A Seattle businessman — who happens to be Asian — quickly learned that Jews are America’s self-appointed “Humor Nazis” when he tried to name his new restaurant after a famous character from the Jewish sit-com “Seinfeld”:
The restaurant signage went up on Tuesday in Everett, Washington: The Soup Nazi Kitchen, a reference to the famous episode of “Seinfeld” that features the angry owner of a soup eatery.
By Wednesday afternoon, the unopened store front was riddled with pellet bullet holes and spray paint, according to the Everett Herald Business Journal. And owner Andrew Ho, who has a history of controversial opinions, had heard complaints from the small city’s local Jewish community. So he removed “Nazi” from the sign.
The restaurant’s logo featured a cartoonish woman looking angry and holding a whip.
“It really diminishes and makes light of the horrors of the Holocaust,” Rabbi Rachel Kort of Everett’s Temple Beth Or told the Herald Business Journal.
The Anti-Defamation League’s Pacific Northwest regional director, Miri Cypers, also objected to the name, saying it dredged up painful memories of Nazis starving Jews in death camps.
Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin lamented that she could not require the restaurant to change its name.
“The City of Everett is a Safe City and strives to be inclusive and welcoming for all residents and visitors,” Franklin wrote in a social media post on Wednesday. “Unfortunately, recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions have greatly restricted the City’s authority to regulate the wording of signs and largely prohibits the City from banning signs based on the hateful or offensive wording in that sign.”
Ho said he was jokingly referred to as the “juice Nazi” by customers at his previous eatery, the Alive Juice Bar in the northern outskirts of Seattle. He was hoping to play off that nickname and had already printed shirts with the Soup Nazi name on them — which he will not sell, the Herald Business Journal reported.
Oh his blog, Ho added that he wanted to be provocative and respond to “the lockdown and social distancing measures” imposed during the COVID pandemic.
He also wrote:
“White supremacy is not on the rise. Nationalism — wrongly conflated with White supremacy — everywhere is on the rise, which is a reasonable response to globalism, the rule of transnational corporations with the US as its private security force.”
Ho has written several other inflammatory blog posts, including a recent one disparaging Dr. Anthony Fauci, and self-published books with titles such as “How to Cook Like a Racist” and “How to look f***able while pregnant.”
So here we are again reminded just how utterly humorless Jews are — despite their claim to being the “kings of comedy” — virtually all those unfunny sit-coms on television for the last 70 years have been written by Jews.
And since Jews invented the Holocaust™, they have proprietary rights about the use of it all terms associated with it — and they are the sole artibers of how those terms are used — and who’s allowed to use them.
If anyone infringes on their copyright and uses any aspect of the Holocaust without their expressed written permission — cleared by their board of directors at the Anti-Defamation League and Yad Vashem Museum — they will have their lives ruined, businesses shut down, Facebook accounts terminated — or go to prison on “terrorism” charges.
Jews have given themselves free rein to mock at anything they want — even the brutal murders of White farmers in South Africa, or the crucifixion of Christ — or negroes in blackface.
But if you even poke fun at any of their sacred cows — their often preposterous “Nazi” fairy tales — or even the funny way they dress — they will publicly gloat when you are carted off to prison in handcuffs.
And there is really nothing less funny than watching reruns of old sit-coms — you wonder how you could have ever found them funny in the first place — because you didn’t really.
Jewish television producers were the ones who exploited the canned “laugh tracks” which they would dub in to their shows — to prompt the audience into thinking what they were watching was funny when it wasn’t — at all.
Here is the famous “Soup Nazi” episode in question with the laugh track removed — clearly, there is nothing funny about this scenario at all — but since it’s a bunch of Jews making fun of the “Soup Nazi”, we are allowed — and expected — to laugh at it.
And here it is with the “laugh track”:
Surveillance video captures a gang of “White supremacists” beating an Asian man in the streets:
More “White” on Asian violence:
Kudos to the Soup Gook got his head on with those globalist views & humor. I never followed a single ‘sitcom’ since Cheers which was often Truly funny.
“Tel Aviv’s Museum of Jewish People Celebrates Murderers, Spies and Criminals As Heroes”
Zionism & Russia
8 Pacifica Forum Lectures by Valdas Anelauskas
Leon Trotsky, whose real name was Leyba Davidovich Bronstein, said:
“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon
whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots
never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny,
not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.
We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods
of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars
quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will
work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we
shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s
funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will
sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and
bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete
stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence… At the moment, our
young men in their leather jackets, who are the sons of watchmakers from
Odessa, Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, know how to hate everything Russian!
What pleasure they take in physically destroying the Russian intelligentsia
— officers, academics and writers!…”
Latvia year of HORROR.
The Beginning
On June 15/16, 1940, many Latvians had gathered to attend the song festival in Daugavpils. This was to be the
last such festival for free Latvians for almost half a century. The attack by Stalin’s communists on the night of
June 14, 1940 was the prelude to Latvia’s road of suffering. The orgy of bloodshed had begun. On this night,
the “great Eastern neighbour” — the Soviet Union — after a silence of 23 years, took the first step in the dance
of death on Latvian soil. Their invasion was their calling card and showed how the Bolsheviks betrayed their
commitments undertaken in the Mutual Assitance Pact of 1939
Chaplain Bob Walker
Jewish sit com? add a “H” after the S and replace the ‘m’ with an “N”
is more like it. Not trying to be crude, but if the Jew fits, wear it.
I never liked seinfeld or TV for that matter.
Soon demon-nominational pre trib rapture zionists will soon find out who they really serve when they must deny Christ under the Noahide laws or get their heads cut off by the very antichrists they blessed. Let their pastors and TV preachers encourage them to get the vaccine from their kosher pharma company and see how that works out. Jesus is not mocked.
Final TV polls show Netanyahu gaining support and near to majority; rivals slip.
That’s right he said it, but America continues to wage war against humanity on behalf of Israel and the Jewish Zionist supremacist.
“I want to tell you something very clear….
I am missing some faces but whoever made the compilation did a great job showing the politicians who support the Jewish Zionist supremacist agenda….Republicans and Democrats….left-and right liberal and conservative…
I’m not so sure about picking on (((Seinfeld))) here, as the show satires the horrors of judaism on society. By modern standards, (((Seinfeld))) is alt-right. Seinfeld even lambasted the politically-correct “cancel culture” that is now catching up with it.
The odious yenta, (((Elaine))), is used to show the horrors of feminism. Some examples being that when she is put in charge of a man’s company, she destroys it in a matter of days. She also is used to show the “wonders” of sexual liberation, as well as to specifically lament the special perks that were lost when women decided that they wanted to be the social equals of men.
Where else can you get a show that literally defines ZOG (S3:E19), states that all claims of “anti-semitism” are just a Jewish con job (S7:E15), mocks the societal worshiping of [Swindler’s] List (S5:E19), has a Jew try to off himself by climbing into an oven (S7:E15*), has a Jewess run headlong into a poison gas chamber (S6:E20), and has lines like “Dentists. Who needs ’em? Yeah. Same goes for those blacks and jews!” (S8:E19)?
On the laugh tracks, removing them makes the show feel eerie and alien as their removal takes other audio along with them. Also, how are these laugh tracks made? I ask as sitcoms go to rather great pains to show that they are made by a “live studio audience”, and while I wouldn’t be too surprised if a sitcom producer like (((Chaim Levine))) would lie to us, would “our guy” Tim Allen?
You missed the whole point. Jews can make all those criticisms of Jewry but we can’t. Even if we agree with Seinfeld or quote him, we’re antisemites. It just reinforces the hypocrisy of Jewry. Watch us do it, just don’t you try it or we will string you up. Yeah, Jews can call each other “kike” and “Jew boy”, but don’t you dare. And they want us to know they know it’s all b.s. and there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s to demoralize us. Don’t defend them.
“You missed the whole point. Jews can make all those criticisms of Jewry but we can’t.”
That too was covered in an episode, (S8:E19). To try and summarize it, (((Seinfeld))) gets “triggered” by a goy daring to say mean things about the Jews, but finds that his hands are tied in the matter as the goy has converted from Catholicism to judaism, becoming a (((goy))) and thus Seinfeld cannot silence him as Jews can criticize Jewry with impunity.
Seinfeld refuses to accept this and tries to enlist the aid of the Catholic Church to slap down this newfound (((goy))), but not even the Catholic Church can stop a Chosen One–the Catholic Church rats Seinfeld out to the (((goy)))–and so Seinfeld is physically tortured by the (((goy))) in consequence for his actions against him.
Seinfeld’s plotline during this episode was another satire of the whole concept of “anti-semitism”, this time under the euphemism of “anti-dentite”.
Have you justified watching jewish television? What do you think the nett effect is on your life, or the lives of those who watch Seinfeld? Do you seriously believe it is beneficial somehow?
Just because you have rationalized it a certain way doesn’t mean that’s how everyone will see it or be affected by it. It also doesn’t mean that you aren’t being negatively affected by it unknowingly.
Why say “picking on (((Seinfeld)))”? This website is “picking on” jews week in and week out.
Is it possible you just have a soft spot for the show? I don’t mean that to condemn, as I myself have weaknesses in jewish media I would enjoy indulging in. Even if I fell into that indulgence again — God forbid, I would still not bother to defend it among my brothers.
Should we not all have this attitude?
The laugh track argument is not a very solid one, as mentioned. By contending that it is the laugh track that makes Jewish sitcoms humorous it leaves CFT open to the usual rebuttal of “But muh ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’!”, as that show is the R-rated “spiritual sequel” to Seinfeld and it notably does not use a laugh track.
IMO if you want a better argument that Seinfeld’s comedy is not funny, just show someone one of Jerry Seinfeld’s in-show standup bits that bookend most episodes of the series.
“What do you think the nett effect is on your life, or the lives of those who watch Seinfeld?”
A positive one, as normies who saw Seinfeld can see that what it presented as “satire” has turned into a prediction, and it gives a basis for based discussion since Seinfeld offers a platform to frame your references to controversial topics, such as–White Nationalism, Jews, anti-semetism, Nazis (soup or otherwise), feminism–so that you can engage normies on these topics without them instantly shutting you down for being an evil wrongthinker.
It is even possible that I was able to break the conditioning and delve into JQ and other wrongthink because of Seinfeld.
Claiming that Seinfeld is valuable because it woke you up to the JQ is like saying getting mugged by a Black man woke you up to the differences in the races — therefore, getting mugged by Blacks is good for Whites.
For whatever “good” it may have done for you or other Whites, it also polluted your mind with so much other Jewish poison that it’s absurd to even defend it or attempt to set it apart as “better than the rest”.
You’ve grown up now, mentally and spiritually, and you have God to thank for that, not Seinfeld. The vast majority of “Seinfeld” fans are still stuck in that mindset. Consider yourself “lucky” you’re the exception rather than the rule, and move on. Don’t justify ever having watched it. It was a waste of hundreds of hours of your life that you can never get back….time that could have been much better spent on material that enriched your soul.
Wonder what would have happened had he had the sign–
“The Soup Stasi Kitchen”
Maybe they would have cried CANARD foul.
Why can’t our people see???
It’s like our Father is making it so obvious but yet our “bricks and mortar” brothers and sisters are all in spiritual denial.
OMG, seems like Ho connected the dots…..“White supremacy is not on the rise. Nationalism — wrongly conflated with White supremacy — everywhere is on the rise, which is a reasonable response to globalism, the rule of transnational corporations with the US as its private security force.” Stepping on the toes of the Jewish Zionist supremacist who have a monopoly on Globalism aka Bolshevik Communism, and engage in crimes against humanity with impunity while constantly crying victim and that White supremacy is on the rise. I hate to say it, but America unleashed this Jewish Zionist supremacist monster on humanity by declaring war on Germany….