(The Times UK) Scotland’s Justice Secretary, the Afro-Pakistani Humma Yousaf, says he intends to clamp down on hate speech inside private homes under his sinister new so-called ‘hate crime’ Bill:
Conversations over the dinner table that incite hatred must be prosecuted under Scotland’s hate crime law, the justice secretary has said.
Journalists and theatre directors should also face the courts if their work is deemed to deliberately stoke up prejudice, Humza Yousaf said.
The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill has been condemned by critics including the Scottish Catholic Church, police representatives, academics and artists. It will introduce an offence of stirring-up of hatred against people with protected characteristics, including disability, sexual orientation and age.
The bill is loosely based on the Public Order Act 1986, which outlaws threatening, abusive or insulting words and behaviour but includes a “dwelling defence” that states the threatening language cannot be prosecuted if it is spoken in a private home.
Mr Yousaf said that there should be no “dwelling defence” in his bill. He told the Scottish parliament’s justice committee that children, family and house guests must be protected from hate speech. He told MSPs: “Are we comfortable giving a defence to somebody whose behaviour is threatening or abusive which is intentionally stirring up hatred against, for example, Muslims? Are we saying that that is justified because that is in the home? . . . If your intention was to stir up hatred against Jews . . . then I think that deserves criminal sanction.”
Mr Yousaf said theatre directors and journalists should not be exempt from the bill, to prevent activists stoking tensions under the cloak of dramatic licence or freedom of expression. He said: “We wouldn’t want to give the likes of Tommy Robinson a defence by saying that he’s ‘a blogger who writes for The Patriot Times so my reasonable defence is that I am a journalist’.”
The act draws upon a review of hate crime legislation by Lord Bracadale who told the committee that he did not recommend removing the “dwelling defence” and said MSPs’ concerns that it could intrude into private homes were “well founded”. “No suggestion had been made to me that the existence of the dwelling exception had inhibited the [Public Order Act],” he said.
He acknowledged that the Law Commission, the statutory body that reviews legislation in England and Wales, had recommended removing the “poorly targeted” exemption from the Public Order Act. One concern raised by the Law Commission was that hate speech in a large public house was exempt from prosecution but in an office it was not.
Lord Bracadale recommended further consideration of the “dwelling exemption” by MSPs to ensure it does not replicate the pitfalls of the Public Order Act.
Humza Yousaf is on record expressing his hatred for Scotland and White people in general — admitting publicly that he believes that Scotland is “too White”.
Would Yousaf ever say that his father’s native Pakistan was “too brown”, or his mother’s Kenya “too Black”? Need we ask?
We know the small but inordinately powerful Jews of Scotland are on record demanding laws that will make any criticism of them illegal — and Humza Yousaf is their golem that’s going to make that happen.
Those same Jews recently threatened to leave Scotland en masse if the Scottish people continued to insist on their constitutional right to criticize them — or anyone else they disagreed with.
‘Secretary’ Yousaf’s people come from nations that have no concept of freedom, privacy or constitutional rights — which makes him the ideal Jewish “golem” to take away those ideals which are fundamental to White civilization.
And anyone in Scotland who points out that Yousaf’s race makes him biased and unsuitable to make disinterested decisions about enforcing self-serving ‘hate crimes’ will be charged with ‘hate crimes’ themselves — truly Orwellian double-think.
Why is this happening to the Scottish people? They turned their back on God, and God promised that when they did that, aliens would rule over them:
“The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower.” (Deut 28:43)
All opposition to this ongoing bolshevization of Europe will be crushed with extreme prejudice, often using these racial aliens who have no connection to the people or land to do the dirty work.
As Orwell so aptly put it:
Goodness , just look at that thing. Paranoid beast.
The Paki’s, Humma Yousaf’s people:
‘Use that atom bomb’ — Top Islamic scholar calls for Pakistan to drop nuclear bomb on Europe over Prophet Muhammad ‘slanderers’ [Remix News – November 02, 2020]
“Use that atom bomb. Declare a Jihad. Let everyone die,” said Khadim Hussain Rizvi in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons affairs —- Rizvi is the founder of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan political party, which aims to fight any changes in the country’s blasphemy laws.
Rizvi is not the only Islamic leader calling for Jihad.”
Do you want a look at who censors Americans – And, They are NOT American.
“Facebook censorship board is comprised mostly of foreign nationals with ties to George Soros” [The Buffalo Chronicle – October 31, 2020]
“The recently appointed Facebook oversight board tasked with deciding which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with leftists and foreign nationals who will be functionally regulating the speech rights of American citizens in the United States.
The Board includes close friends of leftwing billionaire George Soros who generously funds the Open Society Foundations (OSF), a network of left-leaning groups across the world that ostensibly function as non-profit organizations. Soros dedicates huge sums to spread an agenda ideologically driven by the objective of global market integration, which threatens the sovereignty of nations.
More than half of the members of the censorship board have ties to Soros.
András Sajó is a personal friend of Soros and is the founding Dean of Legal Studies at Soros’ Central European University. Sajó was a judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for nearly a decade. He also served on the board of directors of Open Societies Foundation’s Justice Initiative.
Alan Rusbridger served on the Board of the Ditchley Foundation, a global think tank that co-hosted a conference with Soros’ Open Societies Foundation focused on change in the Middle East and North Africa with workshops on understanding political Islam.
Continues with information about many more.
Basically, thats how the US is…legally. Originally, and legally, only White, land owning males could vote. Cant remember what the allowances for immigrants is, but remember – the US only recognised as citizens [or potential citizens] White people of European stock. The ‘supreme court’ recognised as late as 1905 [my memory] that a ‘chinaman’ could not nor ever be a citizen in a well cited case. Furthermore, most states and municipalities required a confession of Christian faith to be considered for public office. This all began to be eroded after 1865, and we see the mess we are in now…
If I remember correctly, in 1861 Lincoln dissolved the union and incorporated the country to pay of the debt to the Worshipful Company of Mercers that was owed for the founding of the New World. It was only supposed to be a temporary measure though, but he was assisinated before he could set things right again. John Wilkes Booth broke his leg during the assassination of Lincoln. Have you ever wondered why “break a leg” means good luck? It was obviously very good thing for these people that Lincoln was assisinated. The Greenback too was also another nail in Lincoln’s coffin.
Also, during the Civil War, Britain and France had troops in Canada and Mexico waiting to invade the U.S. and put an end to it once and for all, but the Czar sent the Russian fleet to prevent them from doing that. And I believe the reason Lincoln actually freed the slaves was to prevent Britain from declaring was on him as the public opinion in Britain would be against a war against the U.S. as he had just freed the slaves.
It’s been a while since I’ve read about all of this, but I think that’s pretty accurate.
Actually, maybe it was the Revolutionary War debt that Lincoln had to pay off. And it might have been the Worshipful Company of Skinner he had to pay. It’s been a while since I’ve gone over all of this. I’ll have to re-read it all.
Humza Yousaf, that fine old Gaelic name. Why do people put up it, or vote for it? I mean, what type of Scotsman would vote for this! SNP are as nationalist as Tony Blair. The fact is, Yousaf and the SNP are cultural Marxist puppets, fully funded by globalist international finance. All people have to do, is STOP voting for them.
Grey, Yousaf is from Glasgow, which has a huge migrant population, and it was non-Whites there who voted him into office. Same thing happens in America, Somalians run for office in Minneapolis, and their countrymen vote them in. Pass a law that only third generation immigrants can run for office, and only third generation immigrants can vote–and only landowners can vote. That would exclude 95% non-White voters right off the bat.
Yes, change the demographic, change the vote, push communism. It’s the same story in most western white nations.
Democracy always leads to socialism which leads to communism. Democracy gives everyone an equal say when not everyone is not equal. You only want people with ability making decisions.
Democracy is a divide and conquer racket.
Appears the persecuted jews are choosing not to emigrate . The victim here is too compelling: another colorful place , riotous with culture and demurred by respect and tradition. Too much to subvert, slander and put to shame . The temptation will keep them . And the Scots as we may deserve it all . After centuries of internecine warfare the highlanders are destroyed through satanic deception.
Whether Yousef is in Pakistan or not, we know that the “Scottish” Paki’s intentions with his Yousef Law are to have a resulting policy to find the neck veins of the White people of the West.
“As anger rises, Muslims protest French cartoons”
“Hardline Islamic groups across the region have seized on the the French government’s staunch secularist stance as an affront to Islam, rallying their supporters and stirring up rage.
Demonstrations in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad turned violent as some 2,000 people who tried to march toward the French Embassy were pushed back by police firing tear gas and beating protesters with batons. Crowds of Islamist activists hanged an effigy of French President Emmanuel Macron from a highway overpass after pounding it furiously with their shoes. Several demonstrators were wounded in clashes with police as authorities pushed to evict activists from the area surrounding the embassy.
In Pakistan’s eastern city of Lahore, an estimated 10,000 followers of the radical Islamic Tehreek-e-Labbaik party celebrating the Mawlid, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, took to the streets. They chanted anti-France slogans, raised banners and clogged major roads en route to a Sufi shrine.
“There’s only one punishment for blasphemy,” bellowed Khadim Hussain Rizvi, a fiery cleric leading the march.
“Beheading! Beheading!” the protesters yelled back.”
“British politicians of Pakistani descent”
If this were a civilised country, this ugly supremacist inbreed’s head would already be on a spike outside the Tower of London.
But there’s still time.
How is it that an Afro-Pakistani is the Justice Secretary of Scotland?
If Scotland is too white for him then why doesn’t he move?
No doubt doing his masters’ will.
First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, a foolish female appointed him. Figures.
Thank you for your reply.
The question was asked rhetorically.
And I was heartened a little when an internet search showed that this enemy within was not directly voted into office.
Also noticed a while back the strange physical resemblance between Angela Merkel, Nicola Sturgeon and William Barr.
Anyway, thanks again and good day/evening to you.
A crime is a very specific thing: injury with causation. The corpus deficit, the body of the crime. Someone’s rights have to be violated and there has to be injury. Without both of those elements present, no crime can have occurred. They can make having an opinion illegal, but they can’t make it unlawful.
People need to learn about the Common Law and how to access the Common Law courts to defend themselves and not play their Admiralty Law, statutory game. I know it isn’t the same in every country, but in the Common Law countries (U.S. and British Commonwealth) it’s very possible to defend yourself against these thugs. It is a complex subject, no doubt, but one that everyone needs to study.
Corpus delicti*
Making a distinction between Negative and Positive Rights is the beginning of the post-WWII Bolshevik Communist, Jewish supremacist perversion of Law……”Under the theory of positive and negative rights, a negative right is a right not to be subjected to an action of another person or group—a government, for example—usually in the form of abuse or coercion. As such, negative rights exist unless someone acts to negate them. A positive right is a right to be subjected to an action of another person or group. In other words, for a positive right to be exercised, someone else’s actions must be added to the equation. In theory, a negative right forbids others from acting against the right holder, while a positive right obligates others to act with respect to the right holder.”
The right not to be subjected to an action of another person, government became a negative right….the 13 colonies fought against this tyranny and formed the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic with a representative government. Than came FDR with his New Deal coalition and legitimized the Bolshevik communist parasites, who with the law in their hand hijacked not only Western countries but the world. I don’t know how the law works but I do know who corrupts the laws. I am sticking to Natural Law, which came before all the depraved, unconscionable post-WWII garbage that passes for law in the name of justice and liberation.
You can either live in the private, or act in the public (actor in commerce). The following link is one of the better websites I’ve come across that deals with the subject.
Another useful video that gives a good introduction and overview:
Also, try to find Winston Shrout videos to watch. They threw him in jail a few years ago, so it’s becoming more difficult as his webshop isn’t selling his DVDs anymore.
You are absolutely right about FDR and the Bankruptcy of 1933. Germany wouldn’t comply with the Bankruptcy which then led to the declaration of war against Germany in 1933. But today, if you learn how it all works, you can become a Creditor in the Bankruptcy and make it work for you. It is a complex system though.
About the Common Law, it is the Inherent Jurisdiction in all Comman Law countries. They will try and trick you to get joinder on you (for you to admit to being the name, the corporate fiction, on your Birth Certificate) to get you into a contract with them. The best thing to do, is to never talk with the Police, or if you do, never give them a name, but always remain in honour. They can’t move against you without your consent, which they trick you into giving them through joinder.
Thank you very much, for this information….”In most developed nations, maritime law follows a separate code and is an independent jurisdiction from national laws. The United Nations (UN), through the International Maritime Organization (IMO), has issued numerous conventions that can be enforced by the navies and coast guards of countries that have signed the treaty outlining these rules.”
This is what the international Bolshevik Communist/Zionist use to imposed their dictatorial will on people. This governs the post-WWII international law regime making it perfectly legal for the international criminals to trample national law and subjugate people in name of liberty as defined by the Positive Rights regime concocted by Isaiah Berlin. Your right to be free from government violence and oppression is a Negative right, the right of the international Jews to trample your right abusing the might of the government is a Positive right.
A law student in America had the audacity to tell me that I didn’t know how the law worked. I know know how the law works but I do know who corrupted the law to engage in violence, oppression, plundering and genocide with impunity. There is a difference to those who can tell…..thanks again.
salubri pro populo suprema est lex. All law is a legate of God. It is the preservation and the welfare of the people , in this case defined as Scot. All others are invasive , jew casuistry and once condemned as: sedition , treason and subversion , all no longer valid in the “Christian world. Not so? Destroy people -race or culture , then they destroy law . What is here proposed is not law but an enemy’s ultimatum.
Anyone who pays attention knows that this is not law but the abuse of law to further a particular dictatorial political agenda. That’s how the radical power hungry, envious, blood thirsty Bolshevik (Jewish) communist do it abusing the law, and they entice any other non-White person who is corrupt and envious to join their ranks in Western countries. In America they used Race (Blacks) and the history of slavery, in Europe they use Muslims and religion…..and White people allow it to happen. The two World Wars were part of the strategy to pave their way….
…and all the study in the world does not a single bit of good. Oh, its great to know these things, but remember – this isnt about right or wrong or legal vs illegal actions – this is about enforcing the (((narrative))) and crushing/enslaving/genociding White people and ushering in the paradise of brown bolshevism. ‘supreme courts’ in canada and the UK have openly satted that ‘the truth is no defence’ and that it doesnt matter what is right or wrong- all that matters is the narrative and punishing White people for telling the Truth and/or speaking their mind.
(((they))) only understand and ‘respect’ one thing…. and right, reason or logic aint that thing.
Scottish Freemason:
“Facts substantiated by the writings of Masonic scholars and determined by U.S. state legislature investigations provide abundant proof that, within the United States, there is a fifth column dedicated to the overthrow of its constitutional government. The Constitution of Freemasonry, written in 1721 by Dr. John Anderson of Aberdeen, Scotland, laid the groundwork for universal treason, rather than loyalty to country:
“‘James Anderson’s son, Dr. James Anderson, in 1721 went about rewriting Freemasonry’s Constitutions for the Grand Lodge of England. However, the precedence for obstruction and perversion of justice would later be documented in Freemasonry’s expansion to American soil, both in a structure of oaths and in practice. American soil would also witness the murder of Capt. Morgan who revealed Masonic secrets to the public and who was murdered pursuant to Masonic oaths of retribution. Such oaths include in the Royal Arch degree the concealment of crimes by fellow Masons, murder and treason not excepted.”
The Shriners Muslim “traveling” card:
“Only those who hold the Master Mason degree in Freemasonry qualify and are invited to join the Shrine.
Shriner’s Traveling Card
The Shriner’s traveling card reads:
“In the Name of Allah, Merciful, and Compassionate. I desire to visit a Temple or Shrine in many cities. He is a good man, patient, cultural of sterling worth. There is no conqueror but Allah. Authorized with power by the Imperial Council Ancient Arabic Order Lodges of The Mystic Shrine. Witness the deputy and representative of temples in the East. Mohammed traveled from Mecca in the South to the North in Medina. Please Allah, we shall travel everywhere in safety. Small things influence great. Do not travel in the heat of the day. Travel with your eyes and ears open. By the grace of Allah, we have found repentance. Politeness is small solver. Action is power. Everything is from Allah. There is no deity, but Allah”. [The Pyramid: A horn of the Price Hall Family of Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdiction, Inc. (Fourth Quarter Vol. Number 52-Issue No. 196, 1993), p. 6.]”
The Shriner’s Oath is a Muslim Oath:
“Candidates for induction into the Shriners are greeted by a High Priest, who says:
“By the existence of Allah and the creed of Mohammed; by the legendary sanctity of our Tabernacle at Mecca, we greet you.”
The inductees then swear on the Bible and the Koran, in the name of Mohammed, and invoke Masonry’s usual gruesome penalties upon themselves:
“I do hereby, upon this Bible, and on the mysterious legend of the Koran, and its dedication to the Mohammedan faith, promise and swear and vow … that I will never reveal any secret part or portion whatsoever of the ceremonies … and now upon this sacred book, by the sincerity of a Moslem’s oath I here register this irrevocable vow … in willful violation whereof may I incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike me with livid plague, and may Allah, the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same. Amen. Amen. Amen.”
“In June, 1986, a daily newspaper in Florida, the Orlando Sentinel published a report on the Shrine hospital program. 98% of the money the Shriners raise in these circuses wasn’t going to the hospitals. It went to the Shriners for their parties. Ninety-eight percent went to their little cars and their little boats and their temples, their little hats and stuff. 2% went to the hospitals.
* As of 9-30-04, Forbes reports that the Shriners had assets of $8.62 billion. Of the $948 mil. raised, the Shriners retained $412 mil with only a slight more than half, $505 mil. going to charitable services! Top Shriner, Ralph Semb, was paid $406,659 in salaries.
“Scottish Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf reeled off a list of positions in Scottish public life, all held by white people. But he conspicuously failed to mention that Scotland is 96 percent white, as it didn’t fit the narrative.
A strange and confusing scene befell the Scottish Parliament earlier this month. Like most people on the planet (and indeed in Scotland), the incident passed me by at the time, but it came to my attention after footage began circulating on social media.
The clip in question features the Scottish Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf reeling off a list of positions in the Scottish legal profession and law enforcement, and then saying – or more accurately, spitting – the word “white” after them.
You might think he was describing the colour of tiling they had all opted for in their bathrooms. But no, Mr Yousaf was pointing out the melanin levels of these senior lawyers, judges and policemen.
Mr Yousaf, who is not white, then decided he would talk directly to his pastier constituents and said: “As people of colour, we don’t need your gestures. Don’t just tweet Black Lives Matter. Don’t just post a hashtag. Don’t just take the knee. Don’t just tell us how you’re not a racist – I take that as a bare minimum. You must be anti-racist.”
“Building links with Pakistan” [18/10/13]
“Scottish Government makes its first visit to the country.
The Minister travelled to Pakistan from India, where he undertook a range of business, trade and investment engagements over six days to strengthen Scottish connections with that country. Both India and Pakistan are priority nations for the Scottish Government’s overseas engagement.
“Scotland’s Pakistani diaspora have contributed immeasurably to our way of life. We have a vibrant and diverse Pakistani community and many Scots, like myself, have strong family, business or other connections with Pakistan.
“The Scottish Government’s ambition is to build on and strengthen the historic and modern links between our nations. Pakistan is the world’s 15th largest economy, the world’s third largest English-speaking nation and has a population of 172 million – of which two thirds are under the age of 25.
Humza Yousaf is the first Muslim Minister to be appointed to the Scottish Government.
His father was born in Mian Channu, Pakistan in 1956 and came to Scotland in 1964. His father’s parents were born in Pathankot, India, but moved to Mian Channu, Pakistan post-partition. His mother’s parents were born in Ludhiana, India before moving to Faisalabad, Pakistan post-partition. His paternal grandfather was a tailor in Pakistan and worked in the Singer sewing factory in Clydebank when he came to Scotland.
There are currently a number of business and trade links between Scotland and Pakistan. In 2011 exports to Pakistan were worth £25 million. There are currently around 5,000 visitors to Scotland from Pakistan each year with expenditure of around £2 million – £4 million. There are links between schools in Glasgow and Pakistan through the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms programme. In 2008/09, around 640 students from Pakistan were studying at Scottish universities and colleges. Direct university to university and college to college links exist including through the Commonwealth Scholars & Fellows programme.”
Re: The Controlled Op – Tommy Robinson – Article by:
“Mohammed Ansar: My 18 months with former EDL leader Tommy Robinson”
“Three hours of debate followed. Tommy meanwhile seemed to enjoy ordering the most expensive thing on the menu. He liked his steak on the rare side. At the end of it we both tweeted two statements from Tommy – that I “must be reading a different Qur’an to everyone else” and “if every Muslim was like you there would be no problem”. The response was shocked and sceptical. That I had passed the Tommy Robinson test for acceptability was nothing to be pleased about. He had to meet more people. We needed to do more work.
In the midst of all this came the brutal killing of drummer Lee Rigby. The morning after, I joined the media junket in Woolwich. I felt we needed to not only condemn the attack but to promote unity among communities, to call for tolerance and to ask for people to search out peace. A few days later I met Tommy again, in the back streets of Newcastle, where an EDL rally was being held.
We got into a heated debate almost immediately. I challenged him, claiming he was going to stoke fear and increase tensions. He was pumped. He wasn’t listening. A sizeable crowd gathered quickly at the end of the road and our debate ended up being little more than a platform for Tommy to vent. And then it happened again. We both looked at each other, sighed, laughed and before I knew it, he had put his arm around me. A little taken aback, the anti-fascist in me despised it, but the person of faith accepted it. I had to laugh. How can we begin to build a bridge if I cannot accept a gesture, however cynical?
It was only when I arrived in Bristol the next morning that Nicky Campbell showed me we had been “papped” and the picture was in the Sunday Mirror.
One of those days when we did see him was when visiting the Aisha mosque in Walsall. In the wake of an attack on the mosque, the committee had – remarkably – invited Tommy and I to film there. We arrived to find they had prepared an enormous spread of food (while Tommy was respectful he still refused to eat) and we toured the mosque with sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, assistant general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, discussing the place for an enlightened Islam and mosques in contemporary society. It felt as if we were making progress.”
Hahaahahaha…..Afro-Pakistani Humma Yousaf, this is really hilarious, these Bolshevik communist imperialist are amazing….
This UK – Times article seems more descriptive.
“Mr Yousaf said that there should be no “dwelling defence” in his bill. He told the Scottish parliament’s justice committee that children, family and house guests must be protected from hate speech. He told MSPs: “Are we comfortable giving a defence to somebody whose behaviour is threatening or abusive which is intentionally stirring up hatred against, for example, Muslims? Are we saying that that is justified because that is in the home? . . . If your intention was to stir up hatred against Jews . . . then I think that deserves criminal sanction.”
Mr Yousaf said theatre directors and journalists should not be exempt from the bill, to prevent activists stoking tensions under the cloak of dramatic licence or freedom of expression. He said: “We wouldn’t want to give the likes of Tommy Robinson a defence by saying that he’s ‘a blogger who writes for The Patriot Times so my reasonable defence is that I am a journalist’.”
The act draws upon a review of hate crime legislation by Lord Bracadale who told the committee that he did not recommend removing the “dwelling defence” and said MSPs’ concerns that it could intrude into private homes were “well founded”. “No suggestion had been made to me that the existence of the dwelling exception had inhibited the [Public Order Act],” he said.
He acknowledged that the Law Commission, the statutory body that reviews legislation in England and Wales, had recommended removing the “poorly targeted” exemption from the Public Order Act. One concern raised by the Law Commission was that hate speech in a large public house was exempt from prosecution but in an office it was not.
Lord Bracadale recommended further consideration of the “dwelling exemption” by MSPs to ensure it does not replicate the pitfalls of the Public Order Act.”
The full article is here in archive. The original link has only an excerpt.
[Full]: https://archive.is/jLndD
Thanks, Flanders, we made the change and incorporated it into our article.
Afro-Pakistani Humma Yousaf??? What clan is that? The al CIA Duh clan?
Thought Scots liked freedom but guess their desire to be free went out when smart phones came in.
What happened to those thugs Jews in Scotland that gang-raped that Goy girl?
Bet those charges were dropped.
He looks like the missing link.