The ancestry of the wealthy son of a Jewish refugee in the Democratic Republic of Congo has emerged as a flashpoint for a political crisis that is threatening the integrity of the massive African country:
The crisis came to a head last week when lawmakers loyal to President Felix Tshiseked introduced a bill that would restrict the presidency to those with two Congolese parents.
It’s a thinly veiled move against Moise Katumbi, one of Congo’s most popular politicians, whose father was a Greek Jew who fled the Holocaust in Europe and settled in Congo, where he married a local woman, Katumbi’s mother.
A vote on the bill has not been scheduled, but the measure is already angering Katumbi’s large supporter base and raising fears of a return to political violence in Congo. Rivalries and inter-ethnic hostility have triggered human tragedies on a massive scale in the land of 5.4 million people.
Rabbi Menachem Margolin, chairman of the European Jewish Association and an ally of Katumbi, condemned the bill, saying it’s “an outrage that in 2021 a person can be disqualified for having a Jewish parent.”
Complicating matters further is the fact that Katumbi hails from the province of Katanga, a mineral-rich area in the country’s east with a history of secessionism that he served as governor. The attempt to block Katumbi’s path to the presidency is rekindling secessionist tendencies there.
On Monday, 10 great chiefs — community leaders wielding significant followings, influence and money — threatened to support secession if the bill is passed. The U.N. peacekeeping mission head in Congo, Bintou Keita, in connection with the crisis warned last week against the “dangerous consequences of a divisive debate about nationality,” Reuters reported.
Let’s face it — if Katumbi’s father had been a Christian or Arab instead of a Jew, none of this would be much of a controversy at all.
Congo — or any country, for that matter — should have the right to be ruled over by ethnically Congolese leaders who will be more likely to be loyal to their people.
Should the Congolese people trust Katumbi — after he has already expressed his “warm connection to Judaism and Israel“? Can he serve two masters?
And no doubt it’s just a coincidence that Katumbi represents the part of the Congo with the richest mineral resources — something that Israel has no interest in exploiting, rest assured.
Where Jews or part-Jews have become leaders of non-Jewish countries, they are often perceived as disloyal — and for good reason — though Jews claim this “disloyalty” charge is just one of many antisemitic “canards”.
Take Nicolas Sarkozy — the former French Prime Minister who is also “part” Salonican Greek Jew — in 2008 on national television, he told the ethnically French natives that they would have to race mix with non-Whites for France to “survive” — yet tells Arabs that their ethnic identity is sacrosanct:
What is the goal? It’s going to be controversial. The goal is to meet the challenge of racial inter-breeding.that faces us in the 21st century. The challenges of racial interbreeding that France has always known. And in meeting the challenge of racial interbreeding, France is faithful to its history….It is not a choice — it’s an obligation. It’s an imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding ourselves confronted with major problems. We must change, therefore, we will change….We are going to change all at the same time — in business, in administration, in education, in the political parties. And we will obligate ourselves as to the results. If this volunteerism does not work, for our Republic, then the State will move to still more coercive measures.
“an outrage that in 2021 a person can be disqualified for having a Jewish parent”.
This coming from the Synagogue of Satan Talmudists that think we we all born to serve them. Ernst Zündel was right. They have a real holocaust in their future.
Fred Penner
It’s encouraging that some folks understand what the jews are doing…..their “never again” program
means they feel they must destroy white people to survive…..they feel they must Holocaust-proof the whole world…..and this translates into the ethnic cleansing of white people…..white genocide.
Generally ( I hate to have to say this) Christians are the most cucked of all white people and are totally willing to commit racial suicide to please the crazy jews.
I can’t find a church where anybody has half a brain. I’m in California and all of the “Christians” are idiot progressives. If I tell them that one of the main goals of jewish marxism is to eliminate Christianity, they
just give me a deer in the headlights look.
I’m worn out to be honest.
When I got hit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, I got confused, and fled to New York, where I lived and learned all about what Jews are all about and not what they claim to be, victims of Christians. What happens in America forces you go way back into history to get a full understanding. The “minority group” that America embraced in violation of the Constitution, that was written to prevent group tyranny, but the turn the other cheek Christians sold the Republic down the river, waged war against Christian Europe on behalf on the Bolshevik communist oligarchy and turned every, man, woman and child into a Bolshevik communist slave. If challenge the tyranny the tell you’re crazy, a racist, Nazi and antisemite. Years ago I thought I was the only one, but I was simply a step a head of the game…..
If this new law were to pass, and hopefully it will, would the son of this (((Congolese))) be allowed under it to become President of the DRC?
Does this shapeshifting (((Congolese))) not have a son? Is he just impatient/greedy and wants the power of being President for himself?
Why can’t our blacks be as “based” as the blacks who run the DRC? Also, thanks for reminding me of the perfidy of (((Sarkozy))). Has France had a ruler who worked for the French people since Ole Uncle Adolf put Petain in charge?
Jews use Black people to foment hatred against White people for their supposed colonialism and exploitation but here we have Jews doing exactly what they accuse White people of doing to Black people. While the race hustling hypocrites keep talking about Hitler and LeoPold who never set foot in the Congo, Dan Gertler, a former Dutch government employee received permission from the Bolshevik communist controlled State Department in America to plunder the Congo and becoming a billionaire. …….
Jews love to use the law to engage in violence and oppression with impunity, now its time to give them a taste of their own medicine use the law to break the Jewish supremacist chains of oppression and exploitation. The hypocrites are being unmasked…..
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Goyim dont you dare speak of our plan to wipe the white race off the face of the Earth. If you do, in Europe, you’ll be arrested for anti-Semitic hate speech, a devious law that is soon coming to the USA.
Even though Whites invented everything of value and have given it to the world and all the other races, lifting them up out of darkness, Jews want to eliminate those same White people and take the planet back into a new Stone Age just so Jews can rule over a race of mongrelized, coffee-skinned mass of mediocrity that can’t compete with them. Great plan!
Philosophically, can an atheist or Christian be “Anti-Semetic”?
According to Christianity, Shem was just a man. According to Judaism, however, Shem was a borderline divine being who outlived 8 generations of his own descendants. Apparently he did not pass down his ubermensch genes to his eponymous “semetic” progeny and thereby persecuted them.
So is Shem himself the first to be “Anti-Semitic”?
Shem was a man in a line of other men.
Modern jews are not descended of shem or any other Adamic line. They are just mixed people parroting Israel for prestige and power.
As a Christian I am pro Christ and am only concerned with my own racial family.
I am not set against the surrounding hominids that infest my land because Yahweh has brought them here to chastise us, and told us the key is in returning our hearts and minds to Him.
Since that has to occur first before we ever retake our identity as a nation of Adamites, then it would be futile to focus on opposing any of the hominid groups directly.
We are shown by Christ that devlish behavior itself is the enemy. Opposing /avoiding that is our commandment. Discern spirits and observe their fruits.
Can the second cause the first?
If Christian groups were seen to be taking a stand against the social ills that are plaguing us, would that lead people back to Christianity?
It seems to me that both of these ideas are linked and happen sort of simultaneously, as the way to get people back into getting right with God is to advertise that getting right with God will restore our nation from the hordes of hominids who are our misery, while also promoting the philosophy of only dealing with other Christians, or those who can become Christians.
Being mixed means that they do descend. But what if someone is descended from Shem and Canaan, do they receive the blessing of Shem or the curse of Canaan?
They are one part of a mixed multitude that seemingly will always resent or envy the full picture of their other inherited ‘half’ or whatever portion, to some degree.
If they’re mixed then they are whatever the least part of the mixture is. The One Drop Rule.
Which is no doubt why the Old Testament mandated that everyone who race mixes gets the axe.