Tens of thousands of pedophiles operate in Israel every year, leading to about 100,000 victims annually, according to an Israeli pedophile monitoring association:
The Matzof Association, an organization that actively keeps track of reports on pedophiles in various media and centralizes the data monthly, states that in July alone, 22 cases of pedophilia were reported in Israel and brought to the attention of the media. The vast majority go unreported.
“In Israel, tens of thousands of pedophiles operate on a daily basis without any problem,” said Eliran Malki, head of the Matzof Association.
“They are not deterred by the police and certainly not deterred by the contemptuous rulings that come from the hands of judges in the various courts,” he added, citing an incident in which one particular pedophile was let off by the courts without punishment, despite evidence of thousands of pedophilic items found on his computer, as the court stated that it would “harm his career.”
The court does not count the number of victims, and shows disproportionately favorable treatment of the perpetrators, according to Malki.
The association gathers reports from the media in order to form statistics, as no public sex offender registry in Israel currently exists.
“Matzof will continue to report and follow these trends month after month. Statistics tell the story of the victims, and they are living proof why we must fight for the establishment of a public pedophile database,” he added.
In June, at least 22 instances of pedophile activity were reported in the media, including a 26-year-old who committed indecent acts on two brothers aged six and eight in a public park in Beersheba; a 40-year-old man who committed indecent acts on his girlfriend’s 11-year-old daughter while they were still living together before he was sentenced to six years in prison; and a 53-year-old who committed indecent acts on a seven-year-old girl – the list goes on.
A number of pedophiles in Israel are Jewish immigrants who have sought refuge in the country under the law of return, according to a CBS report published in February.
The CBS reporter joined Jewish Community Watch (JCW) activists as they were looking for Jimmy Karow, who fled the US in 2000 after being accused of sexually assaulting a nine-year-old girl in Oregon. Karow, who is wanted by Interpol, was able to remain in Israel, where he allegedly moved between different Jewish communities to avoid being exposed.
The most notable case in the public eye is that of Malka Leifer, who was the principal at the ultra-Orthodox Adass Israel School in Melbourne from 2003 to 2008. She fled to Israel after allegations came to light that she sexually abused pupils.
She has evaded deportation back to Australia ever since a formal request was received by Israel in 2014 by claiming mental illness. When the district court invalidated those claims, Leifer appealed to the Supreme Court.Most recently in July, the Supreme Court heard an appeal by Leifer to try to overturn the lower court finding that she is mentally fit for extradition to Australia.
In May, after a close to six-year legal saga, Jerusalem District Court Judge Chana Miriam Lomp ruled that Leifer was mentally fit to stand trial on 74 counts of sexual abuse and rape of minors.
The Jewish ‘holy’ book The Talmud condones pedophilia, so it should come as no shock to anyone that Israel — and Jewish communities in America and Europe — are rife with pedophilia.
One rabbi has claimed that there is a literally ‘child rape assembly line‘ in many Orthodox communities.
And as we have previously reported — confirmed by this study — Jewish pedophiles worldwide emigrate to Israel to escape prosecution — so many that Israel has become a literal “safe haven” of for pedophiles on the run.
Of course, it isn’t just the religious Jews who promote pedophilia and protect them from prosecution — secular Jews, like Sigmund Freud, claimed that children are “sexual” even while still in the womb.
Jews are also the greatest purveyors of pornography — including gay pornography — which would lead one to suspect, without going out on a limb, that they are also the most prolific creators of child porn.
Jews have even gone so far as turning the migrant rape epidemic in Europe into a boutique porn fetish.
And with a straight face they will tell you that they have no idea why anyone would be ‘antisemitic’.
It seems everyone is referring to Israel’s latest lawn-mowing operation as the rogue state’s 9/11. If they mean it was planned and implemented by the Mossad [as was America’s 9/11]– I would agree. But I also see a distinct similarity to Maui’s Lahaina–but on a much larger scale [2 million Gaza citizens]. Bibi has already announced that Gaza is going to be–razed to the ground–Perhaps Lahaina was just a beta test–for Israel’s DEW weapons–and humanity’s gullibility [or cowardice]?
> Israel is a total den of thieves and perverts [largest gay parade on the planet]–probably the center for human trafficking–and I think they are making a bet:
> They raze Gaza to the ground–and if no one has the balls to stop them–they build high rise luxury hotels [and party like it’s 1999], or the rest of the world decides that they can no longer “stay in the bud” and raze Sodom and Gomorrah to the dirt–at which point the Ashkenazim “jews” make their way back to their Khazarian homeland [on the rest of the world’s dime]. Ukraine is known as the bread basket of the world [“He who controls the food supply controls the world”, Count Kissinger]. The Count also opined in 2012, “in ten years there will be no more Israel”, while both Netanyahu and Zelensky, among others, have publicly referred to Ukraine as the “New Jerusalem”.
> https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2023/10/martin-armstrong-warns-terror-attack-on-israel-a-joint-intelligence-operation-to-draw-russia-into-world-war-iii-mike-adams-2479936.html
> This is an interesting interview with Mike Adams and Martin Armstrong. Despite Armstrong’s powerfully prophetic computer program [Socrates] he is confused– with him and Adams using words like: Delusional, miscalculated, without explanation, hubris, etc.. There is no miscalculation here–these are long term plans–that go back hundreds–if not thousands of years.
> I would that suggest Adams and Armstrong read The Protocols of Zion [https://ia803409.us.archive.org/6/items/books_202012/The%20Protocols%20of%20the%20Learned%20Elders%20of%20Zion%20(%20PDFDrive%20).pdf]–the title of the 24 mandates are information enough to understand the intent of plan.
> I would also advise them to re-read Orwell’s 1984–he lays the script out with uncanny precision. Orwell was forced to be very cryptic [he was known as an anti-semitic] and it took me 5 reads before I saw his [in your face] declaration that Big Brother was Goldstein, in the books appendix Orwell compares the Inner Party to a Hebrew collective–and that 1984 was actually 1948–as he watched the Ashkenazim kabal prepare to reshape the world [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947].
> Armstrong goes on to say: Not to worry there’s light at the end of the tunnel–after 8 years of continuous wars [to include nuclear exchanges]–those of us who survive will get to reshape the world. I would also suggest that Armstrong watch the 1984 BBC TV production titled “Threads” [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090163/]–a very realistic depiction of “life” after a nuclear detonation in the English town of Sheffield–not a very pretty sight.
> So, where are we–Exactly where we were 75 years ago–nothing has really changed–except for the advance of a tiny tribe of Cain’s descendants–to take over what was denied long ago. We either begin to discuss the 33 trillion dollar gorilla in the global living room–and force this decadent species to the surface–or we say goodbye to all of the opportunities to enjoy Peace on Earth: That–Socrates–is very simply– where we are at.
> https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-global-government-ultimate-goal-billionaires/5835182
> And finally, an excellent article from Global Research. As with the “mass psychosis” there is a method to the madness–in this case–a loss of personal power. AS I look at the young people around me– with fentanyl the number one killer of adults [18-45] and suicide the 2nd leading cause of death for the youth [12 to 32]–the demise is evident. I would also argue that both categories fall way short of the COVID injections death toll–with people now supporting Dr. Hodkinson’s 2022 projection of 20 million deaths–worldwide.
> “As it turns out, there’s a method to the apparent madness, and the video above, “Revealing the Method: Esoteric Symbolism as Mind Control,” explains it. In summary, the agenda for a global governance system uses mass mind control to condition people to loss of personal power by promoting and getting us used to three types of loss:
> Loss of memory (amnesia)
> Loss of will or initiative (abulia)
> Loss of interest in that which is vital to one’s health and well-being (apathy)
> With the use of occult and esoteric symbols, they appeal to mankind’s lower instincts, animalistic appetites, compulsive urges and “inharmonious drives that conflict with an individual’s higher conscious nature.” The goal is to arrest the spiritual development of individuals and stifle the evolution of spirit within society.'”
> Yes, it’s truly a Spiritual Battle. We cannot prevail without the force of God. It’s time to humble the human ego–and ask the Lord to send out all angels. Also, we are going to need our true brothers and sisters of the Torah to join us in humanity’s resurrection.
> Peace be upon you. G
Ritual Drug Addicted jews
Signs of abuse on the childrens’ faces. Malnourished and definitely have remdep programming signs (dark circles under eyes and generally not coherent). Sleep deprivation or depriving children of sleep to get them in a alpha state for programming/hypnosis/religous ritual (aka rape) trauma bases programming the child when it’s “half asleep” it can still experience pain, create the fight or flight drug adrenochrome. This is what jews live for. they are nothing but drug addicted regressive, inbred gargoyle, vampiric, parasitic, godless, perverts. Forcibly move them to their own country. Guess the don’t need it after all.
Is it just me or are these people the most ugly demons on planet earth? Disgusting isn’t a strong enough definition. How badly does the US need cleansing of this evil…
In America, the Jewish supremacists of the ADL hailed Obama the Perversion-Glorifier-In-Chief created the pedophile protection act under the guise of Hate Crimes law…JFK sent men to the moon while Obama sent them to the female restrooms…..thanks to the god-chosen perverts https://www.adl.org/news/op-ed/the-federal-hate-crime-bill-is-now-law-whats-next
“Former Kansas City Chiefs star tweets Jews involved in pedophilia” …..you are an racist, anti-Semite if you say that Jews are involved in pedophilia. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/former-kansas-city-chiefs-star-tweets-jews-involved-in-pedophilia-637540
God chosen perverts…..
Pedophilia- pederasty and on are now quite prolific . Especially in FLorida. There are thousands —in every county . Florida is a truly progressive state. Children are thier victims and often it is fatal . But the pedophile has rights!! The American Psychiatric Society had approved of it . These soul sickness mongers are sophisticated and progressive . They also read and adore S. Freud but not just because they are of his race. However after being reprehended and losing possible patients, not to mention respect , they have not repented but revised thier earlier diagnosis. Honourable congress has the same dilemma because yes, so many covet (clandestinely) this rich man’s obsession. Also the Supreme Court it is said must engage in this eclectic passion before they can hope to wear the robes. But that may be slanderous just because so many are homosexual instead of homophobes. Governments are always well represented by the nice jewish people. This is why FLorida is more like paradise . AMenable to the nice jew. We have no angel with a flaming sword.
Pedophilia is obviously not a big deal in Israel, which explains why fellow Jews in America are pushing to have pedophilia decriminalized. What’s wrong, goyim, with a little ‘inter-generational affection’, you antisemites!
And notice how it is perfectly acceptable for jews to point out the prevalence of pedophilia in their community. But as soon as a “goy” does this, then they will be smeared as a crazy antisemite who wants to gas 6 trillion jews.