(Lifesite News) Voluntary guidelines for post-abortion mental health evaluations during the month following an abortion have failed to significantly decrease the rate of suicide after abortion in Finland, according to a new study:
Finland adopted the guidelines after a large-scale study of women’s health records, published in 1997, found that the suicide rate among women who had undergone abortions in the prior year was three times higher compared to women in the general population and six times higher compared to women who gave birth.
Mika Gissler of the National Institute for Health and Welfare, who was the lead author of the 1997 study, led a team of researchers who examined health records to see if the suicide rate went down after the new guidelines were published.
They found that the decrease in the suicide rate was not statistically significant.
“Women with a recent induced abortion still have a two-fold suicide risk,” they wrote. “A mandatory check-up may decrease this risk.”
The increased risk of suicide following abortion has been recognized in Australia as well. The 2013 Queensland Maternal and Perinatal Quality Council report noted:
Suicide is the leading cause of death in women within 42 days after their pregnancy and between 43 days and 365 days after their pregnancy. There appears to be a significant worldwide risk of maternal suicide following termination of pregnancy and, in fact, a higher risk than that following term delivery….
Yes, when a young women comes to the realization that she’s murdered her own child rather than merely exercising her ‘freedom of choice,’ she naturally might want to kill herself out of utter shame and self-loathing, even in a liberal incubator like Finland.
But of course these statistics don’t take race into account, but intuitively, we should expect that the suicide rate among White women would be higher than among non-Whites for the simple reason that God inscribed His law uniquely upon their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33).
Ironically, young women are told by infanticide advocates that not having unrestricted access to free abortions will cause them serious mental and emotional problems, but always neglect to reveal the serious dangers involved in the procedure.
And how is openly advocating abortion not considered a form of ‘hate speech’ which ‘incites violence’ against the unborn? Need we ask?
What abortion turns women into:
David J. Snitkin
I believe this 100%
What a triumph of propaganda to somehow convince a mother to murder her unborn child still in the womb merely because it’s an inconvenience. Truly, this shows that women, indeed, are the “weaker vessel”. Satan easily seduces them, tickles their ears with tripe about freedom and equality. No wonder the communists directed most of the propaganda toward the women in society, as they were most susceptible to its slogans and emotional appeals.
Mental midget
What this ‘study’ also tells me is that the suicide rate in women who are not reproducing is also higher than that of women who gave birth, meaning feminism is also a huge contributor (and of course, feminism breeds pro-abortionists).
Who in their right mind would have thought a study like this would come out any different? Again, how much money did it cost to reveal what we should already have expected?
Carry Anne
No doubt in my mind that feminism has caused depression and suicidal thoughts to skyrocket among women of all ages. And I believe that it was meant to do just that.
Feminism, like psychoanalysis, is a jewish mindset for jewish women only. It was the brainchild of Jews, and if you are not jewish, trying to conform your life to feminism will only create mental and emotional problems. Square peg, round hole, so to speak.
And as our society becomes more and more judaized with each passing day, we will see ever increasing levels of mental problems among the “gentiles”, and everyone will have to be medicated just to get through the day. Oh, wait, that’s already happening….
Beautiful White women make jewish women feel ugly, or as Sarah Silverman said, like “hairy monkeys”. So jewish women convince beautiful White women that to be ugly like them is “empowering”, so they dye their hair purple, stop shaving their armpits and legs, pierce their noses, and cover their bodies in tattoos. Now they are on the same level as Jews. Get it?
Thou shall not covet, basically jealousy and there is a lot of jealousy about. I saw a post where a black woman hated white women who had blonde hair, not realising that God gave her beauty of her own that was just as good so she had no need for this jealousy. I love the braided styles that suit the black women but I don’t hate them for it, no need for so much hated in the world.
Why women should fall for the Liberal lies of making themselves ugly is beyond me its so obvious that it’s plain old jealousy at work.