(The Guardian) Unlike the West, the Russian government actually cares about the welfare of its women — warning them that having “mixed race” children would be catastrophic for their lives:
“Russian women should avoid sex with non-white foreign men during the football World Cup because they could become single mothers to mixed-race children, a senior lawmaker in Moscow said on Wednesday.”
“Even when Russian women marry foreigners the relationships often end badly, said Tamara Pletnyova, head of parliament’s committee for families, women and children. Women are often stranded abroad or in Russia but unable to get their children back, she said.”
Of course, this was run by the “British” press as yet another anti-Russian story, but it will backfire because the majority of people — even if they won’t publicly admit it — would agree with her common sense wisdom.
Race mixers and single mothers are virtually synonymous — and the resulting children will never be Russian – they will only be mulattoes who happen to live in Russia.
The judeo-Soviet dictatorship under the USSR intentionally forced citizens of different races to live in small, cramped apartments to promote race mixing — and we are now seeing the same policy in the West as the governments of Sweden and Belgium are telling their citizens to “do the right thing” and allow Third World migrants into their homes.
Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.
Russia seems to have a lot going for it. I have an American man from Chicago that lives in Russia work for me occasionally online and he married a Russian woman and he’s never been happier.
He said Putin is viewed as a rock star there by citizens.
You never see trannies, people don’t flaunt it if they are homosexuals. It seems to have a more traditional way of life, and he’s very happy. He’s got his residency and will be going for citizenship there.
He said life is harder there in many ways, but people seem a lot happier and healthier than when he visits family back in the US. He says he can’t believe when he comes home to visit the number of depressed people, very overweight people – the fact that people don’t go for walks or spend time outdoors like is apparently common in Russia.
He loves it there and never wants to live in the US again.
So now Russia seems to be leading the white world in remnants of traditionalism. Praise Yahweh I still live in Amish country!