An examination spectacularly failed by all would-be professional surgeons from five universities in South Africa two weeks ago will now be written in an easier multiple-choice format to improve the pass rate:
Zach Koto, president of the council of surgeons at the Colleges of Medicine of SA (CMSA), announced at a media briefing held in Joburg on Tuesday that the multiple-choice format will be used, starting from next year.
A row erupted last week after it emerged that all candidates from Wits University, University of Cape Town, University of Pretoria, Walter Sisulu University and University of the Free State had failed the exam.
Some university officials questioned why only candidates from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University and Stellenbosch University managed to pass.
Koto said the multiple choice was a principle implemented nationally and internationally.
“Majority of international colleges now use multiple-choice questions. It’s a single best answer question. It is a better type of assessment to answer questions. It is also an advantage for the narrative skills of individuals,” Koto said.
However, CSMA president Flavia Senkubuge, said the probe into the low pass rate was continuing.
She said the probe would focus on both sets of those who failed and those who passed the examination.
“The institutions that managed to pass the examination must be approached to adopt their training mechanism. We need to ask questions: the universities that have passed what is it that they are doing and those that have not passed what are the challenges?”
She said the training institutions were not equal and, therefore, not all institutions were going to get a 100% pass rate. She added that 44% was not a pass rate, but a qualification rate.
“The pass rate will be determined at the end of this month after part two of the examination. The final exam has two parts. Part one (written component) which was written on July 25 and 26.
“Part two (clinical component) will be written next week. Only candidates who achieved a sub-minimum of 45% in one paper with a minimum of 50% in the other paper will be invited to part two of the exam and those that are not satisfied with the results will be allowed to appeal after the part two of the exam,” Senkubuge said.
Koto also said the decline in the pass rate started last year and investigations were done, however, there were no major changes on the examination.
Of course, we know that race cannot possibly be a factor in this 100% fail rate because the article predictably didn’t mention it.
All other Black schools in South Africa have astonishingly low pass rates as we’ve reported previously, but allegedly Black medical students fail merely because of the incorrect test format.
All standardized tests, including the SAT and IQ tests, have been made easier for Blacks to artificially raise their pass rates, but all that this fudging has accomplished is raised everyone’s score to the point where the tests have become meaningless.
Apologists for Blacks have long claimed that such standardized tests are “culturally biased” against Blacks, but they have never been able to come up with any test where Blacks score as high as Whites, no matter how “neutral” they make it.
In reality, it is not fair to Blacks to judge them based on White standards, accomplishments, and potential. And it’s cruel to fill the heads of Black children with fairy tales that they can accomplish what Whites accomplish. If that were the case, Africa would look like Europe or America, but it doesn’t.
Whites are not secretly trying to “oppress” and “keep the Black man down.” Whites would like nothing better than to see Blacks rise up out of inter-generational poverty and ignorance en masse, because that chronic failure is a burden to Whites to continue to support. Not only that, tens of thousands of Whites are murdered and raped every year by impoverished and violent Blacks.
And if we cannot uplift Blacks to our level, we have no choice but to live separately because our lives literally depend on it.
Maybe you blacks should go back to something you understand like :Voodoo.
Maybe what you Blacks in South Africa need to do is what was done in the United States for blacks . Our government called it “bussing” and forced other school districts to take blacks so as to sneakily get the blacks integrated into all levels of white society under the pretense that the blacks where not getting good education ,and opportunities. Oh wait! I’m sorry. You blacks wanted the country all to yourselves, now you have no whites to integrate yourselves into the white’s schools, universities, organization, occupations, lifestyle, clubs and all else. You wanted it this way and you blacks still whine. You blacks can’t even educate yourselves.”
Multiple choice questions aren’t necessarily simpler, as the black ‘experts’ seem to assume.
For example, they could be faced with questions with (e.g.) 6 options for the type of anaesthic and dose; the symptoms for some disease, several symptoms being listed; the best surgical procedures for a condition; and so on. A long paper like that could include many complications – whether it would is another matter.
In fact these papers have been in use fur years. One problem is they tend to be re-used; I remember as far back as 1980 ‘colleges’ were using past papers to train would-be surgeons, who sometimes recognised questions they’d already be shown, though whether they remembered the answers I can’t say.
A point often made is that people can just guess; and surely they must pick up a few point that way? So the papers include a ‘guessing correction’ of subtracting (e.g.) 1/6 point for each wrong answer, as an approximate way of allowing for guesses: if there are 6 options per question, about 1/6 will be right by chance, so the correction brings it down to about zero.
Of course it’s a Jewish policy.
They now want all medical aids to become part of the new national health. Just imagine a 50% chance this guys know what he is doing. The odds are against it. Most whites will abandon med aid and go to India for cheap operations and competent staff. Who let the dogs out. Woff Woff Wooff W Woof.
So the solution to not having enough intelligent recruits is to make getting a quack license easier? Who’s running the show around there. The Democrat party?
Hermann Keyser
There is no excuse for any student not to finish there studies. This racist attitude must fall. Doctors and nurses have an obligation to learn more about saving lives than blaming the minority groups. Students at other institutions are taught by professional Professors and assure that Lives are Saved.
The Doctors Oath and Florence Nightingale Oath states you must pledge your life for another. Regardless of Race Color or Creed.
I think you missed the boat on the thrust of the article. This has nothing to do with doctors being racist, but the testing required to become a doctor. If you reread the article, you should be more concerned with who is going to practice on you…
That photo with the Blacks surrounding the White mannequin sums up the medical profession in all White countries today. They import Third World “trained” doctors by the boat load then make it impossible using racial quotas for White males especially to get into U.S. medical schools.
I once had a Black Muslim female doctor in the ER misdiagnose me with cancer of the spleen instead of common abdominal pain. They can and will kill you, which is why they are here.
As for the insanity of ‘multiple choice’ medical exam questions – this is HUGE! I can’t even imagine where to begin in explaining where the ENORMOUS failure exists. All I can think of is some ignorant beast staring at the internal organs of a ‘patient’ they just opened up, wondering why each one of the organs doesn’t have a ‘multiple choice’ stamped on it so that they at least have a higher percentage chance of figuring out what it is, thus having a better understanding on just where to start…
Absolutely unbelivable…and most of our people still have more faith in the ‘medical field’ than they do in “The Great Physician”. SMH
As if we cannot see the ‘transformation’ that has occurred in Big Pharma. 20 years ago most white doctors were already being chased out of their ‘practices’ due to conveniently changed laws allowing the wholesale fleecing of these doctors in the form of ‘medical malpractice suits’. Once most white doctors were removed from the field, the ‘loopholes’ were tied up, and the jew conveniently weaseled in the dregs to simply ‘fill the open positions’…as if it just a natural course of action to replace our caring medical practicioners with careless beasts whose competency rivals that of vaguely educated white children.
So keep swallowing all the poison of these food-like products to keep us sick and give these beasts the human fodder to further the ‘Soylent Green’ agenda…
Leslie Landberg
CRT in the US is about to be adopted to push out white doctors and staff. The quality of care and outcomes at most US hospitals is already abysmal, with iatrogenic death and injury accounting for at least 1/3 of ALL morbidity for the past three decades. That’s medical error, missed diagnoses, and over prescription. Hospitals work on very slender margins. It all goes to the insurance companies. So they have to kill people and steal their organs. Many people are harvested for money by nurses and doctors. They just OD you on pain meds. Now the standards will go even lower. CRT will push out good doctors to establish black majority teams. it’s Equity, baby! I predict this will create a two tier system. private hospitals will be all white and public hospitals will be mostly black. If you’re forced to hire for skin color not talent, standards will slip even further. And the levels of organ extraction will explode. it’s a deadly grift.
Blacks hybrids aka mulattos in early
Years can reach an IQ of 100. Then at
Age age of 17 reverts back to 85.
The “dummy” in the photo accompanying the article probably has more intelligence than the “medical students”. Why not just teach witch doctor healing methods instead of racist, white man medicine?
Leslie Landberg
CRT proposes to do that. There are many papers and a big public policy push now to teach voodoo and other folk traditions alongside standard medical practice and to acknowledge these alternative systems as valuable and viable. Lysenko is alive and well and living in the US!
Well, those African “doctors” are already here in America. Pay a visit to any hospital in any major city across the country and you’ll find that the majority of the nurses and many of the doctors are nonwhite. Most of them have thick accents and are undoubtedly very difficult for elderly Americans to understand. And don’t get me started on their competence… Or lack thereof. Give thanks to God for your good health and pray that He keeps you from ever requiring hospitalization.
Same in Australia. Private hospitals here will sponsor them in return for sub-par wages and conditions. If you point out their lack of competence you will be targeted for career ruin.
Keep lowering standards until a chimp could achieve a pass, then all those “highly qualified” black “doctors” can be imported into White countries to work in our hospitals.
What could possibly go wrong?
precisely my first thought ; they will ‘pass’ and get their degree, then immediately move to America to make the big bucks and wreak havoc on any poor soul who has the misfortune to be ‘treated’ by them. Just like indian ‘engineers’…witness the Boeing 737 max… except even more people will die due to the africans.
ethan allen
What could possibly go RIGHT?
Do Huang
The way to solve this, lies completely with the black population.
Through selective breeding they can raise the average IQ.
Let intelligent people have more children and less intelligent people have less children.
But I don’t think that this will happen. Most likely the opposite will happen, as less intelligent people will have more children.
The ONLY way that blacks could selectively breed higher IQ is to breed all the ‘black’ out of the race. This is just fact; although there may be one out of a billion completely ‘black’ person with a 3 digit IQ, it is just that – one out of a billion. Look at any intelligent and successful [on their own with no ‘quota’ help or (((other))) advancement] and you can tell that they are not 100% african – inevitably they are a mix breed of some type.
For whatever reason, the african was designed as a low IQ creature; they cannot do anything w/o outside help or instruction. The african has never invented anything – if you discount car jacking and ‘necklacing’, but even those require the white mans inventions- save cannibalism. Not even a wheel, a sail, nothing. It simply is not in them. Accept that fact and go on.
Not PC, but true.
Well now a black did invent peanut butter, at least give them that.
Peanut butter is a recipe, so we can’t even give them that…
Unfortunately for blacks, they can’t even claim that one of their own discovered peanut butter. The 19th century patents belong to a Canadian named Edson and the infamous John Kellogg. Even anti-white Wikipedia admits that it is a common misconception that George Washington Carver invented peanut butter.
I Dunno
peanut butter song, the olympics early 60s
Leslie Landberg
He PROMOTED beat farming practices through nitrogen fixing by the planting of fallow crops. Peanuts are nitrogen fixers that yield a product that is nutritious and can earn the farmer money for a fallow field. it’s called crop rotation. it’s good for the soil.