As law enforcement in a Swiss city near Zurich are finding more and more illegal videos on teenagers’ smartphones, they decided to explain to minors why such clips are bad using what appeared to be footage of a man having sex with an animal:
The city police of Winterthur, Switzerland, have raised eyebrows with their prevention campaign against the spread of certain illicit videos among teenagers. They released several videos that were supposed to show the dangers and consequences of possessing footage of crimes or bestiality porn.
One of the clips began with an explicit scene featuring a man who ran up to a donkey, pulled his pants down, and appeared to have sex with the animal. This illustration of what an explicit video might look like was then cut to a shot with prison bars over a smartphone with the donkey sex on it and a caption that said “Animal porn is punished!” The clip ends with a web address reading
However, if one tries to access the website, which appears to promise some illicit content, he or she will be redirected to the page of Switzerland’s Criminal Prevention Agency. It gives further information about legislation on age-appropriate content.
Another clip shared on the police’s Twitter account opens with footage that is supposed to illustrate what the outlawed violent content looks like.
Police spokesman Adrian Feubli commented on the risqué style of their anti-animal porn ad to Zuericher Unterlaender, saying that they “have long and intensively debated about it”. According to him, earlier materials with “dry” information on the subject had reached the target group less effectively, while this clip is a “door opener”.
How do we know this bestiality porn problem is specific to Muslim migrants? Obviously, police are checking the phones of young people they arrest, and migrants are far more likely to be arrested or have run-ins with the police.
And second, Arabs come from “cultures” where sexual deviancy is far more prevalent than in White Christian countries. For example, 50% of Afghani men engage in pedophilia, and upwards of 50% of Muslims are inbred by western standards.
Yes, there are bestiality brothels in decadent and atheistic western Europe, but in the last five years, in the wake of the migrant invasion, bestiality has apparently seen a rise in popularity.
As we’ve previously reported, Europe has indeed seen a disturbing uptick in sadistic crimes of animal abuse involving migrants, and so it would be perfectly consistent to find animal porn on their taxpayer-funded “smart” phones.
I saw the video . A year of so ago was an internet article of farmers in one of the Scandinavian countries advertising sex with animal’s and have clients come from various countries.
I can’t remember for sure any more, but pornography is supposed to have increased, I believe about, 800% or 8000% since the 1980’s.
It is terrible the amount of White women , and also Asian women with their nude photos on the internet. The Jews have said that they love to degrade White women, especially Catholic women . Women may be convinced that to become popular or famous, the only real way is to have nude photos of themselves to be popular with males who will be the one’s who will worship them as sex objects.
Looking up female television stars that some young grade schools girls were fascinated about the program, when I looked up the female star, there were nude photo’s of her on the internet. A famous or well known female television personality said that she never intended to get into television as she wanted to really be a pornographic movie star. But whether she did or not, there are nude photo’s of her on the internet.
Ohers have videos claiming that music and other stars sacrifice something, such as even friends and family members in order to be famous. To know that ,even if it is not true, makes one wonder why so many young stars have been dying the last few years.
I believe that pornography is used to destroy our intuition, innocence, and spirituality, so that even if we know what evil is, we try , but can’t defeat evil in its various forms.
I think of all the people , for one example, who were arrested , sent to jail or prison, lost their freedom, homes ,cars, boats, bank accounts, savings, airplanes , property, jobs, careers, reputation’s, families, marriages over any amount of illegal drugs and now some of them are made legal. but there is no compensation for them to go back in time and get it all back or justification, now that it’s legal.
15 teenagers in Morocco contract rabies after gang raping a donkey:
It is not an accident that a genetically closely related group, the jews, had to enshrine in their very religion a prohibition against sex with animals, mentioned in their Tanakh (“old testament”) in both Deuteronomy and Leviticus, indicating than an predisposition for such behavior is in their makeup.
The Jews merely appropriate the Old Testament and falsely claim to have written it, but that’s just another bold-faced lie. They wrote The Talmud, which does cover sex with animals and children, plus all kinds of degenerate scatology. The learned rabbis will tell you when it’s kosher to have sex with animals.
But what if they identify as donkeys?!? I mean…love is love, right?
[sarc off now]
More cultural enrichment! Yay!!
I thought most immigrants are going to be above the law anyway. Can’t have police racial profiling them after all, that would be racist. They will soon realize if they haven’t already that they can do whatever they want with no punishments.
Kinda goes hand-in-hand with the fact that most of these ‘immigrants’ have to be taught the use of “toilet paper”…just the kind of cultural enrichment our backwards society has been lacking all these millennia!