Study Claims White Colonialism Genocided 50 Million Indigenous People Via Climate Change
So-called “scientists” from University College London are claiming that colonization of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed …
So-called “scientists” from University College London are claiming that colonization of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed …
Like Esau, America has sold its birthright for a mess of multiculturalism and diversity. In conforming to this radical social agenda, America …
In the 1960s cave explorers in Transylvania discovered thousands of beads and amber artifacts that experts recently have established came from both …
The jewish-owned publishing company, Nathan, has published an illustrated children’s book that glorifies race mixing to young impressionable …
Jewish archeologists were left scrambling for answers when their DNA analysis of bones found in an ancient grave dating to as much as 6,000 years ago …