Natural immunity from contracting coronavirus provides people with longer-lasting protection against the so-called ‘Delta variant’ than two shots of the experimental Pfizer “vaccine” rolled out early this year, new Israeli research suggests:
The study by Maccabi Healthcare Service looked at individuals who had either gotten two shots of the vaccine by the end of February or tested positive for COVID-19 by that time. It compared 46,035 Maccabi members who caught the coronavirus at some point during the pandemic and the same number of double-vaccinated people.
People who had two vaccine shots had a six-fold higher chance of getting infected with Delta than patients who hadn’t been vaccinated but previously contracted the coronavirus, according to the research. The study, published online but not yet peer reviewed, is the largest of its kind. It doesn’t take booster shots — now widely given in Israel — into account, but given that most of the world is still giving a two-dose regimen, has international relevance.
But experts are stressing that the results shouldn’t be interpreted as discouragement from vaccinating. Immunologist Prof. Cyrille Cohen of Bar Ilan University, who was not involved in the study, told The Times of Israel: “Certain people who are not inclined to get vaccinated might be mistaken and think that this means you’d better get sick a priori and not get a vaccine. Such a thinking is medically wrong, and the results of the study do not mean that people should expose themselves on purpose and get sick.
“As with other disease, it is much safer to get the vaccine and prevent COVID-19, a disease that puts one at risk of hospitalization, death and long-running after-effects.”
In the two groups, there were 748 cases of SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections, 640 of which were in the vaccinated group and 108 in the previously infected group, which was relying on natural immunity alone. The vaccine-dependent people had a seven-fold higher chance of symptomatic infection, and a 6.7-fold higher chance of being hospitalized.
In addition, a sample of 16,215 who were infected during Israel’s third wave in January-February 2021 was compared to an equal number of people vaccinated during that period. The contrast for these two groups was even starker: It showed that Delta had a 27-fold higher chance of breaking through vaccine protection from January and February and causing symptoms than breaking through natural immunity acquired in the same period and causing symptoms.
The study also found that when recovered patients boosted their natural protection with a single vaccine shot — as recommended by Israeli health officials — their protection reached new highs, and they had approximately half the infection risk of other recovered patients. “Individuals who were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant,” the study suggested. “The long-term protection provided by a third dose, recently administered in Israel, is still unknown.”
The authors, led by Dr. Sivan Gazit, deputy head of Maccabi’s research arm, noted that their study is significant for taking a wide time-frame and using a large data sample. They wrote: “Our large cohort, enabled by Israel’s rapid rollout of the mass-vaccination campaign, allowed us to investigate the risk for additional infection — either a breakthrough infection in vaccinated individuals or reinfection in previously infected ones — over a longer period than thus far described.”
Cohen said of the study: “The data presented is important and can draw a kind of immune hierarchy. From the most protected to the less, there are vaccinated convalescent, convalescent, then vaccinated and then people who choose not to vaccinate, who are the most vulnerable.”
In other words, these “experts” are telling us to ignore the obvious conclusions from this study and still go out and dutifully get vaccinated even though the unvaccinated with natural immunity are far more likely to fight — and survive the “virus”.
We reported on a study over a year ago that concluded everyone who had been exposed to coronavirus has developed long-term T-cell immunity — and that basically means everybody.
Instead of testing everyone for “COVID-19” using their bogus PCR “tests,” they should be testing everyone for natural immunity to coronavirus, but they won’t do that because it would show too many people already have natural immunity and who therefore wouldn’t “need” their bogus — and dangerous — vaccines.
Coronavirus is one of the most common viruses in the world — everybody has been exposed to it — which is good for them — and that’s why everybody has some level of long-term natural immunity to it.
Only immuno-compromised people — in their 80s who have already exceeded the average life expectancy — with multiple co-morbidities are the people who “die of” — or better yet “die with” — coronavirus.
In other words, ironically, the people who “die of” coronavirus actually live longer than people who die without it.
And it is very common for people with advanced cancers and heart disease to ultimately die of pneumonia or the “flu” — which is why doctors used to call pneumonia “the old man’s friend” — because it put them out of their misery at the end.
And that’s why since the advent of the “coronavirus pandemic” health authorities stopped tracking pneumonia and the seasonal flu — those people had the symptoms of “COVID” so they magically became COVID patients.
But it is very misleading for authors of this new study to claim that people with natural immunity who were given the vaccine “boosted their natural protection with a single shot” — vaccines do not boost natural immunity — they boost artificially-induced, short-term immunity that rapidly fades, as many studies on this vaccine show.
What they don’t tell you is how long this artificial “boost” of immunity lasts — when naturally immune people are given the vaccine — but given how short this artificially-induced immunity has lasted, we would assume it doesn’t last very long at all — and therefore it’s disingenuous to push the vaccine on anyone who already has long-term natural immunity.
Even the inventor of mRNA “gene therapy” vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone, confirmed that natural immunity to the coronavirus is 20 times more protective than the artificial immunity induced by COVID vaccines.
In fact, it is medically reckless to do so — you are medicating people unnecessarily and exposing them to serious vaccine side effects — like death and permanent disabilities, which include progressive heart failure and delayed strokes.
If unvaccinated people with natural immunity are 27 times less likely to contract symptoms — and presumably “spread” the “virus” — why vaccinate them at all — when it is vaccinated people are clearly the vast majority of people getting sick?
And these “booster” shots won’t last any longer than the “standard” COVID vaccines — like many cars, all these vaccines have “built-in obsolescence” — which guarantees customers for life…
And a way to cull the herd with ‘plausible deniability‘ whenever it gets either too big or too unruly.
Fauci admits he can’t explain why people who have natural immunity need the vaccine:
Has the Cert.Of Vacc.ID-19(AI) ‘virus’ been isolated, purified and proven to exist? NO. Is the PCR a bogus test to identify a virus (according to its inventor Karry Mullis)? YES. To claim the ‘virus’ exists, but advice not to take the “vaccine” is emblematic for controlled opposition. Half-truths are way more devious and dangerous than complete lies. I would like to know CFT standpoint on the virus existence.
No, Bruno, if you read all of our articles on the “pandemic” from the beginning, we have always maintained that no virus has ever been scientifically proven to exist. Start here:
Let’s not forget that Coof-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines and please note them as gene therapy garbage or whatever floats the boat. Mention them as “vaccines” if you wish.
Nice to see Dr (((Cohen))) do the daily reset of the “days since Jewish tricks” clock.
“Hey, Goyim! Please take our gene therapy concoctions rather than exercise your immune system as you have your whole lives! You’re better off becoming a virus factory at the expense of your own tax dollars! Science…(mumbles Jewishly) or something like that!”
That aside, a department supervisor asked early today when I’d get my shots. I’m like, “nope, give me an actual vaccine if anything, not this gene therapy garbage!” Her: “you can get sick from flu shots”. Me: “yeah, but the flu mist spray doesn’t turn me into a virus making machine. Lol? Lol! “. She just had to cope and call me a chicken because she dove head first into this crap, like middle aged women tend to do. I’m a pharmacy major, so she could have asked my thoughts first. But, she didn’t.
I’ll probably hit up Instagram and troll UF Health’s page. I think they have some vids of fat folks crisis acting and hooked up to ventilators…but they’re not in induced comas like people on vents should be. Dis gon be good.
Rochelle, the first sentence of the article clearly puts “vaccine” in quotation marks — and if you are a regular reader, which you apparently are, you should know by now, after dozens of articles on the subject, that we have repeatedly pointed out that these COVID shots are not technically vaccines. If you are going to nitpick to show how more righteous and clever you are than the rest of us, at least get your facts straight.
🙂 that made me giggle
You feel like saying after reading this, Well Duh!!!…
Most teachers are eastern star FINDERS for CPS. So are the nurses, principles, supes, etc… it’a all sewn up by the teachers unions which are run by jews who created the secret societies to protect them b/c they print the money. Ritalin and similar psychotropics are designed to create “psychotic episodes” check the insert. These episodes aka night terrors, create androchromes which are extracted by the “cult” members of jewish freemasonry.
They prefer red/blonde light haired androchromes. jews use their MSM movies to reinforce their lies. Watch for the quick reference to Ritalin in the movie The Exorcist as a TREATMENT not the CAUSE of androchrome production. Organized religion is organized crime. A clandestine judean black market for kids/drugs.
Please explain what this has even remotely to do with the article on COVID. Or are you just using this forum as an excuse to talk about what you want to talk about?