“A Swedish law which states that sex without explicit consent constitutes rape came into effect on Sunday. Rape charges may now be applied even when there are no threats or violence involved.
The Swedish government, which proposed the bill in 2017, explains that the sexual consent legislation is based on the obvious fact that sex must be voluntary; if not, then it is illegal. “A rape conviction will no longer require the use of violence or threats by the perpetrator, or that a victim’s particularly vulnerable situation was exploited.”
Along with its huge flood of non-White invaders, Sweden has – understandably – experienced a rape epidemic. However, many rapists are never prosecuted – or never imprisoned – because of a “cultural misunderstanding” defense.
The only “rapists” that this new law will end up effecting are White Swedes who will be shown no mercy by feminist prosecutors who believe that all heterosexual sex is a form of rape.
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