A new study from the University of Virginia has revealed that American females are three times more likely to die or be seriously injured in car accidents than men:
American car companies believe one type of female test dummy suffices to ensure women don’t die in car crashes. And she’s five feet tall and weighs 110 pounds.
That’s incredibly far from the build of an average American woman. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, she weighs 170.5 pounds and stands nearly four inches taller than the test dummy.
Female car-crash victims are 73% more likely to die or suffer a serious injury in a car crash, according to a new paper from the University of Virginia. That’s controlling for all of the different factors in a passenger’s body, the car model, and whether or not the passenger is wearing a seat belt.
CityLab’s Sarah Holder first reported the study on July 18, and she pointed out that the non-representative dummy is likely linked to women’s significantly-higher likelihood or being maimed or killed in a car crash.
Male test dummies, which were the only kind that were widely used until 2003, when the 110-pound female dummy was introduced, are much more representative of the male population, the researchers told CityLab.
“Manufacturers and designers used to all be men,” Dr. David Lawrence, director of the Center for Injury Prevention Policy & Practice at San Diego State University, told ABC News in 2012. “It didn’t occur to them they should be designing for people unlike themselves. Well, we got over that.”
The need for a male and a female test dummy comes down to the “ways that men and women are different bio-mechanically,” Jason Forman, a principal scientist at UVA’s Center for Applied Biomechanics and a study author, told CityLab.
For example, women have wider pelvises and more tissue around the waist and thighs rather than the belly. There are also more complicated issues like hormonal impacts on tissues.
Instead of blaming the car manufacturers for this problem, feminists need to look in the mirror and realize that there are real world consequences for encouraging women to be “okay” with their morbid obesity. So-called “fat shaming” is healthy for women because normal weight women live longer and have far fewer health problems.
But it’s far easier to blame “sexist” car manufacturers than it is to control the amount of food you shove into your mouth.
But when feminism trumps science, car manufacturers will be pressured to instead make wider seats to accommodate fatter women using fat crash test dummies, which will solve nothing.
What this study also fails to address is that statistically men are simply better drivers than women, get in fewer accidents per mile, and are less likely to be involved in a fatal accident per mile.
The study also doesn’t account for race: non-Whites are statistically worse drivers than Whites, with Black women being by far the worst. And Black women are far more likely to be morbidly obese than White women. That’s how you “cook” statistics to hide the real problem.
But telling a feminist that men are better drivers could cause them to have a stroke and should be avoided.
…and the feminist, being of the miserable nature she is, would not just die from the stroke, but become an even more hateful lump of flesh that we now have to help support through our communist healthcare system – so God forbid, no! Choose your battles wisely, lol!
the healthcare system is textbook fascism
Around 70 percent of black women are overweight or obese, yet that is also our fault due to “oppression “. No one forces anyone else to go to fast food restaurants on a daily basis and not to exercise. Then again, it’s obvious that blacks don’t respect anything, not even themselves. Anyone who has seen or lived in their neighborhoods knows this.
obesity is due to government [special interests] being in the economy
the pushing of refined carbs and denigrating of saturated fats