Nazi “Brownshirts” are roaming the streets of America randomly attacking hundreds of thousands of defenseless Jews for no reason whatsoever — that’s one of the takeaways we get from two surveys published recently by the American Jewish Committee:
The Jewish survey found that a large majority of Jews consider anti-Semitism a problem, and that most see it as a problem on the right and in the Republican Party. Those findings were in line with what the AJC, a nonpartisan advocacy organization, found when it surveyed American Jews last year.
The new surveys found that, in a year when 88% of American Jews say anti-Semitism remains a problem in the United States, 21% of Americans overall — more than one in five — say they’ve never even heard of the term. An additional 25% of Americans overall have heard the term but are unsure of what it means.
But nearly half of Americans overall say they have seen antagonism against Jews either online or in person during the past five years, suggesting that respondents may be familiar with the reality of anti-Jewish bigotry but unfamiliar with the term “anti-Semitism.”
Holly Huffnagle, AJC’s US director for combating anti-Semitism, said she believes using the term anti-Semitism is important because it covers a broad historical spectrum of how anti-Jewish discrimination manifests — from conspiracy theories to stereotypes to slurs.
“I think this is an opportunity for education on what anti-Semitism is,” she said. “If someone would have said ‘Jew-hatred, do you know what that is,’ or some other term, I think we would have seen that number a little bit less, but we need the term anti-Semitism to be understood.”
The surveys were taken in September and early October and included 1,010 Americans overall and 1,334 Jews. The margin of error for the general America sample was 3.7% and 4.2% for the Jewish sample.
The poll of Jews found that 82% say anti-Semitism in the United States has increased during the past five years. The survey numbers for Jews are statistically equivalent to those from an AJC survey taken last year, which found that 88% of Jews saw anti-Semitism as a problem in the U.S. and 84% said it had increased during the past five years.
In this year’s survey, 43% of Jews said the status of Jews in the United States is less secure than it was a year ago, while 52% say it’s about the same and 4% say it’s more secure. Those numbers are also essentially the same as last year’s.
A quarter of Jews say they have been targeted with an anti-Semitic attack in person over the past five years. During the same period, 22% have experienced anti-Semitism online and 3% have been victim to an anti-Semitic physical attack. The poll found that about a quarter of Jews avoid publicly wearing things that identify them as Jewish and that the same percentage avoid identifying as Jews online.
A majority of Jews say that Jewish institutions they’re affiliated with have increased security in the two years since the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. Almost 40% say their Jewish institutions have been subject to anti-Semitic graffiti, threats or attacks since the shooting, which occurred in October 2018. Ten percent of Jewish respondents said they’ve avoided visiting Jewish institutions since the shooting.
“What American Jews and the general public are saying in these surveys, for us, is a clarion call for a stepped-up, multi-pronged response to rising antisemitism in the United States,” said AJC CEO David Harris in a statement.
A majority of Americans overall, 62%, consider anti-Semitism a problem in the United States, though while 37% of Jews consider it a very serious problem, only 19% of Americans overall agree. And while the vast majority of Jews believe anti-Semitism has gotten worse over the past five years, only 43% of Americans overall agree.
Most Americans overall also said the opinions of Jewish people and organizations make no difference to them when considering whether a statement or idea is anti-Semitic. A quarter of Americans overall said that Jews considering something anti-Semitic would make them more likely to consider it anti-Semitic, 7% said it would make them less likely to consider it anti-Semitic and 62% of people said it would make no difference.
“It comes down to this whole idea of who defines anti-Semitism,” Huffnagle said. “Is it the Jewish community? Who is the arbiter of what is anti-Semitism? Ideally it should be the Jewish community. Every other minority group gets to define the discrimination against them.”
…While 77% of Americans overall believe that saying “Israel has no right to exist” is anti-Semitic, 55% believe it’s anti-Semitic to say “The U.S. government only supports Israel because of Jewish money,” and half say the statement ““American Jews are more loyal to Israel than to America” is anti-Semitic.
When you actually multiply these alleged percentages out over the entire U.S. population, you get a vivid insight into just how paranoid and delusional Jews are on the whole — and how utterly preposterous these survey results are.
If what the poll says is true — that 3% of the 7,000,000 Jews in America have, in fact, been victims of violent antisemitic attacks in the last 5 years — or 210,000 — that would mean there would be, on average, 115 such attacks on Jews every day.
In their own minds, there is a literal reenactment of Kristallnacht every day of the year in America.
And apparently if you “attack” their economic prosperity in anyway — such as stealing a hat — you are literally trying to “genocide” them.
There must literally be thousands of Jewish organizations and institutions in America — yet this survey claims that 40% of them have been victims of some kind of “threat” or direct attack.
Since the Jews have openly admitted they control the media — especially Hollywood — if all these attacks were truly going on, we’d hear about it non-stop 24/7 on their media machines like CNN and FOX, but we don’t because it’s not happening.
And if it’s not happening, then the only rational conclusion we can come to is that the Jews surveyed are either bald-faced liars or suffer from a extreme schizophrenic persecution complex with associated ideation of imaginary physical attacks.
We could certainly blame some of this on the relentless and manipulative non-stop “Holocaust” propaganda that Jews are subjected to — but their propensity to lie about some imminent and violent danger facing them clearly proceeds World War II.
In 1891 alone, the New York Times printed 15 articles that claimed “Russia’s population of five million to six million Jews” and elsewhere “about six million persecuted and miserable wretches.”
And if we point out — as the Vatican did in World War II — that Jews have a propensity to grossly exaggerate, we will be accused of “persecuting” them — or wanting to literally kill them just because they are Jews.
But Jews themselves know they exaggerate — which is why neither Stephen Wise, the Chief Rabbi of the United States, nor the Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter believed early reports of Jewish “slaughters” in Europe during WWII.
And if these prominent and “credible” Jews knew better than to believe their hysterical accounts of persecution, perhaps we, too, should conclude these regular surveys on Jewish persecution in America are intentionally exaggerated in order to justify draconian “terrorism” laws to protect Jews from any criticism whatsoever.
Their ultimate goal is to “bring back” the death penalty for antisemitism — any antisemitism.
Correcting the link for my comment below.
“Alexander Treisman, Accused Of Plotting To Kill Joe Biden, Is Son Of Prominent Jewish Attorney Once Called ‘Schindler For Tibetans’
[ October 24, 2020]
“The 19-year-old man alleged to have plotted to kill Joe Biden was the son of a prominent Jewish attorney who helped broker the first meeting between a U.S. president and the Dalai Lama.
News broke Friday about the May arrest of Alexander Hillel Treisman, a teenager who a court document says had purchased an automatic rifle and traveled to multiple states, and who allegedly had a checklist in his car whose final item read “execute.” Treisman has also been charged with three counts of child pornography… [More below]
LOL….how many non-Jews became the victim of Jewish supremacy and arrogance not only in America but around the world. If I am correct that number is much higher….just starting with the victims of the imperialist plundering of natural resources in non-Western countries. That broken record of victimhood is getting boring, boring, boring.
Ann T. Zemitik
“I think this is an opportunity for education on what anti-Semitism is…”
I agree. So, I’ve taken the liberty of offering up the definition for any newbies to the site:
Anti-Semitism: A term invented by Jews in order to tar the reputation of anyone speaking truth to Zionist power.
All The World's "their" Stage
Now for the real truth: Copy, paste and save the following:
Money, religion, race, drugs, and sex are mind control mechanisms. Secret usury and secret nepotism rule ruin the world for 99 percent of its population. Control the money, control the media, control the mind, control the body, in that order. Take race and religion out of judaism and all you have left is global organized crime that control the money and the rest follows suit.
I also believe the story of Jesus that is forced into every Western culture is a lesson to teach kids so when they next learn about George Washington being a freemason and all the freemasonic recruitment in the NEA and MSM owned by the group Jesus was a member of and then spoke against and became a targeted individual (aka blacklisted), entrapped, tortured, and killed is a jewish mafia message and scam. It’s all run by those who define, create, print, mint, duplicate, distribute and manage the worlds’ money from time immemorial in every central bank country.
How irritating is it to read or hear someone compare Antifa with Brown Shirts!!!???
I keep having to purchase new computers because I throw the one I’m using when I hear this. 🙁
“If Only Americans Knew” (great site btw)
The jew is a constant.; it never changes . But its deception and power is increasing . The solution is the variable of the victim . Information and testimony exposing the jew is vital. Congress is the problem, its Bipartisan betrayal of their own for longevity in office. This alleged pogrom is probably often conspired by the jew victim .
Reiteration of holcost is to inculcate the fools to accept this fraudulent identity of persecuted and innocent . “They hate us for no reason.” So long the Lord gives us another day the jew will envy its light. He will teach darkness and exalt himself to be glorified .
Praise for these journalists, who are the good prophets. Already the sitting president (king) has vowed to create a law elevating the jew to deity and condemning to death, those whose testimony condemns them. But no one seems alarmed: neither state; nor church; nor sinner. If these things happen in the green, what will happen when it’s dry?
Your article should have explained what a Semite is and their place and or country they originate from.
Christians For Truth
Our regular readers are well aware that Jews are not semites, and that they are a racial mixed bag of White-Khazar-Hittite-Mongol-Canaanite-Edomite-Arab-Black, etc. They have no “homeland” because no mixed race people have one “homeland”. The original Shemites, the descendants of Shem, the son of Noah, were unmixed White, and their original homelands are described in Genesis 10.
If they moved to another Planet would be even better!
Jews in the U.S. and in Europe can simply move to their “homeland”, Israel. Problem solved.
The "Goyess" knows
If this is true, THE GOOD NEWS IS 60% of them have actually got the message over the last 50 years and buggered off out of Europe.
It’s probably just the standard fake persecution bullsh*t tactic though