(Net Nanny) While jewish-dominated Hollywood has produced dozens of highly-profitable movies that sensationalize serial killers, none of them have delved into the unsettling connection many of these psychopathic killers have to their addiction to pornography, another “entertainment” industry dominated by jewish interests:
Viewing pornography doesn’t necessarily cause violent behavior; however, I believe that if someone has aggressive or violent tendencies, viewing violent pornography may exacerbate those tendencies by giving the viewer the idea that fantasies might be “normal.”
The following is a summary of direct quotes or information about various convicted serial killers from the past:
-Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer of Wisconsin, speaking of his routine before hunting for a victim said, “Just…using pictures of past victims…the pornography videos, the magazines…” Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 boys and men.
–Ted Bundy, convicted rapist and mutilation murderer of Washington, said that hard-core pornography had a “crystallizing effect” on his violent tendencies and his acting out during the 1970s.
–Arthur Gary Bishop from Utah, executed for raping and murdering five boys in the 1980s, said pornography’s “effect on me was devastating.”
–Andrei Chikatilo, a Russian serial killer, murdered at least 53 women and children. “…with pictures of naked women in his prison cell, he blamed pornography as the cause of this troubles.”
-Wisconsin resident Ed Gein, the first serial killer, aka The Butcher of Plainfield, and inspiration for movies such as Psycho, Maniac, and The Silence of the Lambs “accumulated a library of anatomy books, porn magazines, horror and adventure novel…” in the 1950s.
–John Wayne Gacy‘s wife filed for divorce in 1976 because “Gacy’s moods had become erratic, and [she] had found Gacy’s pornographic magazine collection which was all centered around young boys.” Gacy killed at least 33 young men and boys in Chicago, Illinois.
-The nickname BTK (bind, torture, kill) was given to Dennis Rader, a Kansas native, who killed 10 people. “He kept meticulous records of his fantasies and crimes in what he called his ‘mother lode’ collection of pornography.”
–David Berkowitz killed over a dozen people in New York. He joined a cult and was introduced to “drug use, sadistic pornography and violent crime.” The cult also created and distributed child pornography.
–Richard Ramirez was exposed to explicit pictures of his cousin “raping Vietnamese women and severing the heads of Vietcong soldiers.” He in turn killed at least 13 people in California.
–Edmund Kemper, a California serial killer and necrophile known as the Co-ed Killer, used pornography and detective magazines for erotic stimulation; he picked up women who were hitch-hiking, then killed, and raped them post-mortem.
–Ottis Toole from Florida became obsessed with gay pornography. He “committed his first murder at the age of 14.” During his killing spree, accompanied by Henry Lee Lucas, he killed 108 people.
-The Grim Sleeper, Lonnie Franklin Jr., “had a penchant for prostitutes and pornography.” A resident of LA, he would pick up prostitutes, take pornographic pictures of his victims, then strangle them to death. His killing spree included 11 murders.
-In the 2013 murder case of Tia Sharp, a 12-year-old girl from the UK, the judge declared to murderer Stuart Hazell, “the records of your internet searching on your mobile phone make abundantly clear that you were looking out for pornographic pictures of pre-teen girls.”
-In 2013, on the day Mark Bridger, a UK native, abducted April Jones, he “viewed online photographs of a young girl and a pornographic cartoon depicting…rape.”
The use of pornography likely will not result in the casual viewer to commit violent acts; in the cases cited above, their behaviors included pornography use. I believe pornography can have serious and lasting affects on behavior.
This list, of course, is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg; if we were able to access case files and psychological profiles of all arrested serial killers, mass murderers, serial rapists, and just your everyday killers and sex-related criminals, we would, no doubt, see a disturbing connection between these psychopaths and their relationship to jewish-produced pornography.
Mere common sense — which isn’t so common these days — would suggest that pornography has absolutely no redeeming social value whatsoever, and those that produce it know that — which is why they spend millions of dollars to produce it and then turn around and give it away for free on the internet.
The “right” to produce, distribute, and profit off the sale of obscene and destructive pornography is not protected under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment of “free speech” — but somehow jewish “legal experts” have convinced the courts and the public that this is, in fact, the case.
In fact, it was Samuel Roth — a jewish pornographic “literary” publisher — who first got the ball rolling with his landmark case — Roth v. United States — that opened the floodgates to drown this country in “erotic” material.
They will claim that “obscenity” is a “subjective” and therefore meaningless term that means different things to different people.
And while we all argue over that definition, the Ted Bundys of the world are killing men, women and children daily — and tens of thousands of women are raped each year.
We cannot rely on our government to act responsibly on this issue, so we need to make every effort possible to protect our children from this menace, which they are being exposed to at younger and younger ages.
Another Jewish link to serial killers is to portray all of them as white to reinforce the “evil” white men image they have worked hard to implant in the minds of suggestible couch potatoes.The fact is many serial killers are Jewish and black,but we won’t see a series about them on Jewish Netflix or see any analyses of their psychopathology.
I think you missed a few serial killers in that photo montage:
There… now that makes for a more accurate and diverse reflection of America’s people.
Harold Shipman was a Jew that lived in England and killed over 400 Christians…
And why is it that these Jews always violate Christian children ?
There are Jews that are concerned about the heavy jewish involvement in producing pornography because they know it could ultimately be held against them, but their concerns are drowned out by the reckless Jews who revel in giving the finger to Christians.
Ron J.
And just in case you think that serial killers are all White, guess again. There have been a lot of Black serial killers and mass murderers that the jewish media tends to ignore or protect.
And all studies show that Blacks have far less restraint and control of their sexual and violent urges, so pornography is probably far more dangerous for Blacks than Whites in turning them violent. I suspect that if pornography were banned completely in America, the Black murder and rape statistics would drop significantly:
A very important analysis, though the crime descriptions are nauseating to read. One sentence is particularly striking: …”pornography has absolutely no redeeming social value whatsoever, and those that produce it know that, which is why they spend millions of dollars to produce it and then turn around and give it away for free on the internet.”
Note also, “They will claim that “obscenity” is a “subjective” and therefore meaningless term that means different things to different people.” This is truer than you know, because the Jewish Talmud (and its offshoot the Koran) contains every kind of sickening depravity known to man, all religiously sanctioned, as shown by just the Table of Contents page of Elizabeth Dilling’s English translation. Every Christian in the world should read it: http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/dcontents.html
Thanks for the reminder, Protestant, Elizabeth Dilling’s work on exposing the Talmud opened my eyes almost 20 years ago to just how depraved the Jews and their “religion” are. And I use that term ironically because Judaism is not a religion but rather a how-to manual instructing fellow Jews how to basically lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, and ultimately destroy, not figuratively, but literally non-Jews, especially White Christians among whom they preferred to live because of the money making potential.
Dilling’s work, along with Martin Luther’s “On The Jews And Their Lies” are absolute must-reads for any Christian interested in understanding why our world today is seemingly spinning out of control.
Chesterton, you are a rare Christian indeed to have read Dilling’s work, and even more rare to have read it and not reacted by desperately making excuses for the depravities it contains, or blaming Elizabeth Dilling! Her work is even more valuable because she undertook it out of genuine misplaced admiration for Judaism, and wanted to translate their “holy book” to inspire and uplift Christians, only to be horrified at what she discovered. Christians have been thoroughly brainwashed into the superstitious belief that anyone who criticizes Jews will be somehow “cursed” by God, which is absolute hogwash and nowhere in Scripture, but try telling most Christians that!
It’s the same brainwashing that blocks most Protestants from facing the truth about the Mass Murderer John Calvin (((Cohen))), whose Reign of Terror in Geneva killed 56 devout Protestants, most for disagreeing with him or his “rules”, except for the 20 Protestant women he ordered burnt at the stake for “causing” the bubonic plague to hit Geneva, by “witchcraft”. An interesting historical snippet is that only one Catholic was ever burnt at the stake by Protestants for being Catholic, somewhere in Eastern Europe. Protestants thought this punishment too barbaric and never used it on Catholics, though they killed plenty of Catholics in other ways.
Martin Luther, in contrast, killed no one. Thanks for the reminder about Luther’s writing on the Jews, which I have never read, though discussion of it was in the biography I read about him. I hope you get a chance to see the DVD movie “Luther” from 2003—I thought it was superb. The same excellent Jewish actor Joseph Fiennes starred in both “Luther” and “Risen” 2016, a real masterpiece, in my view. If only these Jewish actors would turn their hearts to Christ…
kev tras
You would be surprised how well read most of the Christians who post here are. I’d even be willing to bet they’ve read so much, they now have a complete understanding of one of the most misunderstood teachings of the entire Bible: when Christ said, “A good tree produces good fruit. An evil tree produces evil fruit.
A good tree CANNOT produce evil fruit, as an evil tree CANNOT produce good fruit.” He cannot be referring to good and evil behaviors, but family trees and ancestry. As long as you continue to be willing to cast your pearls before swine and turn the keys to the Kingdom over to satan, you will always be one step behind…
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