with an edible variety from their own country.
The NVIC advises against eating mushrooms you pick yourself, especially if you are visiting another country.
It’s laughable how the politically-correct press in the Netherlands tip-toes around the obvious problem here and absolutely refuses to acknowledge that Third World migrants are poisoning themselves because they do not belong there.
This article tries very hard to make it sound as if it’s run-of-the-mill tourists who are contributing to this problem, but it’s hard to imagine a White tourist in Amsterdam taking a day trip out into the countryside to pick and eat wild mushrooms.
Low IQ people, of course, are notoriously attracted to colorful and pretty things, like pink Cadillacs and poisonous Amanita Muscaria mushrooms (shown above) which commonly grow wild in the Netherlands.
Not only is “diversity” devastating for White countries like the Netherlands, it’s clearly dangerous for the non-White invasive species who come from primitive civilizations that are literally thousands of years behind us. Mixing the two is like oil and water, iron and clay. God created the races to live separately, and when we violate His will, the outcome is poisonous.
“But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other people.”
—Leviticus 20:24
Why not invite a few immigrants round for a meal of common ink cap mushrooms served with a cheap wine or beer?
Knowing the secret, you, the host, can eat this mushroom perfectly safely.
This mushroom is or was used in the treatment of alcoholism, and is said to make people (or jungle critters) violently sick if eaten within 36 hours before or after taking alcohol. It won’t kill them, but might teach them a lesson, and how can you be blamed for showing a little hospitality?
I haven’t eaten this one myself, but have enjoyed the shaggy ink cap, sliced lengthways and fried in butter.
Obviously, these mushrooms should only be used when they’re at their best, before they start to dissolve into an inky mass.
Not to Mention…………………
Guess who will be paying the Medical Bills?!!!
Let’s hope for a bumper crop for them to all feast on!
All mushrooms are edible, but some only once. Unfortunately, consuming amanita muscaria merely results in an alcohol-like intoxication. It would be far more beneficial if the invaders would eat the all-white amanita aptly named the destroying angel.
Apparently the mushrooms just weren’t plentiful enough to start curbing their rape epidemic…
Osan XI Zing
Exactly! Maybe someone should spray those mushrooms with the meds they give pedos. You know to chemically castrate them. Of course they should over dose those mushrooms with that medication (times)× a thousand.
That may help!!!
But unfortunately the Europeans won’t do that or anything. Maybe when politicians and/or high donors/elites are affected by the “Religion of NO Peace” then MAYBE we will see some change. Those “Greedy Globalist NWO Elites” live in private gated communities with gate guards & bodyguards with guns & other weapons for protection for their bosses… so, THEY are NOT affected like us “NORMAL PEOPLE”(mere peasants to THOSE NWO GREEDY GLOBALIST ELITES)!