(Tikkun Olam) Lawmakers in 26 states have introduced or passed legislation that prohibits the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) — a pseudo-academic pedagogy which openly demonizes White people, their culture and history — and has its roots in Jewish revolutionary circles such as the Frankfurt School , according to Jewish academic Jonathan Judakin:
Jews should resist this crusade [to censor CRT]. It is based on a manufactured moral panic resulting from a backlash against the racial reckoning brought about by the murder of George Floyd and it originates in an alt-Right anti-Semitic meme targeting “Cultural Marxism.”
Instead, Jews should embrace critical race theory, knowing that some of its progenitors, along with contemporary practitioners like me, are Jews committed to fighting the entangled history of racisms in all their forms. Anti-CRT laws explicitly seek to silence teaching basic ideas about racism, like white privilege and unconscious bias, alongside claims that the United States “is fundamentally or irredeemably racist,” as the law in Tennessee puts it.
Ultimately, these bills aim to stifle the often-uncomfortable conversations about our nation’s contradictions raised by undertakings like the New York Times 1619 Project, which aims to show that slavery impacted every aspect of American development from its advent more than 400 years ago. Critical Race Theory emerged in law schools in the 1970s and 1980s. Harvard Law Professor Derek Bell is often credited as its founding father, and Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of intersectionality is its most famous idea.
For academics today, critical race theory describes a conglomeration of approaches to racism that is both malleable and evolving. But at its core is a shared understanding that racism is not only about what individuals might think about other groups, but that it is also systemic, accounting for the historical patterns of discrimination and inequities in policing, healthcare, housing, wealth accumulation, and education that continue to impact America and much of the world.
For its opponents, CRT is a catch-all tag for a radical ideology that promotes divisive concepts bent on shaming white students, and endorses a distorted image of American history and American culture spreading rapidly through higher education and K-12 schools.
Some prominent Jews are among the opponents assaulting CRT. They argue that it pigeonholes Jews as privileged and powerful, thus ostensibly reiterating old tropes of unmerited Jewish power, and that it delegitimizes Israel as a colonial, racist, apartheid state. It is a gateway to anti-Semitism, they claim, a movement purportedly advanced by anti-Zionists and antiracist “social justice warriors” who divide the world into black and white, oppressor and oppressed, problematically positioning Jews as the embodiment of white supremacy. Bifurcating the world this way has long been denounced by Tikkun and by Rabbi Michael Lerner in works that stretch back to The Socialism of Fools: Anti-Semitism on the Left.
But insistently today, well-funded groups like the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values warn that “Critical Social Justice,” an ostensible variant of CRT group-think, is not only behind cancel culture, undermining free speech, but that diversity training can lead to discrimination against Jews.
Ironically, some of the leaders of this campaign against CRT, including renowned journalist Bari Weiss and her many acolytes who echo her warnings against it, make very similar arguments about anti-Semitism to those that CRT scholars make about racism. Namely, that it morphs and changes, but it remains a persistent and fundamental threat.
The title of Weiss’ 2019 book, “How to Fight Anti-Semitism,” even mirrors that of leading antiracist Ibram Kendi’s manifesto, “How to Be an Antiracist,” which was published only weeks before hers. Both use the analogy that racism and anti-Semitism are a disease that spreads and metastasizes when the body politic is ill. Weiss even calls upon her readers to wake up to the dangers of anti-Semitism, even as she warns about the perils of antiracist wokeness.
But Weiss and Kendi crucially differ in how they understand the struggles against anti-Semitism and racism. Kendi is resolute that antiracism must be intersectional. Following Crenshaw, he highlights the links between differing forms of racial, gender, and class oppression. He does not, generally, include Jews in this intersectionality, however. He seldom mentions the historical oppression of Jews. This is a blindness since Jews are to the history of Europe what Blacks are to American history: the primary Other against whom the culture and its institutions were defined and constructed. Weiss, on the other hand, is committed to a narrative about the uniqueness of anti-Semitism, insisting that it fundamentally differs from anti-Black racism and xenophobia.
Contrary to Weiss’ assertions, it is vital that Jews understand how anti-Semitism overlaps with other histories of stigmatization, even if there are aspects that differ and make it unique. This is stance long advanced in Tikkun. Constantly insisting on how anti-Semitism is exceptional and demands special treatment alienates our potential allies in the struggle against it and actually misunderstands the history of anti-Semitism. It is equally important that antiracists appreciate how Judeophobia was part of the scaffolding that underpinned color-coded racism as it developed with the advent of the Atlantic slave system.
The discovery and conquest of the new world by Columbus in 1492 was the dawn of the modern world. Columbus’ voyages were paid for, in part, by the confiscated millions extorted from Jews who were banished from Spain, alongside Muslims, as the Spanish Inquisition reached its apex that same year.
As the transatlantic slave system developed in the Americas, the idea of dividing humans into “races” emerged. “Race” was a word coined in sixteenth-century Spain and originally applied only to describe animal breeds and blue-blooded nobility. But as the African slave trade expanded, race blended with the concept of indelible “blood purity” that had targeted Jewish converts to Christianity during the Inquisition.
The concept of unchanging races used to differentiate and hierarchize group character was fully birthed during the eighteenth-century Enlightenment as Europeans sought to describe, classify, order, and label the world they were beginning to dominate.
The term “racism,” only goes back to the early twentieth century when scholars first challenged some of these ideas. Jews played a key role in dismantling the concepts behind racism. As an intellectual historian whose research focuses on anti-Semitism, but who also teaches courses on racism, I expose students to the origins of Critical Race Theory by introducing them to some of its Jewish progenitors, like Franz Boas and his student Ashley Montagu (born Israel Ehrenberg).
With the rise of the Nazis and following the Holocaust, a group of anthropologists who were students of Boas at Columbia were key to undermining the false claim that race is a biological fact inscribed in the natural order, dividing up the human species. They showed instead that whether it took the form of Aryan supremacy underpinning Nazism or color-coded racism opposing Blacks and Whites, it was a “social myth,” as Montegu called it in the important UNESCO Statement on race in 1950. This laid the foundation for the idea that race is a social construction that reinforces a social system bent on privileging some and handcuffing others, a key tenant of CRT.
Critical Race Theory also built on the insights of the Frankfurt School, another influential group of social theorists, most of whom were Jewish. With the Nazi assumption of power, they fled Frankfurt in 1933 for Geneva and then went on to New York in 1935, initially setting up camp at Columbia. In America, they were supported by the American Jewish Committee to produce the pioneering “Studies in Prejudice” series, a set of groundbreaking works that appeared in 1950, which laid the groundwork for the critical study of anti-Semitism. The body of the Frankfurt School’s work is known as Critical Theory, which is where the term “Critical,” used in Critical Race Theory and Critical Social Justice, got its original significance.
Some of the ideas behind the campaign against CRT originated in the alt-Right conspiracy theory opposing “Cultural Marxism,” another bogeyman whose origins are traced to the Frankfurt School critical theorists by its adversaries. “Cultural Marxism” is said to be behind political correctness and the identity politics of the Left. The campaign against “Cultural Marxism,” coded as Jewish and Marxist as embodied by the Frankfurt School, really just recycles and updates the anti-Semitic myth of “Judeo-Bolshevism” that was at the heart of Nazi anti-Semitism. The crusade against CRT has mainstreamed this anti-Semitic alt-Right meme.
The fear-mongering against CRT is used to deflect criticisms of white privilege, including among Jews. One central insight of critical race theory is that whiteness is the organizing framework for structuring the racial caste system in the United States. Central and Eastern European Jews were the beneficiaries of the passport of whiteness when they arrived in an America defined by this system. It was a factor in their social mobility. As much as the founding principles of American democracy like religious freedom benefited Jews, along with their hard work, whiteness advantaged Jews from the moment they arrived on American shores. It guaranteed them privileges denied to Blacks and many immigrants of color.
This is true even as Jews suffered from Christian’s religious prejudice and from discrimination, like quotas at some colleges, housing covenants that prevented Jews from moving into a neighborhood, or clubs and resorts that barred Jews. As scholars of Jews and whiteness like Eric Goldstein have shown, Jews’ whiteness was often conditional.…
Ultimately, we should embrace critical race theory because the core Jewish narrative in the Bible is a story about the movement of a people from slavery to freedom, which is precisely the goal of Critical Race Theory.
There you have it — the goal of Critical Race Theory is to liberate Jews from the status as “oppressed” slaves in White Christian nations — using Blacks as their weapon of choice.
And the so-called Black liberation movement is overwhelmingly orchestrated by Jews — who provide them with funding, leaders, and even their slogans.
But here’s the rub — all of western civilization — North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and South Africa — was created by and for White Christians and their posterity — their physical descendants — to glorify Jesus Christ.
Despite this fact, Jews — whose fundamental identity is based on the rejection of Jesus Christ and His followers — have insisted on living among us — and then having the audacity to claim that we reject them
Christians are commanded to separate themselves from unbelievers:
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14)
It is impossible for Christians to obey their God and allow pluralistic anti-Christs to live in their midst — revolutionary Jews who are intent upon remaking our nations — under the guise of “tikkun olam” — into their own image, and the only way to do that is to dismantle Christianity and destroy the White race — which is exactly what they have been doing.
An essential part of their subversion and demoralization process has been to convince White Christians that their Bible is a Marxist, multicultural, universalist manifesto of “Jewish values” — values found nowhere in the Bible.
Not only that, Jews are intent upon censoring the New Testament to remove any passages that demonize Jews — which is to say, the entire New Testament — all antisemitism can be found at the foot of the Cross.
But the Jews often admit as much in their own publications: “Communism is our supreme revenge against Christianity.” (Jewish Chronicle (newspaper), Dec. 1918)
The key to all Jewish subversion is convincing White Christians that they didn’t, in fact, found their own nations for themselves and their descendants — rather that they created their nations to be multi-racial cesspools without borders where they would be demonized — even jailed — for objecting to their own disenfranchisement.
That is the true intent of the Jewish “culture of critique.”
Charlie Kirk has an interesting definition of Critical Race Theory:
“Call everything racist until you control it.”
Jewish Organizer of (((BLM)))
“The Civil Rights Movement. Black Lives Matter. These words call up images of marches and rallies, headlines and court cases. But often we don’t know very much about the people who helped shape these movements. Heather Booth began her journey as an organizer in the early 1960s, working with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and participating in Freedom Summer before founding the abortion service JANE. In 2012 Alicia Garza co-founded Black Lives Matter, a movement that has galvanized Americans to take action against anti-Black racism. Both women remind us that women’s rights and civil rights are human rights.
Heather Booth had just finished her freshman year at the University of Chicago when she traveled south to Mississippi in the summer of 1964…..
Black Lives Matter began as a response to the 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin. Alicia Garza, upon hearing the Zimmerman verdict, wrote “a love letter to black people” on Facebook, an expression of her grief. Among her impassioned words, three stood out: Our Lives Matter. Her friend and fellow organizer Patrice Cullors altered the phrase and added a hashtag: #BlackLivesMatter.”
“Reform Jewish Leadership Statement: Black Lives Matter is a Jewish Value” [June 12, 2020]
“As Reform Jews committed to the spirit of this teaching, we say unequivocally, Black Lives Matter.
To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to commit to a human and civil rights movement, working to end systemic racism against Black people and white supremacy.”
“600-plus Jewish groups sign full-page ad supporting Black Lives Matter”
“We are Jewish organizations and synagogues from across the racial and political spectrum; from different streams of Judaism; whose members trace their lineage from countries around the world,” states the group in the ad.
“We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.”
Some jews inside Israel, however, don’t like the jew involvement with BLM. They don’t approve of the “antisemitism” some blacks or “American” jews express, “or cause”, toward Israel, considering it dangerous to both the jews and to Israel. They expose the communist backgrounds and aims of the BLM organization and it’s “US”-jew leaders.
“Repairing the World by Embracing Antisemites: American Jews and Black Lives Matter”
“BLM, a decentralized movement, is supported by both blacks and whites. Yet it is, in essence, a racist, anti-capitalist, and anti-democratic movement that should be exposed and fought. One of its goals, to defund the police rather than reform elements of it, is particularly dangerous as it aims to undermine American democracy.
One of the three founders of the BLM network, Patrisse Cullors, visited Israel in 2015 and said afterward: “This is an apartheid state….
In a recently surfaced video from 2015, Cullors said she is a trained Marxist organizer, and added that was also true of BLM co-founder Alicia Garza. Cullors mentioned that her mentor was Eric Mann, who is a former agitator from the Weather Underground domestic terror organization.”
“Black Jewish Activist Implores All Jews to Show Up”
“Racial justice champion April Aviva Baskin wants her fellow Jews to emulate Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and take active, concrete steps to rectify some of the wrongs that have been done to people of color in America, including Jews of color —
The mainstream American Jewish community must feel the same sense of urgent imperative about racial discrimination, said Baskin, the racial justice director at the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable, an umbrella group of 64 organizations.
“we should embrace critical race theory because the core Jewish narrative in the Bible is a story about the movement of a people from slavery to freedom, which is precisely the goal of Critical Race Theory.”
Jews who started the trans-Atlantic slave-trade used the same narrative from the Bible to convince Christians that their human-trafficking and selling Africans as cattle was justified. Jews were always the middleman and played a leading role in the culture of division and hatred that developed in Europe.
Critical Theory came from Christian Europe hating Jews from Germany who migrated to America…..”Critical Theory (capitalized) also refers specifically to a school of thought practiced by the Frankfurt School theoreticians Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, and Max Horkheimer. Horkheimer described a theory as critical insofar as it seeks “to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theory
With the history of slavery and high number of Black people, America became Utopia for their social experiments: exploiting Black people to foment hatred against White people.
White people direct their anger at Black people while embracing the Jews who hate them as the God chosen who need their protection.
After laying low for a while, Lisette is back to teach her anti-white message to white people… that blacks are their equals, that they are jealous of her superior black beauty and that we should all hold hands in criticizing Jews.
Africans are cattle and as far as races go, they’re bottom of the barrel. At some point you’re going to have to accept that, Lisette. You’ve wandered into the wrong place.
Solomon Jegede Enaboakpe, a Nigerian, wrote a book that confirms what you are saying, that Blacks are outside of the Adamic creation in the Bible.
The book is “Black Man: Not Descendant Of Adam” and Enaboakpe has a website where you will find this statement:
“A primary school pupil would hardly be convinced that a White person can give birth to a Black person. It is not recorded in the Bible and there is no history of such event on earth. Blacks give birth to Blacks while Whites give birth to Whites. The Holy Scripture never gave any name of a person of the lineage of Adam that was dark skin.”
The Project for Jewish World Domination, as explained by rabbis:
Here in New Zealand, before our commie leader Jacinda Ardern rose to power outta nowhere, we had the jew John Key wrecking the place for almost a decade: after all the nonsense and politics and nation wrecking in the name of progress that occured during Key’s reign, when he quit the Prime Ministers job, and was asked by the media what was the thing that he was most happy with during his time as P.M., he said it was ALMOST, through public referendum, having the Union Flag – the Union Jack – removed from NZs flag.
In other words: he ALMOST got the crosses of Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Saints removed from our once Christian nation’s flag.
This is what jews do. They subvert in the name of progress.
Key is related to the Lazar who is the chief Rabbi in Russia. This is about his mother, Ruth Key (Lazar).
The Jewish Bolshevik “bestial tortures mobilise state forces against the people. This he did to devastating effect. A horrific cycle of crucifixions, scalpings and other “bestial tortures” ensued. Eyes were poked out, tongues cut off, and victims were buried alive. Shootings by The writer Maxim Gorky describes Lenin’s reign of terror Jewish Communist Cheka (police) where common place and there where those who cut open their victim’s stomach, pulled out a length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a whip forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole intestine became unravelled. To emphasis Trotsky’s utter distain for the European people in 1921 messengers who represented starving peasants asked him for help he said “You are starving? This is not famine yet! When your women start eating their children then you may come and say we are starving”.
John Mann Labour MP.
White people of Britain are nothing more than inbreeds,drunkards and scum.
White Genocide quotes https://ia800402.us.archive.org/1/items/TraitorQuotes/aaa33.png
The Tall Israeli That Runs The Rap Industry Illuminati Satanic Music Industry Exposed.
It’s funny how CRT claims that race is a “social myth”, but they implicitly admit race is real enough to relegate the entire white race to second-class citizenship. What a fantastic example of Orwellian double-think.
“these bills aim to stifle the often-uncomfortable conversations about our nation’s contradictions”
The entire white race is being told to shut up, lest they spew their unconscious racism over everyone. Meanwhile, creating a bill which inhibits teaching white children they need to shut up because of their race is “stifling conversation”. You can’t make this stuff up, folks.
Then Jews tell other Jews to agree, simply because it’s Jewish. Put another way, Jews should agree because the rest of their ethnic group agrees. Then they accuse the white race of being anti-Semitic because they point out that the idea is Jewish. Shakespeare would blush at the irony. The double-think and hypocrisy is laughable.
Unfortunately the only way to win the approval of these radical CRT cultists is to unreservedly agree with everything they say. CRT is just a mass-gaslighting operation.
Yes, Jews claim race is merely a “social construct” but then turn around an encourage every minority race to have “racial pride” and play identity politics, including Jews.
When was the last time you saw a Jewish academic trying to convince a black or asian that their race doesn’t exist? Never. This applies only to whites. Only whites don’t exist. Black is real. Asian is real. Mestizos are real (even though the word means “mixed”).
One thing should be clear: Jews have no racial identity because they are so highly mixed. So they project their own racial mongrel identity onto white people to bring them down to the Jews’ level.
So transparent, and I yet to come across a Jew who will admit to this hypocrisy.
In jew made CRT if you replace the word WHITE with the word “jew” everything fits. We live in wonderful time on Earth, when satan and his offspring will be wiped out from face of the Earth for good.
This looks to me like just another jew trick to blame us for their own crimes.
“White People” are blamed for the jewish slave trade and every other evil perpetrated by the devil’s gargoyles.
It’s a pity these devils in human-like shape aren’t born with a black magic hexagram (the so-called “star of David”) tattooed on their foreheads as a warning to God’s true Humanity that “jews” are not really Human.
“The key to all Jewish subversion is convincing White Christians that they didn’t, in fact, found their own nations for themselves and their descendants — rather [that] they created their nations to be multi-racial cesspools without borders where they would be demonized — even jailed — for objecting to their own disenfranchisement.” – CFT
“Being “fair” to another group or individual, or whether that entity is innocent or not, isn’t the point. The survival of my people is the point, the greater moral concern.
Morality is essentially survival behavior at the racial level; the highest value in any proper moral system is the survival of its practitioners. Why? Because what does not exist is worthless and what can’t exist for long isn’t worth much. Because nothing matters to the dead. Because neither truth, nor justice, nor freedom, nor prosperity have any value to extinct groups.” – David Sims
“Only the dead are equal. The living are all different and unique. Humanism despises the iron laws of nature regarding racial differences. It seeks to level a superior race with even the most primitive savages. With this “equality”, it would be impossible for any person to rise in the scale of being.
Humanism’s greatest obstruction to culture, scientific, and human advancement is its sentimentality toward inferior and weaker races. By pretending that all races are equal, that no one race dare to excel, and that there be only one status maintained, that of mediocrity, humanism brings all progress to a grinding halt.
The Jew plan to destroy White Western Man will be through racial integration, (their code word for) mongrelization.
Only the most naive and unthinking people can be so gullible as to believe that an inferior can eternally prosper through the degeneration of the very race which has blazed the trail and paved the way of advancement for all to travel. When the trail blazers’ spirit is gone, then the high culture will grind down, and world doom is certain, for the two are eternally linked.”
The real problem is with Jews, Christians, Muslims, Masons, Mormons, Satanists etc.. When Abraham went looking for wealth and power he summoned up an entity which wanted him to sacrifice a human. Such an entity is lower of a lower dimension, commonly known as a demon. If you mutilate children’s genitals and celebrate human sacrifice real or imagined, you are a demon worshiper. Think of all the pagans, unbelievers and heretics sacrificed over history. This is why planet Earth is such a hell hole.
What’s your proof from the Bible that Abraham was “looking for wealth and power”? God wanted someone who had implicit faith in Him, and that’s why He chose Abraham to sacrifice his own son. The event was a foreshadowing of God sacrificing His own Son, Jesus Christ, for us. It’s a test of faith. Do you have the faith of Abraham?
Hebrews 11,
8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.
12 Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.
13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.
17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
Thanks CFT good work this link is from Dr Sam Francis its good info to .
Can anyone say how jews have done anything good for white christians as a group I cant think of anything in my time . For the 110th time when will we learn .
>Jewish academic Jonathan Judakin
Another garbage academic — Jews have a special talent for avoiding real work.
It should be called ‘Critical White Theory’ because Whites are the only race critiqued, and the verdict is (surprise!) rather unfavorable.
>the racial reckoning
If a ‘racial reckoning’ is needed for anything, it’s for the countless thousands (if not millions) of Whites who are grossly disproportionately victimized every year by violent black criminals — people like Judakin never hear about these crimes though, because the national media intentionally ignores them.
In a typical year, there are more than 10k black on white rapes in the US, but less than 10 (that’s ten) white on black rapes — in fact, many years ZERO white on black rapes are reported nationwide in FBI/UCR crime data.
So black on white crime is where a real ‘racial reckoning’ is needed.
After that America should be made the 110th.
“Death To Arabs!”: The True Face of APARTHEID Israhell.
Anything degenerate, irrational, anti-Christian, anti-God, hyper-sexualized, pro-sodomy, pro-banking, pro-immigration, socially destructive, false, anti-liberty, anti-tradition, anti-family, anti-marriage, anti-Church, anti-children, wicked, demonic, destructive, unnatural, unhealthy, addictive, corrupt, blasphemous, arrogant, unfruitful, dark, shameful, immoral, impure, lawless, hypocritical, and all things from their father, Satan, comes from the jews.
Ephesians 5 says we are not to have anything to do with (((them))). I always find it shocking that christians think it is acceptable to dabble in the jewish vices and then think they can maintain God’s command for us to be Holy. Foolish lost sheep. Avoid all things jewish. Expose their darkness and secrets. Teach your children truth. Be comforted that God will bring every deed into judgment. These devils think they can outsmart God! Enjoy your pathetic paradise on earth you devils because that is the best it will get. Hell awaits to reward jew rightly.
Translated into French : http://frontnationalsuisse.hautetfort.com/archive/2021/10/22/les-racines-juives-de-la-theorie-critique-de-la-race-et-pour-6345406.html
Ever since this CRT garbage came to light, I figured it was the work of jews in coalition with uppity blacks who have just enough education and literacy to be dangerous.
The more that get enlightened by CFT, the less pawns the Jews have to use.
That’s why they’re pushing mightily for national Hate Speech laws to shut up Goyim who have seen thru the Zio tricks & want their nation back.