“Feminist professor at Virginia Tech University is warning that fossil fuels are contributing to a warped sense of “masculine identity” and “authoritarianism” among men.
Cara Daggett, who teaches classes on politics and global security at Virginia Tech, penned her criticism of petro-masculinity in an essay “Petro-masculinity: Fossil Fuels and Authoritarian Desire” for the most recent issue of Millennium: Journal of International Studies.
“[Like] other masculinities, petro-masculinity should be understood as manifesting in multiple, and locally specific, ways.”
Writing in response to the 2016 election, Daggett coins the term “petro-masculinity” to describe what she sees as a convergence of “climate change, a threatened fossil fuel system, and an increasingly fragile Western hypermasculinity.”
“Petro-masculinity, like fossil fuel systems, arguably has global dimensions,” Daggett asserts. “However, like other masculinities, petro-masculinity should be understood as manifesting in multiple, and locally specific, ways.”
So every time we drive our cars, we are oppressing women and non-Whites. Climate Change keeps White men in power and women enslaved in the home raising children. The Green Movement will liberate our children from traditional gender assignments. If it weren’t for toxic White men, the Earth would be paradise. Oil companies “rape” the land.
These “insights” were paid for by your tax dollars.
Someone should teach this Cara Daggett that, contrary to endless propaganda, oil is NOT a “fossil” fuel. If MINERAL oil resulted from ANIMAL FAT and VEGETABLE OILS left behind by dinosaurs, and from plants through the ages, it would have been used up decades ago.
Oil, like coal, is a product of the Earth itself, as was “proven” – as far as such a thing is possible – by the Russians with their deep drilling.
Yes, fossils ARE found in coal and oil deposits, but that doesn’t prove that these are the source of the deposit, any more than mosquitoes in amber “proves” the insect to be the source of the resins.
Save the earth from oil drilling, gas usage, and White men…
The only reaction to such absurdity should be laughter.