(The Jewish Chronicle) According to a new poll, millions of young Americans are smashing down the walls that the Jews have constructed to protect their fragile myth of the Holocaust — and the Jews are in a state of shock and disbelief:
“The fact that one in five young Americans believes the Holocaust is a myth, according to a new survey, is a figure so preposterous that the [Jewish] mind wants to discard and ignore it…
…This was the approach taken last week by the Economist which, apparently bamboozled, published precisely five paragraphs on its own exclusive YouGov poll from which the finding came.
But the facts bear repeating. Some 20 per cent of Americans aged 18-29 stated that the Holocaust is a myth, compared to 8 per cent of those aged 30-44. A further 30 per cent of young people said they do not know if the Holocaust is a myth.
So that is 50 per cent of young Americans who either deny the Holocaust outright or at the very least question it.
The random sample of 1,500 American adults found that the number of Holocaust deniers is similar across all levels of education.
YouGov estimates the margin for error at 3 per cent. Frankly, if the margin for error was 50 per cent it would still be enough for the average reader’s brain to want to reject the offending information as impossible.
But what if instead of an anomalous inflation of antisemitic attitudes, the survey is an undercount? Surely most Holocaust deniers or sceptics — aware of how loathsome their views are to the wider world — would be reluctant to share their opinions openly with a pollster from YouGov? If anything, the numbers could be higher.
TikTok — the social media app of choice for the 18-29 generation — is the petri dish in which this new strain of antisemitism and Holocaust denial is being cultured. Americans under 30 are as likely to trust information on social media as they are to trust national news organisations, a 2022 Pew Research Centre survey found. Pew also found that 32 per cent of people aged 18-29 are getting their news from TikTok. That is worth saying again: getting their “news” from TikTok.
Just last week, Jewish TikTok employees revealed that the firm “no longer has any control” over its 40,000 moderators who do little to stop antisemitic posts, and that colleagues openly express Jew-hatred on an internal chat. The story had surprisingly little pick-up in the US, and one wonders if the lucrative contracts some media organisations have with TikTok are relevant.
Sacha Baron Cohen last month accused TikTok of “creating the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis”.
A spokesperson for TikTok told Fox News: “Hateful ideologies, including antisemitism, are not and have never been allowed on our platform. From October 7, we have removed more than 1.1 million videos in the conflict region for breaking our rules, including content promoting Hamas, hate speech, terrorism and misinformation.”
The row comes against the backdrop of a society where being an activist is mandatory. Fighting for social justice is required on applications to top universities and looked on favourably in workplaces. One must pick a cause. But that cause can be hard to choose when you’re being fed a diet of misinformation that you might wrongly assume has had its tyres at least gently kicked by fact-checkers.
No action, at least in the short term, will be taken against the Chinese-owned TikTok, which has more than 150 million users in the US. Last week it was announced that Congress will not take up legislation this year that would allow the Biden administration to move against TikTok. Republican frontrunners for president have vowed to ban it.
A day of reckoning may be coming for TikTok, but it will only be after it has persuaded vast numbers of young Americans of grotesque lies about the Holocaust. A deradicalisation of American minds corrupted by Hamas propaganda may be needed.”
The results of this poll should not surprise Jews or anyone for that matter — a 2019 survey showed that Holocaust propaganda was failing miserably to appeal to young people.
And according to a Jewish professor at Harvard University, Holocaust education programs targeting young people have failed to show any reduction in “antisemitism”.
And according to Germany’s ambassador to Israel, Holocaust Denial “has succeeded in becoming a social and international phenomenon.”
Even a recent survey in “de-nazified” Germany found that 40% of the population thought that Jews talked too much about the Holocaust — or in the words of Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
When Jonathan Greenblatt — the CEO of the Jewish supremacist organization, the ADL — concedes that the Holocaust “could be a hoax”, you have no one to blame but yourselves for skepticism about this fictional event to metastasize.
American minds have not been “radicalized” by Hamas — rather with the advent of the internet, they have realized there are innumerable sources of information outside traditional mainstream media that Jews own and control.
And Jews have openly expressed their “frustration” that they no longer have a monopoly on information sources — and their version of reality is no longer unchallenged.
This loss of control has created widespread paranoia among Jews — even Bob Iger, the Jewish CEO of Disney, expressed his fear that unregulated social media could “turn people into Nazis.”
Yes, the Truth will turn everyone into “Nazis” because they are no longer force-fed Jewish lies and fables — like the Holocaust, which even many prominent Jews have openly questioned.
“It is no exaggeration when I say that the majority of all Auschwitz propaganda, which was spread at that time all over the world, was written by ourselves in the camp. We carried out this propaganda [for] the world public until our very last day of presence in Auschwitz.”
—Bruno Baum, President of East Germany, Communist jewish inmate, at Auschwitz, from his 1949 memoir
In the 1960s, many young people rebelled against the conservative, “middle class” values of their parents who fought to defeat the enemies of the Jews in World War II.
But today, young people are rebelling against that Jewish anti-Nazi brainwashing that their “boomer” parents soaked up without question — and are realizing that those old-fashioned values are the ultimate rebellion against today’s Jewish oligarchy.
2,000 years ago, the Jewish Pharisees believed that they had a monopoly on the truth of God — but Jesus Christ rebelled against their lies and broke their monopoly saying,
“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
–John 14:6
Breaking the Jewish spell of the Holocaust is inevitable because it is based on lies — even the director of the world’s largest Holocaust museum admitted that there is “no physical evidence” to prove the Holocaust actually happened.
Because of this glaring lack of evidence, Jews not only demand that we believe in the Holocaust as a matter of faith — they now warn us that Holocaust Deniers™ will be punished by “burning in Hell.”
They would love to be able to make Holocaust Denial subject to the death penalty — along with other forms of “antisemitism” — but until that time, their only weapons of control are Orwellian prison sentences and their feigned collective “outrage” against those who dare question their insane, brain-shrinking version of history.
But as Nobel Prize-winning author, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, wrote,
“For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”

This is all a psychological operation to police the internet. All the Osama Bin Laden ‘ Letter to America’ bs and pro hamas b/s on Tiktok is being pushed out by the same people. They need an internet shutdown, as it is a threat to them.
Please refer to Operation Catastrophe – https://archive.md/Y4Teo – “4chan was shut down this morning because someone revealed “Operation Catastrophe” which is a 15 city attack false flag by “Hamas” to trigger a controlled economic collapse, internet outage (WEF is meeting to finalize the plan and discuss AI’s role in censoring internet when it’s brought back online), and war.”
As a result, they can introduce internet laws and more free speech repression laws. “PROBLEM”, “REACTION”, “SOLUTION”
Its gonna be a bad time to be a jew, after the injections and genocide in Palestine.
Weird how every time the Israelis slaughter the Palestinians, there is a rise in “antisemitism” in the West. Jews complain they don’t feel safe. They should stop complaining about how people naturally hold Jews responsible for their actions in Gaza.
Self-knowledge starts by looking in the mirror.
“2,000 years ago, the Jewish Pharisees believed that they had a monopoly on the truth of God — but Jesus Christ rebelled against their lies and broke their monopoly.”
A note about the Sadducee priests versus the prushim or Pharisee.
“The Pharisees were an ancient Jewish group who laid the foundation for what would become rabbinic Judaism. The name, “Pharisee,” likely comes from the Hebrew word prushim, meaning “separated ones,” but it’s unclear what exactly this label signified. Despite their influence on rabbinic Judaism and their prominence in the New Testament, the Pharisees are a notoriously difficult group to define. No ancient Jewish group referred to themselves as Pharisees. The label originated with people who didn’t belong to this group.”
The role of the prushim in the Gospels was Jewish wordplay that served the same purpose as terms like “Neo-cons”, “Khazars”, “Israelis” and “Democrats” play in today’s world. Just as one cannot publicly talk about or highlight the Jews’ massive presence and influence in modern media, economic, political and cultural life using the word “Jew”, so to the Sadducee priesthood who could not be addressed directly in the first century without fear of suffering severe consequences.
Thus Jesus’ opposition t0 the priesthood became opposition to the Pharisees. The priests remained a powerful influence over Judean society until well after Jesus’ crucifixion. Assigning blame to them them could destroy ones life, including a call for ostracizing of the individual. One only needs to read about the effects of ostracizing in modern Jewish society to better understand the fears of the Gospel authors. Even so, a study of Jewish mafia’s muscle tactics serve for better illumination of such fear; and remember, S/P himself was a prime example of the Temple’s muscle.
Of course there is reference to the priesthood during the trial of Jesus, but in that scenario, the priests are not accused of anything other a than pious observance of the law. Therefore that account was written from a neutral perspective in relation to the priests. Those who understand the dynamics of this situation and are familiar with first century Judean dress and culture will immediately recognize Jesus’ rant in Matthew 23 as a description of the priests, not the so-called pharisees.
This is why you must NEVER complete seemingly-innocent “polls” or “surveys”. They are ARMING themselves with the one military tool which is difficult to incarcerate: your THOUGHTS.
What do you think “social(ism) media” is for??? They want your BRAIN! They use your opinions as a researching tool in order to measure YOU, and constantly re-formulate you and your families’ propaganda, TELL a VISION, and scholastic TRAINING.
THINK! A survey deals in PROPERTY. You are property (with your adjunct Birth Certificate and labour-numbered resource-OUTPUT: your Social Security#). A POLL dates back to an old British HEAD-TAX!
What’s your worth? Well, they’ve control of your body. Why divulge your last remaining hegemony: your MIND?
They’re studying you and how best to use your thoughts against you.
I think I remember reading on this site about a ‘state-of-the-art’ crematorium being opened in China, in I think 2020, that could cremate 250k bodies per year.
And they expect us to believe the Germans, who will have required their fuel for war, had crematoriums that could cremate millions per year in the 1940’s.
Bearing false witness is second nature to those collectively known as ‘jews’.
We are not aware of any article that we’ve written which references a “‘state-of-the-art’ crematorium being opened in China, in I think 2020, that could cremate 250k bodies per year.”
We searched all the comments left on articles, and there are no comments either that refer to this issue. You must be confusing this site with another where you read about that.
The only article we have ever written specifically on cremation is the following:
I must’ve read it somewhere else, CFT, and after reading your article, it would seem that even 250k a year would be some feat, and must be state of the art (if correct).
Your article notes that at Ferncliff cemetery they, “We’re running at full capacity, roughly 20 cremations a day” according to their staff member, Phil Tassi. That’s 7280 a year at ‘full capacity’.
Yet, SIX million is their number. It’s so ridiculous, yet many believe it, and I myself never questioned it for most of my life.
Thanks for the link.
Jews need to start realizing that there’s nothing “preposterous” about doubting the holohoax.
Older people still believe in it because they lived through ww2 or were raised by those who did and heard it all as it was “happening”, so it’s ingrained in them as a “lived” experience.
But today’s kids are 80 years removed from it, and it’s just another long-gone event that they can look at objectively without any emotional reaction.
Even a four year old should react skeptically to many of the kosher claims of German “evil”, the stuff of cartoons and Hollywood fantasy.
I know for a fact that there are 12 year olds that laugh at many of the stories of Jewish gas chamber lore.
That’s the fault of the Jews who never challenged any of these witnesses and just let them spin these wild tales without being cross examined in anyway.
If anyone denies or doubts the Holocaust, Jews have no one to blame but themselves.
Overwhelming opinions from the Khazarian Mafia’s surveillance is over-turning their rat-infested cart. Greenblatt and his ilk know they’ll need to make like Chameleons. Observe how GreenLeaf (GroenBlatt) understands that the Iron Curtain lie has fallen away. Beware nd watch! He and his Tribal Members will morph themselves into deceptively-innocent entities (like Satan does) because their survival depends on it.
When prey discover that parasites have been feeding, and then the prey attempt to exterminate the parasites, invariably, the parasites alter their feeding and reproductive patterns. Even medicine used against them will succeed but only temporarily; the parasites acclimate and adapt to the medicine. Their removal requires a LITERAL LIFE and DEATH struggle. I know. I emptied my life-savings to eradicate them from my body. And I almost died several times throughout 5 years of that life and death struggle.
I told my loved ones: “Either it will be me, or they who die. But I refuse to go down without a fight for my very life.”. You cannot allow the minutest measure of surrender or “truce”, because they will grow against you like a CANCER within hours.
Hmmm…maybe there is a modicum of hope…
It isn’t just TikTok that is turning kids on to the holocaust myth, but it’s also AI, like Chat gpt, that is showing people that the numbers just don’t add up……
Is it no wonder the jews are scurrying around like paranoid rats: “The goyim know, shut it down”.
When you lie about everything, you naturally will act paranoid. But I also think Jews are naturally paranoid. It’s in their genetic makeup. And paranoids are much more likely to lie in order to justify their fear that people are out to get them.