A new study claims that up to 25% of the French population not only believe in a conspiracy of “elites” but also think those same elites are using mass migration to replace European populations:
The study, released by Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Conspiracy Watch, is the second of its kind and looks at the extent to which the French believe in various so-called conspiracy theories.
The study found that 27 per cent of French believe in an “Illuminati” of elites who control the population while one quarter say they believe in the theory of the “Great Replacement,” Le Point reports.
The theory of the Great Replacement was coined by French writer Renaud Camus and encompasses several subjects under the broad scope of interchangeability and exchangeability, from goods and services to people themselves…
…Just over one-fifth of the respondents in the Jean-Jaurès Foundation survey claimed there was a “global Zionist” conspiracy while 43 per cent said they believed the French Ministry of Health and drug companies were working together to hush up the harmful effects of vaccines.
Of the ten theories listed in the survey, only 35 per cent of the respondents said they did not believe in any of them.
Rudy Reichstadt, director of Conspiracy Watch, commented on the results saying, “Conspiracy is no longer a marginal phenomenon, but runs throughout French society.”
Despite all the money and effort the media has spent to discredit the idea of a jewish conspiracy, it seems to be more popular than ever in France, where they are polite enough to called it a “Zionist” plot. After all, we don’t want people to think that ALL Jews are involved in this global plot — that would be antisemitic. In France, they are still trying to figure out if being anti-Zionist is actually antisemitic, but until they decide, Zionist will be the preferable term.
We’ve all been told by our teachers that jewish conspiracy theories were discredited once and for all when we defeated the Germans in WWII, but apparently the opposite has happened. Despite the unprecedented spending on Holocaust education, more people than ever believe that there is a secret jewish cabal that wants to replace the European people who are their historical enemies with Arab and African invaders. How will Jews do a better job convincing the goyim that they have nothing to do with what is unfolding on the world stage?
The White French people, and as well, the White Dutch-speaking people in Belgium, have begun to understand that it is the “white-skinned” forces of Jewry which continues the importations of the non-whites [including the muslims] into their countries, whom the jews then enable to be FALSELY called “French” or “Belgie” for jewry’s own purposes.
The White French people know that jews have caused their own politicians to become corrupted, so that they must publically refer to those as “Rothschilds” men, in order to try to avoid being “legally” prosecuted for saying those prohibited words which identify their real jewish persecutors.
They are aware that there are attempts being made by jewry to infiltrate their White movement in order to turn it away from it’s intended purpose, and to make it to no avail. They understand the true necessity of our goal.
” I’d rather save our race first, a culture can be revived, not a people.
Our problems transcend the nationalistic issues, they concern all Europeans.”
https://democratieparticipative.website [made at an offsite thread in English].
Of the 15 mio. who believe in zio conspiracies in France, at least 10 mio. are Muslims!
There is a surge of anti-semitism on the continent simply bc the muslim, third world population is exploding. There is e.g. a growing anti-Jew, as well as anti-White scene among the rappers.
There are only 5 million Muslims in France, so 10 of the 15 million who believe in a jewish conspiracy are not Muslim. And just because a Mulsim believes in a jewish conspiracy to control France doesn’t mean that it isn’t true.
First, foreign immigrants usually are not the main respondents in such polls and surveys. Second, if muzzies carried that much anti-semitism, there is no way the jews would risk moving them in as neighbors to us if it would incite us with the knowledge of who just browned our town. Third, the negro/muzzie populations have always had anti-white and anti-jew ‘tendencies’. It’s called “xenophobia” and is a NATURAL INSTINCT in all creatures when placed in proximity to those NOT OF THEIR KIND. Fourth, the ‘French people’ have been under the thumb of the jew since the reign of Napoleon. You don’t think they would have an inkling of the ‘Zionist agenda’ by now? Especially when the jews have been very blatant about their agenda and the fact that they are behind it. Jews have way too much of an ego problem, and continue make admissions in various forms to satisfy that ego. These ‘conspiracy theories’ exist BECAUSE of the jews’ own admissions, as anti-semitism exists because of the jews’ own actions.
Well ,Chesterton, the CIA fact book says 12% of the French are Muslim, i.e. about 8 mio.
If I walk around Paris it feels like 80% of the population are POC.
The foreigners in France all have french citzenship.
It’s a historical fact that the Jews and Muslims got along very well during the Moorish invasion and rule in Spain. Current so-called Muslim antisemitism is solely based on the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, not on some long-standing beef between Arabs and Jews. Jews conceived Islam and acted as Mohammed’s scribes. Their inter-tribal squabbles have been minor.
Yes. Islam is made to be an dysfunctional economic ideology. So whenever they break away and try to do Islam on their own, they fall into poverty and passivity, involuntarily just waiting for the Jews to come and run the engine again.
But this is also something which can be seen elsewhere. Whenever they spawn new theologies, or political ideologies, they always lack the philosophy of power. Therefore it is of the highest importance.
Carl, can you please give us more rational comments? You want to quote a CIA ‘fact book’, trusting a bureau that is steeped in espionage and wages war by deception? Then I guess you want us to believe France has way more muzzies because you ‘feel’ that’s the case, to be followed up by your declaration that ALL French foreigners are indeed French citizens…because you personally oversaw each and every citizenship process.
Please spare us the liberal sophistry, it does not pass for scholarship.