A new survey conducted by three Jewish supremacist groups — the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), USC Shoah Foundation, and Yad Vashem — concludes that forcing young students to endure pro-Holocaust propaganda in high school allegedly makes them smarter and have greater empathy, tolerance and open mindedness to the Jewish version of reality:
While Holocaust education on its own brings about the above discussed qualities of empathy, tolerance and open mindedness, the inclusion of survivor testimony within the curriculum “is strongly associated” with “higher critical thinking skills, a greater sense of social responsibility and civic efficacy” in early adulthood.
“This survey only confirms what we have heard anecdotally from teachers and parents for years—that Holocaust education is effective not just as an important history lesson, but also in equipping students with the tools to identify bias and confront it when necessary,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.
The questionnaire, conducted by Lucid Collaborative LLC and YouGov, sampled 1,500 college students between the ages of 18 and 24. Some of the students in the sample underwent Holocaust education in high school, others did not – attempting to put a finger on the differences between the two educational approaches.
What they found is that eight out of ten students confirm having some sort of Holocaust education present in their high school curriculum – the majority of which was a month or less of dedicated time on the subject. Some 55% reported hearing survivor testimony within the studies.
“The study provides strong evidence of the positive impact of Holocaust education on student attitudes regarding diversity and tolerance in the face of hate. These attributes are sustained over time as students transition into young adulthood,” said Claudia Ramirez Wiedeman, PhD, USC Shoah Foundation Director of Education and Evaluation. “It is also promising to see that the effects of Holocaust education are amplified by the use of survivor testimony in the classroom.”
Those students who received Holocaust education were logically more knowledgeable on the subject than those who didn’t. Some 78% reported “knowing a lot or a moderate amount about the Holocaust” compared to the 58% of those who went without Holocaust education.
According to the survey, this form of education leads to a more “pluralistic attitude,” such as “being more comfortable” around different races or those of a differing sexual orientation. Additionally, those with Holocaust education are “more likely” to call out biased information (28%), stand up to intolerant behavior (12%) and denounce stereotyping (20%), than those without. The survey noted that students with Holocaust education were also 50% more likely to offer help in a bullying scenario.
The results of this survey completely contradict a survey from 2019 which concluded that such Holocaust education programs are failing miserably with young people.
A prominent Holocaust educator in the U.K. wanted teachers to stop using the term ‘antisemitism’ because students didn’t even understand what it was.
And a former Israeli Education Minster admitted Jews promote the Holocaust as a “trick” to silence their critics.
If Holocaust indoctrination makes children accept and trust adult transexual predators, then that alone should make parents demand that it be removed from all school classrooms.
Clearly, Holocaust indoctrination doesn’t increase ‘higher levels of critical thinking’ — it does the exact opposite — it persuades children to throw all rationality out the window and trust their vague “feelings’ of empathy.
After all, if students were encouraged to develop and use their ‘critical thinking skills’ at all, they’d know that the entire Holocaust narrative is illogical, implausible, and contrary to the fundamental laws of science.
Indeed, the Holocaust is real only in their own minds.
Daily Life in Auschwitz
from British Intelligence decrypts, 1942 .
Anti-Semitism its a trick we use.
Says former Israeli minister.
Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities during the second world war (September 1, 1939 – June 30, 1947), Volumes 1 – 3 (complete)
In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) – Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. “Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged” (Vol. III, p. 594).
I can picture myself ranting and raving against Muslims for wanting to destroy Jews and Israel after the 9/11 attacks in NYC, which by the way I cheated death that day, because the day before I cancelled an appointment I had to go and clean a privileged Jewess her apartment right in the neighborhood. She thought I was angry because she had not paid me for the previous time, but I had to assure her that the problem was with me, my gut was telling me don’t go, don’t go, don’t go, to the point of getting really sick, that feeling paralyzed me.
When you walk in the light of truth, to weapon formed against you will prosper. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get to the point of getting seriously bad vibes from these people, but as it stands now it is the gradual process of coming to the full realization where the decades of psychological violence and oppression that you are subjected to really comes from. The mindset that produces unspeakable cruelty and inhumanity in Western countries doesn’t come from the majority, but from the minority that claims superiority and supremacy over the majority.
Why would hearing a LIE 6 gorillion times make one smarter?
Smart in the way we were promised that using the Common Core method of teaching Math would make our kids mathematicians?
Instead it dumbed down an entire generation of kids to the point that they need a calculator to figure out the correct amount of change from a small purchase.
Listen to the Jew behind CC David Coleman, who said he developed it to fight white supremacy…
How dumbing down an entire nation fights white supremacy is beyond me, but it does make the GOYIM more susceptible to Jew lies.
I am still trying to figure that one out…..Sy Bergsteinowitz…..forcing people to believe what you want them to believe is psychological torture legalized by the government. One thing I learned is that the Jewish display of empathy only comes out if it benefits their own political agenda, like in exploiting Black American’s to incite hatred against White American’s and calling Muslims their natural allies if they can be used to incite hatred against Europeans, while at the same time crying that antisemtism from Muslims is on the rise in Europe. I read an article entitled The Divided Mind written by the founder of one of the country’s most prominent entertainment PR firms for the past 30 years, LCO (Levine Communications Office) in Beverly Hills, and he brings the story home. Jews suffer from the Divided Mind big-time….https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-divided-mind/201207/logic-and-emotion
Please bear with me and think about this line….”We are fighting with God and Justice and we demand that the rest of the world does the same” it may not be the exact quote but it came from Rabbi Steinlauf who came out as being dual sexuality, while married.
“Jews struggled for decades to become white. Now we must …www.washingtonpost.com › posteverything › 2015/09/22
Sep 22, 2015 – Now we must give up white privilege to fight racism. Let’s teach our children that we are, in fact, not white, but simply Jewish. https://www.gilsteinlauf.com/
When I read this piece it gave me a psychological shock, one too many times, especially the part ” and we demand that the rest of the world those the same”……this line gives you a clue what Jews think….we struggle with blablablablabla and we demand everybody to follow us and do the same. This is what I call tyranny and things that have an adverse impact on your psyche are really hard to forget, they constantly intrude….
A rabbi at one of Washington D.C.’s most prominent synagogues has announced that he is gay and divorcing his wife of 20 years.
Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, who has three teenage children with wife Batya, herself a rabbi,
Meanwhile the Jewish supremacist communist of the Southern Poverty Law Center who exploit race and Black people to foment hatred against White people in America talk about tolerance….https://www.tolerance.org/about
Another race-hustler…..Howard J. Ross who was born into a Jewish middle class family in Washington, DC, just after the Holocaust, in which many of his family members died has billed the federal government more than $5 million for diversity training over the past 15 years.
The Treasury Department held a training session telling employees that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” and demanding that white staff members “struggle to own their racism” and accept their “unconscious bias, White privilege, and White fragility.” The man who led the seminar, Howard Ross, the Jewish race-hustler…this is how some people become millionaires overnight, just by talking crap, thanks to the communist dictators running the Federal government in America.
Jews are the biggest Black people exploiting and oppressing Racist in America……
” qualities of empathy, tolerance and open mindedness, ”
Apparently the antiChrists havent been studying their own garbage if this were true, as (((they))) are the least tolerant, empthetic and open minded group on earth!
I consider myself blessed that I have not been indoctrinated with the Marxist god chosen people garbage. I can examine European and American history without bias and say without a reasonable doubt that Jews are not the victims of Nazi Germany that they claim to be…..a bunch of fraudsters, dictators, cruel ruthless, self-serving, manipulating, lying and deceiving White people hating hypocrites. Time for White people to stand up and speak-out.
‘Lie About Holocaust Promotes ‘Higher Critical Thinking Skills’….you have to be a real genius to say that Lying about the genocide promotes higher critical thinking skills, really if that was true I would still be in America, where critical thinking is not allowed, swallowing the Bolshevik communist Zionist supremacist victimhood claptrap without question that is the critical thinking that this obviously, intellectually dishonest and void of conscience Jewish woman means. America is toast….with this insanity…..totally schizo. OMG….my brain hurts…..
Dennis Wise is an accomplished movie maker of History that is the antithesis of Hollyhoax.
History is just a blanket of red lies to cover the bed of white genocide
The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2
I concur with you after watching the Europa: The Last Battle, Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told and Communism Via the Back Door.
Holycost reeducation promotes the lies of jewish suffering in the war. No one else suffered or died. If they disagree, or make Gedenkstein, or memorials to many many dead before and after the war from jew agitation and murders , they bring the merciless reproach of antisemitism and recrudescence of Nazism.
Education today depresses the human mind and abilities to reason because it violates within a child or adult his inherent ability to discriminate and make judgements right or wrong . It is based on total depravity and all thought must be afferent from the jew proprietary source.
Of course -John Dewey. It is teaching lies to an intimidated and possessed psyche ; it can not allow dissidence .
So this holycost everywhere like cumulus clouds is nonsense continuous ad nauseum . Jew teaches everything has a price , commercial law justifies trade of anything from churches, popes, sex slavery, virulent drugs to elections .
The holycost is a religion that preempts the history of WOrld War 2 . It conceals the jew crimes . But this education is not freely given . One begins paying after you graduate and learn your debt; for all alike have sinned and owe the jew race their soul and temporal life . The jew education is edifying and lucrative –for the jew.
Especially if an informed commenter points out all the self-contradictions within the Holocaust narrative.
The purpose of the holocaust LIE is to siphon as money as the jews can from Germany and to utterly destroy any positive sentiment towards the Germans. The jews wanted to artificially create an eternal hatred of Adolf Hitler and Germans.
The REAL perpetrators of mass murder were not Germans, but JEWS! The world is waking up to this fact as the jews race to enslave the world into their international communist supergovernment (NWO). The world must learn the truth before it’s too late, and free themselves once and for all from the gasp of the jewish claws.
Yad Vashem Archives – Millions of Documents and Not One Actually Proves the Holocaust
September 8, 2020 renegade 3 Comments
Director of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem Sari Granitza, who isn’t even Christian but Jewish, shows us the museum’s archives. Out of millions of documents in Israel’s Holocaust Museum archives not one document proves murder or gas chambers. Yad Vashem’s testimonies also include numerous fakes.
Sophie Hingst submitted 22 fake testimonies to Yad Vashem. The fraud was uncovered by a German newspaper investigation.