[Note: the original article cited in this article has been completely scrubbed from the internet, proof that the Jewish “Hidden Hand” does not want you to read it.]
With no help from the mainstream media, one may still be generally aware of what’s presently happening in South Africa with Blacks brutally murdering White farmers on a regular basis.
But even in that, the situation may still appear to simply be a case where Blacks, on their own, somehow decided to civilize, organize, arm, and train themselves to overthrow the Whites, take over the government, and begin taking back “their” land.
However, thinking more deeply into these facile assumptions, you may be begin to realize how ridiculous they really are.
Could there have been others behind the scenes who were the masterminds and financiers of this long-term, incremental endeavor — what may better be called ‘the bolshevizing’ of South Africa?
Balder.org writes:
In the 1960s the government of Hendrik Verwoerd took power and implemented the formal separate but equal policies in South Africa. These policies made South Africa the economically strongest nation in Africa, and gave the blacks in South Africa (and the whites) the highest standards of living of any African nation.
Verwoerd’s policies had [one main opponent]….a Jew named Harry Oppenheimer [who] ontrolled banking monopolies in the country, and wanted “rights” extended to black South Africans for the purpose of extending their money lending business. Oppenheimer had ties to the Rothschild banking family and to the US CIA, which throughout the 1970s through 1990s supported the overthrow of white South African rule, at the direction of the Jew Henry Kissinger.
Oppenheimer lobbied the Rothschilds to overthrow Verwoerd, who had publicly denounced the Jewish banking monopolies in Parliament. The Rothschilds secured the support of the Rockefeller, Carnegie and other “Anglo” families in the United States, and had those institutions lobby against the white government. Rockefeller influenced the Council on Foreign Relations and its members in the US government in particular to oppose white rule.
In 1963 a group of Jews founded the “African” National Congress. The ANC was founded by Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Dennis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich, Hazel Goldreich and James Kantor, with a few African front men — Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki (father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed Kathrada. In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews established when they founded the NAACP in the United States, with the exception that the ANC was a much more violent and openly communist organization. These Jews and their African National Congress received funding and support from both the Soviet Union and the US CIA.
Just like with the American Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-Apartheid Movement was funded and coordinated by Jews who used a small group of Blacks as frontmen.
Clearly, the Blacks did not have the power or organizing capabilities to make such sophisticated institutional changes, but the jewish-controlled press has hidden the jewish role in the destruction of White Rule in South Africa, focusing all the blame on Black communists, while failing to mention that all the Black communists were trained and funded and organized by the Jews.
However, the powerful Rothschild interests also supported White Rule in the 1960s and 70s, not because they agreed with it, but rather they needed a stable South Africa to extract enough uranium from SA mines to funnel to Israel to help build their secret nuclear weapons program.
Once that was firmly established, the Rothschilds would then green-light the end of White Rule, using the murderous communist ANC as their proxies.
You can read more about the Jewish hand in the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa in the book Rivonia’s Children by jewish author Glenn Frankel, who spins a very sympathetic view of their involvement.
Nelson Mandela, on many occasions, freely admitted the ‘enormous contribution‘ Jews made to the cause of his party, the ANC:
Anton Rupert was not a Jew. He was an Afrikaner born in Graaff-Reinet and was a member of the Broederbond in the 1940s. His memorial service was held at the NG Moederkerk in Stellenbosch.
Don’t let facts get in the way of blind prejudice
Nothing “blind” here at all. We were merely quoting the original article, which apparently has been scrubbed. We edited the article to reflect the facts about Rupert whom some suspect may have been a crypto Jew with some Jewish ancestry; however, he no doubt had close ties to the Jewish power circles of South Africa. That is undeniable:
Liberal MP George Galloway worked intimately with the ANC, and he has testified that virtually every “white” he worked with was Jewish:
also. the AnC was established in 1918 or there abouts. not 1963
Actually Anton Rupert was half Jewish, but don’t worry, facts rarely cure cognitive dissonance.
Call them zionists if it makes you feel better. They are not true- God fearing Jews. Nobody here hates the true Jewish people or religion. The zionists, world bankers- are decedents of the Kazarahans- Satanists. The top 1% that has been the cause of almost every single war, pandemic, slave trade, famine and death since written history.
Beliefs aren’t hereditary. Satanism, which is a belief system, requires its adherents to consider the God of Abraham as real; and in that sense Satanists can be thought of as an offshoot of the more popular Abrahamic faiths. Your claim that Zionists are/were Satanists falls a bit flat. Einstein endorsed Zionism early on – but wanted to avoid building a militia, and hoped Israelis could live peacefully with the Muslims. He perhaps wisely turned down the Presidency of Israel- and he is now known as an atheism-leaning agnostic. Not a Satanist. Hitler was also a Zionist in the late 1920s / early 1930s. As long as Jews paid their “flight tax” (usually everything they owned), he was supportive of their deportation to Israel. He was a Catholic, not a Satanist – despite how he is painted by modern Christians who seek to distance themselves from his ideology. Really- his beliefs are a controversial topic needlessly. What matters is that 97.5% of German citizens considered themselves Christian in 1939, according to the official census results. 54% had unified under the German Evangelical Church, thus satisfying his churchenkampf or whatever. (Church struggle).
I am a big fan of Church myself, actually. Alonzo Church. He is best known for the lambda calculus, the Church–Turing thesis, proving the unsolvability of the “Entscheidungsproblem”, the Frege–Church ontology, and the Church–Rosser theorem. He also worked on philosophy of language Alongside his student Alan Turing, Church is considered the co-founder of computer science.
Einstein didn’t like the Church. He mentioned “”I’m not a Communist but I can well understand why they destroyed the Church in Russia. All the wrongs come home, as the proverb says. The Church will pay for its dealings with Hitler, and Germany, too.” And also: ” The concentration camps make the actions of Ghengis Khan look like child’s play. But what makes me shudder is that the Church is silent. One doesn’t need to be a prophet to say, ‘The Catholic Church will pay for this silence.’ Dr. Hermanns, you will live to see that there is moral law in the universe.. There are cosmic laws, Dr. Hermanns. They cannot be bribed by prayers or incense.” – you can verify those quotes on his Wikiquote page.
I dug this up from gotquestions [dot] org [slash] Khazar-Jews [dot] html:
The origin of the Khazars is shrouded in mystery, and some people have come up with their own ideas to account for the existence of Khazaria. One theory is that the Khazars are actually Jews—the ten “lost tribes ” of Israel somehow found their way to Eastern Europe, and that explains their later “conversion” to Rabbinic Judaism. Another theory says just the opposite: the Khazars are Turks with no Jewish blood at all. According to the theory, the Ashkenazi Jews have been wrongly identified as Semitic, when they are in reality Turkish.
Neither of these theories has any basis in reality. No credible historical or genetic evidence exists to substantiate the theory that the Khazars were biological Hebrews or that modern Jews did not descend from Abraham. Another theory—that the influx of “Khazar Jews” into Israel in 1948 fulfilled the biblical prophecy of Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel 38–39)—sees the Israeli fight for independence as the Khazar seizure of the land of Israel from the Muslims. That theory is equally baseless.
The whole history of the Khazar Jews might never be known. But here is a likely scenario: some ethnic Jews lived in Khazaria (and many other places) during the Middle Ages. In or near 740, a Khazarian king converted to Judaism, for personal, practical, or political reasons, and he brought some of his subjects with him. When the power of Khazaria diminished and the empire fell, many Jews—both ethnic and proselytes—left that area and, settling in Jewish communities elsewhere, merged with the local population. Such intermarriage between ethnic Jews and Gentile proselytes does not mean that Jews of Khazaric background are any less Jewish than other Ashkenazi. The Bible records several instances of Gentiles being brought into Jewish culture: Rahab and Ruth being clear examples (see Matthew 1:5).
Sardon wrote, “The Bible records several instances of Gentiles being brought into Jewish culture: Rahab and Ruth being clear examples (see Matthew 1:5).”
Really? Show us one example of where the term “Jewish” is used in any Bible. Israelite is not the same thing as “Jewish” though you seem to suggest that it is. The Khazars were a mixed bag of ethnicities, Mongol-Turks, HIttites, Arab, and any real Israelite would have never seen these peoples as suitable marriage partners. Never. But Ashkenazi Jews might, because they are not Israelites.
You know what else there is no evidence of?
Perfect answer. Terr last name is probably short for terrorist.
I’m not an authority about anything in the Bible. But if there is such a problem distinguishing who the Jews are and their evil, we may as well as ignore all of the history, and behavior of the Jews that our ancestor’s learned about them,
passed it on to us as a warning, and just embrace everyone in the world as our brothers and sisters and claim there is no such thing as evil, and the Bible is false and has deceived the world for eons and all races are one and equal.
It’s no longer difficult under Biden, seeing him try to get as many foreigners’ into this country even by stealth, .give away our resources by bringing foreigner’s into this country to be on welfare, given free lodging, food , health and other resources worked by citizens to provide the funds and facilities.
There’s a video of Muslim’s claiming they will breed the White’s out of existence , other videos of the destruction by foreigner’s doing destruction in European countries, police afraid to go into their area’s they claim as their territory . A program or documentary was made and on TV of a Mexican women, claimed to have swam the Rio Grande River to make it seem so desperate and tragic that she come to the United States. She was on welfare for 20 years, it was said and living in a nice apartment. An Arab terrorist in France was arrested who , it claimed ” was on welfare for 17 years and never worked a day.” Why work?
Our national debt is owed to the Jews who are in control of the economies of most of the world and use their money system. Some have said that one of the true reasons we went to war against Saddam Huessin of Iraq, was because he wanted to break away from the world money system, andto get the Arab nations to unite and sell their own oil with their own currency system. There’s a video some where on the internet of Saddam Huessin giving a talk. I can’t remember now what it is about. But he is not the stupid , bumbling, ignorant fool we are made to believe he was by our news media and those who own them. . There are videos of the things he did for his people and to develop his country.
Countries around the world , especially those this country or government or special interests have a grudge against, suffer with the Jewish boycott’s and embargo’s we impose on them. As soon as Hitler won the election, the Jews called for a boycott on Germany.
One example or at least two are the Jews murdering the Russian Czar and his Christian family, but when we read or told history, we are told the Bolshevik’s overthrew Russia. When we are told of influence’s in our government , we hear of APAC, the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center , neo conservatives, but never mentioned as being Jewish.
It must be getting close for the Jews to believe their kingdom is at hand. Isn’t it strange that the Jews look for a red calf to be born , and we have a member of the Royal Family, with red hair, married to a black living not in England or his home country or colonies , but the United States. Maybe Prince Harry will be the antichrist or his representative. It’s also seems strange , that when things are going as they are in this world and the Middle East that suddenly, we have some Jews on television calling Jesus the savior but, hearing no other Jews criticize them or call them anti semites. Videos of Jews telling of having 2800 slaves they claim they will have when their kingdom comes. Yet if you multiply 16,000,000 by 2800, it comes out almost to the half billion or more of what the Georgia
guidestones say the population will be .
One could go on indefinitely. What the confusion is that everyone has attacked the different sources of the world domination scheme. Some tell of the Rothschild’s, the Vatican, Mason’s, Mormon’s, Jesuits, Vatican, Great Britain to regain her world empire including getting the United States back, England in control of our Social Security system, Catholic Church etc.
Alex Jones gets the Catholic , Leo Zagami on his show to make a villian of the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, the Vatican, but some have said that one of the things they were told that they could not talk about were the Jews.
And why not. Some have said that he does not want it known that he marries Jewish women. and other business connections in his conspiracy empire. Maybe that is why patriotic and religious websites have their books, articles, videos , websites , cant afford to maintain their sites , Alex Jones keeps rolling merrily along , for 27 years.
It get frustrating and disgusting talking about a conspiracy , the world order and their news sources mock and many laugh at us , mock us, but events prove, they are true.
Our ancestors warned us of all of this . But like some are wealthy , and some are not, maybe some are not to know or believe.
If one looks around the internet, all of the sites are said to be on the racist and anti semitic side.
I read some comments about Alex Jones: Oh, I think he’s a little flaky, but he woke me up to the New World Order. I think Alex Jones is a bit crazy, but he exposes who is behind what goes on in the world.
It is an answer like the reporter asked a women who she was voting for and she said John McCain. When asked why , she said: “Because iI would vote for him just because he was a prisoner of war.” Nothing about his record, integrity, character. Just because he was a prisoner of war.
Isn’t it strange that only two races in the whole wide world whine and cry about injustice’s: the Black’s about racism and slivery, the Jews about the Holocaust and antisemitism.
They’re not true Jews. They’re satanists- khazarian satanists, that Russia forced to convert to either Christianity, Judaism or Muslim. They chose Judaism to stay alive. They also swore an oath to defeat Russia. Ironic considering where we find ourselves now.
Jan Lamprecht of South Africa has a website . He claims that every , I believe the position is, Secretary of State, has been held by a Jew. Just as it is said that the Jews created the NAACP and every president until about the 1950’s or so was held by a Jew and even when the blacks thought they controlled it, the Jews were still there in the background.
His website is : History Reviewed. And interesting.
It’s worth checking out and what he presents, because it was this country , that I first heard of how apartheid Rhodesia and South Africa was supposed to be on our news for months or years and how deprived the blacks were , after all the years that were promoted of the communists being fought against. So maybe with Nelson Mandela in prison, and the South African’s and Rhodesians fighting off the communists, apartheid was put out against the Rhodesians and South African’s to stir up sympathy for the blacks , because after Mandela was released from prison, he became president. So it seems like it was all a purposeful set up against the Rhodesian’s and South African’s to destroy their country , Just like Hillary Clinton was promoted and destined to win and at the last minute betrayed, Donald Trump became president and ruined a second term with his dictatorial behavior and suddenly, we now have a communist president , called Joe Biden. No one ruined Trump’s presidency but Trump himself. If the Jews run our country and control both parties as they brag, they must have gotten disgusted with his arrogance and dictatorial attitude as though he though he was a god or king. Trump gave the Jews, Jerusalem , as their capital, officially making them a country, the Golan Heights, and passed HR 6421 for them. So , they could do without him and put someone else to replace him. And if anyone will be assassinated , as Alex Jones loves to brag of his sources, it would seem to be Donald Trump if he gets back in office and acts like he owns the country.
If Trump gets back in office , he will be there to finish the betrayal of our country. He said he supported Israel 1000 per cent and that he did more for Israel than any other President. His children are married to Jews.
We are on the same path that Rhodesia and South Africa was on and we stood back while our news media condemned both countries of apartheid and now the blacks are doing it to our faces and we are letting them get away with it and they don’t even have to use AK 47’s. They are using our political system to win senator, representatives seats, mayor positions, goverships , like Winsome Sears in Virginia. I said once before , that as I was leaving a restaurant , someone put a note on a bulletin board from someone in South Africa in the 1970’s or 1980’s asking them to warn the people of the United States that what was happening to them would happen to us. And now it is.
Not all of our Congressmen are traitors to us.
If you don’t get your facts straight you will lose credibility. Jews were involved in South Africa, but Anton Rupert was not one of them. He was a high ranking Afrikaaner who was a candidate for Prime Minister. I don’t think he even liked Jews. Any South African who reads this will immediately know you’ve got it wrong.
Anton Rupert, if not a crypto Jew himself, was intimately involved with the Jewish community in South Africa, and used that relationship to undermine White rule. Split hairs if you want.
Can you fill me in? I am not aware of the stuff you are saying but after realizing what the media does I started studying history, politics and religion. I am thankful for any information you can provide.
Mainly the holocaust never made sense and I have never seen any definitive proof. I do have common sense, however, and as I learned about history I realized much about Hitler and the facts at the time were big fat lies and impossibilities. Contrary to what seems to be indisputable evidence.
Did you know that the Boere Dutch Republics never colonized black nations it was the British Jews who made their lands reserves. Later called Bantustans. The biggest mistake the dutch Boere made was to give monies to these old reserves. In the 1980’s I had to have a passport to travel through the Transkei. They were racist and delayed my departure. Dompass was a name blacks gave to our demands for an Id which their tribal assholes could not issue or had no idea. Vrystaat!!!
Generalisation takes away an individual’s choice. The Jews are not the enemy, Satan is. Facts are vital but we must be led by the Spirit. By boycotting Israel and standing with the lies concerning Palestine, SA is only shooting itself in the foot. Also, there is a remnant and many Jews are becoming Messianic. We are there to “provoke them to jealousy.” This is a mystery, we don’t understand everything spiritual until revealed. The Bible says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem because of the role it will play in the end times. Listen to Amir Tsarfati.
The “remnant has always been there: ie; the prophets of the Old Testament. They will always be protected by our Lord. Christians however are less than 1% of the population of Palestine and dropping because of the ungodly Zionist that are the Synagogue of Satan. We can not expose Satan without exposing Israel.
Messianic Judaism is almost identical to what the Apostles were first spreading after Pentecost and it took Paul to change things to set everything on the right track. Either you know Jesus Christ or you do not. Of course there are some that are in the fallen Churches of Revelations that still know Christ but many more that do not. Christ’s children do not need a label, we hear his voice and he knows us as—we are all predestined to be part of his Kingdom.
Jesus pointed out Satan’s children many times (John 8:44) and they have only increased in size and power, especially since the founding of false Israel. It is important to know the enemy of Christ and his flock.
The Talmud teaches hatred of Christians and of Jesus Christ, of course many are unaware of how deep this hatred goes. There are less than 5000 true Jews that use the True Torah, Old Testament and live the old Covenant. They are the true remnant, they are one of the Two Witnesses, (Revelation 11). We that believe that Jesus was the son of God, the perfect sacrifice, the lamb without blemish, he died for the sins of the world and rose after three days, ascending to the right hand of God and is coming back again with his wrath for Babylon the Great are the other Witness, Golden Candlestick.
Good bless.
Israel are the people that migrated west into Europe . Scripture validated this. Isaiah 43:1-4.
Jews are the descendants of Cain. The offspring of the serpent and Eve.
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (pg 3 of the 1980 Jewish Almanac).
“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860″ — (Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23)
“Modern Jewry” descends primarily from Edomites who converted to Judaism in 130BC, NOT from the Biblical 12 Tribes of Israel.
Modern Jewry is largely descended from Edomites (Idumeans) who were forcibly converted to Judaism in 130BC, by Hasmonean Leader Johanan Hycarnus and absorbed into Judean society, recorded by Flavius Josephus in “Antiquities of the Jews” Book 13: Chapter 9, Section 1. http://www.perseus.tufts.ed…
The Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian Strabo further testifies to the colonisation of Judea by Edomite converts to Judaism in Geography [Bk 16.2.34]
“The Edomites were conquered by John Hycarnus who forcibly converted them to Judaism, and from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod being one of their descendants.” See [The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, New Revised Edition, 1966]
“Are they not inveterate murderers, destroyers, men possessed by the devil? Jews are impure and impious, and their synagogue is a house of prostitution, a lair of beasts, a place of shame and ridicule, the domicile of the devil, as is the soul of the Jew. As a matter of fact, Jews worship the devil; their rites are criminal and unchaste; their religion a disease; their synagogue an assembly of crooks, a den of thieves, a cavern of devils, an abyss of perdition!” — St. John Chrysostomos.
100% Bang on
Jews are the seed of cane …Their father satan is a liar and a murderer!
[“Also, there is a remnant and many Jews are becoming Messianic…”]
Ha…they are ‘messy alright’. Most of them in that evangelical camp masking up. BS! as usual sending their laundry $ to the demons in is***hell. To call them ‘a remnant’ is another ‘chosen’ path they make. lol Christ will sort them out!
New Jerusalem is not old Jerusalem! The Jews are NOT Israelites they are Edomites and they admit this in their own encyclopedia. You don’t understand scripture because you don’t know God said the new covenant was for the house of Judah and the house of Israel and His sheep hear his voice.
True Israel is in fact the white Saxon race. God gave dominion to men and men’s hearts are the ones that have evil imaginations and the curse of the flesh. Satan is not a magical person it is the spirit of Antichrist in men’s minds.
Psalm 58:3 says the wicked are born that way and God hated Esau before he was born. The Jews are the enemy of Jesus and Christians and they wish us all dead! Wake up and do some research! Go look at what the Talmud and Kabbalah say about non-Jews and Jesus. They read Obadiah to find out the fate of the Jews who say they are Jews and are NOT. My people perish for lack of knowledge!
Psalm 58:3 3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
Heidi, can an infant speak? If not, how do they lie. I caution the misuse of verses outside of context and culture.
The state of things, the revealing of this criminal entity enveloping everything we’ve cherished. Praying for Jesus to return
This is also why Mandela never got hanged for all the murders he committed,the Judge was also a Jew. It is the same Talmud Jews that Hitler wanted to get rid of and then ended up being demonized by the rest of world right up to this day.These Vipers are everywhere and controls almost everything in this world.There inventions is all destruction to this world for example Communism and the concentration camps that killed thousands of Boer Afrikaner woman and children in the late 1800’s. Jesus said: I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews,and are not,but are the synagogue of Satan.
People are running down this rabbit hole and buying into it wholesale because of ignorance! Discern the Spirits and read the Bible, this is very dangerous.
So you’re saying Jesus Christ was “running down a rabbit hole” and ignorant for rebuking and excoriating the Jews? News flash: Christ’s entire ministry was anti-Jewish. See:
Matthew 15: 24 “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” Jesus.
Rom 1:6 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Paul.
Romans 11:1 I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means!(A) I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham,(B) from the tribe of Benjamin.(C) 2 God did not reject his people,(D) whom he foreknew.
And read the rest of Romans 11 written by a Jew.
A common misunderstanding, Barry. I strongly suggest you read the following study:
> Matthew 15: 24 “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
Sent TO doesn’t mean sent FOR. Doctrine is clear on Jesus sacrifice not destined to Israelite only.
Also, Matthew 21:43
I’m so sorry but you are half right! Jews are not white, Jews are a middle Eastern race comprised of the Eastern (Asian) and African (black) People’s. Only their god told them to worship him and no other lest he kill and punish him with his wrath. He told them they were HIS chosen people and any modern day Judaeo Christian is fooling himself if he parrots doctrine and believes that Yahweh is the real prime source creator of all and that Jews are gods chosen people. The real prime source creator of all is unknowable and contains all of all us. It is a neutral constant which is why we have free thought and free will. It is genderless and isn’t racist choosing one so called chosen race over another. Judaeo Christians are feeding into the forced conversion of your white ancestors by Jews by them giving you a “Judaeo Light” religion to follow. They know “Satan” or “Devil” is an umbrella term in their language meaning simply their enemy or enemy of the Jews. Whites are direct descendants of the Pleiadian Anunnaki creator gods (tall whites and Nordic’s) which is why Jews want them eradicated and they use the “Eves” aka the blacks as proxies for doing this. They also use the “Adams” or Adamus, aka the red and brown skinned ppl (the 1st created humans) and all the other non white and extra terrestrial hybrid races of the world to do this. An anti white agenda is an anti European and anti Pleaidian agenda. Period. I would shirk all Judaeo and Judaeo Light indoctrination to fully become awake and aware of what’s really going on. Rich Jewish elite as puppet thrones for evil ETs have got you distracted by chasing a made up devil and got you humans pointing your fingers at one another calling each other out in witch hunts to keep you warring and distracted. They want you to be as harmless as doves protecting and serving them as their particular Annunaki ET creator god’s chosen people. Now, whether Yahweh is Enki’s brother or his son Marduk is another question.
Mandela died in prison in 1985
Proof! Nelson Mandela died in the 1980s. https://youtu.be/0f0G4H5jfVw
That is Cain not Cane. Freemasonry is Jew Daisim Light and they call it Two Ball Cain. Tubal Cain for those who have not idea was a Phallic worshipper. Killer and hater of his brother. When you procreate with serpent energy you use the upward current to produce sex magic and the desired result. Make no mistake this is the Tikkun Olam. A great tare in the world. Fortunatly Dragons Fang are among us a a repository of Soldiers and Warrier class. Thank God for there blood.
Since it became clear who sits behind this chaos, it must be a clear message to the jooz. Run and run very fast. Some did run but there are those who mock play with the lions parts.
I don’t want to get into this debate, but I love South Africa, many Jews supported Apartheid as I do. It is a Biblical solution for coexistence among the various people’s of the world for peace. Duet 32:8 and Acts 17:26 confirms this. Religious Jews Zionists crucified Christ and their God has always been and still is Mammon. Actually wealthy Afrikaners in the Broederbond or Afrikanerbond betrayed us worse than the financial money mad Jewish (Zionist) bankers.
There are traitors among all people’s. We are no exception. The continual attack on all Jews by many of our people has taken us away from the Blessings of Hog. Time we put our big men pants and turn back to God..
Nicky, you wrote, “Actually wealthy Afrikaners in the Broederbond or Afrikanerbond betrayed us worse than the financial money mad Jewish (Zionist) bankers.” My guess is those wealthy Afrikaners in the Broederbond and Afrikanerbond were crypto-jew Freemasons which would explain why they sold you out – meaning they were working with the opposition all along.
Though never a part of freemasonry as I am a Christian, ALL my relatives are crypto-jew Freemasons and Eastern Stars. In March 2012, they murdered my Mother for mom’s $12million estate. These people are ruthless when it comes to implementing their Protocols of Zion at any cost.
Better you watch the Documentary Synagogue of Satan and learn the real truth on The Jews and South Africa
This article was poorly written and takes what a few Jews purportedly did and generalizes that to all Jews. Jews are not a race, but a nation sharing a religion. There are Jews in all races, including Caucasians, African Blacks, Asians and others. They are not monolithic. Yes there were some bad Jews, just like there were bad gantiles and bad Christians. One cannot generalize to all based on what a few members of a nation do. Also, the evidence for the charges was lacking. Such bigoted writing cannot be taken seriously. I know some Jews who had to flee South Africa because they were being terrorized. Yet they were not guilty of racism and apartheid. They were considered whites and all whites were blamed for the apartheid crimes. Such generalizing is bigotry.
Jews are not a race, you say? Tell that to the high rabbinical courts in Israel that require DNA testing for marriage and citizenship. If Jews aren’t a genetic, identifiable race, then what are they testing for?
You are suggesting also that somehow because “not all Jews” support and participate in communism and socialism, that it’s not “fair” to say communism and socialism are jewish. Ever heard of the expression, “the exception proves the rule”? Jews brag that they have dominated the radical Left, but you cling to the few who don’t, which is not a valid argument.
Tens of thousands of Jews have left South Africa since they brought down Apartheid and destroyed the country. That’s what they have done historically. Foment revolution, destroy society, then pack up and leave when things get too hot even for them. Everything you’ve said in defense of Jews proves that this article is, in fact, accurate.
Brilliant reply! Glad to see that you are wise to the Jewish Question!
Ari, well spoken.
Will we ever know the truth. In 1948 before my time, Jews were called back to Isreal because G~d, Ha’shen said so. God the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is spirit not colour.
Julie, The problem with your comment is you assume Jews are the same people as the Hebrews in the bible; they’re not. Futher, jews do NOT follow the Old Testament bible – which is a total ruse, but rather many volumes of books collectively called The Babylonian Talmud, which teach among other things, Kabbalah magick and sorcery. Jews worship their god, Lucifer, and not the “g-d” as you put it of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Hebrews worshipped in tabernacles and temples, jews worship in synagogues, a word not found in the Old Testament. Even the term “judeo-christian” is contrived, coined only in the mid 1800’s to induce Christians to believe we have something in common with Luciferians; we haven’t. I know all this because I am a Christian from an extended (not immediate) crypto-jew Freemason family. I hope you find Jesus in your life.
Right, and it’s not just about who Jews really worship–clearly, they worship Satan, i.e., themselves, as the Talmud makes clear. But it is also about bloodlines, and today’s so-called Jews are NOT legitimate blood descendants of the Tribe of Judah and Levi. Christ called out the Jews of His day, rebuking them for making the false claim that Abraham was their father. Today’s Jews are a mixed-race, Khazarian-Edomite chimera, the literal “synagogue of Satan”.
“We, Jews, invented the ‘chosen people myth.’”
—Dr. Oscar Levy
God would endorse a plan thought up by men? Strange.
First zionist congress, 1897, Basel.
Chanah is right, the human species is one and there is a human DNA and animal DNA
Jewish DNA is a myth used for stupid propaganda since you can never find a specific DNA for a specific race it has been jumbled up over the millions of years and there is a bit of every race in every human.
The notion of “one human species” is Marxist propaganda with NO scientific basis whatsoever. Any type of animals which is a diverse as humans would be classified as separate species–the idea that African pygmies and White people are the same “species” is the height of absurdity. And, no, human DNA has not been “jumbled up” over millions of years–we are not all race mixed mutts–many are, but not all.
There is a battle of bloodlines going on throughout history–Genesis 3:15–between the pure blood of Adam and his descendants — and all the rest, the non-Adamic peoples.
And it is usually (((people))) who themselves are race-mixed that claim there are no pure races or bloodlines. That’s why all the (((DNA testing companies))) try to convince everyone who takes their tests that they are all racially mixed.
I agree ?
From the Hebrew name חַנָּה (Channah) meaning “favour, grace”, derived from the root חָנַן (chanan). of course you would be defending (((them)))
Chanah, the Jews you knew who had to flee South Africa because they were being terrorized? That’s because the Jews fomented resentment and violence among the Blacks against the Whites, convincing the Blacks that all their problems were caused by evil Whites who stole everything for themselves. And once Blacks got power, they began openly attacking and murdering Whites as “pay back”, and since Jews look White, many got targeted too. So Jews became victim of their own subversive anti-White propaganda–Blacks don’t often distinguish between Jews and Whites, and that’s one of the risks Jews take when they try to pass themselves off as White.
We must remember that Revelation says there are those that say they are Jews but are not and are from the Synagogue of satan Revelation two.
These are the ones wishing our down fall
We are referring to the Khazarian Jews. Those that believe in the Talmud. Study the terrible history
Did all Jew lie about Palestine – a land without a people for a people without a land. This is a national lie.
See how Jewish Talmud generalizes on others as inferior.
TALMUD: Schene luchoth haberuth, p 250b. “The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called PIGS.” TALMUD: Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b. “If you eat with a non-Jew it is the same as eating with a dog.” TALMUD: Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b. “If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew.
Jew generalize against other all the time so make sure you do see the problem clearly.
Never mentioned is the fact that under apartheid, blacks from neighboring black-run hellholes were flooding into South Africa because the whites there had achieved civilization, law and order. Now S. Africa will be dragged down to the same level of sh*t as the rest of the continent.
The website The Hunting Call features an entire series of essays on the Communist Revolution south of the Zambezi. The template for the roll-out of the worldwide Communist Revolution on all continents was a nation called Rhodesia. They – the Black and White ‘colonial population’ fought the Communist Revolution on the Rhodesian Front and won. Sobieski’s video and essay on this is a great lead in to Rhodesia as the template and blueprint of the Communist Revolution against the West. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrhvaTpQfNc
You forgot Joe Slovo
needs citation other than frm wiki……………………………….
ANC was formed by the Jews. British Jews to be exact. Good article by there is much, much more to expose, starting with the owners of South Africa’s mainstream news media platforms., donations to EFF and ANC. Instigation of so much more.
Most Jews who owned mining in diamonds and gold have pulled their money out of South Africa to reinvest in other 3rd world countries. They have nothing to lose…..
Correction: “but there is much, much more to expose”
This is a good and well-timed article. That the talmuds are the great destroyers should never again be doubted. They appear to be at war with all whites but themselves (Kalergi Plan). They need to be stopped.
Umkhonto we sizwe or MK, also known as “the spear of the nation” which was the ANC’s armed wing was formed in 1963, not the ANC itself. The rest of the information is correct, however.
ANC was founded in 1912 as a black nationalist movement
That was called the ANNC that organisation was infiltrated and radicalised under Jewish management to eventually become what we know now as the Comunist ANC