(RMX News) A new survey by the prestigious French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP) shows that more than half of French people believe in the “racist” and “anti-Semitic” notion that France is still a country of the White race and the Christian religion:
According to the survey, 53 percent of those asked either strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement that “France is a nation of people of White race and Christian religion”. However, almost half believe the opposite. Another 64 percent believe that “Islam is a threat to the identity of France.”
The polling data aligns with previous polls that the vast majority of the French want a halt on immigration. Another recent Harris interactive poll that found that 61 percent of French people in favor of abolishing the RSA, which is the activity bonus and family allowances for foreigners. In the same poll, 56 percent of French people said that migrants take more from France than they contribute.
The highest consensus to be found from the IFOP polling was on whether or not those surveyed believed that questions of identity are being instrumentalized by certain political figures, with 82 percent being either strongly or somewhat in agreement that identity politics is fueling political debate, with 60 percent thinking questions of identity are discussed too much.
In a similar fashion to the significant minority who no longer consider France to be a White, Christian country, the survey showed that two-thirds of those polled were of the opinion that the identity of France was disappearing.
The poll also asked which people in history best represent the identity of their country. Unsurprisingly, the top spot is occupied by former military general and politician Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) who was president of France from 1959 to 1969. He also established what is now the “Fifth Republic” in 1958.
Compared with the 37 percent who voted for de Gaulle, Napoleon placed in a distant second at 15 percent. The rest of the top ten was dominated by cultural figures, including some figures of lesser international resonance, such as comedian Michel Gérrad Joseph Collucci (1944-1986), a household name in France under his stage name Coluche. Joan of Arc barely made it into the top ten in ninth position, just ahead of Gustave Eiffel.
The French Revolution was the beginning of the end of France as a white Christian nation — it’s new secular identity would be summed up by the Judeo-Masonic platitudes of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.”
This new, “illuminated” France would reflect the values of the Hidden Hand which had orchestrated the Revolution — as revealed by the infamous Simonini Letter — a nexus of Jews and Freemasons — and their illuminati overlords — the Rothschilds.
Yet despite this Jewish onslaught to secularize France — symbolized by the burning of Notre Dame — over 50% of French people still identify as Christian — far greater than many other western European nations which identify as atheists, such as Sweden.
The current president of France — Emmanuel Macron — is literally a “former” employee of the Rothschild banking syndicate — described by the Yellow Vest protesters as a “whore to the Jews.”
An obvious Manchurian Candidate, Macron does the bidding of his Jewish handlers at CRIF — Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France.
Jews in France have been instrumental in flooding the nation with Arab Muslims and black Africans — so much so that Muslims now comprise an astonishing 20% of the population and — like the Jews — have become another “state within the state.”
The oligarchs who control France know they’ve created a serious backlash against this influx from the Third World, and to make sure this backlash is directed in a direction favorable to their interests, they have appointed the Algerian Jew, Eric Zemmour to lead this “opposition” against their stooge, Macron, controlling both sides of the debate.
The purpose of Zemmour’s campaign is to convince the native white French that Jews are “on their side” in this fight against the “islamification” of France — so that the Judaization of France continues unabated.
Ironically, the harder the Jewish oligarchs push their anti-white, anti-Christ agenda, the more they awaken the white race — as many of them rediscover the faith of their ancestors — the faith upon which France was founded.
And we know the fix is in when Zemmour misdirected the blame for the Muslim invasion on “Christian universalists” — gaslighting the nation, a specialty of Jewish leaders in France.
In 2008, then-president Nicolas Sarkosy — a Hungarian-Salonican Jew — appeared on national television and demanded that the white French natives literally race mix with these Muslim/African invaders — as a civic duty. This speech should have caused a revolution in the streets:
“What is the goal? It’s going to be controversial. The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding. The challenge of racial interbreeding that faces us in the 21st Century….It’s not a choice — it’s an obligation. It’s an imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding ourselves confronted with major problems.…We must change. Therefore, we will change….We are going to change all at the same time. In business, in administration, in political parties. And we are obligated ourselves as to results. If volunteering doesn’t work, the state will move to more coercive measures.”
“Students stand up to political censorship in France’s most elite universities”
“In an open letter published on the website of the newspaper Le Figaro, one of the most visited French-language news sites, political science students are speaking out against the growing censorship and the lack of room for free debate in the Instituts d’Études Politiques (IEP), or Institutes of Political Studies, and in French universities.
In France, those Institutes of Political Studies, also commonly called “Sciences Po,” have been particularly affected by the cancel culture and woke wave coming from across the Atlantic. They are schools of higher education where many of the country’s political and media elites, as well as a part of the economic elites, are trained.”
What’s ‘shocking’ is that it’s only 53% — any native French person who lives in or visits even a small city must have seen by now the reality of what the mass influx of Blacks and muslims has done to those places.
Any such result is fraught with problems — first, Whites have been indoctrinated to believe there are no significant racial differences, and any disparity in outcomes (school, jobs, etc) must be due to environmental factors — second, even Whites who are aware that there are significant, biological differences between races have been taught to believe there is nothing worse than being a ‘racist’, so they may still fear giving an honest answer.
Herr Voice Of Germany
La quenelle geste est anti-semitique
‘Surprise magic’ for Jewish candidate Éric Zemmour. Despite sharing 2nd place in polls, Zemmour was in trouble to qualify for the 1st round ballot in April, which requires 500 public signatures of elected officials in France, who are mostly local mayors and such. Zemmour only had around 330. But now, the large mainstream Les Républicains right wing party, with candidate Valérie Pécresse, has authorised its still-unaffiliated local officials to sign on for Zemmour, to ensure Zemmour will be on the ballot. The gamble here is that Zemmour and Le Pen will split the ‘far right’, ensuring Pécresse will be one of the two candidates in the 2nd round run-off in April.
Patrick White
If they say 53 per cent, it’s probably closer to 80 per cent. The rest were Muslims, Jews, Sikhs and Hindus.
The “ghost” was right.
“The ghost of Ezra Pound”
“Being Jew-wise,” Mullins writes, “that one recognizes the basic precepts of the Jewish problem.”
1. The Jew always exists in a state of war with all civilized nations.
2. Every Jew is an agent of the state of Israel.
3. The Jew always knows who he is.
4. Whatever ambitions you may have, you cannot realize these goals because of the presence of the Jews.
Mullins, the real life ghost of legendary poet Ezra Pound, explains this cautionary checklist more fully:
It is the function of the Jew to systematically destroy the habitat and the lifestyle of the host people. This renders them unable to resist or to dislodge his parasitic presence. At the beginning of this biological relationship, it is the Jew who is the displaced person, seeking a place for himself while the host is secure in his home. In establishing his biological presence among the host people, the Jew works furiously to replace the lifestyle of the host with a totally synthetic environment, tailored to the needs and purposes of the Jew. With spider-like precision, the Jew spins his web about the host people, using satire, pornography, and the host’s own system of communication to entrap them in the web of the Jew. When the web is complete, the host is unable to move, and finds himself at the mercy of the Jew, who is not slow to administer his fatal poison.
Take a look around you, …”.
Flanders your always wise thanks for the link to john kaminski I read it and now on my favorites .
Charles Noonan
james, be very careful with John Kaminski, and take what he says with a grain of salt. He’s associated with the Renegade Tribune, which is vehemently and bitterly anti-Christian and has expressed many anti-Christian, anti-Bible views himself. Kaminski appears to believe that the Jews are truly the Israelites of the Old Testament and its “evil” God. Don’t admire him just because he rightly criticizes the Jews.
Andy Hitchcock
John Kaminsky is a yid and hates Christianity. No matter what he says, it must be disregarded.
Herr Voice Of Germany
I found this nice fable on the web a while ago that handles with this topic. It’s called
by a guy called Lincoln Rockwell. Education should start at an early age.
Essentially, a lot of these Jews want to have sex and intermarry with everybody in the world. And who can blame them? Unfortunately, this disqualifies them as Torah-keepers! The good news is that the old covenant was done away with, so now they need to join the new covenant, which is not according to the old.
Brahmin Believer
there’s two types of antisemitism: religious antisemitism and racial antisemitism.
The former is heavenly ordained and actually works. Has worked all the centuries of European history and has been a greater pain in the Jew’s ass than anything ever.
The latter however, is for the most part a modern construction resulting from centuries of enlightenment ideals and evolutionary nonsense.
And has NEVER EVER worked and explains no aspect of historical Jewish behaviour.
Obviously I subscribe to the former and so should all who wish the good of their nation and the world in general.
Which is why I abhor the likes of Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard and even Adolf Hitler while boldly calling myself a FAN of Martin Luther, John Calvin and even Jason Stuermer Roberts.
Blessed be Bible-only Christian Fundamentalist Antisemites.
Blessed be you.
Andy Hitchcock
There is no such thing as “anti-Semitism”. Nothing more than a yid reaction to people becoming aware of their actions.
Brahmin Believer
Well, call it a “defensive philosophical stance against jewry” if u like that better.
Jason Stuermer Roberts
Well, I wouldn’t call myself an antisemite. The Bible says the Jews are unsaved, so if I were fine with that I wouldn’t’ve said a thing. It is because I have a lot of Jewish friends that I decided to say something, first about what the Bible says about their salvation, and then having to make the case that this judgment was just. That entailed causing them to know their abominations (Ezekiel 16:2). So in point of fact I am for them, not against them. If I were against them, I would’ve said nothing.
And this is to say nothing of the Jews and Christians and everyone else I tried to save from Mengele 2021, this vaccine from hell.
Jason Stuermer Roberts…………….
Learn or Leave please.
Modern Jewry have no blood relation to Shem. So, it is impossible for anyone to be an “anti-semite” for disliking “Jews”.
Being anti-White would be anti-Semitism.
This article has been translated into French:
It’s going to be necessary to do what the jews do to be a citizen in Israel dna test everyone everywhere white people’s countries are and any people that want to preserve their people . Make law no jew can have any power over us .
Andy Hitchcock
…And who owns, processes and dictates DNA results?
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
jewish Medical Ethics Prof Says Penalize Vaxx-Free, Deny Them Affordable Health & Life Insurance