More than 2,000 workers have lost their jobs in the latest South African “land reform” project — which seizes white farms and hands them over to Africans — as one of the country’s largest tea plantations, formerly run by Lipton Teas International, has totally collapsed into weeds after less than ten years in black hands:
Democratic Alliance provincial leader Jacques Smalle accompanied by the party’s Shadow Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Annette Steyn, photographed while visiting the ruined tea estate.
The collapse of the Makgoba Tea Estate (previously known as Sapekoe Tea Estate) near the northern town of Tzaneen contrasts strongly with the plantation’s heyday under white management, when it employed over 6,400 people and was one of the country’s largest suppliers of tea to both local and export markets.
The plantation was operated by international tea maker Lipton since the 1960s, but in 2006, the estate was however taken over by the ANC government in 2006 as part of the “land restitution program” and saw over 600 African families being moved on to the farm to run it.
The ANC also injected over 65 million Rand in “investment” and “loans” to the Africans who all claimed to be “farmers” and “original residents.”
A visit this past week to the estate by a local newspaper, the Bosveld Review, found however that all the fixtures had been stolen, the buildings stripped and desolate, and the formerly pristine rows of tea trees left to be overrun with wild weeds and bush.
According to the newspaper, the surviving tea bushes had been left to grow up to 10 feet high; “the agricultural infrastructure had been stripped and removed from the property and opportunities to create employment looked bleak as planned projects had come to little.”
A forensic report marked ‘for internal use only’ confirmed that the estate was stripped of assets in excess of R121 million and subsequently, in 2011 the department became the caretaker of the estate, the paper quoted local opposition politician Jacques Smalle from the “Democratic Alliance” party.
Smalle said the department appointed the Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency to develop a business plan and pumped R65 742 000 into the dilapidated estate between 2011 and 2015. “It is now clear that no farming activity has taken place for years.
“Deteriorating tractors, pickups and graders belonging to the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (Leda) were found on site. It then begs the question what the R65 million was spent on, as it is evident that [the Limpopo Economic Development Agency] Leda has done nothing to revitalize this project,” said Smalle.
This is not the first such “land restitution” program to have collapsed under the ANC’s rule. As pointed out in the book “The Great South African Land Scandal,” African rule has been disastrous for agriculture in South Africa: in 2007, thirteen years after adopting black rule, South Africa became a net food importer for the first time since its founding in 1652.
The Black concept of wealth creation is to loot and pillage until there’s nothing left to steal, and then starve to death. It is utterly futile to give Blacks anything that they cannot create for themselves without them eventually ruining it. After all, if you can’t build it yourself, how can you maintain and repair it when needed? You can’t, and that’s where pathologically altruistic liberals completely fail in their relentless pursuit of proving to the world that everyone is equal. Giving aid to Blacks is actually a form of benign torture.
Because of Black incompetence, there are now 2,000 additional unemployed Blacks who used to have reliable jobs working on this tea plantation. But Blacks would rather be jobless and starving that to work for the White man — their over-inflated pride will not allow them to come to terms with the fact that they are completely dependent on Whites for their survival. They honestly believe that they’d be colonizing Mars right now if the White man hadn’t been such a racist.
What happened for the blacks is what is happening for women in many western countries now and the men are said to be the oppressors and this is all about the destruction of society on this planet.
Sadly stroking the egos of part of these situations creates the ruination and destruction of families, business production and devaluing of every one and everything until we have slave planet on psychiatric drugs. Is this what people we really want?
Wake up and we nearly all work together we can sort this out in a great way for humanity
Since early history the black african lived off his environment and this has been genetically fixed. Once an area was stripped of that which could be pilfered and utilised they would move on. That which has been built up by the ‘whites’ in South Africa is deemed as their new environment and may therefore be pilfered and destroyed for own gain. The question now arises – Where to next? Once the present South Africa has been left barren?
The blame will be to the white man, because why did he not teach the people on how to farm tea. Shit I forgot, they are all farmers. To farm with cattle and goats is way different as to farm with organic plants…
The white man has been making money for the past couple of thousand years. How does this make one elitist or racist at that. In the 1900’s black people were still living in huts, the way they had done for thousands of years. The whites started developing the land and making it productive from 1652 when they landed in the Cape, as they would do and had done for thousands of years. The whites built up this country when there was absolutely nothing. What about the homelands within SA. Nobody mentions that. They had free range to build them into empires. With the new democratic SA, is it not wise for everyone to work together!
I’m totally shocked and speechless. I can’t even speak. Of what has become. I’m sad angry and families now dont have work. And maybe some have turned to crime. THANK YOU ANC. Where has moving forward and leaving the past behind. Today is the present. Tomorrow brings us more surprises. WHAT IS NEXT CARE TO SHARE. DISGUSTED AND VERY APPALLING.
One cannot train those with a retarded IQ level…if you ask the blackman if he understand what one has just taught him..he always says?……..Yes baas,!
Well Said
I am sorry, I cannot recall the white people torturing and wanting to murder the black or any other nation. The black people keep on blaming the white people for everything that goes wrong. 24years ago everyone had, good clean well run hospitals, schools, municipalities, homes, there were no squatter camps in South Africa. Most people both black white colored, Indians Chinese etc all had work. A lot has changed, the hospital are unhygienic, filthy, the schools and education is terrible, when grade 7 only needs 20 percent to pass math and grade 12 only needs 30 percent pass to go to university. Something is very wrong.
Below mean IQ…at 67…retarded
Is it true that the Khoi San are using the abandoned tea bags, filling them with colorful pebbles and throwing them at high velocity at each other’s eye sockets? And that American college professors are demanding the activity be added to the next summer Olympics? That would be a step forward for global equality and understanding. Glass half full!!
So I guess this huge failure relating to an international corporation and the ANC is still the white man’s fault. When it comes down to it, our misplaced philanthropy is definitely a catalyst. But how can such gross incompetence not be a slap in the face to these mentally deranged liberals? Well, what can I say…I’m sure there were more than our share in the crowd the day they screamed for Christ’s crucifixion…
…and that share of the crowd is the same dumb goy that are ”liberals” now, being urged and lied to by the same [[[people]]] – and I use that term advisedly – as in Jesus’ days here on earth.
WITH the same disastrous consequences I might add!