(Reclaim The Net) In complete contradiction to the official narrative of the Anti-Defamation League, online so-called “hate speech” does not, in fact, lead to an increase in real-world hate crimes, according to a suppressed Federal report:
The report was sent to Congress by the Department of Commerce in January, but is yet to appear on any government website.
The report….was prepared by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration(NTIA), which is under the Department of Commerce. It’s purpose was to revise the findings of a similar report by NTIA from 1993 titled “The Role of Telecommunications in Hate Crimes.”
“The evidence does not show that during the last decade, a time of expansive growth of electronic communications, particularly on the Internet and mobile devices as well as social media, there has been a rise in hate crime incidents,” the report states.
The report alleges that research into extremism fails to present data showing “any causal relationship between increased social media use and increased violence.”
The report also cautions against efforts to crackdown on online speech over the baseless concerns about hate crimes. “We caution that efforts to control or monitor online speech, even for the worthy goal of reducing crime, present serious First Amendment concerns and run counter to our nation’s dedication to free expression. To quote President Barack Obama, “The strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression; it is more speech.””
NTIA also condemns big tech undermining free speech under the guise of fighting hate speech.
“Given that all the major social media platforms have rules against hate speech and, in fact, employ sophisticated algorithmic artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to enforce these often vague and contradictory rules in a manner also used by tyrannous regimes, it is appropriate to ask what they gain from it. Certainly, as this Report shows, the platforms have no reasonable expectation that their censorship will end hate crimes or even diminish it, as no empirical evidence exists linking increased hate speech with hate crimes.
“Further, this censorship poses real dangers to our political system. Under the hate speech prohibitions and other censorship rules, the platforms have removed content that many consider seriously engaged with pressing political and social issues.”
The revision of the NTIA’s 1993 report was requested under the Trump administration. However, it was during the reign of the 116th Congress, where Republicans had a small majority in the Senate, and Democrats controlled the House with a majority of 35 seats. So, it is rather baffling that the report has not been made public.
Sources familiar with the drafting of the report allege that the report is being suppressed by establishment politicians who have much to gain from the “hate crimes” panic. The conclusions of the report contradict the mainstream media’s narrative of increased real-world hate crimes inspired by online hate speech.
“Reports like this are typically made public,” said a source who worked closely with the NTIA on the report. “I don’t know why this report isn’t up on a government website yet. It’s already been submitted to Congress, it’s not a private thing anymore. I suspect the Civil Rights Division might have something to do with it.”
The Civil Rights Division, which is part of the DoJ, is responsible for prosecuting hate crimes. The source claimed that it opposed the updated report, adding that the division is leading the “efforts to drum up hysteria” over white supremacy extremism.
The ADL has been pushing this false causal relationship between online “hate speech” and real world “hate crimes” — and they’ve partnered with the Department Of Homeland Security to help push this bogus agenda.
Of course, the only online “hate speech” they are concerned about is by “White supremacists” and “Neo-Nazis” — or just plain old run-of-the-mill conservatives.
And this policy is in direct contradiction to the findings of the Southern Policy Law Center that found that militant Black Nationalists are the most violent of all “extremist” groups in America.
But we can’t allow facts to get in the way of our anti-White agenda.
By Facebook standards, each day there must be literally tens of millions examples of “hate speech” online — but real world “hate crimes” are few and far between — and over 70% of those reported “hate crimes” turn out to be hoaxes.
Inter-racial violent crime in this country is overwhelmingly Black-on-White — but it is never investigated as a “hate crime” — even though the media tells Blacks that all their problems are caused by “racist” White people — who need a little “pay back”.
Black-on-White crime has become just another form of “reparations” for slavery.
Off Topic VAERS update:
US, VAERS report 26-2-21
Vaccine Adverse Events Reported.
25212 of those ,Deaths 1265 (5.02%)
To justify this tyranny some Isaiah Berlin came up with the “Two Concepts of Liberty”
The pre-WWII era liberty which says that people should be free from government tyranny he argued as negative, and the post-WWII liberty which says that government can engage in oppression of individuals with impunity is positive liberty. This is what Jews do abuse the might of government to engage in brutality against people under the guise of liberating them.
“Berlin promoted the notion of “positive liberty” in the sense of an intrinsic link between positive freedom and participatory, Athenian-style, democracy. There is a contrast with “negative liberty.” Liberals in the English-speaking tradition call for negative liberty, meaning a realm of private autonomy from which the state is legally excluded. In contrast French liberals ever since the French Revolution more often promote “positive liberty”—that is, liberty insofar as it is tethered to collectively defined ends. They praise the state as an essential tool to emancipate the people;”
Hate Crimes Laws are in violation of the organic Constitution for the United States of America that came out of the Constitutional Convention of 1787-1789, which established a Constitutional Republic, instead of the perverted liberal democracy that politicians and others are spouting. If the founding father wanted a democracy in the new country, they would have made it clear.
Sarah Heidelburg
You either have free speech or you don’t. Period. You either have the right to bear arms or you don’t. Period.
COTUS has no exception for these rules. To “bear” arms is to show or have on your person (concealed) the right to brandish or show or “bear” your “arm” (gun or armament). Brandishing is not illegal either but by that time you better be able to kill.
God bless.
–((( Spying ))) is the real crime–
keith w
A crime is a crime. The motivation should not be an “aggravating” consideration that makes the crime “worse”. When someone is murdered, they are not “more dead” if they were killed by someone who “hated them” because they had a red beard. Hate crimes basically want to reframe all crime as potentially racially motivated, but only as long as the perpetrator is white and the victim is not. It’s affirmative action applied to crime.
That’s how “science” works. If it disagrees with the agenda, ignore it — regardless of accuracy. If it agrees with the narrative, call it truth and call those who disagree “ignorant”.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
Whatever happened to that old rhyme? Do kids learn that at primary school anymore?
These are my views on Free Speech:
People are entitled to voice their opinions. If, however, the speech goes against God’s laws, then it should be abhorred. If it doesn’t go against God’s laws, then it should be a matter for debate, or, just turn the other cheek if you don’t like it.
And remember, an empty vessel makes the most noise… and the sea of the world is awash with empty vessels howling in the wind.
Online Speech allows information to be considered by each individual, which would not be otherwise disclosed to them by the controlled MSM and media, and to help prevent the hate actions by globalist-aligned power groups which we can see are now being taken against the interests of our people and our nation.
“Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism” [March 5, 2021]
“Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism. Children were told that that state was their real parent, and if their biological parents spoke against the government, they should report them. The tyranny rising from BigTech in league with the far-left is really becoming frightening. Biden is going after all guns to compel people to register so he knows every person who has a fund so they can be targeted and relieved of their weapons regardless of the 2nd Amendment. The First Amendment means nothing anymore, nor does Due Process of Law. Our courts have surrendered to tyranny, and they have canceled Justice Thomas because he is conservative, defending the Constitution. Suddenly, Justice Thomas being black is irrelevant. It is his thinking process that is dangerous to the LEFT and BigTech.
It is bad enough that BigTech has been out to cancel anyone they disagree with. Not only did they take down Donald Trump, but they have removed doctors coming out against the COVID fraud and even removed testimony of doctors before Congress. Anything anyone says against their narrative is being canceled in an effort to impose their thinking upon the population. Those who resist, BigTech will assist in ensuring they will eventually be imprisoned or conveniently eliminated. This, unfortunately, is the path they are taking which is a well-beaten path through history.” [Continues]
Current Stalinists converse. Totalitarian traitor trash Mishpuka are “illuminatti” only in their own screwed up minds.
“Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden” [March 4, 2021]
“Who is really running the country?
Kamala Harris on Thursday spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as Joe Biden slouched around the White House.
Kamala Harris previously spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Biden napped and played video games.”
“List of DUMBs by State – Complete List of Military Underground Bases in USA”
Vane Mcowen
Jews have relentlessly promoted this idea that “words can kill”. Obviously, they do not — what words do is potentially “kill” the Jewish plan for world domination. However, if they try to completely control what we say and think, they are far more likely to create a violent backlash.
People need to let off steam — if you don’t allow that, the pot will explode…..and we will have more BLM riots burning down our cities — yes, when the liberals — the useful idiots — inevitably are silenced out of political correctness, they will take to the streets and go “wilding”.
Many of them must know what they’ve done and collectively conspire to do, they’d have to be stupid to not realise what most people would do if they not only found out the reality but fully believed it and decided to organize.