A jewish man named Isaac Bernath, who is claiming to be the ‘victim’ of a recent ‘antisemitic’ road rage incident, can be heard chuckling as he films it, but abruptly cuts off the video just as the other driver appears to accuse him and his fellow Jews of being pedophiles, “And you play with little…”:
The incident occurred in the city of Monticello, in Sullivan County, New York recently, when the anti-Semitic couple accused 25-year-old Brooklyn musician Isaac Bernath of cutting them off on the road, in an apparent case of road rage.
“Go back to f***ing Brooklyn,” the husband said, while giving the middle finger to Bernath. “Right there, to all of you f***ing non-tax paying scumbags.”
If it were unclear that the couple’s rant was directed at Jews, the husband quickly removed any doubt.
“You’re pieces of s***, your whole f***ing religion.”
“You dirty, nasty people. You ruin the whole place.”
Behind him, the man’s wife repeated the words “Inbred, inbred.”
Bernath said such anti-Semitic incidents were common.
“This is a very common occurrence,” he told News 12. “I wasn’t surprised, but I was glad I got it on video to expose it.”
Gary Siepser of the Jewish Federation of Rockland condemned the incident as “mindless, stupid hate”.
“Particularly disturbing for members of the Jewish community. We know our history. We know what this sort of mindless, stupid hate can lead to.”
Sure, as the old jewish canard goes, this incident could lead to “another” Holocaust, even though Bernath admits it “happens all the time” to him, which may explain why he describes himself as “way too complicated for a few words…” on his Facebook page.
Again, we have another example where a Jew tells us what allegedly happened to him, but doesn’t tell you why. Orthodox Jews are notoriously bad drivers, and they know it, and they don’t care. A similar incident happened recently in New York City, when a Jew incurred the wrath of a NYPD traffic officer after the Jew ignored the officer’s directions, and when the officer became enraged, the Jew triumphed as the “victim” of antisemitism. They provoke an incident, then gleefully sit back while the “gentile” proves to the world that he’s an “antisemite”.
Of course, this article fails to address any of the accusations of this irate driver, including how Jews destroy the quality of life in communities they attempt to take over.
And the fact that Bernath filmed this incident but selectively edited out the part at the end where he and his fellow Jews are accused of being pedophiles shows you just how manipulative and fabricated this entire incident is. Yes, Jews do, in fact, pretend to cry out in pain as they strike you, and this preposterous incident proves that old Polish proverb to be true.
Boy did the video give me a good chuckle. Way better than the one it gave the jew…and for totally different reasons 😉
As Christians, we’re honestly not to vent our frustrations with these parasites in this manner. “Be gentle as doves yet wise as serpents”, Christ commands us. We live in precarious times where Edom has the upper hand, exactly as in Judaea at the time of Christ where the ruling jews sought to arrest Christ for HEALING ON THE SABBATH! And we think it’s bad now? Wait til more of the predictions made in these articles and comments start coming to fruition more and more…and more frequently!
George M.
Yes, he shouldn’t have started yelling at the Jew, because it played right into the Jew’s hands. On the other hand, why do White people blow up like this all of a sudden? It takes a lot for us to lose our patience.
As Jews use their power to censor us more and more, we will see more outbursts like this guy, and the Jews will happily point every incident out to us say, “See, look at the hate. We did nothing, and you just hate us. We need more laws to protect us from this dangerous hate.”
This incident provides a simple illustration of how jewish behavior creates ‘antisemitism’ among non-Jews. Why is it so hard for Jews to understand their own role in how people perceive them? In the Jew’s twisted mind, the world walks around looking for any excuse to “hate” Jews. That’s not how the world works. People generally walk around looking for reasons to like others, not hate them. And when they “hate” you, it’s often time to look in the mirror.