(The Jewish Chronicle) Former neo-Nazi — Lutz Langer — had a dream, started reading the Kabbalah, and before he knew it, he was an orthodox Jew living in Tel Aviv — warning the world of an international “Nazi” underground that is planning a “race war” against the firmly entrenched radical Left in power:
Yonatan Langer cuts an unassuming figure nowadays. Soft-spoken and polite, the 38-year-old Tel Aviv resident wears a kippah, keeps kosher and prays every day — the model of an observant Jew.
Fifteen years ago, however, he was Lutz Langer: a hardcore neo-Nazi at the centre of Berlin’s fascist rock scene working to destroy what he saw as a degenerate Jewish government.
Speaking to the JC in Krakow, Poland, where he had travelled to attend a wreath-laying ceremony at Auschwitz, he described how his conversion to Judaism changed his life and taught him to reject hatred. He also offered a chilling warning of the dark forces growing in strength across Europe.
Neo-Nazi “sleeper agents” across the continent are preparing to overthrow democracy and initiate a race war, he fears.
Committed white nationalists are allegedly working in normal jobs and avoiding demonstrations that might put them on a police watchlist.
But behind the scenes they are quietly working towards the revival of Hitler’s Germany. Since he abandoned the movement, Mr Langer told the JC, “the neo-Nazis now have way more money, they are very well organised, they are helping each other with contracts and business relations and they are very influential, especially with social media”.
While it is impossible to know exactly how many active white nationalists are working to infiltrate mainstream society, there are indications that in Germany at least, the problem is widespread.
Between 2008 and 2020, military intelligence identified around 200 far-right radicals within the armed forces. In 2020, Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer disbanded an elite special forces regiment — the KSK — because of fears that it had been infiltrated by far-right extremists.
And most concerningly, in 2017, police uncovered a plot masterminded by former policemen and army officers to assassinate a string of mainstream politicians and overturn democracy on “Day X”.
The would-be terrorists, all of whom were trained marksmen, had stockpiled weapons and bodybags and drawn up lists of tens of thousands of potential targets. Germany’s anti-terror agency, the BfV, says the group was preparing with “enormous intensity”.
Mr Langer claimed that his Berlin cell was also secretly working towards “Day X”, when they would “take to the streets” and shift Germany towards race war. “We randomly went to marches, but it’s known that when you’re going to marches you’re identified by the police and you are on the radar,” he said. “So we had our clubhouse where we invited neo-Nazi leaders, musicians, and made contacts with other groups.
“We played our neo-Nazi music for regular Germans from the neighbourhood, often friends would come, and we built the idea for Day X.”
The idea behind his group’s plans, he said, was to “bring back the time of the Nazis”.
At the core of that dream was the covert infiltration of mainstream society. “We connected [with] each other, we brought each other in and tried to achieve higher positions where we could influence [German society] because when you are on the street, going to marches, you are very short-term, you don’t achieve anything.
“You may go to prison, or you have constant supervision by the police, and we didn’t have that.”
Undercover neo-Nazis like the young Lutz Langer are “not only in Germany,” he insists, but “in every country”.
The growth of social media networks, meanwhile, is making it far simpler for extremists to connect. “It’s very easy to get to people, to a network, even if you are in a small town,” he said.
“For us it was an easy thing because we were in a big town. We could meet leaders of the scene or find the music, but when you were in a small town you didn’t get to do that. Now it’s very easy.”
Born in East Germany to Christian parents in 1983, Mr Langer grew up in a typical middle-class home. After joining a karate class as a teenager he was radicalised by a far-right instructor, and gradually became enmeshed deeper and deeper within the Berlin far-right rock scene.
“We started to listen to neo-Nazi music in training camps and from listening to music, we made copies,” he said.
“We went to parties, then at some point we realised that going to clubs you cannot listen to the music that we like, so we opened a clubhouse in Berlin where we would gather and have our parties and play our neo-Nazi music.”
After a decade as a white supremacist leader, he gradually became disillusioned and began to look for an escape from the movement.
Remarkably, at that point a dream inspired him to turn to Kabbalah, through which he got in touch with a Jewish man, who in turn helped him to renounce his violent past.
Teaching Jewish values, he now claims, could help many others deradicalise and reject hatred.
“I had to find a reason why not to be negative, and one of the things was I want to be in control so I ask a lot of questions and Judaism always explained this,” he said.
“So you put on tefillin to control your negativity, to control your reactivity, you go to the mikvah to purify your thoughts, you eat kosher not to give the energy to your Nefesh [HaBahamis].”
Discussing how he rejected extremism with Jewish leaders from across Europe, Mr Langer said he had to “learn to become a mensch.
“After 14 years, [I am] now standing in front of you as an Orthodox Jew who is recognised by the rabbinate in Israel, who lives in Israel, who got the chance for a new life.”
He added: “Antisemitism is not a problem of Jews but all of our problem. It’s hatred at its source and hatred doesn’t stop with Jews. “We need to bring more light to our world so the darkness disappears.”
If you substituted Jews for neo-Nazis in this article, you’d get a pretty good picture how Jews started out, networking, and eventually infiltrated all the halls of power and the media.
Jews are terrified that those who oppose their grip on power will do the same thing they did.
Instead of an international Jewish-communist conspiracy, it’s now an international “neo-Nazi” conspiracy to bring about a race war — which is ironic considering that Jews use racial tension, pitting blacks against whites, to help bring about their own revolution in the West.
When Jews do this, they call it “tikkun olam” — or “healing the world” — yes, healing the world through extreme violence that left at least 50 million dead in the wake of their Bolshevik revolution to bring about “equality” and ending “hate”.
It seems that what happened to Langer is that after 10 years of nothing happening — no advancement of the “neo-Nazi” revolution — he became disillusioned — and felt, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”
Jews have become very adept at convincing Germans that loving their own people — or even mourning their needless deaths — is a form of “hate” — except when Jews do it.
Leading Jewish groups in Europe have openly conceded that the real threat of violent antisemitism does not come from the “far Right” or “neo-Nazis” but rather from Muslims — “golems” — by their own admission — whom they imported into Europe to “diversify” and subvert the native white Christian population.
In fact, Germany’s “antisemitism Czar” — Monika Schwarz-Friesel — claimed that “neo-Nazis” are not a “serious social problem” but Christianity is — especially those Christians who rightly deny that Judaism is the basis of Christianity.
She knows that “neo-Nazis” and “white nationalists” are not a threat because Jews and their stooges have infiltrated all these circles — and even lead them in many cases.
In 2014, Jews infiltrated a German neo-Nazi group and “tricked” them into raising money for a Jewish anti-extremist group.
And most of the high-profile arrests of “neo-Nazis” turn out to be alienated, unstable teenagers who fantasize about “Nazis” while they play computer games online.
It is these disgruntled teens that apparently comprise the “international white supremacist terror network” that the ADL and Homeland Security alleges is working night and day to overthrow the West.
As for Lutz Langer, all he has done is switched from “white supremacy” to Jewish supremacy — by learning to love those who want his race annihilated — one way or another — through “tikkun olam” — so-called “Jewish blessings.”
Langer (translation: longer), is a common surname used by “jews”™. Additionally, kLutz just doesn’t resemble an indigenous German.
Every germanic last name that jews use is originally, and still used by real Germans. You can’t use reverse logic and claim every German who has a “jewish sounding” last name is therefore “jewish”.
What are Germans supposed to do? Change their last names because jews use them too?
That’s jewish “logic”.
Well, he could be an infiltrator but in his heart loyal to his blood. Infiltration is what happened to the Vatican. I’m sure there are infiltrations happening everywhere.
To quote this line from the article: “….healing the world through extreme violence that left at least 50 million dead in the wake of their Bolshevik revolution to bring about “equality” and ending “hate”.”
It is not a coincidence that the Diversity Inclusion Equity agenda has the acronym DIE and a motto “we all bleed red”. The front facing agenda is to mix people into racially diverse groups that work together for better outcomes. The shadow side of the agenda is self evident. DIE – “we all bleed red”. Death is what truly produces equity.
Yep, the Jews are masters at infiltrating all “neo-Nazi” and white nationalist groups, and they encourage their members to resort to violence so that the Jews become justified in eviscerating our constitutional rights for the sake of “safety” and “gun control”.
White nationalism has always been infiltrated by Jews and crypto Jews, but these groups never learn and continue to believe that another “Hitler” will come and save them:
Do any “Organic” white nationalist groups actually exist???? I sure hope so.
The Scripture — “when two or more are gathered together” – seems to have changed to — “…when two or more are gathered together, there will be a (((Fed))) amongst you.”
A group called White Rabbit TV has already done a video about how this would turn out.
Jews and whites have to be opposing forces for balance to be managed. If Neo nazis would all convert to judaism, the results would be like this cartoon:
To me, he looks like someone who leapt out of the proverbial closet, and then realised that the Muslim neighbours that Germany’s Jewish puppeteers placed all around him, might not appreciate his new lifestyle. So he picked up his copy of ‘Kabbalah for Dummies’, and off he minced to Israel.
Sounds like a latent fag.
‘Langer’ is seriously a proper name? I know in Ireland its slang for Penis like dick or prick. Who knows what mush your brain turns into after a couple good jewjuice vax shots if left alive that is. He sounds like model mk ultra product Brainwashed by systematic abuse like hard anal sodomite bang from imprisonment or at your local mason lodge.
With the pain-inflicting Tefillin he’s got there wrapped on arm now sure looks like he’s been well versed in the masochistic sadistic genre. If you ask me the individual pictured done looks ‘gay’ in the face just like how you can spot lesbians. Hey, look he’s even wearing the mini-kabaa cube box on head that people call ‘small-hats’ haha. Small loss probably already had an internal ‘jew’ just begging to let loose.
The Japanese Find Out That Traditional Demons Were Jews
Germans and eastern Europeans were the ones “burnt offered” and then the Chinese.
How much blood do you want on your hands judaism/Ziojews?’
Or wait do they know something that they have hid for thousands of years? They need to keep the whole “reborn” slavery to keep going to power the current cosmos with the Eternal spirits of mankind?
Those jews use neo-s or anyone that advocates violence even if they have no power over anyone, and it’s hard to find any unless you look at the neo-s in Ukraine fighting for jews that run it all.
The fact that the Truth is what jews fear and is all we need to provide and seek and use in this fight. That’s it, just get the TRUTH documented, saved, if free people want to know it cannot be stopped and jew power is the most important info to save the people under jew supremacy power. And if there was justice, it seems there is a lot of info to make the case for maybe some shame? and just let people see the facts. CFT says it all.
This guy is a jew because he has no shame?
Years ago, probably during the Ukrainian conflict of 2014, I recall reading that the leader of the so-called “neo-nazis” in the Ukraine was a crypto-Jew, as were many in the ranks. That would explain why the ADL and the Jew Zelensky doesn’t have a problem with them, as classic controlled opposition.
I used to think the square thing on top of the head was a flashlight to read in the dark. But it didn’t look like any flashlight I knew of so I looked it up. Turns out it’s idolatrous presumptuous sacrilege, of course, duh.
Oh! If there only WAS a vast network of well financed White nationalists! To paraphrase a line from Steely Dan – ‘what a beautiful world it could be…’
Hey, Luke
Those lyrics, “what a beautiful world it will be…” isn’t from Steely Dan, but from the song “I.G.Y.” from Donald Fagen’s solo album “The Nightfly” in 1982….
Right! Written and performed by two likes.
Lord just looking at that crap he’s wearing tells you everything demonic about the jews/Edom. What darkness. If this story is true…how utterly demonic ‘Kabbala’ is and how this dude can’t escape from its chains unless he turns to Jesus Christ. His flesh (led by demons) has jeopardized (like a tyrant) his soul which leads to certain death.
He has also learned the fine satanic art of being the liar and fabricating what his father does. DO NOT TOUCH THE KABBALA DEMONS…I had to skip down to CFT breakdown 🙂 Be prayed up saints…even when reading.
Matthew 16:26-27
26 For what good will it do a person if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his soul? Or what will a person give in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every person according to his deeds.
Black Cube Saturn Occult Symbolism
O God help him. Someone tell him not to read roots or he will be a Swartze, for heavens sakes. Its a golem.
Exactly!! And we can add brain dead idiocy.
switched from “white supremacy” to Jewish supremacy — by learning to love those who want his race annihilated
Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, of Machon Shilo, outlines the theology behind race annihilation:
‘Most Jews do not fully understand the central message of Purim. And that message is, very briefly and simply, that we, the Jewish people, are commanded to destroy the enemies of our people, in all times, in all places. As happened, as described in detail, in the Book of Esther, where we find that 75,811 of our enemies were destroyed, including women and children.’
‘The message of Purim is not about commemorating a past event. It is, rather, commemorating and remembering a past event in order that we know how to behave today in the present and in the future.’
Video (2¼m) here:
As the user now protects his Tweets, I uploaded the video to Gab:
Yet another prime-time redemption story for public consumption. The jews love redemption stories, especially when it’s a white person conforming to the world. Something tells me his “conversion” was really his coming out as the ashkenazi mongrel he always was.
Right, Mark, he is “conforming to the word”, and that’s exactly what Christ told us NOT to do:
Romans 12:2
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
1 John 2:15
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
What I really like about the articles at CFT is that you guys always provide links to facts that prove what you are saying, especially from Jewish sources, from their own mouths.
A lot of sites just say things and you have no idea where they get their information from, and don’t provide any links to where you can find out where they got their facts from.
I wish more sites put the work into it that you do.
I say this because if you say something about Jews, people will always ask you, “Where did you get that from?” or “How do you know this?”
That was one of the big problems with the books by Eustace Mullins. He rarely provided source material, so you have no idea where he got his information.
Agreed. My transition into the Christian Identity truth is when I clicked on a link to CFT, that was 2 and 1/2 years ago. I always recommend the book section. A wealth of information. Especially the books providing the history of the Caucasian race. Downloadable as well. I have never looked back since that time.
Eustace worked at the
National Archives for a very long time.
Pretty good source.
Try to take a person’s total body of work into consideration.
Did Eustace get some things wrong? Yes. EVERYONE who has done this has. It’s what they knew or understood at the time…especially pre-internet.
No, it’s never okay to be white, goyim.