Left-wing activist groups are promoting a campaign called “Drop the ADL” in a bid to get progressive institutions to cut ties with the Jewish supremacist and pro-Zionist organization:
“Even though the ADL is integrated into community work on a range of issues, it has a history and ongoing pattern of attacking social justice movements led by communities of color, queer people, immigrants, Muslims, Arabs, and other marginalized groups, while aligning itself with police, right-wing leaders, perpetrators of state violence,” the groups wrote in an open letter. “More disturbing, it has often conducted those attacks under the banner of “civil rights.”
The letter has more than 100 signatories, including the Movement for Black Lives, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Jewish Voice for Peace and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice.
The campaign also includes a document that criticizes the ADL for its support for Israel and lays out evidence of what it describes as its “ongoing legacy of supporting racist policing, surveillance, colonialism, and the silencing of social justice activism.”
The ADL said they were unconcerned about the campaign.
“These are many of the same groups who have been pushing an anti-Israel agenda for years,” a spokesperson said. “It says more about them than about us that at this moment of great unity around equal justice for all, they would launch this effort against one of the largest and oldest Jewish organizations in America. They will do nothing to stop the important work we do every single day, in close partnership with many prominent civil rights groups, to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.“
The ADL also published a lengthy statement to its website on Wednesday responding to many of the campaign’s claims.
This is not the first time progressive groups have sought to pressure organizations to disaffiliate with the ADL. In 2018, activists including the then-leaders of the Women’s March lobbied Starbucks to remove the ADL its role helping to formulate its employee anti-bias training.
The ADL was founded for the specific purpose of defending Leo Frank, a Jew who raped and murdered Mary Fagen, a young White girl employed in his factory — and then attempted to blame his heinous crime on a mentally retarded Black janitor.
This is worth mentioning because this Jewsish modus operandi hasn’t changed: they are still trying to deflect responsibility for the ongoing destruction of White Christian America on everyone but themselves.
Any attempt at bringing to light the abuses of Jewish power is robotically dismissed by the ADL as yet another ‘antisemitic canard‘.
This boycott of the ADL is a symptom of an emerging rift in the American Left, which has traditionally been dominated by Jewish power and money.
Jews are literally starting to complain that they are being ‘purged’ and ‘replaced’ by ‘radical’ people of color — a Golem of their own creation — their political Frankenstein that is now turning on their creators.
Ironically, Jonathan Greenblatt has moved the ADL far more to the radical Left than his predecessor, Abe Foxman, and the Left still sees the Jews at the ADL as ‘white supremacists.”
When White people have complained about being replaced, Greenblatt scoffs that this idea as another ‘conspiracy theory’, but when it starts happening to Jews, it’s not just another example of Jewish ‘paranoia’.
How much longer will Jews be able to keep ‘people of color’ — their choice weapons of mass destruction of White nations — firmly under their boot heel?
jewish swindlers
jews using black freemasons prince hall dupes for racial lawsuits against corporations or companies that their fellow jews own. Insurance fraud using race. Of course their fellow partners in crime fill up the starbucks or whatever first and have their great HD cameras and prime clear shots and angles of the “incident” that eventually gets the blacks money, which they MUST give a portion to “big dadd”, and all the others get paid. Jews using blacks forever.
R. Ahrens
If these are not yet the end times, and we are still in Histories repeating cycles (either of which could be the case, as no one knows he hour of his coming) Then perhaps as more Christian truth spreads, despite thier every effort to put a lid on it, then Gods protection may be returning to the US. Even partially….As there are some degenerate places that deserve everything they get. But God DOES cherish and protect his people when they are faithful. I know all too well, having been on both sides of that fence. Evil will ALWAYS turn on itself, and no matter how bleak the future may look, just remember that the LORD is still at the helm.
God bless.
“What is the Anti-Defamation League? Who is it? What does it do?
The full name of the group is “Anti-Defamation League of B’nai
B’rith.” To start at the end first, B’nai B’rith (Hebrew for “Children
of the Covenant”) is the oldest and largest American fraternal lodge for
Jews only. It was founded in 1843, called “purely an American institu-
tion,” although it has branches in many countries. (“B’nai B’rith repre-
sents Jewry throughout the world”—B’nai B’rith magazine, July, 1937,
page 352, quoting Ludwig Lewisohn.) —-
An organization of similar name and purpose to the Anti-Defamation
League of B’nai B’rith existed in Germany and border European countries
during the years following the First World War. Its stated purpose was
to stop and prevent the growth of anti-Jewish feeling among the defeated
German people, who tended to look for a scape-goat for their humiliation,
and resented the activities of citizens of Jewish name and connections
during these hard years. Its methods were such that it probably aggra-
vated, instead of discouraged, ill-feeling. Some who are now American
citizens (refugees from Hitler) say that for this reason they parted from
the Anti-Defamation League of this period in Germany and Alsace-
Lorraine. They report having suffered a degree of reprisal for their inde-
pendent judgment.
The A D L is said to receive a regular budget from the B’nai B’rith
lodges. It augments this with campaigns that raise millions of dollars
through public and private subscription. These fund-raising campaigns
are conducted with great vigor and professional drive, aided by a degree
of hysteria created by picturing some fearful invisible force rising to ter-
rorize Jews in the United States. The campaign literature shows pictures
of lynchings (although no American Jew has been lynched, to my knowl-
edge. Lynchings of negroes are rare and fortunately growing rarer). The
Nazi swastika is repeatedly shown on page after page of literature, the
implication being that millions of non-Jewish Americans are transplanted
Nazis, or in league with that evil movement.
The results are tremendous. The League reported raising $4,000,000
in 1946. Its goal for 1947 is $5,000,000.
Founder of the League in 1913 was Sigmund Livingston, who also
served as perennial chairman till last October when he was succeeded by
Meyer Steinbrink of Brooklyn, a member of the New York State Supreme
Court. In honor of the retiring chairman ten fellowships were established
to provide annual awards in colleges and universities for winners in essays
on the study of group prejudice.
Richard E. Gutstadt is the guiding genius behind the legal and investi-
gative staff.
But the power behind the secret organization is Henry Monsky, Omaha,
Neb., attorney, head of B’nai B’rith since 1938.”
The above is excerpted from pages 1 & 2 of a 44 page booklet by R O B E R T H . W I L L I A M S;
“The Anti-Defamation League and Its Use in the World Communist Offensive”
You’d be very interested in Elizabeth Dilling’s book, The Octopus (1940). Here’s a link: https://archive.org/details/DillingElizabethTheOctopus_20190315
[Only parts of this post are shown in this comment. See the link below for the rest of it]
“ADL Presitent Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination”
“Anti-Defamation League President Abraham Foxman in an appearance on August 25, 1998, made the following speech:
I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate.
We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction.
We can ruin THE ANCIENT PURE BLOODLINE OF AN ARYAN CHILD by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children.
We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country.
More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children.
Finally, we will SEE THE END OF THIS WHITE RACE. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at our feet.”
August 25, 1998, New York.
[Scroll down slightly at this link below to CONTENTS, if the speech doesn’t link direct].
The adl is nothing more than a left wing pro Zionists Organization which must be abolished here in America we must repeal anti hate speech laws that the Jews hide behind. The jews must also be exposed for what and who they really are. the true teachings of the Talmud Should be brought to light.
Abe Foxman, the former head of the ADL, is on public record as clearly stating that they act as an advocate for the State of Israel, which makes them legally a foreign lobby group. By U.S. law, any group that advocates on behalf of foreign governments have to be registered with the U.S. State Department as a foreign lobby. Of course, with its Jewish Privilege, the ADL is exempt from this requirement.
Thank you Chesterton, AIPAC is a lobby group for a foreign government, and America’s imperialist foreign policy is dictated by them….they are by no means the only one, but they have a stranglehold on what the U.S. State Department considers U.S. Foreign Policy such as using the military industrial complex to wage war against non-western countries and plunder their resources in name of US national security while Jews benefit from the spoils.
Goldman Sachs stole 143 ton of Venezuela’s gold while the people of Venezuela live in abject poverty. I was in New York when Hugo Chavez was providing oil to the poor people in the New York ghetto’s through a company run by a Kennedy. Eliot Abrams convicted warmongering Zionist who Donald Trump put in the position of special envoy to Venezuela was pushing America to invade that country, but does people know their history.
America did the same thing in Brazil a coup against Delma Rouseff because he minister of finance told Ben Bernanke to mind his business and clean up the mess they created in America. America took out Delma and put in a CIA agent who is now in jail for I believe massive corruption. The U.S. State Department is controlled by communist imperialist.
So how many black Jews work for the ADL exactly? Chineese? Latino?
If they are all Khazar Ashkenazim why no Sephardis? Please share with you own micro aggressive libel innuendos and race cloaking. Prove to us that black Jews run the NAACP.
Show us black Jews funding the BLM movement. Go on I dare you!.
Journos don’t call Washington DC – West Tel Aviv for nothing. Yes.
Where were those black, Chinese Jews in the Neo Conservative war mongers pack.
What about the financial military industrial complex. Where Jews were overwhelmingly presenting money for usury during the wars. Why were they never prosecuted even while funding both sides?
Were they also black Latino or Chinese -Jews running Wall street and those too big to fail banks, who were blessed but US tax dollars. If so who?
I think your smoke screen is fading away and the reality of the image you see in the mirror is not the most beautiful.
Clearly, Theodore Hertzl was wrong the stolen land of Palestine has not stopped antisemitism but graduated it. Thanks for revealing treasures from your deepest heart.
May you turn that high powered perception on your own people it will assist you to multicultural assimilation. Something Jews throughout history say they cannot experience. HMMM I wonder why?
Recently Times of Israel ran an article on a Chief Rabbi calling black people monkeys. Kishi is the Hebrew word. So did the ADL remind him Jews are black? If it is a religion why does a Chief Rabbi expose the truth thus. Did he loose his life savings, job and income. Hell no, he knows no black and Chinese Jews belong. Why don’t you? Please do not get me started on the racial discrimination on the token Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Israel took their kids and sterilized their women. The truth of facts cannot be libelous, remember.
By Mike King
In Lindemann’s Jewish supremacist worldview, the “worker bees” would be mixed race and the “supermen” would no doubt be the Jewish Globalist elite. Naturally, before this New World Order could emerge, the ‘White Man’ would have to first “abdicate”his leading position on Europe and America. A brief excerpt from ‘The Prof’ –one of the many the biogarphies written about Lindemann
Christians For Truth
To be fair to the original author of this article on Frederick Lindemann — Mike King at tomatobubble.com –we are providing a direct link to his wonderful website, and removing the link to the website that re-posted the original article. We encourage our readers to support Mike King’s website, one of the best revisionist sites in the world:
First response to my essay about interest groups such as the ADL in America……
“I find it interesting that you seem to be identifying the Jewish people as some sort of “enemy” or “minority tyrant” without acknowledging that the Jewish identity is not one that can be pinned down so casually. Being Jewish is both an ethnicity, and a religion, and sometimes they overlap and sometimes they don’t. There are asian jews, latin jews, black jews, white jews, jews of all kind!” Additionally, the complete simplification of the Jewish people to the nation of Israel is, in itself, wildly inaccurate. That would be like saying that all of America’s global influence and “lobbying” is the fault of all “white” people. To my ear, it seems to me that you’re using “the Jewish” as a scapegoat for all of America’s problems. That is what I’m hearing, but please correct me if I’m wrong…. Hmm. I wonder if anyone else in history has ever had that mentality?”
My answer to the charges: I would like to remind you that the topic of the essay in this course is “Interest groups” and with your passive aggressive response you are supporting my position. There is ample evidence that the Jewish lobby has great influence on U.S. government policy. America’s global influence and imperialist endeavors around the world is dictated by interest groups. Using the military industrial complex aka the Pentagon to destabilize non-western countries and plunder their natural resources in name of national security is dictated by interests groups. Your accusation that I am scapegoating Jews and deceptively bringing in Hitler is intellectual dishonesty. I lived in New York and experienced the viciousness of the government protected minorities first hand, and you are doing what they do best: engage in psychological torture and libel to deprive the ‘individual’ of their natural and inalienable right to freedom of thought.
Yes, the sign that a Jew is about to lose or has lost an argument is when he brings up Hitler, Nazis, and the Holocaust. It is a tacit admission that he cannot persuade you with logic, so he must resort to cheap emotional appeals, childish Grimm’s fairy tale emotions that appeal to our most immature, emotionally undeveloped parts of our brains. If you do not allow a Jew to use these cheap appeals to your emotions, he becomes a rambling, hysterical imbecile, as you discovered.
It is really funny that she brought in Hitler because it was my argument how interest groups in America and namely Jews stand first in line to call White men Hitler….when they did it to George W. Bush it shocked the living daylights out of me, but when it happened to Pim Fortuyn an openly gay man in the Netherlands, I knew there was more to the story.
CFT I hope you don’t mind me sharing the essay.
Topic: In your view, which entity—parties or groups—has the greater influence on government policy?
My personal experiences and observations of living in New York taught me a lot so I decided to let it out.
“Minority Group Tyranny”
“What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.”— Robert F. Kennedy
The intense hostility against George W. Bush and the claim that he was Hitler was terrifying. It put me on high alert during the contentious presidential election in 2000 and forced me to pay attention to what really governed America.
My observations of what happened to others informed my view that the Jewish lobby has the greatest influence on government policy, domestically and internationally.
My traumatic experiences with government agencies, some members of Congress representing New York State and the courts taught me how interest groups influenced government. Through organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Israeli (AIPAC), among others. Jewish interest groups exploits race and Black people to incite hatred against White people. They advocate open-border for America to expand the non-white under class, call for global censorship in name of fighting hate and military interventions in non-western countries.
The persecution of Judge Janice Rogers-Brown, a Black American woman who defended the Constitutional foundation of America had a profound impact on me. Senator Charles Schumer of New York, called her an out of the mainstream right-wing extremist unworthy of being on the bench, because she argues that ‘minority group rights’ were undermining individual liberty in America.
In “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University argue that “No lobby has managed to divert U.S. foreign policy as far from what the American national interest would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that U.S. and Israeli interests are essentially identical” They argue that “in its basic operations, it is no different from interest groups like the Farm Lobby, steel and textile workers, and other ethnic lobbies. What sets the Israel Lobby apart is its extraordinary effectiveness”…… the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in particular has a “stranglehold on the U.S. Congress”, due to its “ability to reward legislators and congressional candidates who support its agenda, and to punish those who challenge it.”
After hailing Obama as a messiah, Jewish groups again stood first in line to call Donald Trump Hitler. Madeline Albright, former secretary of state, who said that killing 500.000 women and children in Iraq was worth it, called him fascist. Masha Gessen a radical gender feminist author and journalist immigrant from Russia called him a dictator. This political persecution and tyranny goes unchallenged because the extremists belong to government protected minority groups.
I am addressing the dynamic of Jews standing first in line to call people Hitler if they oppose you, don’t like what you have to say, or you question their cruel and unconscionable behavior, and she tried to do the same with me. Jews call me racist, Nazi and antisemite based on my opinion alone, but they never dispute what I write, and this person didn’t do that either. The history of Europe and America is intertwined with the history of my country of birth, where Jews engaged in enormous cruelty toward people non-white people who they enslaved and used as cattle. I was born way after WWII but they still have the audacity to call me Hitler, which is insane.
Sy Bergsteinowitz
This is odd, one leftist group suing anudda’? What’s their end game?
Why don’t those groups go after the three major sports leagues that only have 6 POC as owners out of 90 teams and NO black NFL team owners?
But there is an abundance of one type of creature…
So why no black owners N the NFL? Had a chance to let Sean Combs buy Carolina, but blocked him & sold to (((Tepper.)))
“In the fall of 2011, Greenblatt was appointed to serve as Special Assistant to the President for Obama and Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (SICP) in the United States Domestic Policy Council. As Director, he led the Office’s efforts to utilize human capital and financial capital to bring attention to community solutions.”….. read expanding the sprawling concentration camps aka minority ghetto’s in America
“Greenblatt is the grandson of a Holocaust survivor. Yep, here we have the “Holocaust” the transferable privilege to engage in violence and oppression with impunity. Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered over million 60 million non-Jewish people in the red-genocide….but nobody we are not allowed to talk about that.
He is married to Marjan Keypour Greenblatt, an Iranian Jewish political refugee to the United States who is the founder and director of The Alliance for Rights of All Minorities (ARAM), a non-profit.” Another Jewish supremacist scam…where does this woman get the right from the became a mouth piece for ALL Minorities…..the smallest minorities in no a race, skin color, ethnicity or religion, but an individual, I think Christian ethics made that perfectly clear, but Jews and their ancient tribal mindset keep lumping people together to further their dictatorial agenda…..
Former Liberal
Karma sure is a b____, isn it? The ADL labels every group it doesn’t like as “white supremacist” or ” antisemitic” it doesn’t like, including pro Second Amendment organizations such as Gun Owners of America…. Utterly ridicolous.
Can it be that these communists organizations have lost faith for their patriarch ? Has the nice , self righteous fat jew trouble maker forgotten his illegitimate children or is this about money ? If these are jew anti-WHite organizations they must pay homage $$$$$ to thier loving father , the ADL. Perhaps these slighted Ideologies and advocates need to be revived. These improvisations which were contrived to first agitate then educate anyone with grievance, be they women, dark races or their favourite unnatural child , SOdomy have little motivation while they are poor. They have lost respect in congress. A rich rebel or subversive is a zealot . ANd of course competition is fierce but .. “if you’re stealing so much why not give some to your adopted children and not everything for Israel… at least for sake of social justice?” Perhaps the vigilant ADL has forgotten its first love. Or is it that they just do not need them anymore.
Love it when the ‘left’ turns against itself / (((their))) pets turn on (((them)))!
Hilarious, I am loving it, people are finally coming around to see it for what it is a Jewish supremacist hate White people organization from the beginning, tax away their tax-exempt status….please, please.