Authorities in the Polish city of Szczecin declined to put in place memorial stones commemorating Jews who died during World War II because the country’s Institute of National Remembrance believe that visitors to the city might be deceived into thinking that the perpetrators of the ‘crimes’ were Poles:
Gudrun Netter, who was born in Szczecin — which before the war was a German city — applied to the authorities there to commemorate her father with a memorial stone, or Stolpersteine, placed in front of his former home. The letter she received from the city’s architect, Jaroslaw Bondar, said that such a memorial should state that the German Reich was responsible for the death of the Jewish victim.
“The Institute of National Remembrance carries out activities aimed at preventing the dissemination in Poland and abroad of information and publications with untrue historical content that harms or defames the Republic of Poland or the Polish nation and that is why it cannot agree to disregard this key fact,” said the letter signed by Bondar.
Memorial stones appeared in several Polish cities after long and arduous processes. In 2016, the Institute of National Remembrance issued a negative opinion on the possibility of placing the stones in Warsaw. In 2018, the institute did not agree to install them in Krakow, recognizing that “the German specific artistic and memorative concept” is not commemorative for quantitative reasons, and the project is “highly controversial and contrary to the culture of memory adopted in Poland.”
Stolpersteine is a concrete cube placed in the sidewalk, with a brass plate bearing the name of the person it commemorates. It is usually placed near the victim’s last residence. The creator of the stones is the German artist Gunter Demnig.
Jews keep subtly and not-so-subtly trying to implicate the Poles as co-conspirators with the Germans in the so-called Holocaust, but the Poles are not having any of it.
The Poles are rejecting responsibility because not only are they not responsible, they know that if they foolishly accept any responsibility, Jews will continue to demand billions in fake reparations, which is their ultimate goal.
It’s amusing that the Poles are rejecting these stones as “memorials” because they reject what are claiming to remember. In other words, the Poles are implying that the Jews are lying about more than the fact that they Poles share any responsibility.
A city in Italy recently rejected similar memorial stones on the grounds that they would be politically ‘divisive’. Let’s hope more and more cities and countries stand up to this jewish blackmail masquerading as “remembrance”.
Jewish hypocrisy about open borders:
Putin and Israel argued over whose version of the Holohoax should be believed.
Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me.
“There is a probability that a lie of massive proportions is being peddled big-time and savagely enforced….[It] is being used to oppress pretty much all of humankind….The Holocaust oppresses the entire non-Jewish world and indeed much of the Jewish world as well. Stand and have done with it. Deny the Holocaust.”
—Paul Eisen, jewish author of “My Life As A Holocaust Denier,” January 2008
The Poles need to put their foot down, period, and stop being forced to perpetuate this Holocaust Industry. Let. It. Go. Already. Force the Jews to let it go. People need to talk constantly about how it has just become an industry and blackmail to make the rest of the world treat Jews like gods.
Good for the Poles. Another sign that people are beginning to wake up.
Has Poland ever been reimbursed for the 22,000+ Polish nobles and civilians murdered by the Bolshevik Jew led Red Army at Katyn Forest?
NO, we don’t talk about Jew instigated mass-murders, that would detract from shaking all the shekels possible out of the Goyim.
The exact same should have been done for every Hoaxaco$t memorial ever erected anywhere other than the places the jews originally claimed were the actual sites where the supposed ‘atrocities’ occurred.
It seriously boggles my mind how these little imps have gotten away with totally minimizing the 150 million white people alone who were ‘brutally murdered’ as the result of jewish perfidy in the first 50 years of the 20th century.
It’s not a coincidence at all that the Hoaxaco$t was allegedly perpetrated during the same time period. That’s called “deflection”, and as usual when it comes to the sneaky and underhanded, the jews are masters of it. I still don’t get how others don’t see through their bullshit other than the obvious – because God said that’s how it was going to be…
“Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion.”
—Karl Marx, jewish progenitor of Marxism, Socialism, Anarchism, Libertarianism, and Communism
Watch Poland have some kind of banking or financial crisis. Funny how that happens.
Stolpersteine in German means ‘stumbling block’ a term that comes from the Bible, which refers to anything that causes the Israelite people to falter or fail in their purpose. And that’s exactly what these little golden jewish reminders do — they hold the true Israelite people back from fulfilling their potential and destiny. They need to break the yoke that the Jews/Esau have put them under with the Holocaust.
Jeremiah 6:21
Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will lay stumblingblocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them; the neighbour and his friend shall perish.