Despite the mounting evidence that COVID-19 is not much different from the seasonal flu, Israeli ‘researchers’, funded by the Rothschilds, are telling Big Pharma exactly what it wants to hear: COVID-19 is ‘unique’ and isn’t going anywhere, and the only way to avoid getting infected is to submit to their experimental vaccines:
The novel coronavirus is not going anywhere anytime soon, suggests new research conducted by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which centered on the study of the new virus’ structure.
Prof. Michal Linial, professor of biological chemistry at the university, together with Dr. Dina Schneidman from the Department of Biological Chemistry and the School of Computer Science at the Hebrew University and Postdoctoral Intern Ester Brail, said that each strain of the virus holds different “offensive capabilities” used to bind itself with human receptors, while the method of binding varies from virus to virus.
The researchers claim that this new virus strain, named COVID-19, bears a striking 72.8% resemblance in structure to the SARS strain, and so the researchers tested the way in which COVID-19 attaches itself to the ACE2 enzyme, which is part of almost every cell in the human body and is known to serve as an entry point for the SARS virus.
According to the research, SARS attaches itself to human cells in such a way that researchers found easy to break using medicine.
Unlike SARS, the COVID-19 strain attaches itself to human cells in a much more aggressive manner, meaning that its removal from a cell is much harder when compared to SARS.
Due to that fact, researchers and doctors will find it substantially more difficult to develop a cure for this latest coronavirus strain, meaning that a cure could still be a ways off.
Furthermore, the researchers believe that even after a vaccine is developed, COVID-19 will still be a part of our everyday life.
“Once a vaccination is found, those who will vaccinate themselves will be immune to the disease, while those who won’t, will continue to spread it,” said Prof. Linial. “I assume that in the future when we will understand the virus’ effects on our immune system better, a vaccination will be given at schools or in any other way in order to protect us from our new ‘friend’.”
Isn’t it interesting that one of the ‘researchers’ who made this spurious claim works at Hebrew University, which just received a huge grant from the Rothschilds to ‘study’ COVID-19.
The media, from the beginning of this manufactured ‘pandemic’, have been very careful to constantly remind the gullible public that this virus is ‘novel’ or unique, a one-of-a-kind, something we’ve never seen before.
All coronaviruses are unique — they constantly mutate, which is why the flu vaccines never work.
But the CDC and the media want everyone to think that if you are merely exposed to this ‘deadly’ virus, you will get the disease and die without a vaccine — which is why the media has buried the story that everyone in a homeless shelter in Boston tested positive for the virus but none of them showed any symptoms of the disease.
Yet we know that COVID-19 destroys hemoglobin in the red blood cells, which causes oxygen deprivation and difficulty breathing, which is why a common, cheap, and widely available anti-malarial drug is so effective against COVID-19.
These Israeli ‘researchers’ obviously didn’t bother to consult with the Australian researchers who, well over a month ago, announced that hydroxychloroquine ‘cured’ COVID-19 infections.
People in malaria-stricken regions of Asia and Africa have been taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative for the last 50 years with minimal side effects, but the FDA just got around to approving a study to test its ‘safety’ to treat COVID-19. What a crock.
But if this cheap drug works as both a preventative and a ‘cure’ for COVID-19, how will Big Brother and Big Pharma convince the public to take their dangerous and experimental mRNA vaccines grown on cell lines of aborted human fetuses?
A flu is not caused by a virus either – because viruses don’t exist. The idea was an invention by Dr. Robert Koch to gain money and later it was reinvented by the pharma industry and probably the CIA.
During a cold or a flu the body is getting rid of bad or toxic stuff (including metal compounds like lead, tin, alumnium, mercury etc). That is why they want to bring metal compounds throug vaccines in our body – it destroys health on a longterm basis.
There is no better way to keep people under control than viruses and hoaxes like global warming, CO2 danger and so forth.
They also try to damage people’s health through food-, air- and water poisoning and electrosmog.
Whose motto is “By Way of DECEPTION”?
Israel created the STUXNET virus to attack Iran, and it also got out of hand.
Israel has the capability to create Covid19.
Israel hates China because China aids Iran and North Korea who oppose Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. Yet Israel does not have the guts, reach or power to attack China.
Although it was a bunch of Jews that Started Communism in China, now the Jews are angry because they were “displaced” by the ethnic Chinese and lost their power just as Stalin drove them from power in Russia.…
The STUXNET virus got away from them and so did Covid19 and now like Frankenstein’s monster, Covid threatens it’s creators
Now Israel is foaming at the mouth: China delivers 10,000 coronavirus kits to Palestine
News from Aug,2019,funnily enuff,these two countries were both stricken by the covid blues,it must be a coinky-dink
China and Iran flesh out $625 billion strategic partnership
Staggered 25-year deal could mark seismic shift in the global hydrocarbons sector
Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Zarif paid a visit to his Chinese counterpart Wang Li at the end of August to present a road map for the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership, signed in 2016. The updated agreement echoes many of the points contained in previous China-Iran accords, and already in the public domain. However, many of the key specifics of this new understanding will not be released to the public, despite representing a potentially material shift to the global balance of the oil and gas sector, according to a senior source closely connected to Iran’s petroleum ministry who spoke exclusively to Petroleum Economist in late August.
Two smoking guns; Italy opened ports to China’s military. Iran had no ‘Patient Zero’. Several groups, all at once, varied areas = released, weaponized, aerosol. And what ethnic group is constantly caught operating inside Iran? 3 guesses.
Israeli researchers funded by Rothschild. That’s enough information right there to draw a conclusion on this whole scam. Bill Gates said one of the methods to reach his goal of lowering the population is through vaccines! Now they’re trying to persuade the whole world to accept their BS.
Apologists for Bill Gates claim that he believes that vaccines can reduce world population in a benign way. He claims that females in the Third World have 10 kids because they know 5 of them will die in infancy from preventable childhood diseases. So if you vaccinate all of them, and none of them die, the women will voluntarily stop having, say, 5 kids. Let that sink in for a second and do the math. If that were true, then no net change in population.
Gates must know that the African population has exploded because of the White man’s misplaced philanthropy–medical and food aid, which artificially allows the population to grow much larger than the Africans can maintain themselves without help. And giving Africans even more free health care will cause the population to explode even more. That’s common sense.
The only way to reduce the population with vaccines is to include abortifacients in them, and the World Health Organization has been caught using tetanus vaccines with abortifacients in them in Africa. And Bill Gates must know this.
Multiple organ failures and damage to blood vessels are completely consistent with the early theory that COVID-19 is destroying the red blood cells ability to bind with hemoglobin, which causes liver overload trying to detox body, resulting in organ failure…..nothing new here, it’s being reported as if scientists don’t know why this is happening:—study/
What is your point???
Not knowing you, it seems like an attempt to legitimize this Plandemic and cast ‘fear’ into the audience.
Hardly….I’m pointing out that the mainstream is reporting these symptoms as if the doctors don’t know why COVID-19 is causing them–because they refuse to accept that the virus destroys red blood cells like malaria does, which is why hydroxychloroquine works, but everyone is pretending that it doesn’t. I’m not pushing the fake ‘pandemic’ narrative at all, just exposing the hypocrisy of it….
I appreciate the clarification. But, I think we are still unsure if this is even any different from the seasonal flu.
They can say pretty much anything they want. Until I actually know a person; or trust a person who knows someone who had those “symptoms”………………..
I’m still on the fence.
What proof do you have that this “virus” is different from your typical Flu that comes around every year?
This has actually been covered here a few times both in articles and comments, which is why I believe this coronavirus is real (especially since I know farmers around here have been vaxxing their animals for it for a number of years now).
It is considered a ‘respiratory virus’ because it attacks your hemoglobin, which is your cell’s ability to process oxygen. That is where is differs from your typical flu virus. It is all of the misinformation and disinformation from there that makes us call into question whether there actually IS a covid-19.
At this point, it does not matter. The agenda is being pushed regardless while we spend time trying to figure out whether the virus is ‘real’. If people can’t get past the FEAR, it doesn’t matter what’s killing them, if they are being killed at all. What matters is the ‘global response’…
Ottify……I appreciate your comment. I completely agree with your last paragraph. If this were a public forum in the sense that every Tom, Dick and Harry posts here, I wouldn’t belabor the conversation. Kin to arguing “how” they did 9-11, rather than focusing on the “who”.
But I can’t help to be curious. I hear both sides. You say it is a “Respiratory Illness”…………………..because why? Do you know someone personally who has had these symptoms?
Interesting Information/Data —
Ottify……… truth………..I kind of hope what you say is true. It makes it easier for me to understand.
I’ve always understood Jewish Power and Influence to be rather small in number. Meaning…………they rely on “Useful Idiots” more than they do actual people who are their true believers.
1) Tribe Members.
2) Shabbos Goy (in it for the money, power, fame and or blackmail)
3) Useful Idiots
If the “Respiratory” angle is a Hoax, that means their “reach” is depressingly far deeper than I imagined. Meaning…………..their Army of True Believers is much, much larger than my mind can comprehend.
If you could point me to a credible source which demonstrates this Virus has a unique feature (respiratory distress)…………….I would be interested in looking at it.
If you want to keep this private — you are welcome to email me. Protonmail.
Westwins, I think this video below will answer your question. From a strictly scientific point of view, the answer is NO–they have not proven that COVID-19 is a real, distinct, and identifiable virus that has been proven to be causing all of these illnesses and deaths that the authorities are claiming.
The original study that allegedly identified and isolated the virus did NOT have the proper scientific controls, and should have been rejected on that basis alone, but it was taken as gospel.
That said, there does seem to be a unique subset of symptoms that we are seeing that resembles malaria-like flu, but it has yet to be proven to be a unique disease….Although the doctor here being interviewed is Jewish, what he’s saying makes perfect sense and accurately describes how the ‘pandemic’ has been faked:
Thanks Chesterton!
Another vaccine, just like the other vaccines. All nonsense!