David Rothschild, ultra-liberal scion of the wealthiest jewish banking dynasty in the world, has gone on a profane Twitter rant against President Donald Trump who dared to criticize their Federal Reserve Bank, one of the main sources of the Rothschild’s ill-gotten wealth:
Rothschild is correct that Trump’s criticisms of the Fed can shake the confidence of the market because the market is a con game where there is an unspoken rule that no one questions the validity of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not a Federal U.S. government bank at all, but rather a private consortium of banks owned and/or dominated by the jewish banking dynasty, the Rothschilds.
The Fed basically “loans” the U.S. government its own money and charges them interest on this loan, making it impossible to ever pay off this debt to the jewish bankers — the ultimate Ponzi Scheme.
So Trump’s criticisms of the Fed are also misleading because the problem with the Fed isn’t that they don’t have a “feel” for the true nature of the U.S. economy, but rather that the Fed doesn’t even have a rational justification for its very existence.
According to the U.S. Constitution, only the U.S. Congress has the right to vote on issuing money, not the Fed, a private bank. The Fed is in complete violation of the U.S. Constitution, regardless of whether Congress voted it into “law” or not.
And the only reason we pay income tax is to pay the interest on the debt to these bankers to issue our own money. With debt comes slavery and control.
That’s right — the I.R.S. was founded by the same central bankers to collect the interest from private U.S. citizens on the debt that they U.S. government owes the bankers for issuing their own money. That’s where most of the national debt comes from and why it can never be repaid.
And that’s why Rothschild was triggered by Trump’s comments — it’s a political can of worms that none dare open.
Eustace Mullins, who wrote the first book exposing the scam of the Federal Reserve in 1952, explains this banking Ponzi Scheme:
David Rothschild take a rocket up your ass that takes you to HELL. Such transportation provided by the Hebrew Almighty God. Such an event will make you cry like a baby when you learn where you will be spending eternity.
It’s almost all over for the fake bankin system. It’s all going down thx to President Trump who according to the constitution is still the President of the United States by default! Rothchild’s have already attempted to kill President Trump and His First Lady! We need to remove all the 12 family’s from off this planet straight to hell!
Put the Rothschilds in one of their own castle’s alone with no family women, other women. Well guarded no communication possible. No opportunity to procreate any children any longer & then they die of old age. No more Rothschild family. Executing some of them sounds good to me but proving their crimes is so problematic that incarcerating them may be better. No Napoleon “island type” escapes though. Take almost all of their money to feed the world’s poor, force European banks to pay America citizens back for the money they have stolen.
“force European banks to pay America citizens back for the money they have stolen.” Thanks to America, Europeans, banks en citizens are slaves of the Federal Reserve, so how is that going to work out? If anything, American’s need to take responsibility and abolish the Federal Reserve that enslaves, every man woman and child and on top of that enables the enslavement of the people of the world.
The reason the Fed has been nationalized is because we are about to go negative rates and the privately owned banks that owned the federal reserve used to get paid interest on the debt issued would now have to pay the government via negative interest rates to print the money.
this way the tax payer is now on the hook 😉
It’s the same reason you will soon be issued with digital currency…so you can’t withdraw from negative rates
Rothschild, you shut the f on trump………..
Hitler had the same problem with same kind as Rothchild
Since 22 Dec 1913, with the formation of the Federal Reserve Act, the US has been an occupied territory of the Zio Globalist Cabal, led by the evil Rothschilds. They charge the US Treasury 6% for printing Federal Reserve Notes aka US dollars, even when the Fed has lowered the interest rates to almost zero. The US Treasury can print US dollars for a song.
Today, the Fed and the Zio Globalist Cabal own all the major US banks, Wall St, Big Oil, Big Media, Big Pharma, Big Fashion, Big Cosmetics, Hollywood, Las Vegas Casinos, Academia, Lower Courts, Congress and the Military-Industrial-Complex. They own most of the US Presidents, except Carter and Trump.
Obama alone raised the US National Debt by $10 trillions by 50% from $10 to $20 Trillions when he left office on 20 Jan 2017.
Their Modus Operandi is endless wars to maximize profits, using American treasures and blood. Their satanic mission is to internalize LGBTQ & same sex marriage into the American culture to damage the morality of Christian America. Its time to dismantle the FED.
Remove the fed. But remember this problem is based on greed. Until we get that under control we are going no where. Perhaps if we followed the 10 simple rules we have been given these problems would not exist.
Yes….Dismantle the FED.
Yes, that’s why he was so demonized by the press – which is controlled by the Rothschilds and their ilk. Virtually anyone demonized by the media is actually one of the good guys – foreign or domestic.
I’its time to get rid of The Federal Reserve Bank , they the ones who continue to keep us poor while they continue to get rich, how much money does a person needs, they not taking it when they die , time to take back America from these bosos !
Going from 10 trillion to 20 trillion is not a 50% increase, it’s a 100% increase. 50% would be jumping to to $15 trillion.
That is all. Continue ?
The FED exists only to serve those special people.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Now get out a dollar from your wallet and what is that at the top of the pyramid. A pyramid representing top down rule.
Truth is the only thing worthwhile in this world. Never be afraid of it.
Thanks a lot for standing up for the truth on this website in such an exemplary manner. From Sydney, Australia, I really appreciate it!
God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.
I certainly agree. The Federal Reserve should not be reformed. It should be disbanded. It has done nothing positive for the economics of this country. It’s monitary adjustments have contributed to every economic depression the U.S. has had since their inception a bit over a century ago. The only functions the Fed has are: 1) to keep the U.S. as a debtor nation, and 2) to make a profit for its 300 stockholders. Other than that, they are totally useless. Dump ’em!
Excellent comment!
“[The Rothschild’s name] ought to be mentioned on each page of the history of every country. The authors, teachers, lecturers, and politicians who do not speak of them must be considered dupes, hypocrites or criminally ignorant.”
—Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, “The Secret World Government or ’The Hidden Hand’”, 1926, p. 55
Bravo, not many — if any — know about the Count and his life. He was finally taken out in his apartment by a supposed gas leak. He was a bravo man. God rest his soul!
The Rothchilds are from the apostate tribe of Dan. I know cause I am partially from the tribe of Dan myself, and also the tribe of Ephraim, and whatever my grandmothers ancient Assyrian (Germany) was when the ancient Assyrians took the ten lost tribes of Israel into captivity up into Germany between the Black and the Caspian Seas from northern Turkey, before Judea was finally taken into Babylon captivety by King Nebuchadnezzar. Look up Ron Paul: libertarian, Freemason, priority de Soon at watch- unto- prayer.org and you will find out the truth. The Lord will also tell you it’s the truth if you ask him.
And everyone is still missing the bigger picture. The term United States has multiple different meanings and there are multiple jurisdictions within our greater country called the U.S.A. The tax/banking/currency problem is due to a few concepts/principles which many people are completely ignorant about.
Most notably the social security application which is registering individuals as private U.S. citizens in relation to the exclusive territorial jurisdiction of the U.S. which is ONLY over the District of Columbia. This is how the United States is able to “legally justify” their taxation.
If individuals were registered in their private capacity as a citizen of a state of the Union they could not be taxed as U.S. citizens. They would thus not be liable for the private debts of the United States to the private Federal Reserve Bank.
From 1913 to 1933 we had *Two “National” currencies, a FED note and a U.S. note, this is a red flag right here. A private state citizen is foreign to the exclusive territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., this would make us “Legal Aliens” when filing the SS-5 application for “social security *account number”. This simple record and application could correct 90% of our problems if people actually understood what was happening.
Good summary. Moreover, there is no Statute at Large creating a specific liability for federal income taxes imposed by subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code. The IRS attempted to fabricate that “liability” with the implementing Regulation at 26 CFR 1.1-1(b).
However, in Commissioner v. Acker, the U.S. Supreme Court held — correctly — that a tax liability may NOT be created solely by means of Regulations promulgated by the Executive Branch.
To make matters much worse, that Regulation fabricated a liability for federal citizens and resident alien individuals, but neither class of people is mentioned in Section 1 of the IRC. A regulation is not valid if it expands upon the underlying statute it attempts to implement.
As such, that Regulation is UNconstitutional for two (2) major reasons and cannot be cited as lawful authority for any federal income tax liability.
Absolutely the truth, more people need to wake up and realize this fact. Thank you for sharing this with so many others who need to awaken from their slumbers.
@ Patrick.. is there anyway we can connect.. Want to ask you some questions please?
Soon very soon a calamity from God will befall all of their evil Empire and they will be driven out of there High place were Princes and principality are and they will be held accountable for Killing my men and others as well all will be revealed nothing shall be hidden>
and the STOCK MARKETS are legal/illegal ways to gamble, and i have nothing else to say! FRNs need to be stopped. and MONEY in the usa needs to get back to the GOLD STANDARD!!!!
The Facts can be discovered at TOXICZOMBIEDEVELOPMENTS and the many many other writings and Videos of Judson Witham. Having been raised in the Adirondacks of New York I am well aware of the Hochschild Rothschild Rockefeller scammers of the New York Fed. See AMERICA LOOTED STUPID and enjoy all My Videos. Judson Witham
Is the end near?
Rothschilds! You and your sick satanic family have been raping and murdering children for hundreds of years- behind all the insane wars- and ripping us off for trillions of dollars with your Fed scam. President Trump and our military are taking you bastards down. You are done!
I hope you are right
Dream on. What do you think WW2 was all about? Why do you think President Kennedy was murdered? The Rothschild clan and by extension the entire bunch of hostile parasites rule the world. If Hitler couldn´t stop them, no one can.
Simple answer to the usury problem. Nationalise ALL banks, especially the “central” banks, declare all “money” the absolute property of the state (meaning the PEOPLE) forever and tell Rothschild (wrath-child) to stick his imaginary debt “where the sun don’t shine”.
No need to create new coins or banknotes as JFK tried to do. With the benefits of modern technology, the jews would create a million perfect forgeries by morning. Better to use what we already have and claim OWNERSHIP of it.
Sure, like if is that easy…?
Not possible to create perfect forgeries of silver coins.
Anyone who is interested in looking into the power of the Rothschilds and their impact on western civilization, should view this remarkable, well-researched documentary:
Your video was removed by JewTube for violating terms of service LOL.
YouTube removed the video… they don’t want the truth out. Do you know anywhere else it is posted??
One is called “The Money Masters”
Another is “The Rothschild Conspiracy and the One World Order of Zion”
Dude? You have such a lucrative scam going. Do you really wanna piss the world off?
The guy is an idiot with a Ph.D. Who has no connection to the De Rothchild family, which has no connection to the Fed.
The Fed keeps going strong and puting US tax payers into debt because instead of complaining about the fact that it is managed by banks, people make up anti Semitic bs that only idiots on the fringes of society subscribe to.
Only “idiot” on the “fringes of society” believe that the Rothschilds control the Fed? You mean like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh Sr. and Jr., Ezra Pound, Joe Sr., John & Bobby Kennedy, U.S. Congressman Louis McFadden, Congressman Ron Paul?
The Rothschild name is fake. It was made up by Amschel Bauer, who changed his name to Rothschild, so anyone named Rothschild is related to them.
The Rothschilds own the Bank of England which is very much behind the Fed.
Yep, the REAL reason the American Revolutionary War was fought was not over ‘tea tax’ but over the Rothschild’s Band Of England flooding the colonies with worthless scrip paper money to destroy our economy. When we won the war, we were able to print our own money and cut the Rothschilds out of the deal. And they never forgave us for that.
Their bagman, Alexander Hamilton, tried to start a central bank in America for the Rothschilds, but you know what happened to him. Then they tried again, but Andrew Jackson blocked it, and their tried to assassinate him a couple times, but failed.
And then they finally succeeded with the greatest traitor in American history, Woodrow Wilson. And ever since then no U.S. President has dared call it a conspiracy.
Thank you…..a century of mass deception is coming to an end….they killed JFK but they are running out of luck, losing the propaganda war big-time.
How can a salesman be a president.
Apparently, if the above posts are any indication, bits of truth about the FED are gradually percolating out into American society. Why not get the whole, accurate, picture. You can find it in “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin. https://tinyurl.com/y9dvxsgx
Yes, Henry, but keep in mind that G. Edward Griffin stole and plagiarized the original research of Eustace Mullins in his book, “Secrets of the Federal Reserve,” the original expose of the Fed, which was inspired by the work of Ezra Pound.
Wasn’t Ezra Pound put into a mental hospital for being sane?
What happened to Ezra Pound is what is in store for anyone who criticizes Jews in the future–involuntary confinement in a mental hospital for 14 years. After all, they claim that “antisemitism” is a mental illness.
In the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Washington (State), the United States (federal government) formally declared insolvency as to obligations allegedly owed to the Federal Reserve Banks.
This DECLARATION was based upon a holding in Commissioner v. Acker (can’t create a tax liability with a Regulation), and a proper SUBPOENA IN A CIVIL CASE for the missing liability statute. The former Secretary of the Treasury, Paul H. O’Neill, failed to answer that SUBPOENA, so it went to DEFAULT.
Moreover, that DECLARATION invoked the AUTOMATIC STAY authorized by Federal bankruptcy laws (creditors must suspend collections while the debtor seeks bankruptcy protection). All regional FED banks are now IN CONTEMPT of that AUTOMATIC STAY, because they have failed to stop collections. As far as I know, that DECLARATION was never reported in any of the mainstream media.
Greetings!! I am happy to hear every day about more northern Europeans going back to their original belief systems. I agree 100% with what you have said. The Apocalypse is not the end of the world, merely the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT.
Yes there are hundreds of gods, but there is only one God who came to earth in the form of Jesus Christ,who knowingly knew He would die for OUR sins. He didn’t have do it. What other god has done that?
or what other god would tell lies.
Gerald Massey
historical Jesus mystical christ
Ha Martin Luther King!!!! He was a scumbag!! https://news.yahoo.com/martin-luther-king-laughed-rape-friend-fbi-documents-145714868.html
Only JESUS Rose From The Dead !!!
I will too, all Americans should go do the same….we need to get rid of the Fed, and get rid of the Rothschild Family from the Earth….they are the worlds terrorists.
I so agree, biggest robbers there is
If the FED is illegal, then all the interest they have charged since 1913 is illegal. I think I can see a way to clear the national debt.
yes.. exactly. get it back from Rothschilds
Good thinking. Any type of subterfuge can void contracts. They tricked us into borrowing money with deliberate lies, using their stooge Robert Mueller.
Robert Muller? Are you serious? You do realize the Rothschild’s have been stealing our money since long before Muller was even born, correct? This isn’t a left wing conspiracy. It’s a Zionist conspiracy.
Excellent point! In light of the missing liability statute, Congress is barred by the ex post facto Clause in the U.S. Constitution from enacting a liability statute with retroactive (ex post facto) effect.
As such, Congress is stuck: if they did create a liability statute tomorrow, that Act of Congress would be a notorious admission that there has NOT been any such law at any time prior to that new liability statute.
An easy way out of this mess can be implemented with 2 major steps: (1) liquidate the FED and (2) recall all Federal Reserve Notes and replace them with United States Notes issued withOUT interest by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
If you can make the time, the Levy Economics Institute has published a detailed report demonstrating how the FED bailed out foreign governments and foreign banks with $29 TRILLION USD immediately after the 2008 financial crisis. We strongly suspect that $29T was NOT an aggregate sum of positive balances in FED bank accounts. On the contrary, it appears to have been created “out of thin air” as the saying goes.
We have children in our small Oregon city who are sleeping on the floor, because their families cannot afford beds. Contemplate that, for a few moments!
Rothshild is just a piece of s**t in this world, they make wars just for money they are biggiest criminals in world
You’re absolutely right. We should declare our debt to these Zionist null and void. No more debt. Cleared.
What??? You mean actually make Congress do its job????
That already happened when the United States (federal government) formally declared insolvency as to obligations alleged owed to the FED banks.
That DECLARATION was duly filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Washington (State), and duly served on all regional FED banks. One of the points made in that DECLARATION is that Federal Reserve Notes are defined in Federal law as “obligations of the United States”.
As such, FRN’s need to be recalled and a date needs to be set beyond which they are no longer legal tender.
I think He is Trudeau’s twin. Sounds like it!
And YOU post for ALL the countrymen of four nation states?
(Napoleon complex much?)
Faith IS what it is. YOU go on believing in and worshipping google & apple, okay?
I guess you just live and die then, no hope of having a loving God. People mistake Christianity as being harmful, yet those that really chose to believe have no doubt it was their best choice for this life. Don’t let what you think Christianity is keep from learning the truth. If we really all went there in heart we would be in heaven..
..Well, if it’s so good….God lives!
I really feel sorry for you. If you don’t believe in God how do you get up in the morning. You don’t see the air you breathe but yet you still breathe. I hope you find Jesus because it’s the only way you can be happy.
I feel sorry for everyone here. I’m also a swede and I can tell you that God does not exist. There are over 100 God’s and you’re telling me yours is right and exists. I trust in science and big bang.
Niklas, that’s an interesting comment you made. You don’t believe in God, and I respect that. But your logic that there are too many fake or false Gods for any ONE to be real, is complete pretzel logic. If I counterfeit money, it doesn’t make REAL money fake! If I took the next step in robotics technology and built 100 robots that looked and sounded just like YOU, would YOU cease to be “right and exist”?? But you DO trust in big bang, which is, by the way, just a theory. Probably one of over a hundred creationist theories…..get my point? Just food for thought…..
Modern money is fake–they are fiat currency backed by nothing, so your argument is mute.
I like your line of thought. So with that being said, you do know the Jesus story is roughly 95 percent identical to Heru and Orisis and Kristna and on and on and on. It is NOT an original story.
If you have such faith in science, then maybe you should strongly consider why the greatest scientist the world has ever known, Nikola Tesla, was a devout Christian.
I agree
I don’t know whether you heard; but some of the scientists who proposed the big-bang theory; came to the conclusion something or someone caused it to begin. Otherwise, it would not have been initiated to begin.
Niklas, have you ever read the comments of quantum physicists, to the effect that quantum mechanics proves that there is a transcendent world that is the source for all natural phenomena? Here’s an example: Everything that we can see is made up of things that we cannot see—unseen particles. It is in this unexplained, fundamental discovery in science that we find our first Biblical evidence of this phenomenon in Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.”
Only a fool says “there is no God” according to the Bible. It’s blinded people and countries like you that cannot see the creator of all things, the Most High God, or decide not to follow him is exactly what will bring destruction to our world. It’s incredible to think there was appx 1 billion people on the planet when God flooded it, and only 8 people survived. Atheists, either are or will turn demonic. Yashua/ Jesus is the standard by which the righteous live by, our founding fathers knew when you remove him, you will eventually cease to exist.
That avaricious creep needs a Urinal for a Headstone -stat
Real religion is better for the world. The religions YOU are talking about are false and have lost their way with greed and perversions thus making them radical and dangerous, and the reason why your new world order and your open borders so bad for your people
True Christianity is a way of life, not a “religion”. “Religions” like Islam and Judaism are idolatry and self-worship masquerading as legitimate spirituality.
Christianity is an exclusive religion. I get people trying to mix the name of Jesus with the names of their gods. Jesus was clear, the world can not enter heaven, He said He is the door and them that came before Him or use any other door are thieves and robbers.
I have chosen to believe in Christ and Him alone.
Jesus will not fight man, He is discreet in His conduct, He knows that the Day is coming when all shall come before Him.
I fear Him.
I agree
Hell is real, I went there after having a near death experience – literally dead serious. And that’s coming from someone who used to be an atheist.
Don’t base the existence of God on its followers, because I agree that most Christians are stupid and arrogant, but God is real.
I can attest to the absolute fact that Gid is real and with out Christ your doomed. I at one time began to doubt and toke God either his whole word was true or it was all bull. and let me tell you if you call on the name of Yahweh and really mean it with sincerity. he will show his self to you. An undeniable power, but be very careful very Careful how you Face Almighty God! I went on a ten year trip like JOB did, and if it were not for grace and the blood of Christ which need every day to cover me I’d not made it through. Be careful, be saved. Call on the name of the lordans avoid the penalty of sin. Jesus Christ is who he said he is! I promise you! Robert
Yes God is real.
Stop it man, you’re drinking all the Jones Town koolaid.
flavor-aid was used a jonestown- you are drinking the Kool-Aid koolaid
He is, you are right. I fell in the water at 9 months old, and I saw the brightest light, My mom swears I don’t remember, but I do and told her what she was wearing where she dropped me off with my dad where every one else was sitting, also hear the man’s voice when my sister was crying behind a couch, and I was left to take care of her I was 7-8, she was 4-5. PPL call me hard headed, because they can’t get me to change my mind. I just know it was God telling me what to do. God is real Yashua/ Jesus is real, pinky promise. Praise God peace be with all. It is true if you come into contact with the spirit, you are forever changed. I didn’t bully, make fun of ppl, nor judge them on appearance or what they had. Also ran from my own family for years even as a child ran away the 1st time at 10 yrs old. Never was scared because God was always with me. Never feel lonely even though my relatives want me to be alone. God is with me. Some alleged Christians are really dumb to not realize you can’t make someone be alone not with God in charge. Rothchilds are the devil.
Thank you Mr. Stuff for your witness concerning what awaits the unbelievers. All have an immortal soul whether you believe it or not. Those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah will spend Eternity with him in Heaven. All who choose not to believe will spend Eternity separated from Him. Death is not the end of Life, it is the beginning of Eternal Life. God gives each person Free will to choose. I will Pray that you choose to follow the way of the Messiah!
Most likely a chemical in your brain that releases when you sleep and right before you die that cause you to see “hell”
The whole abrahamic religions were created by the jews. We have evidence jesus never existed. And if he did he was a tibetan/buddhist/daoist teaching you how to ascend to god hood. All abrahamic religions stem from the Essenes which taught mastery of body, mind, and soul to connect to god. Actually essenes probably stole there stuff from more ancient source. The truth is there is only one religion and that is mastery over your self and evolve to a higher awareness to connect with god. Gaining good karma and lots more. I could go on and on but ill stop here lol.
Only Islam and Judaism were created by Jews. The Old and New Testaments were written by White Israelites for White Israelites, not Jews. Jews falsely claim to be descendants of Jacob/Israel, but they are not, and Christ rebukes the Jews for making that claim. And self-worship, as you claim, is not a path to truth–it is idolatry, pure and simple.
They only condone usury when dealing with other Jews I thought, not with the rest of us goyem? Or am I wrong?
According to The Talmud, Jews are not supposed to charge other Jews usury interest on money loans. Usury is only for loans to the gullible goyim.
The Rothschilds are not real Jews. Also, this scum just blocked me on twitter, badge of honour.
If the Rothschilds are not “real” Jews, then why did they commission this 1849 painting of a jewish “religious” ceremony which they hung in their London mansion? A facsimile of this painting was reproduced in Michael Collins Piper’s book, “The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme”.
Yup! ashikanazi ..nazi Get it! Khazarian jew.. not the real jews! … the thirteenth tribe.. the false jews! The ones who hijacked a religion and gutted it for their own, and attempting to return to a land from which they’ve never been!
Jews are not Israel. There are no “real Jews” or “fake jews” because the “Jews” are merely Edomite/Canaanite imposters pretending to be real Israelites. Edomites/Canaanites = Khazars = today’s “Jews”
Civil war is what’s need to give the government back to people ’cause there’s only 1% that the government takes care of, and it sure as hell ain’t you or me.
The letters in Khazarian are similar to the letters in ashkanazi
Regarding the two Groups of jews:
1. both were and are dangerous. a: to the Romans. b: to the Russians.
2. the fake “jews” (Khazars etc.) :Converts.
3.Brilliant Explanation: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Mathew 23:15 KJV
The problem with money and the fed is that the rothschilds are the ones owed by the governments stolen from the people to pay a debt they created I have an idea !! Get rid of the world bank and destroy the fed period..
Exactly. Tal ..mud is satanic verses created by evil men that worship demons.
Real Jews read the Torah, don’t confuse the devils with the children of God.
Read Revelation 2.9, 3.9 to see God’s response to eradicate them.
Hahaha, we laugh last folks, this BS us in its way out. God in the form of Jesus Christ IS COMING BACK, they’re TOAST!
Those who that think the Talmud is the only problem…Their venomous, murderous, collective hatred for Christ predates the written Talmud by about 500 years. It is not a ‘Khazar’ thing. It is not a ‘Talmud’ thing. It is Judaism, thousands of years old as spelled out in black and white within the pages of all the various books of judaism, including the Torah.
There were no “Zionists,” “talmudists,” or “Khazars” gathered around the cross, vigorously shouting “CRUCIFY HIM!! CRUCIFY HIM!!” back in 33 AD. They were just jews, and have been destroying Empires with Usury long before the Khazars ever converted to Judaism.
“Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over Land and Sea to win a single Convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a Child of Hell as you are.” — Matthew 23:15
Judaism is based on The Talmud, not the Torah. They claim to adhere to the Torah, but that’s just window dressing to fool the goyim.
Judaism arose among the Edomites and Canaanites out of the occult mystery religions of Babylon and the only thing it has to do with Hebrewism is that it’s a refutation of it.
They took on the religion of the Israelite Hebrews first to gain citizenship of Judea under John Hyrcanus, but also to infiltrate the highest echelons of power in Judea. King Herod was an example of an Edomite Jew. They repeated the same trick when they pretended to convert to Christianity in Spain, but the Inquisition attempted to rout them out. A leopard doesn’t change its spots.
Amen Jimmy, Amen…..
How bout “you” shut the f* up and worry about your own damn country!
Agreed!! Jesus Christ is my saviour and you are mocking him!!
Look at the evangelicals jump for Republican Jesus. So fun to watch!
Lol trump is triggered.
You mean Rothchild is trigged.
The scent of fear?
The feds, the what? Thieves? Gangsters? Murderers? Hackers? Defrauders?
They go after the innocents but who has seen what frauds they are? They hack into all the ones working large financial transactions. Rob and murder and every complaint worldwide goes back to them. So, who does anything? Complain worldwide and your complain will surely end up in the trash.
Their allies, that witch Clinton, Obama, bush, G7, white dragons, and on and on. They enticed every political idiot and all play their games. They belong to the rothchilds. All devil worshipers. The banks are busting with their frauds.
9/11 they placed bombs (God told me) after they robbed a huge deal from me and passed all transactions in the twin towers. Bush as the control of the USA at the time. Then they hijacked the banks and control that too.
Who will give them all the guillotine??? The only way we can have a decent life and stop the racket is to do what God wants……make them pay for their horrendous works.
So that Rothschild boy should be ashamed what his fathers and himself are because God is not to be mocked, they will pay grandly for their evil works.
Is afraid…
Because POTUS Trump
Speaks the truth…but that’S not the kicker what is driving the Banksters insane is that we know POTUS Trump is Spot On….
I agree only on that,but the only one who can take out soros and the rest is the gray ghost and he is waiting for Trump to say it and only trump and it will be done
Im so curious to know what you mean by that. This is all very interesting and i learn something new everyday
I would prefer the word Jewish be left out when referring to the Rothschilds. The implication being that Jews condone usury which is prohibited from the Torah. If certain people with connections to Hebraic bloodlines have chosen to depart from the way of Jewish law, it is not right to assume their guikt stems from their Jewish background.
I am a Christian and I too would rather the repeated reference to their Jewish background not be made. It is against God’s will to place blame on religious or ethnic background. It doesn’t matter what the Rothschilds background is. We need to stop this kind of divisive statements. The Jewish people are God’s people and they are having enough persecution without this kind of journalism!
If you’re a Christian, you need to start reading your Bible, especially the New Testament, which clearly condemns the Jews, and their descendants, forever for the murder of Christ. Matthew 27:25. And Matthew 23:33 where the Jews are called a “generation of vipers,” and if you consult your Strong’s Concordance, you will find that the original Greek for “generation” means “race”. So if Christ calls the Jews a race of vipers, you should take his word for it, don’t you think?
So, according to that logic:
Jews are a race of vipers.
Jesus was a Jew.
Therefore, Jesus was a viper, leading many astray.
You honestly believe that Jesus was a Jew whose cursed descendants today control the filth-peddlers in Hollywood, the financial scammers on Wall Street, the entire pornography industry, the genocidal State of Israel, the international White slavery trade, etc.? Does that make sense to you?
Christ rebukes the Jews, telling them that their father was a “murderer from the beginning,” (John 8:44) and that can only mean they are from the bloodline of Cain. There is zero evidence in the Bible that the genealogy of Christ through Mary includes any descendants of Cain. Therefore, the Jews and Christ come from separate bloodlines. And Jesus cannot be a Jew.
WRONG BUT what is most fascinating is, you are even aware of ancient text, albeit known out of context.
You must know, throughout time eternal, absolutes are recognized. YOU are a speck of earth among other specks, finding its way into sandals to irritate the wearer. Wearers of footwear you reside just discard you in the garbage – the forward progress continues.
Claiming someone is wrong, using capital letters is not a valid form of argumentation or rebuttal, nor is it remotely persuasive. You’ve offered nothing but New Age mumbo jumbo, and if you truly grasped what is happening in the world, the last thing you would assert is that we are somehow making any “forward progress” right now. The only people making “progress” are the satanic nation wreckers, headed by the Rothschilds.
Only a f*****g greedy scumbag Jew would say that I am not your goyim The sooner we wipe out the Rothschilds & families the better off we will all be Look out scum the tide is turning
The Jews of today are khazarian Jews. They are descended from the Khazar tribe and have no claim to Abraham’s lineage. They are NOT Gods chosen people even if they’d like to convince the world otherwise. Their doctrine alone teaches supremacy and division so your argument is invalid.
Editor’s note: and many even admit they are Khazarians! https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/
Did you ever read “The Merchant of Venice” by Shakespeare?
Doesn’t the Torah give Jews permission to charge usury to non-Jews?
You really need to brush up on both your history and contemporary affairs. The Jews have been repeatedly expelled from European countries, often times for excessive usury and financial exploitation of non-Jews (but other reasons, too). Jews are the masters behind the financial system, which they openly brag about. The Rothschild family invented and continues to control the banking system. Another example from this very site: “6 Jewish Godfathers of Payday Loans Go to Prison for Racketeering and Illegal Usury” https://christiansfortruth.com/6-jewish-godfathers-of-payday-loans-go-to-prison-for-racketeering-and-illegal-usury/
Your reference to the “Torah” is mere smoke and mirrors. You are trying to cast the Jews as merely followers of their twisted religion found in the Talmud. But Jews are in fact a race. Want citizenship to Israel? Then submit to a DNA test proving your Jewish race! There are Sephardic Jews and Ashkanzi Jews, with the Rothschilds being the latter.
Also, you are correct in that the Bible prohibits usury in the Old Testament, which is why White Christian Europeans outlawed usury throughout much of history, until Calvin and the Reformation changed that. And throughout this time when usury was outlawed for Christians, Jews were allowed to loan to nobility, at interest (usury). Again, you really need to study history because Jews have always been the masters of financial exploitation. They do not follow the Old Testament at all, but rather the Talmud! References to the Old Testament are just smoke and mirrors so they can continue to imposter the Israelites, which they are not, but that is a completely different topic.
Jews deceptively use the terms “Talmud” and “Torah” often interchangeably. The true “holy” book of the Jews is the Talmud, and The Talmud, of course, does not forbid usury. In fact, The Talmud provides the blueprint for how to fleece the goyim.
They are Jews by bloodlines maybe. They are con artists regardless.
Go get em’ President Trump. Since the FRB is no constitutional why not just shut it down? Can’t be any worse than what we have now…..
Yeah shut all the reserve banks down & print your own currencies
you’re an extremely sick individual I hope you get help soon. I will come and help when you least expect it trust that
ROTR does not allow or condone any threats of violence for any reason.
That’s an antisemetic statement if I’ve ever heard or seen one. Careful for what you wish for. No one harms God’s people and goes away unpunished.
The Jews aren’t “God’s people”. That’s just as much a myth as the Federal Reserve is a real bank. The Jews who perpetuate such lies will truly not go unpunished.
No man can serve 2 masters. The Synagogue of Satan cannot be God’s chosen people too.
In the Torah/Old Testament Jehovah aknowledges the Hebrew/Jewish people as being the Apple of His Eye. Intimately His chosen people. Rithschild and his peers must be secular Jews to have these atitudes.
The Government has two jobs, protect our borders and print money. In my opinion they’ve dropped the ball twice. I’d like to see both the Northern and Southern borders sealed by the military and controlled by the president and the Fed replaced by the Constitutional Bank of America which would be overseen solely by the US Senate.
100% with you. Take down all early Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, Murdock, etc. Take these families down, then maybe the world will be a better place to live ???
Exactly, nothing Federal about it and there are NO reserves.
Damn Conartists ?
Thugs ???
We are all with you 100%; all the banksters should meet friends of Allah and find their heads on the tops of posts.
I am cracking up, this one is priceless….yep meet their natural allies against Christians and get a taste of their own medicine.
You’ve got that right. Trump will take control of the federal reserve, then its the United Nations turn. Go Trump Go!!
Agreed..Michael and the rest of the people responding to your post..
They should seize Rothschilds’ holdings around the world and pay off national deficits and erase those that were owed to the Rothschild family. World hunger would cease to exist if we weren’t held down by these greedy bastards.
No! It’s to MINT money!
No, there are two David Rothschilds, one is an “environmentalist” (whom you are referring to) and the other is a banker/economist (subject of this article). Both are “verified” by Twitter.
David Rothschild. I would like to see Trump put the us currency back into the silver market and put an end to the private bankers owning the tax payers federal reserve. How much money is poured into your pockets every second. That’s right your father will probably have him shot as the private bankers did JFK. Some of us remember.
Totally agree! Get rid of the FED. And then take on SOROS and then the. NWO.
David Rothchild needs to S. T. F. Up himself. We, the people, elected Donald Trump as our PRESIDENT! David Rotchild is not our leader, just a leach of the Money that we earn! Get rid of the Rothchilds. You better not murder our PRESIDENT!!!!
I read some of this David Rothschild Twitter account, and don’t like his postings or comments. He’s against our President Trump.
Now that is a Facist statement and sounds like Hitler’s ideas but those who do harm to Israel will not be blessed and suffer destruction . One day they will repent when they see the true Messiah and all of us will live in peace except those who are killed. Jews are in the land in unbelief for now and will see the day of Jacob’s trouble . There will be trouble so bad for all who are alive and there has never been anything like it. The one counterfeit Christ or world leader will lead them in it with his tyrrany and desire for worship. The only hope is the one who we celebrate at Christmas. He will take us out before it gets worse.
A Christian Zionist no doubt. There is an eternal penalty for those who change or reinterpret the inspired words of God.
The Jews are not Israel. They are imposters who falsely claim to be Israel. Most are descendants of the Edomites who converted to “judaism” in order to become citizens of Judea around 150 B.C. under John Hyrcanus. After that, these Edomites became known as “Jews”, who then pretended they were real Israelites from the tribe of Judah. None of their claims are true. Christians who “bless” them are unwittingly blessing the anti-Christ. If you want to know what the ultimate fate of the Edomite Jews will be, read the Book of Obadiah in the Bible.
So, looking through the entirety of twitter. I couldn’t find this tweet. Is this another made up story?
Try a little harder next time:
And in case he deletes the original:
This MFer doesn’t understand. I am a Jackson and have been at war with his kind since 1834.
These Marxist Illuminati have all the money, they care only about global domination.
The rothschilds should shut the f up.
God will deal with this rotten snot nose little creep. The Rothchilds need to go down with all the liberals
Trump will get um.
Great comment
Pres. Lincoln, Pres. Kennedy, Hitler and Dr. Verwoerd, to name a few, were all eliminated by various means when they changed or planned to change financial systems that were detrimental to the existence of the jews and their vicious credit systems.
The question is if Pres. Trump can afford to give up his possible own benefit by the same system. If so, he will need to consider history!
You are correct. Putin also threw them to the curb. And now the jew media is drumming up a mock cold war with Russia.
Fact : Central banks have created the modern free floating price model that applies to all things that trade …. which also includes gold !!!
Gold could never to market monetized with self balancing features unless the price was free to float. They managed to get rid of the fixed price peg.
The free market is now capable of monetizing and circulating debt-free gold backed currency with direct spending, directly from the hand of the consumer. Nice job …. let’s see if the consumer comes to the rescue. A habit is not easy to change.
The Rothschilds would also control any gold-backed currencies because they control and manipulate the gold markets worldwide. The answer to the fake Federal Reserve is not gold-backed currency; rather, it’s more like the economy of National Socialist Germany where the currency was merely backed by the value of the German labor force.
I also think Karatbars concept with their electronic payment system backed by Gold is going create some earth quakes in the financial world.
Harrold Seiz was a genius when he created this one. My question is: will thes global forces not try to stop this thing?
Remember, Karatbars has basicly pissed now directly on this global bankers doorsteps, and their aim is to take the power back to the people with physical Gold.
Only one problem remains the currency isn’t backed by Gold any longer. This was abolished in the 70’s. Letting private bank consortiums control the creation of money and creating more and more debt that can’t possibly be paid is problematic at best. Maybe he (Trump) is right, and it is time to make the Fed a government institution again. Though I also disagree with his explanation the general idea of reforming the Fed is the right one.
The Rothschilds control and manipulate the gold price every day, so why would you back your currency with gold that is ultimately controlled by the Jews? Makes no sense. We need to cut the Jews completely out of our currency creation, as the National Socialists successfully did in Germany in the 1930s, leading to the greatest economic recovery in the history of the world.
Really? THEY did-away with Section 16, Part 15 thereof The contract THEMSELVES!? Edit: This just found: https://qz.com/1646318/why-trump-and-judy-shelton-want-the-us-back-on-the-gold-standard/ ___ (to read later).
The law reads that “lawful money” is BOTH gold AND silver coin. Article I, Section 10 if the U.S. Constitution. See also Section 20 of The Coinage Act of 1792.
The allegation that JFK wanted the U.S.to issue its own currency is a rumor that started which is contradicted by the facts. Michael Collins Piper, in his book, “Final Judgment,” refutes these claims about JFK and the money system:
“Piper does not believe that JFK was assassinated over Executive Order 11110, which was alleged to have issued Treasury Notes to replace Federal Reserve Notes. The problem is that the Treasury has published non-interest Treasury Notes from time to time including during the LBJ presidency.”
In fact, Kennedy DID release millions of dollars of United States notes to compete with the Federal Reserve notes in 1963. They were small denominations, which the People could actually use. I have a 1963 5 dollar United States note.
Yes, he did, but the law to do so was already on the books, and LBJ also did it after JFK was shot. It was not the reason JFK was killed. The Lansky crime syndicate organized the hit, along with the help of the Mossad, and part of the cover up was the disinformation campaign about the Federal Reserve Notes to cover up the true assassins.
The Rothschild legacy needs bringing down, just so the world can be free of the Zionist greed for power and control. Those who control the money control the world and the world will be forever in its debt. It’s time to break free and give the governments control, and end this hellish life the Zionists have imprisoned us with. I’m from the UK, and I totally agree with Donald Trump, but to do this he has to protect his people otherwise his fate will prevail, and everyone on earth will pay the price.
We all know the fed is illegal so why is it still in operation? The psychological crowd control and manipulation techniques is phenomenal.
Re: “why is it still in operation?” Two answers are already well documented: (1) the Pentagon has been caught “disappearing” $21 TRILLION; and, (2) the Levy Economics Institute has published a detailed report documenting how the FED bailed out foreign governments and foreign banks with $29 TRILLION USD immediately after the 2008 financial crisis.
It does not appear that any of that $21 TRILLION bailed out foreign governments or foreign banks; and, it does not appear that any of that $29 TRILLION “disappeared” inside the Pentagon. Therefore, it’s reasonable to infer that the FED created the sum of $50 TRILLION literally “out of thin air” as the saying goes!
The FED is “still in operation” because of all the people (like lawmakers) and organizations (like foreign banks) that benefit from this enormous largess.
The Rothschild needs to Shut the F*ck up!! Ignorant bastard
A Rothschild defending the FED, what a shocking development!
Yes, the fed must be closed and ordinary national bank established!
While the Fed needs to go, a reset of the market would cause at minimum a 3-day to 2-week period where you will not be able to access your money. Banks,atms, retailers would all shut down. If it does happen, are you prepared for it?
The Fed is going to collapse whether you like it or not. It’s a Ponzi Scheme that cannot be maintained indefinitely. There will be a day of reckoning, and it will be impossible for most people to prepare for it, but it won’t be the disaster many naysayers claim.
Income tax is paid not only to pay off the debt, but to pay for the whole infrastructure of the running of the country.
The government had no problem paying for infrastructure prior to personal income tax. The corporate taxes were plenty to pay for infrastructure. Income tax was instituted to help pay for WWI, and it was supposed to be temporary, but they kept it to pay for the war debt to the bankers who gladly financed the war.
More contradictions surface and roots of evil come to the fore. Though the battle lines are drawn, an ‘amicable’ solution would be reached to stem this ‘unfortunate’ tide. Typical of Donald, he only bargains to shift the balance of wealth to serve in the interests of his constituencies across the world. Watch this space
You are 200% correct!
Totally agree
Protocols of the elders of zion
The fed is illegal, unconstitutional etc etc as stated. It should be done away with and EVERY SINGLE employee jailed [at minimum]. The ‘heads’ of it and the [[[bankers]]] behind it should be executed for crimes against humanity.
However, the Donald will be ‘assassinated’ should he mess with them; every president who has even made a noise about doing so has been offed. They tried to murder Andrew Jackson – eventually killing his wife – on up through JFK who was readying a speech about the need for the currency to be issued/controlled by the govt as per the Constitution when he was murdered. Reagan was making noises too…
rothschild is the literal seed of satan.
JFK was primarily murdered by the Mossad and jewish organized crime because he was blocking Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons. His family’s opposition to the Fed was, in fact, known to insiders such as DeWest Hooker, but they never really went public about it–the plan was to bring it up in JFK’s second term…
Umm he was actually murdered because he wanted what Abe Lincoln did to create more currency. They control us with money …not even food but money cause without it we can do nothing.
You’re forgetting, Donald Trump is an entirely different breed from the usual office holders of the presidency. He’s also a multi-millionaire (if not a billionaire) so it’s not like he’s unfamiliar dealing with the ultra wealthy. He’s not a politician, sometimes unpredictable which, more times than not, is scary for the D.C. politicians. One of the main things I admire about President Trump is that is doesn’t care about being “politically correct.” Plus all that he’s accomplished for this country in two years or less has been amazing. And “draining the swamp” has only begun, just wait until after the first of the year. You did hear about all the massive amount of upgrades and renovations being done at Guantanamo Bay? He’s his own man, doesn’t need any big name money influence. He doesn’t depend totally on the usual secret service or other government provided protection. He has his own, hand picked, that he pays for, for much safer protection…..he knows he can’t put all his trust in any government agency. At last count, several weeks ago, there had been twelve attempts on his life. DJT didn’t just decide one day that he’d run for office. He was hand picked to run by military intelligence, which includes officers from each of the military services. So, if anyone is stupid enough to try to assassinate Donald Trump, they will probably have to be able to get close enough to touch his skin. Check out some of the alternative media. You’ll not get much, if any, credible information about anything going on after Jan. 1, 2019, from main stream media.
Sharon, I hate to break it to you, but Trump is 100% controlled by his Jewish handlers. He keeps the White conservative population under control, paying that base lip service with empty quotes, but nothing gets done.
Where’s the wall?
Where are all the deportations of the 20+ million invaders in this country now?
Trump is merely the “goy” face of his Jewish handlers, who bailed him out when he was millions in debt. They OWN him.
Please watch this if you want the truth:
I support Trump supporters like Sharon who want to fix the United States of America but I don’t support Trump because he’s only pretending to represent people like Sharon. Trump’s secret allegiance is to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan. He’s controlled opposition to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan. The easiest way to control the opposition (ie. people like Sharon) is to lead it (ie. Trump).
Like Tex says, “Where’s the wall?”. Why have the illegal aliens not been deported? Why isn’t Hillary Clinton in jail? Before Donald Trump was elected president, he had his supporters chanting, “Lock her up!”, in reference to Hillary Clinton, at his campaign meetings. After Donald Trump was elected president, he said about the Clintons, “They’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them”.
Anybody who thinks that the 2020 Presidential Election is going to be a kind of torturous deja vu rerun of the 2016 election should be encouraged. It’s not going to be anything like that. Trump supporters aren’t going to tolerate more empty promises from Trump. They want results. It’s going to be a very interesting year because the opposition to the Rothschilds-led synagogue of Satan (ie. Trump supporters) whose job Trump’s is to control don’t have the same knowledge and expectations that they did four years ago. They have much more knowledge and much higher expectations.
Right, the ultra Zionists want Trump to help them build their satanic Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and the duped evangelical Christians are all for this plan, as they mistakenly believe when the Temple gets built, Christ will return. Trump’s second term will be about Israel annexing the Jordan Valley and then perhaps making a major move to secure the Temple Mount. Fasten your seatbelts.