A unanimous vote by the Italian government will put new laws into effect which will greatly deter any African or Arab rapists and criminals from trying to invade Italy — and the rest of Europe:
The Italian government voted unanimously on Monday for a decree that will tighten immigration rules, earning praise from right-wing Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.
“I am happy,” he wrote on Facebook, calling the legislation “a step forward toward making Italy safer.”
The legislation promoted by the interior minister extends the period of detention of illegal migrants to 180 days and sets more strict rules for “humanitarian” asylum, limiting this status to victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, work exploitation, natural disasters and to those in need of urgent medical care.
Salvini said the bill would reduce the financial burden of “excessive” immigration, allow faster expulsions of “fake refugees” and immigrants with criminal records, and strip terrorists of citizenship.
“If you come into my home and deal drugs, I’ll escort you back to where you came from,” the Italian Interior Minister told a news conference, commenting on the decree.
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte defended the bill, saying it aimed to overhaul regulations on immigration to align them with EU standards, according to the Ansa news agency. Conte argued his government did not plan to send people out overnight but rather to make repatriation process more effective. According to the Prime Minister, there would be “the system of protection”, while the bill simply aims “avoiding abuses.”
Salvini is cutting the jewish-funded invasion of his country off at its knees by these simple legal methods. He will be accused of “racism” and “Nazi thuggery,” but the Jews have overused those empty epithets, and now fewer and fewer people are afraid of those kind of baseless ad hominem attacks.
The Jews tremble whenever any White world leader mentions “law and order” because it is a signal that the “goyim” are getting angry over their nation-wrecking machinations. Jews have also come to associate “law and order” with gas chambers, but if the Jews don’t push their agenda too far, it’s likely that Salvini won’t have to use gas chambers to make his country safer.
The laws and mores of the Jewish people are from G-d. The five Books of Moses contain the laws and explanation of said laws for ALL who claim the Old Testament as their religious beliefs, laws, and rights. The spewing of hate and filth is not only unnecessary but wrong by those who believe in Haschem, Jesus(who was born, raised, and died as a Jew), and Allah. There needs to be a stop to the blame put on one people. We are all of us responsible for our own beliefs. If you believe in peace and freedom for just your people then you are racist, anti-Semetic, anti Muslim and hopelessly lost to improving your lot in this world or any other you may believe in.
The five Books of Moses were not written by or for the Jews, who are Edomites and Canannites, but rather to the Israelites. No Jew is an Israelite by birth and has no right to make that claim. This fact is not “hate”. The ‘laws and mores’ of the jewish people come from The Talmud, not the Torah, and The Talmud is a deconstruction and negation of the Torah. This is fact, not “hate”. Jews need to stop impersonating Israelites and admit to the world who they are: Edomites and Khazar converts. Jesus was an Israelite, not a Jew, and he came only for Israelites, which is why he rebuked the Edomite Jews, who called for His death because He denied that they were the real children of Abraham. That’s a fact, not “hate”.
And here I will quote a Jew who knows what I am stating here is true:
“No one can deny that the Jews are a most unique and unusual people. That uniqueness exists because of their Edomite heritage. You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of Edomitish character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews.”
—Manifesto of the “World Jewish Federation,” January 1, 1935, through its spokesperson, Gerald Soman
It is a shame that these countries are being forced to legislate common sense…but it’s usually because of all the previous jew-inspired legislation that sought to override it. If only it was a simple matter of removing all the bullshit (read: jewish) legislation and return to ‘common sense’…but that is TOTALLY racist and anti-semitic!