We can see mainstream Christianity become more and more Jewish with each passing day — and that transformation is progressing because Christians have been duped into believing that Christianity is fundamentally based on “Judaism” and “Jewish values” — while Jews concede no such thing, and rightfully see Christianity as completely antithetical to Judaism.
This “inter-faith” dynamic is a one-way street — where Christians compromise and concede any aspect of their faith that Jews perceive as anti-Jewish — which ultimately means all of it.
The following essay, “The Myth Of A ‘Judeo-Christian’ Tradition,” was first published in New Dawn Magazine in 1994, but it is more relevant today than it was almost 30 years ago, as we can clearly see so much of it coming to fruition.
If nothing else, the direct quotes from Jewish sources provide invaluable, prima facie evidence that Christians are indeed being profoundly deceived — and how Jewry benefits from this deception.
“The Myth Of A ‘Judeo-Christian’ Tradition”
This is an age in which news has been superseded by propaganda, and education by brain-washing and indoctrination. From the advertising used to sell poor quality goods, to the classes in schools designed to make children into conditioned robots of the State, the art of persuasion has displaced the simple virtue of truth.
Since the end of the Second World War we have been bombarded from all sides with references to the Western world’s “Judeo-Christian religion,” and “our Judeo-Christian heritage.” We are told by both church leaders and scholars that our society is based on a supposed “Judeo-Christian tradition.”
The notion of “Judeo-Christian religion” is an unquestioned—almost sacrosanct—part of both secular and church thinking. American Christian leader Prof. Franklin H. Littel, a vocal supporter of the Zionist state, frankly declared that “to be Christian is to be Jewish,” and that consequently it was the duty of a Christian to put support for the “land of Israel” above all else. Pat Boone, the North American singer and evangelist, said there are two kinds of Judaism, one Orthodox and the other Christian.
Yet such a decidedly Christian Zionist outlook is to say the least, wildly simplistic and profoundly ahistorical. As the astute Jewish writer, Joshua J. Adler, points out,
“The differences between Christianity and Judaism are much more than merely believing in whether the messiah already appeared or is still expected, as some like to say.”
The comments of Jewish author Mr. S. Levin may well explain the Christian’s need for the Judeo-Christian myth. Writing in the Israeli journal Biblical Polemics, Levin concludes,
“‘After all, we worship the same God’, the Christian always says to the Jew and the Jew never to the Christian. The Jew knows that he does not worship the Christ-God but the Christian orphan needs to worship the God of Israel and so, his standard gambit rolls easily and thoughtlessly from his lips. It is a strictly unilateral affirmation, limited to making a claim on the God of Israel but never invoked with reference to other gods. A Christian never confronts a Moslem or a Hindu with ‘After all, we worship the same God’.”
Back in 1992 both Newsweek magazine and the Israeli Jerusalem Post newspaper simultaneously printed extensive articles scrutinizing the roots of the sacrosanct Judeo-Christian honeymoon.
The statement heading the Newsweek article read, “Politicians appeal to a Judeo-Christian tradition, but religious scholars say it no longer exists.” The Jerusalem Post article’s full quote announced,
“Antisemitism is a direct result of the Church’s teachings, which Christians perhaps need to re-examine.”
“For scholars of American religion,” Newsweek states, “the idea of a single Judeo-Christian tradition is a made-in-America myth that many of them no longer regard as valid.” It quotes eminent Talmudic scholar Jacob Neusner:
“Theologically and historically, there is no such thing as the Judeo-Christian tradition. It’s a secular myth favoured by people who are not really believers themselves.”
Newsweek cites authorities who indicate that “the idea of a common Judeo-Christian tradition first surfaced at the end of the 19th century but did not gain popular support until the 1940s, as part of an American reaction to Nazism . . ,” and concludes that “Since then, both Jewish and Christian scholars have come to recognize that — geopolitics apart — Judaism and Christianity are different, even rival religions.”
The Jerusalem Post accused the Christian Church of being responsible for the Holocaust. The French Jewish scholar Jules Isaac was quoted as saying,
“Without centuries of Christian catechism, preaching, and vituperation, the Hitlerian teachings, propaganda and vituperation would not have been possible.”
“The problem,” concludes the Jerusalem Post, “is not, as some assert, that certain Christian leaders deviated from Christian teachings and behaved in an un-Christian manner; it is the teachings themselves that are bent.”
Joshua Jehouda — a prominent French Jewish leader — observed in the late 1950s,
“The current expression ‘Judaeo-Christian’ is an error which has altered the course of universal history by the confusion it has sown in men’s minds, if by it one is meant to understand the Jewish origin of Christianity . . . If the term ‘Judaeo-Christian’ does point to a common origin, there is no doubt that it is a most dangerous idea. It is based on a ‘contradictio in abjecto‘ which has set the path of history on the wrong track. It links in one breath two ideas which are completely irreconcilable, it seeks to demonstrate that there is no difference between day and night or hot and cold or black and white, and thus introduces a fatal element of confusion to a basis on which some, nevertheless, are endeavouring to construct a civilization.”
— (L’Antisemitisme Miroir du Monde pp. 135-6).
What is the Truth?
Is there then any truth in this term, “Judeo-Christian”? Is Christianity derived from Judaism? Does Christianity have anything in common with Judaism?
Reviewing the last two thousand years of Western Christian history, there is really no evidence of a Judeo-Christian tradition — and this has not escaped the attention of honest Christian and Jewish commentators.
The Jewish scholar Dr. Joseph Klausner in his book Jesus of Nazareth expressed the Judaic viewpoint that “there was something contrary to the world outlook of Israel” in Christ’s teachings, “a new teaching so irreconcilable with the spirit of Judaism,” containing “within it the germs from which there could and must develop in course of time a non-Jewish and even anti-Jewish teaching.”
Dr. Klausner quotes the outstanding Christian theologian, Adolf Harnack, who in his last work rejected the hypothesis of the Jewish origin of Christ’s doctrine:
“Virtually every word He taught is made to be of permanent and universal humanitarian interest. The Messianic features are abolished entirely, and virtually no importance is attached to Judaism in its capacity of Jesus’ environment.”
Gershon Mamlak, an award-winning Jewish Zionist intellectual, recently claimed that the “Jesus tradition” is essentially the ultimate extension of ancient Greek Hellenism and is in direct conflict to Judaism’s “role as the Chosen people”.
Dr. Mamlak, writing in the Theodor Herzl Foundation’s magazine of Jewish thought, Midstream, maintains that the prevailing theory that Christianity originated in the spiritual realm of Judaism…
“…is anchored in a twofold misconception: 1) the uniqueness of Judaism is confined to its monotheistic God-concept; 2) the ‘parting of the ways’ between the Jesus coterie and Judaism is seen as the result of the former’s adaptation of the doctrines of Christology.”
The first misconception means: “When the affinity of the Jesus coterie with Judaism is evaluated by common faith in the One, severed from the believer’s duty to execute the Law of the One and to acknowledge the Chosen Nation of Israel as His instrument-faith in the One becomes anti-Judaism par excellence!”
In Gershon Mamlak’s view,
“The conflict between Judaism and the Jesus tradition goes beyond the confines of theology. [The Jesus tradition] was the cosmopolitan renunciation of the national phenomenon in general and extreme hostility to Israel’s idea of a Chosen Nation as the divine instrument for the perfection of the world.”
Evidently the concept of a common Judeo-Christian tradition has more to do with post 1945 politics and a certain amount of ‘public relations’ than it does with historical and Biblical reality. Never the less a number of modern Christian polemicists have managed to rest certain New Testament verses in the drive to give a Scriptural basis to their argument.
Confusion over the origin of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity is the root of the Judeo-Christian myth.
Biblical scholars Robert and Mary Coote clearly show in their book Power, Politics and the Making of the Bible that neither is Christianity a patched up Judaism, nor is Rabbinic Judaism automatically synonymous with the religion of Moses and the old Hebrews.
The Cootes’ illustrate the religious climate in Judea two millennia ago:
“The cults, practices, and scriptures of both groups, rabbis and bishops, differed from those of the temple; thus we reserve the terms Jew, Jewish, and Judaism for the rabbis and those under their rule and use Judean, contrary to custom, for the common source of Judaism and Christianity….”
“Despite the ostensible merging of Judean and Jew even in certain New Testament passages and by the rabbis who became rulers of Palestine in the third century and continued to use Hebrew and Aramaic more than Greek, the roots of Christianity were not Jewish. Christianity did not derive from the Judaism of the pharisees, but emerged like Judaism from the wider Judean milieu of the first century. Both Christians and Jews stemmed from pre-70 Judean-ism as heirs of groups that were to take on the role of primary guardians or interpreters of scripture as they developed on parallel tracks in relation to each other.”
— from Power, Politics, and the Making of the Bible
The few New Testament ‘proof texts’ utilized by Christian Zionists and secular proponents of the modern Judeo-Christian myth are the product of poor translation. Messianic Jewish writer Malcolm Lowe in his paper “Who Are the Ioudaioi?” concludes, like Robert and Mary Coote, that the Greek word “Ioudaioi” in the New Testament should be translated as “Judeans”, rather than the more usual “Jews.” The Israeli scholar David Stern also came to the same conclusion when translating the Jewish New Testament.
Few Christians are aware that the translators of Scripture often mistranslated the word “Jew” from such words as “Ioudaioi” (meaning from, or being of: as a geographic area, Judean). The word Judean — mistranslated as “Jew” in the New Testament — never possessed a valid religious connotation, but was simply used to identify members of the native population of the geographic area known as Judea.
Also it is important to understand that in the Scriptures, the terms “Israel,” “Judah” and “Jew” are not synonymous — nor is the House of Israel synonymous with the House of Judah. The course of history is widely divergent for the peoples properly classified under each of these titles.
Accordingly, the authoritative 1980 Jewish Almanac says,
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
A writer for The Dearborn Independent, published in Michigan back in 1922, summarized the problem thus:
“The pulpit has also the mission of liberating the Church from the error that Judah and Israel are synonymous. The reading of the Scriptures which confuse the tribe of Judah with Israel, and which interpret every mention of Israel as signifying the Jews, is at the root of more than one-half the confusion and division traceable in Christian doctrinal statements.”
Jesus Christ and the Pharisees
The New Testament Gospels reveal an intense conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees — one of the two principal Judean religious sects (see Matthew chapter 3, verse 7; Matthew chapter 5, verse 20; Matthew chapter 23, verses 13-15, 23-29; Mark chapter 8, verse 15; Luke chapter 11, verse 39).
Much of this controversy was centered on what was later to become the foundation and highest authority of Judaism — the Talmud. In the time of Jesus Christ, this bore the name of “The Tradition of the Elders” (see Matthew chapter 15, verses 1-9).
The Judean historian Josephus wrote.
“What I would now explain is this, that the Pharisees have delivered to the people a great many observances by succession from their fathers, which are not written in the laws of Moses . . .”
While the Pharisees recognized the Laws of Moses, they also claimed, [as do many Catholics, ed. CFT] that there was also a great body of oral tradition which was of at least equal authority with the written Law — and many claimed that the Tradition was of greater authority.
By their tradition, they undertook to explain and elaborate upon the Law. This was the “Tradition of the Elders” to which the name of Talmud was later given. It had its beginning in Babylon during the Babylon captivity of the people of Judah where it developed in the form of the commentaries of various rabbis, undertaking to explain and apply the Law. This was the foundation of Rabbinic Judaism.
This Judaism was very different from the religion of the ancient Israelites. The late Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, who was the Chief Rabbi of the United States, expressed this conclusively when he said,
“The return from Babylon, and the adoption of the Babylonian Talmud, marks the end of Hebrewism, and the beginning of Judaism.”
The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that the Talmud is actually “the product of the Palestinian and Babylonian schools” and is generally referred to as “the Babylonian Talmud.”
Dr. Boaz Cohen in Everyman’s Talmud states the Talmud is the work of “numerous Jewish scholars over a period of some 700 years, roughly speaking, between 200 [B.C.] and 500 [A.D.].”
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein in Volume 1 of The Pharisees, the Sociological Background of their Faith says,
“Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes of name, inevitable adaption of custom, and adjustment of Law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered.”
According to The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VIII, (1942) p.474,
“The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature.”
Moshe Menuhim explains that the Babylonian Talmud embodied all the laws and legends, all the history and ‘science’ — all the theology and folklore of all the past ages in Jewish life — a monumental work of consolidation. In the Talmud, Jewish scholarship and idealism found their exclusive outlet and preoccupation all through the ages — all the way up to the era of Enlightenment. It became the principal guide to life and object of study — and it gave Judaism unity, cohesion and resilience throughout the dark ages.
The Talmud, more than any other literature, so defined Judaism that Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser admitted,
“Judaism is not the religion of the Bible.”
— Judaism and the Christian Predicament, 1966, p.159
It is the Talmud — not the Bible — that guides the life and spirit of the Jewish people:
“The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or ceremonies we [Jews] observe—whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists—we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.”
— Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews
Both Jewish and Christian scholars agree that it was Jesus Christ’s flagrant rejection of this “Tradition of the Elders” — and his open confrontation with the powerful Pharisees — that created the climate that led to his death. Historically, Christian thinkers argued that the Talmud was directly responsible for the rejection of Christ.
In their view these “traditions” blinded the eyes of the people to a true understanding of the prophecies which related to the coming of the Messiah.
Defining Christianity
If, as we have seen, the Pharisees and the Talmud forever defined Judaism, then most certainly the writings of the post-Apostolic Christian church leaders help us in understanding the relationship of the early Christian faith to both paganism and Judaism.
Justin Martyr (c100-165 A.D.) was indeed the earliest and most significant of these post-Apostolic church apologists. Following in the theological footsteps of Paul, who taught that the Gospel was the fulfillment of Moses and the Prophets, Justin argued that the Gospel was in the mind of God from the beginning and it was given to Abraham and the righteous Patriarchs long before Judaism existed. This is in keeping with the Gospel teaching that the Hebrew Scriptures find their ‘flowering’ in the life, purpose, and accomplishments of Jesus the Christ.
Hence, the Christian faithful have traditionally understood the Old Testament through the New Testament.
In his Dialogue with Trypho, Justin Martyr seeks to persuade a Jew of the truth of Christianity. Unlike the other apologists, he focuses mainly on the nature and meaning of Christ. Christ was the Logos who inspired the Greek philosophers and is present in all men as the Logos spermatikos (seminal reason or word). Through Him, the best of the philosophers were able to produce significant works of theology and philosophy. Their ideas could serve as beacons of truth just as much as could the inspired writings of the Old Testament Hebrews. Those who lived according to the Logos, even before Christ, were Christians. In the Old Testament it was the Logos who was revealed as God, because the transcendent Heavenly Father could not thus speak to man.
Justin wrote in Apology,
“We have been taught that Christ is the first-born of God, and we have declared above that He is the Word [or reason] of whom all mankind partakes. Those who lived reasonably [with the Word] are Christians, even though they have been called atheists. For example: among the Greeks, Socrates, Heraclitus and men like them; among the barbarians [non-Greeks], Abraham . . . and many others whose actions and names we now decline to recount, because we know it would be tedious.”
Christianity, seen through Justin Martyr’s writings, takes on a ‘cosmic’ breadth:
“I both boast and strive with all my strength to be found a Christian . . . Whatever things were rightly said by any man, belong to us Christians. For next to God we worship and love the Word, who is from the unbegotten and ineffable God, since He also became man for our sakes, that by sharing in our sufferings He might also bring us healing. For all those writers were able to see reality darkly, through the seed of the implanted Word within them.”
— from 2 Apology
Jesus Christ had come, argued Justin, to restore true religion and to denounce the hypocrisy of the religion of Judea. For that “crime” Jesus had been crucified. Consequently, Christianity is not a form of Judaism or simply Jewish prophecies fulfilled but “the true philosophy.”
Justin’s Christianity was eventually reducible to three major principles: (1) worship of God, mostly through private prayer and communication of being; (2) belief in an after-life with rewards and punishments for one’s actions in this world; and (3) the importance of leading a virtuous life in imitation of Christ and in obedience to His commandments.
The Romans killed Justin for his religion. He was ever known as Justin Martyr, and not as St. Justin. His works defined Christianity as a culminating religion and a “universal” faith incorporating the essential and perennial truth of the pre-Christian religious tradition. Christianity was the restatement of a very old doctrine encompassing the Old Testament and the grand verities of the ancients.
Two centuries later Augustine again clarified the Christian faith in these terms when he wrote,
“That which is now called the Christian religion existed among the ancients, and never did not exist from the planting of the human race until Christ came in the flesh, at which time the true religion which already existed began to be called Christianity.”
Justin not only showed that Christ is the culmination and completion of all the partial knowledge of truth in Greek philosophy, He is also the culmination of the history of ancient Israel. According to Justin, Jesus Christ is Israel — and because of Him the church now bears the name of Israel.
This is to say, therefore, that the central message of the Old Testament has been fulfilled in the New Testament. It must be understood that this was the position of Christendom for at least 1,900 years. It was the position, not only of Justin Martyr but of such stalwart saints as Irenaeus and Hippolytus; a position embraced by Martin Luther and John Calvin — the two towering figures of the Protestant Reformation.
Here we have not only a clear separation of Christianity and Judaism, but a direct challenge to Judaism’s core dogma of a “Chosen” Nation. A point which has not been lost by Jewish writers.
We read in Zionist author Uri Zimmer’s Torah-Judaism and the State of Israel:
“The Jewish people, Rabbi Judah Halevy (the famous medieval poet and philosopher) explains in his ‘Kuzari’, constitutes a separate entity, a species unique in Creation, differing from nations in the same manner as man differs from the beast or the beast from the plant . . . although Jews are physically similar to all other men, yet they are endowed with a ‘second soul’ that renders them a separate species.”
Traditionally Jewish scholars, as we have shown, were highly critical of the Judeo-Christian myth. There are many others — under the influence of modernism and secular Zionism — who do see some advantage in it.
Rabbi Martin Siegel, reflecting a Messianic zeal, was quoted in the 18 January 1972 edition of New York Magazine as declaring,
“I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-ideological blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish.”
While historic Christianity has looked to the eventual triumph of the Kingdom of God throughout the earth, according to the Zionist leaders, Talmudic Judaism is zealous in the “drive to perfect man’s earthly habitat” (Gershon Mamlak, Midstream, Jan., 1989, p.31).
Dr. Mamlak admits that “many Jews have filled the ranks of the various revolutionary movements “(op. cit., p.32) in order to satisfy this urge. [But who can agree on the terms of the social contract? Were the Zionist Irgun and Stern gangs who terrorized and massacred the Palestinian Arabs in the campaign to establish the Israeli state shining role models for young Jews? What about the immorality of “the end justifies the means”?]
Rabbi Michael Higger, renowned Talmudic scholar, in his book The Jewish Utopia, discusses the reshaping of the world into a Jewish Eden. The victory of this Utopia is inexorably tied to the coming of the Jewish “messiah”:
“And the Messianic Age,” argues the eloquent Jewish Zionist author Leon Simon, “means for the Jew not merely the establishment of peace on earth and good will to men, but the universal recognition of the Jew and his God. . . For Judaism has no message of salvation for the individual soul, as Christianity has; all its ideas are bound up with the existence of the Jewish nation.”
— from Studies in Jewish Nationalism
Driven by political agendas, the compromising of Jews and compromising of Christians began, only in this century, to disseminate the theretofore unheard of doctrine that Christianity originated from Judaism and that the two share a common worldview.
Dr. Gordon Ginn, an American Christian scholar, made a very valid point when he noted,
“It is most interesting, indeed, that rabbis as well as Jewish scholars such as Mamlak and White agree with orthodox, historical Christianity that ‘Judeo-Christian’ is a contradiction in terms, even though that truth is yet to be discovered by contemporary evangelical and fundamentalist Christians.”
— Smyrna, August, 1993
Christianity and Judaism are two distinct religious inheritances — despite all the superficial attempts by modern scholars to manufacture a naive “Judeo-Christianity.” The very term “Judeo-Christian” is a mischievous misnomer without historical or Scriptural validity.
The religions of the world are the product of progressive revelation to a diverse humanity, separately expressing as they do the great metaphysical realities of life. Attempts to distort or eliminate these unique, ancient and divinely ordained patterns, through non-divine syncretism and politically-motivated concoctions, is both anti-traditional and truly diabolical.
Appeals to a nonexistent historical unity and calls for a banal, modernist theology do nothing for religious understanding and mutual respect. “Judeo-Christianity” should be seen for what it is — another secular twentieth century fraud, manufactured for narrow political ends, which is supremely disrespectful to all true believers.
Any fundamental unity that does exist between world religions cannot be appreciated by ignorant and secular scholarship, but only through knowledge of the great primordial and universal truths.
As Luc Benoist aptly wrote,
“Our age is seeking a universal understanding which men of vision can already foresee and which is the longing of all great souls. There is ample evidence that the world’s economic problems can be solved without the different religions having to abandon their unique spiritual insights; after all, brotherly agreement does not prevent the individual growth of each member of the family, bodily separate, but united in heart and mind.”
— from The Esoteric Path
In “The Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition” (1969), Jewish author Arthur Cohen admitted that the only tradition shared by Jews and Christians was one of mutual enmity.
Cohen went so far as to charge proponents of the concept with laying the groundwork for “Nazi” antisemitism, which is ironic considering the NS rejected such mainstream church compromises with Jews. Hitler would have utterly rejected the whole concept of “judeo-Christianity”.
Flanders, West, James and anyone others interested:
Jackie Petru wrote a book of about 500 pages called Jewish Persecution.
Steven Jacobson , a Jewish politician wrote the introduction to the book. She says that Eric Blair, known as George Orwell, wrote the book 1984 in 1949 and died soon after which is said about many people who do such revelations. She has a web site, called Sweet Liberty , but she passed away and I believe someone keeps it on the internet..
Look it up if interested and download it in case it disappears some day.
There is a whole book download and another place to download individual chapters.
The introduction by Steven Jacobson is interesting because he seems to realize or know and agree that their is a plot by evil people to take over the world and it is Jewish.
Her name or book title should bring it up.
Gene, thanks I got it now on my favorites. I can tell you know what your talking about. I got 20 pages into it and want to thank you .
I used to listen to Jackie Patru 20 years ago. She was one of the few out there who was naming the Jews. She had a guy who worked with her/helped her out with her podcasts? but I don’t recall his name.
There is a basic differentiation that the article doesn’t mention, and this is the main fact which creates so much confusion about these issues nowadays.
One thing was the Mosaic Law, and another completely thing is the jewish luciferian cabala which is inserted in the “Babylonian Talmud” [whore of babylon], the ‘sacred’ book of what today people call “Judaism”. So judaism has nothing to do with the ancient Mosaic Law, judaism is pharisaism passed down through generations until today. The Mosaic Law was NEVER called ‘judaism’. Once people understand this major difference, the rest becomes easier to grasp. In fact, judaism/pharisaism is the complete nemesis of christianity, and when I say christianity, I mean catholicism, the Catholic Church being the only institution on earth which has survived 2022 years.
Another misconception is to believe Jesus is a ‘jew’; Jesus is no such thing, Jesus is a “judean” from the Tribe of Judah” the same tribe St Joseph belong to and Mary is a benjamite. So salvation doesn’t come “from the jews”, but from Judah!!!
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” Rabbi Reichorn, Chief Rabbi of France, 1859.
General Patton Quote: “We defeated the WRONG Enemy” http://www.biblerays.com/we-defeated-the-wrong-enemy.html
Why General Patton was murdered. https://archive.org/details/why-general-patton-was-murdered
Hunger made German women more “available,” but despite this, rape was prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. In particular I remember an eighteen-year old woman who had the side of her faced smashed with a rifle butt, and was then raped by two G.I.s. Even the French complained that the rapes, looting and drunken destructiveness on the part of our troops was excessive. In Le Havre, we’d been given booklets warning us that the German soldiers had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v10/v10p161_Brech.html
Weimar Germany to Weimar UK: the Britain we once knew no longer exists ‘This isn’t the Britain we fought for,’ say the ‘unknown warriors’ of WWII.
They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It’s not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger. Sarah harks back to the days when ‘people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We didn’t have much money, but we were contented and happy. ‘People whistled and sang. There was still the United Kingdom, our country, which we had fought for, our freedom, democracy. But where is it now?!’
‘I sing no song for the once-proud country that spawned me,’ wrote a sailor who fought the Japanese in the Far East, ‘and I wonder why I ever tried.’
‘My patriotism has gone out of the window,’ said another ex-serviceman.
: ‘Those comrades of mine who never made it back would be appalled if they could see the world as it is today.
‘They would wonder what happened to the Brave New World they fought so damned hard for.’
‘People come here, get everything they ask, for free, laughing at our expense,’ was a typical observation.
‘We old people struggle on pensions, not knowing how to make ends meet. If I had my time again, would we fight as before? Need you ask?’
Many writers are bewildered and overwhelmed by a multicultural Britain that, they say bitterly, they were never consulted about nor feel comfortable with.
‘Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.’
The Jews are Khazar’s of Turkic Mongol descent. From Asia Minor , in now what is Ukraine. Therefore , have no lawful claim to Palestine. This in the Book the the ” Thirteenth Tribe , by Arthur Koestler and the ” Invention of the Jewish People }. By Shlomo Sand.
The Jews are the Edomites/Caanites/ Keenites they admit this in the 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia , that ” Jewry” are Edomites. Jesus was a Judean and not a Jew. The Edomite , Pharisee’s put Jesus to death. John 8:42 ” If God were your Father ye would love me. John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
The White Race is: Matthew 10:6 “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”( Not the Fake Jews. ) Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Thus straight from the Horses Mouth, there us nothing more Carte Blanche than this in the bible.
Their Messiah Mashiach is Lucifer. 1 John 2:22 “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist,
The Number of the Beast is 666. That equals the Star of David Mathematically and Geometrically. Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. That leaves us with Galatians 1:9 No Other Gospel. Ok what can conclude from this .
The Jews , are not Judeans or Israelites , the White Race is. This is why Hebrew , was a Dead language up until 200 years ago and they Speak Yiddish not Hebrew. Their Messiah is Lucifer , not Yeshua Hamashiach . They are not God’s chosen people , the White Race is. They were not given the Torah , the stole it. They are Children of the Devil and Judaism is a Satanic Religion.
Go see St Simon of Trent.
The only time Lucifer is used in the entire Bible is in reference to the King of Tyre in Ezekiel 28: 11-19. Are you saying that the Jews worship the King of Tyre? I’ve never heard that before.
And that quote from the 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia about Jews admitting they are Edom is fake. Jews may be Edom in a symbolic or metaphorical sense as the enemy of Israel, but only that.
“Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” That is the astounding admission made by Harold Wallace Rosenthal, Administrative Assistant to U.S. Senator for New York, Jacob K. Javits, in a 1976 interview with Walter White Jr.
The Vicious Snake.
“I asked Joe Kennedy (US Ambassador in London, father of future US President, John F. Kennedy) about his talks with Roosevelt and Chamberlain in 1938. He said it had been Chamberlain’s belief in 1939 that Great Britain had nothing in its hands to fight and therefore wouldn’t dare go to war against Hitler… Neither the French nor the English would have made Poland a motivation for war, if they hadn’t been continually spurred on by Washington… America and the World-Jewry have driven England to war.”
‘D’ DAY = DEVIL’S DAY? 6th Hour, 6th Day, 6th Month = 666 luis46pr.wordpress.com/2018/06/07/d-day-devils-day/
Non-Whites celebrates the replacement of whites in london.
The Jews cannot bear that any country in the world should exist as a “98%” white nation.
African immigrants chanting “France does not belong to the French.”
All who came out to get themselves into the stadium and steal tickets off people, pickpocket people, and attack both local and international fans.
All these religious considerations are of most secondary importance and lead to the completely false conclusion in the headline.
For much more than 1000 years, Jews have become part of the European population, and consequently after 1492, of the Americas. –
There always have been anti-Semitic currencies, but the main effect was that of an enrichment of philosophical and scientific thinking. Thus, the Jewish element in this Judeo-Christian Realm contributed valuable parts of that what became our free Western societies and, in a wider context, of our technical high civilization.
Ignoring the necessity of internal solidarity, anti-Semitism was allowed to spread even in modern decades (the newspapers and other media are involved to this day.
With the same blindness Europeans and Americans ignore the fact that the whole Arab world is closing shoulders with the Palestinians – and that they have high reason to hold sides with Israel.
Because, as a result of letting alone Israel in all its wars, the world of Islam is considering itself superior to our crumbling Judeo-Christian world.
The Christian churches have upmost reason to rethink their whole political viewpoint. On the current path of endless appeasement towards Arabs and Muslims, they are leading us over the cliff – giving way for a European Caliphate. – Or what else do you expect?
Christian Rudolf Hamann:
Reading your comment it’s as if you didn’t even bother to read the article or consider its evidence.
Did you not read the many comments from Jewish sources that agree that judeo-christianity is a myth?
What exactly are the Jewish “contributions” to European civilization that we could not have accomplished ourselves? When has the white race ever relied on any other race for our advancement?
On the other hand, Jews have never had or created a civilization of their own. They have always preferred to live in White nations in parasitic relationships. They need us. We don’t need them.
Historically, Jews have proven over and over again to use Islam and the Arabs as proxy warrior to destroy White Christendom. This is not debatable. The Jews refer to Islam as a “broom” that they use to sweep away Christian civilization from the face of the Earth.
Honestly, it sounds like you are a victim of “denazification” brainwashing. Your use of “appeasement” is a Jewish buzzword they created in WWII to attack Neville Chamberlain for correctly negotiating with Hitler to try to avoid war. Churchill was their willing executioner who was more than willing to burn Europe to the ground in order to please his Jewish moneymasters.
Loxism is the hatred of White people by Jews. It is the most pervasive form of racial hatred on the planet, and yet it is never mentioned by the mainstream…
Oh, please! Look at the Talmud for heaven’s sake. Research real history, and maybe you will realize that Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries and over 1000 places. I’m half Jewish, and used to believe the “everyone hates Jews for no reason at all” nonsense until military service turned me into a truth seeker. I don’t totally agree with Christian Identity, certainly don’t embrace National Socialism or other Fascist movements, but there are very good reasons why many people turned against Jews. Look at the Versailles Treaty and the Weimar Republic. Look what Soviet Communism, mostly run by Jews did to the Russian people. I’ve seen estimates that the communists murdered anywhere from 30 to 60 million Russians. It’s painful to to admit all of this sometimes, but personally, as a not very good at times Christian and old fashioned person who believes in honor, courage and commitment, I would rather stand by the truth.
Jewish hatred mixed with a powerful desire for revenge toward pre-revolutionary Russia and its culture. But Shafarevich also suggests that the Jewish “Russophobia” that prompted the mass murder is not a unique phenomenon, but results from traditional Jewish hostility toward the non-Jewish world, considered tref (unclean), and toward non-Jews themselves, considered sub-human and as worthy of destruction—a very reasonable interpretation given traditional Jewish ethics in which non-Jews have no moral standing. People with such beliefs have no moral compunctions about the torture, rape, and murder of their perceived enemies. Hatred toward the peoples and cultures of non-Jews and the image of enslaved ancestors as victims of anti-Semitism have been the Jewish norm throughout history—much commented on, from Tacitus to the present.
I was surprised when I came across videos of Dr. Lorraine Day talking about the Jews.
She became known years ago, maybe a decade or more, when she posted videos of herself. She is a trauma surgeon.
She posted videos of herself having cancer and how she cured it.
I don’t remember all of her videos, but I guess anyone interested in the cancer one’s can find them.
Good article. The key in my humble opinion is to compare the first 1850 years of the church with the last 170. The parable of the Wheat and the Tares is truth for every generation. John Nelson Darby and CI Scholfield are 2 giant tares that infested the church with false doctrines like the Jews being Gods chosen people, pre trib rapture, once saved always saved, and over emphasis on a future millennium.
Dispensationalism was pure spiritual deception that helped Zionists in 2 important ways since Christians supported the founding of Israel and the Christian church is stripped of the Holy Spirits power because why would God fully in dwell people that believe lies. I cannot say they are not saved but as the last couple of years indicate, there is no resistance to the Kingdom of man/Globalism/spirit of AntiChrist.
I believe that the corruption began with Saul/Paul. https://truthinrevelation.wordpress.com/2015/01/22/paul-of-tarsus-a-false-prophet/
Wow, that obviously looks like the mad ravings of a ignorant protestant… or a jew.
Well said.
“Jesus Was Not a Jew”
“What lie is it that has deceived and deluded the Christian world in these last days? Simple! The Lie that the Jews are Israel!”
The Rothschild financed and created place [the location], is not those Christian people whom the Bible, and Jewry’s “creative” history, identifies as being real Israel, but it is our own people.
“The Anglo-Saxon race is Lost Israel”
[and North America is the land of their regathering]
By E. P. Ingersol 1886
“Israel is very heavily suppressed in today’s society. The Jews want to keep for themselves Palestine the ‘chosen people’ status and use this ‘identity’ for all it’s worth to achieve religious and political goals.
People who teach this “Anglo-Saxons are Israel” belief are called vile names by Jews, names that if applied to the Jews themselves, would be called hate speech and “anti-Semitism.”
“Archeology has solved two of the greatest archeological problems — first, what happened to the hundreds of thousands of Israelites who disappeared south of the Caucasus? And second — what was the origin of the Cimmerians and the mysterious nomadic tribes known as “Scythians” who “suddenly” appeared north of the Caucasus – both at the same time in history? They were one and the same people — they were Israelites.”
“None of these religious instructors arrived at this college without being well trained at a theological seminary. For centuries these schools of higher learning have taught the perverted dogma “The fatherhood of god and brotherhood of man” completely distorting the entire message of the Bible.”
Adding – Important Map to my comment above
I tried reading this whole article, but just can’t get through it. I used to hear the Jews brag over the decades after I became aware of religion that the Christian world owes its belief in Jesus and Mary , and a monotheistic religion to them. I would suppose , at the time it was to keep our thoughts to them , like a person does to a policemen, judge, doctor or someone to make us look up to them and be fearful and subservient and take advantage of us or for us to ignore things they do such as when they pass laws against us or our morals or beliefs or history.
To me , looking back, it seems the Jews somehow made the Christian world believe that Bible came from the Jews , that the Old Testament is theirs.
There were many intelligent men and women over the ages who wrote history of things, people, events, nature, wars, lives, that they saw and lived. The Alexandrian Library , if I remember, was said to be an attempt to gather all of the world’s knowledge and preserve it and some say it was deliberately destroyed by others to keep this knowledge from being passed on.
I’m no historian or scholar , but even in the Jewish Encyclopedia which I had a copy of and later gave to a patriot who had his own website, said that Phariseeism is still in force today. So we have been told over and over , what Christ said of the Jews and their beliefs and practices, so ,then how could the Old testament be the Jew’s book that we took from them to make it a part of the story of how the world came about. My understanding of how the bible came about is that the Early Christian’s had many books to select from and the ones they selected became the Bible. and these books came from many ages, civilizations and peoples.
The Jews have been vagabonds throughout history. They show even today how they disport history and get away with it. The Jews overthrew Russia just as WW1 was ending and took advantage of the commotion of WW1 to seize the country and ran it for 50 years until we’re told communism fell. Yet even today, no one blames the Jews for communism, or the suffering of Russia or the starvation of the people’s of Ukraine and many other things. Even our news media never mentions the Jews as being the communists of Russia and cause of the Cold War. Yet, even today, Russia is a villian, the President of Ukraine is Jewish and the Jewish president is the Hero and Russia and its leader the villain, because history has been distorted and made vague.
I heard as a boy before WW11, men talking of the Jews seeking world domination, but never heard ,read or learned about the Jews doing so anywhere in my school learning until , I came across books after I got out of public schools and read of the Jews being called Bolshevik’s , Mensiviks, etc. and other names depending on the area, country or world they caused trouble. They are hidden in history behind other words. I could never understate what the difference between a conservative and a neo conservative was until one day it dawned on me that a conservative is a Christian who supports Israel, and a neo conservative is a jew or jews ,who support Israel. The meaning of words mean a lot and one of the reasons many children have trouble learning in school.
We’re made to believe the Jews were just poor suffering souls ,driven out of the Ghetto’s and put into concentration camps, gassed to death by the millions, yet over 70 years later, the Jews are always claiming some ancient scroll, art piece, chalice, whatever, belongs to them and was stolen and they want it back. It seems the Jews were pretty wealthy, and more so than we are made to believe.
We can see even today how they distort our history. If any one denies the Holocaust ,it is made a crime, publicized and the person if possible, exposed, fined ,jailed, publicized or whatever they can achieve. If we can see how the Jews have taken a concentration camp, incident and have made it a historical fact that even our historians, scholars, politicians, new casters will not tell the truth , but let it carry on , than eventually the jews will be able to bring their intention into reality.
And a good example is drugs or abortion or even gun control. They made them political issues until the public became so aware of them, we listened to them and they became just news items and numb to our subsciousness and then laws were attempted to pass until they succeeded. They are doing this with gun control. They did it with Marijuana.
Authors have told how the Jews got into the Christian church’s and organization, institutions ,publishing houses and have distorted history and used it to suit their intentions. John Hagee and his son are very good examples of how Christianity is used to make the Jews look the cherished race and the Christians subservient to them and owe them .
We have to put our history together to prove they are liars and deceivers as Christ said, and shove it in their faces like they do to us and then let those who are blessed to see the truth will be enlightened. That is another reason, I believe pornography, drugs, alcohol, mass indoctrination and many other methods are used to subvert our spirituality so that we cannot see the evil staring us in the face. Why, Jewish Bill Gates, who is never mentioned as being Jewish nor the CEO’S or chief scientists of the pharmaceutical companies mentioned as being Jewish is how they hide who they are and their evil purposes which is to destroy our spirituality to recognize them. Yet ,everyday, by their looks we can pick them out. But not their evil intentions. If we could they would avoid us like animals do who know the dangers they face from their enemies.
Maybe someone else can explain it better.
Gene What a good comment I have an analogy I had a splinter in my finger a few weeks ago I knew it was there but could not see it after 2 weeks thinking about it, I felt it and it just popped out. Nature and God will see the jews exposed and we are doing our part if they censer shut down free speech and people want it back all the truth about jews will pop back up and be even more damming . We have to have Leaders that understand and agree with what you said in your comment and will run on that .
I remember when the “comedian” Jack Black hit the scene he did this “comedy” telling Christians that if they want to understand the Old Testament just ask a Jew.
I’ve always despised how Christians tie in the Judeo. I’ve been researching the j question for approximately 15 years. Is there a chance that all Abrahamic religions are here to simply control the masses? I’ve gone done so many rabbit holes, I find it hard to worship a j that is in a book written by j’s. How can we know what’s true and surely God will understand my confusion and skepticism of any organize faith brand.
Zach, there is only one Abrahamic faith, and that is “The Way” or the faith of the Old and New Testaments. Judaism is not Abrahamic, but is rather Babylonian, and is based on The Talmud, not the Old Testament. The Talmud refutes and denies the “Torah” or Pentatuch. In that sense, Judaism is anti-Abrahamic. Until you grasp this deception, yes, you will forever be going down endless rabbit holes.
Jesus wasn’t a “Jew”, and the Bible was not written by Jews.
The Abrahamic covenants apply only to one people, and those people are certainly not Jews:
And, no, Islam is not an Abrahamic faith either. Like Judaism, its foundations are occult, also Babylonian. It was the hodge podge brainchild of Jewish rabbis and scribes as an instrument to militarize the arabic peoples and destroy Christendom. Islam’s “god” is Allah, an arabic Moon god, not the God of the Bible. Islam is falsely called “Abrahamic” simply because Abraham’s son, Ishmael, is allegedly the patriarch of the arabic peoples, and Islam is their religion. But Ishmael was born about 2,700 years before Islam was conceived, so any connection between the two should be seen as tentative at best.
Hope this helps set you on the right path….
Well Zach, since the Bible is not written by jews, maybe you should read it yourself and try to understand it. Lots of material available if you will look – including right here – to help you.
Acts 17:30 still applies; Im sure that the Father does indeed understand your confusion, but He has also given us resources and fellow Christians to alleviate it. Please, move forward in your thinking. “Knock and the door shall be opened…”
Thank you for the replies and not reacting too sharply. I’m open to information. However, there is not a church in my rural area that didn’t cuck to the COVID hype and shut down. Please share more links, etc., if available.
What a weird comment. Jesus was a jew, you know. And what is wrong with jews? God created all people, we are of one blood and one flesh, let that sink in!
Jesus is the son of God, and the son of man. Just read the gospel of John to get enlightenment.
Lesley ….
Do you have any idea at all about what kind of website you are on???
Do you read articles here, or just go straight to the comment sections?
Start here — https://christiansfortruth.com/who-are-jews/
Then come back and make your opinion.
I was thinking about Leslie’s remark, West.
All animals aren’t of one flesh. What makes the various races of one flesh? I would have no doubt that if one cooked the various races as we cook various animals for food, just like various animal flesh have different flavors, so would the different races. A silly example, but I think a good one.
There has to be things in man, and about man and who he is, that we don’t know about.
I was on a site that showed a mural of an Egyptian scene.
A person in the carving was inserting a long reed like or stick up another’s nose who had his head tilted backward.
What the site owner was trying to show was that they were inserting this object up into the skull towards or in contact with the pineal gland. The author was aware of the pineal gland and its function to show that.
I’ve seen a few videos of supposed nurses or those given the duty of getting nose swabs and they just jam it up into a person’s nose to make your eyes water, as though they have no feeling or knowledge of what they are doing.
They got this Corona Virus going for over two year’s and are planning more to come.
Anthony Fauchi is a Catholic and is said to be a Humanist. Bill Gates is a Jew and others have put videos of him acting and talking about virus’s and coming virus’s epidemic’s as though he is an expert in the medical field.
They are so bold as to be right out in the open now, pretty sure of their place in the world . Just like Zelensky telling the world what he demands, who has certain weapons and money he wants and its given to him , like a farmer slopping hogs. No questions, no haggling, no conferences, just give him whatever he demands.
When you have Anthony Fauci, holding his position for decades, it shows someone favors him and his day came. The same with Bill Gates and his money. As the virus wound down and people were more and more refusing it, Bill Gates switched his money into agriculture. Now the news media and politicians are talking of food shortages.
The Jews are always where the money and resources are. I’ve read the Jews were willing to settle anywhere until it was discovered the Dead Sea was worth billions in minerals and they decided that was their homeland. The Golan Heights given to Israel , by the man who supports Israel 1000 per cent, Donald Trump is said to be rich in minerals. Afghanistan is said to be worth billions in many minerals. And so is Ukraine. So who are they fooling?
We are being scammed .
So Jesus is a Jew, Lesley.
Over my lifetime, I ‘ve heard the Jews periodically remind the Christian world that Jesus was a Jew to keep us in line mentally and spiritually. And we owe them our thanks for Mary and Jesus. But enough by others have proven from the Talmud what the Jews really think of Jesus, Mary, Christians and other people’s or races.
The Jews have been blamed for 2000 years by the Catholic Church for crucifying Christ . I never heard it before , but one site, I’ve read , claimed that the Jews could have anywhere along the route to his crucifixion, called for the Romans to stop his crucifixion , but did not.
The Church preached openly, the Jews crucified Christ as late as the 1960’s when I quit going to Church.
but it seems to me , that the bravery, control and haughtiness of the Jews about themselves ,began when Jews got the Catholic Church to put the blame on the Roman’s for crucifying Christ and take the blame from the Jews.
Maybe you haven’t noticed , but the Jews are accused of everything, but are always guilty, of nothing.
they deny anything and everything they are accused of, even if they brag of it, is in the news or printed, but when brought up to criticize then, it is always denied.
Like the Protocols of Zion. They use other author’s to claim the ideas ate paraphrased from another author.
Or that the Russian police fabricated the Protocols. Or that they came from Europe.
My opinion is they were probably created in Europe , and used as a plan to conquer European governments.
But the Jews tried to overthrow the Russian Czar in 1849 and failed and many fled and many came to the United States.
I believe the plan was sent to Russia to give the Jews a plan of action to follow ,because Sergi Nilius, is supposed to have printed them in 1905 in his book , I believe, and he reveals the Protocols .
So , the protocols were in existence already when the Jews attempted the overthrow of the Russian government in 1905. It’s made to appear by the Jews that they suddenly surfaced, as though to make the Jews look bad.
the Jews deny anything and everything they are ever accused of and to read of how they deny it is to make one feel they are going insane.
Their so called intelligence that they love to brag of and IQ, I believe is due to the training they go through to be prepared to defend themselves against any criticism.
Once , in a coffee shop, a fellow started a conversation with me, and as we talked, I told him he was Jewish and he immediately said: ” I suppose that you’re going to call me a Christ killer.” I told him that I never thought no such thing, but he did.
Read the Talmud. I came across a set in college one evening while doing some studying and getting bored , began to walk , looking at books as I went up and down aisles. There was nothing to make them oblivious, but something made me stop[, pick a volume and start reading parts. I got nauseated and not feeling well.
There is an aura about it that radiates outwards that can be sensed, because of the vile things in it and especially of the topics.
Old time religious men were more aware of the truth , because they lived it and put it down on paper. today , anyone with a dollar or printer and paper can be an author.
bill Oreilly claims now that he lost his luscious Fox position, claims to be an author writing, Who Killed Kennedy. Who Killed Patton. Who Killed Lincoln. Many times I was tempted to pick up his book to see what he wrote .One day, I finally one day when in Barnes and Noble made myself pick a book of his and glance through it. there was nothing ,new. It was what every other author already said, put in his unique form. George Foreman claims to be an inventor as though he invented the grill. He , with his money , fame and the black’s love of meat, had a company make a grill like Hamiliton Beach, Black and Decker and others have made for years, put his name on them, paint them read to seem unique and sell them for 3 and more times what others, already sold for decades.
We live in a make believe world created for us. There’s plenty of websites who reveal the truth.
Even Catholic websites and Catholic’s who criticize the Catholic Church and its part in the world domination scheme which I heard and Irish ,Catholic Monseignor priest preach for over a decade that the Catholic Church rules the world and the Pope is its king.
It seems as though the news media people for all of their supposed intelligence , can’t see, there has to be some truth somewhere in what they deny for the sake of keeping their fabulous salaries and career’s.
Hey, we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.(Rabbi Abe Finkelstein)
“Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976. http://www.antichristconspiracy.com/HTML%20Pages/Harold_Wallace_Rosenthal_Interview_1976.htm
Eddie , All of our hard-working White Americans stealthily network together, supported by our bankers and a media, which is almost fully under our control in order to create the perfect conditions for foreigners whom we import to have better conditions than our American people now have.
“United States: Immigrant women have higher incomes than white men”
I’m not sure ,, but I believe it was on this site that it was said there was doubt that the Walther White interview was real because their was no such evidence of proof of it and Michael Collins Piper doubted it.
If I or anyone can be expected to doubt Walter White or not believe him , who spoke in a day when the Jews and their activities , schemes ,and appearances in many areas of our government , business, miliary activities and other things were known and revealed by our ancestors, ,before Piper ever existed or knew or thought of the Jews or any political topics, than why should I believe his tales because he put his supposed knowledge down on paper and considers himself an author.
If Collins can cast doubt on Walter White ,who I believe was a newspaper man, but not sure anymore without looking it up, why should I believe Piper and what he says about anybody, just because he writes books.
The news papers were at a time when they had real reporters who knew and researched their topics . They were not selected for their sex appeal , voice, looks, dress, personality like the ones we have today who dress like they buy new clothes everyday, have a make up artist cover their skin blemishes, sound like they were your friend or parent or other relation and cared about you and sit behind a microphone reading preselected news from around the world and act like their an authority on history and events because they’re invited to give talks to groups , or sent to foreign countries as news correspondents.
There was a day , when a man could listen to a boxing match on the radio and hear every movement and blow given by the narrator of the match and know exactly what was happening and the fight progressing , as though he was sitting personally at the match. Non of our phony news media people can do that today. They need videos in the background to tell us what is happening to make their news seem real.
I would prefer to believe Walter White , no matter what or in spite of what Piper says.
MIchael Collins Piper doubted the veracity of the Harold Rosenthal interview, not because he was a “newspaper man” but because the original tapes were conveniently missing with no explanation as to how. Also, the content is “too good to be true”, as it’s almost cartoonish in the way Rosenthal brags about his fellow Jews. And as a journalist, Piper did more than almost any writer post-WWII in exposing the Jews, and he had a good feel for what’s legitimate and what is not. Believe the interview if you want, but do so with a grain of salt.
So Rosenthal’s remarks can be dismissed because the tapes Walther White claimed that he made of the interview are missing and it is so because Piper doubts it. Then he is the first one I ever heard who claimed or anyone ever mentioned doubting the Walter White tapes. In fact , many others have used them as a source of Jews intentions and consider them real. If the Walter White’s tapes are fake because Piper says there is no proof they ever existed, then I suppose that the criticism that Bobby Fischer made can be dismissed because he is Jewish or was just a self hating Jew.
Then why are we always talking about such things in science, history , economics, archeology, etc ., that there is no proof of , yet people are continually writing books about. Such as Admiral Byrd saying that he reached the Center of the Earth or some such thing and decades later it is made to seem that the earth is hollow and knowledge of it is suppressed. And comments forever made about the supposed remarks made at a Rabbi’s burial , that is said to, or not have happened. Bigfoot, the Lock Ness Monster and many more. The science world trying to make us believe there may be other life on other planets to justify another field of research and money , yet we scoff at people who claim they have visions of people’s on other planets, or have described life in the spiritual realms or spiritual visions.
I had some others in mind but can’t think of them now.
On this site for example, it seems like a merry go around as to everyone trying to prove who the Lost Tribes of Israel are and Protestants are the main one’s concerned about it. Yet if you read ” Judaism in Action,” and it is listed in the book section , the anonymous author gives hundreds of quotes by the Jews and others of their intentions of ruling this world ,yet the Ten Tribes of Israel seem a concern as to who they are and not on this site . Yet Judaism in Action gives a couple of remarks by Rabbi’s that their enemy they want to destroy is the Catholic Church. Yet , from what I’ve read , Martin Luther never intended to separate from the Catholic Church , but wanted to reform some of its practices, and it got out of hand , and the Jews brag that they were in on it.
I understand that Protestantism means to protest , yet it seems like Protestants act like they are a unique religion and belief system when they get their origin from Catholicism ,from the Catholic Church , but never brag of that, but call it Whore of Babylon etc. as though that will separate them from whatever happens to Catholics or the Catholic Church in the “End Times.” Or like the Born Again Christians who act like just because they believe they are automatically going to Heaven, all of their children and wife or relatives are. The Jews brag that they gave us their belief system and we argue about it instead of just putting proof together and denying it . One quote in Judaism in Action has a Rabbi, I believe, saying that if we did to the Jews what they do to us, as we let them get away with it, and instead, did it to them, they would tell us. But do we stand up to them and tell them?
I have read part of the Patriot act. It’s not worth reading unless one has a purpose such as revealing its intents and purpose. Yet we believe what others say about it without ever seeing it, reading it . I read part of it. As much as I could stand. It is nothing more than the Inquisition in Action. and I have read about the Inquisition. Some of the activities the Patriot Act allows are what we see happening today and who cares? Secret dungeons in various parts of the world to imprison people. Terrorizing people by arresting them unexpectedly in the early hours of the morning, hiding or keeping them in undisclosed locations without revealing their whereabouts. And torture. Disappearance. Not revealing the whereabouts of the person. And I looked up the author’s. The first time , I looked up to see who wrote or sponsored it was an Asian name , later on a different name. I have looked up at times to see who sponsors some of the anti semitic bill’s and one time it was a Jew and a Catholic and other representatives.
We elect leaders and don’t even care who they are and only that they appeal to us. Read about Donald Trump. Barack OBama. They are not the virtuous saints the news media wants the world to see them. If you look up the Bush’s, Pelosi’s, the McCain’s,, they are listed or described as crime families or involved in it. Yet we elected them or wanted them as our leaders. Was the fact that Obama was gay and no one promoted it mean it never happened or was false? A lot of people knew Bush Jr. was lying about weapons of mass destruction, but no one cared it was false, and those who did , he made to seem unpatriotic. Look up the heroic Trump that everyone is so infatuated with and four years later , still worship him. He is filthy minded toward women. He has no respect for them. He is a Zionist , the very ones on this site we’re all criticizing, as is Joe Biden.
And while I’m mentioning Zionist’s, Alex Jones is also one. He marries Jewish women. How does one, who criticizes the New World Order we all believe is a Jewish plot spend ,as he says 28 years exposing them ,never reveal the name, Jews ? Or never taken off the internet? I came across a site yesterday that the author said he had to shut down because of a lack of funds. He was probably spending his own money to maintain it until he couldn’t afford to any more. Suppression has been going on for years for others, so any whining by Jones is just for sympathy, as he is not the most banned person in the world. The Butler Compound in Idaho was put out of business by lawsuits. David Duke , an unknown was put out as a publicity symbol of racism because the jews said that he was intelligent and good looking and they were afraid he would attract followers and had to be exposed. The same was said of Joseph McCarthy exposing Communism and it was said that he was ruining too many lives.
Comment or criticize if you want , I don’t care what you say, the box , I typed my comment in said “Comment” , not criticism or rebuttal or critique. I wasn’t arguing with you , but questioning why you believe Piper when so many believe White who is dead years past and his sources may have been stolen or pilfered just like Nicoli Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, and others. Wilhem Reich, i remember had , according to the news , at least three truckloads of his materials and research and materials seized and sent to a city dump. Look him up. Does it mean because his papers were stolen, destroyed, put into a city dump and buried and are not available and that anything said of his research of various topics are a lie, or doesn’t exist? I sent three banana boxes full of books, articles of these topics to a patriot , years ago , who had a web site and he has died. I have often wondered what happened to those materials. Were they stolen or just suppressed ? If he used any of the material’s as sources and they disappeared, does that mean that any thing he said is untrue because the sources do not exist anymore? The source for the British General’s remark about this country becoming Jewish in 200 years is said to have been stolen from the Library of Congress. Does that mean he never said it ?
We always hear the Jews tell us that the Nazi’s as they love to call them were so decadent that they were book burners. But the story I read of it was that Hitler’s party gained possession of a building that was once a communist headquarters and they cleaned it out and all of the supposed book burning , knowledge hating German’s were burning was the communist literature and materials left in the building when they took it over . But isn’t that the story we always hear?
Gene, You are right in your conclusions about Harold Rosenthal.
Harold Rosenthal and Walter White Jr. did, in fact, exist and Mossad killed Rosenthal in a pretense “hi-jacking” for his truthful blabbing of Jewry’s dirty “secrets”.
[From my earlier comments and various notes]:
About Harold Rosenthal, I think many of us who are here may remember the first televised “hi-jacking” of a commercial airliner, holding hostages for hours, where the “terrorists” shot at least one of the passengers dead and threw him down onto the tarmac in Israel. If I’m not mistaken, that passenger was Harold Rosenthal, and I suspect that you know by now (((who))) those “terrorists” were most likely to have been.
“[W]hy would Rosenthal reveal all of this?” – Vanity among psychopaths is not unknown, and he was a young aide to that jew Senator Javits who was working to sabotage America and the White people, so that young jew was very proud.
“Jewish politicians Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965”:
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 13 August 1976
Terrorists Kill 3, Wound 24 El Al Passengers at Istanbul Airport; Israel Seeking to Extradite Two
According to the ADL, Walter White Jr. did exist.
In September 1998, envelopes from the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger were mailed to approximately 9,000 Idaho addresses. These envelopes contained an introductory letter, an anti-Semitic booklet [The Hidden Tyranny] and a poster explaining the group’s Identity beliefs.
First published by the late anti-Semite Walter White Jr., The Hidden Tyranny resembles The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in that it is a fabricated document, masquerading as fact, which claims special knowledge of a Jewish plot to control the world. Though White alleged that the booklet contains his interview with Harold Rosenthal, a 29-year-old, Jewish administrative assistant to the U.S. Senator Jacob Javits, the contents of The Hidden Tyranny are actually a product of White’s imagination. White failed to explain why he would wait to first publish the booklet until 1978, years after he had “spoken” with Rosenthal, who was killed by terrorists in 1976.
Note that the above page has been deleted from the ADL’s website.
Internet Archive
“Walter White, Jr. (September 18, 1898 – June 20, 1984) was a researcher, historian, and journolist, who, while director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, discovered Jewish power and spent much of his life exposing it.”
“The Hidden Tyranny: The Issue that Dwarfs all other Issues” [Rosenthal interview]
See the Title page for the outstanding collection of other resources there.” [Flanders]
Walter White Jr. died on, or before, 24 October 2002. The ADL says so.
ADL, 24 October 2002 (Archive date: 20021024 Archive time: 05:13:35)
First published by the LATE ANTI-SEMITE WALTER WHITE JR., The Hidden Tyranny resembles The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in that it is a fabricated document, masquerading as fact, which claims special knowledge of a Jewish plot to control the world.
I believe, and I have never said anything as proof that I am a genius, scholar, historian, author, or intelligent about anything I say, because what I believe or know, I gained from others or thinking about things, I’ve learned.
From what I have read about the Rosenthal interview is that Harold Rosenthal worked for Jacob Javits, a congressman as an aide, I believe, and one person who put the interview on his site , explained that Harold Rosenthal was a young man and was probably bragging because he was young and , I guess thought he was in on some secret and was showing off.
And if I remember correctly without looking it up again, it cost him his life.
I can’t think of the person who called a supposed Rabbi Finklestein on his radio program about what you are talking about, but it may still be on the internet somewhere. I heard him the night he called. But , calling, by phone, I always wondered if it was really a Rabbi Finklestein or a pretend personality.
Sometimes you can tell and sense the sincerity of people and other times , have a sense of doubt.
A fellow claimed to have called Alex Jones’s father’s dental office , because he wanted to prove that Alex Jones is a hypocrite because he preaches against fluoride. He called the office, had the receptionist verify it was Alex Jones father’s practice and ask for a fluoride treatment and was told to make an appointment for examination and then it could be done. It seemed sincere just the way it was conducted.
On my short wave radio, I have heard men who are devotedly religious , and as individual’s , have programs trying to save their fellow man and wake them up.
Hi, Jewish person here. You guys should chill out. Honestly, some of you guys seem like you have half decent heads on your shoulders. But this whole conspiracy thing is nuts. Annoying liberals have pushed me to the political center. The insansity and truly hurtful mischaracterization of history here keeps me from moving any further. Religion is faith based. The study of history and the science of policy is not. Don’t hate people, man. The only thing right you guys hit on (that is actually a secret) is the differences in IQ.
Yo Jake, tell us some holocost fables!
Also, when did you realize that 9/11 was an Israeli masterminded false flag?
What do you think of Mohel Rabbis?
You caught the Joo,Shlomo! LOL
If they are complaining ( chill out ) then it all must be true.Insults “half decent” confirmation.”The insansity and truly hurtful mischaracterization of history” further confirmation of Inversion, accuse others of what you do.. so predictable .
Jacob, you have bee programmed by your fellow Jews to have a paranoid delusion that everyone “hates” you….you are literally trained from the cradle to believe that the world irrationally hates Jews for no reason whatsoever that they want to throw you in gas chambers for no reason. This is psychological abuse at its highest.
Do not project your delusions about this “hateful” world on us. We love our people, as we are commanded by God to do so, and you see that love as hate, and you are commanded by your rabbis. In the old days, an antisemite was someone who didn’t like Jews. Today, an antisemite is someone Jews hate.
And how not to hate them?
Just watch this!
Harari, who believes that humans are hackable animals is jewish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45FuyCmyvRs
If you’re really Jewish, then tell us or deny the things said about the Jews over the ages are lies and jealousy and tell us what lies and untruths they are.
Where do you get the idea that the only difference in the races is IQ? You don’t have to prove you’re Jewish. The fact that you say the only difference in mankind is IQ proves you’re Jewish, because it is the Jews who are obsessed with IQ and brag that thy are the most intelligent race in the world. And if it could be proven that there are other races, or civilizations in the universe, you Jews would probably want to prove you are the most intelligent creatures — or whatever you are — in the universe.
In fact, I have a feeling that you Jews are not what you seem to be on the outside, but are a chameleon-type entity that has been able to integrate yourselves into mankind and seem like the rest of us.
But the world is becoming more and more enlightened. It’s funny and laughable to hear your wiry bearded, nasty, ugly, creepy, dirty, looking Rabbis talk of spirituality when your whole agenda behind the scenes, with your more prominent characters or whatever you are, seek to rule over the world and all that’s in it.
That’s the purpose of the vaccines, alcohol, sex, pornography, idolizing your sex symbols and women — to degrade us spiritually, so we cannot see you jews for what you really are.
@Jacob…Any plans on making aliyah(returning) to Israel? IF so and you need financial assistence,feel free to ask.
Hi Guys, I was wondering what is your opinion about the new movie that came out “The Northman”?
It’s a movie that depicts ancient pagan scandinavia, I am a Christian but I don’t know if I should watch that movie cause nowadays White-only movies are tipically done to make sure Whites take an interest in anti-Christians things like in this case paganism which is also done by other tv series like “Vikings”.
If you don’t mind tell me your opinion , I’m curious about it.
I’d say that if your really curious to see it and what it is about, to do so to compare it with what you know.
It’s not like getting drunk or such things to find out what they are about.’
A woman and I were talking one day about listening to Sean Hannity. I told her I listened to him occasionally to hear what the conservatives as they call themselves on Fox News were saying. She told me that that was why she listened to him and told her daughter, when her daughter wondered why she listened to him: to know what they are thinking and telling people.
Judaism reinvented itself when the Jews rejected the Messiah. Judaism now, is based of hatred of The Christ! And this is where Judaism parted way with Christianity.
“And the people to a man, shouted back, ‘His blood be on us and our children’ Then he released Barabbas for them. He ordered Jesus to be first scourged and then handed over to be crucified” Mathew 27: 21-26
“ The chief priests and the scribes mocked him among themselves in the same way with the words, ‘He saved others, he cannot save himself. Let the Christ, the king of Israel, come down from the cross now, for us to see it and believe.’” Mark 15:31-32
Judeo-Christian tradition is an oxymoron. There is no such a thing.
i am not part of the christian church but i do believe in god and the angels based on my own spiritual experience, i look at things from all perspectives i have what some say to me a suspicious mind i always question always looking for the truth search for the truth is like a spiritual journey , i was a member of a group on facebook where knowledge was shared like on judaism i looked up judaism and concluded judeo christianity is utter nonsense as they are not compatible , i know judaism have their army of infiltrators subverters when you pay attention to whats going on in the world see who benefits it becomes clear , msm propaganda has never swayed me i am my own person i say never let tv do thinking for you , to add when you see what judaism thinks of christianity, if i were a christian i would stay true to my faith never let falsehoods nor judaic lies sway me
the church is in need of direction go back to its roots , if i were part of guiding the new church congregation taught the enemies of christianity the evils in the world the methods symbolism they use , to be both warrior and spiritual prepared to defend the faith you are dealing with those that use forceful means like i said you need a warrior order to defend the faith defend it with all that you have by your very being , when i see whats going on in the world it hurts me very much at an emotional level to the point where i will no longer be able to take no longer put faith in someone with the best of intentions .
this is something i needed to get down as it came to me i typed it how much more can this world be shrouded in darkness only by us like minded people who want to make a diffrence in the the world that we can acheive greatness and defeat the darkness and bring the world into the
light of a better future for all as together we can make the difference we create the world with our deeds promises and actions if we do not create the world that we wish to live in in peace among each other then others will and it may be a future you will not like full of pain
misery war this is a cycle that must end for the sake of us all and the world, get involved help create the future you want to leave for those that will follow for each generation and so on be the light that will light the way to a better future for all?
there are those of us
that care deeply what is happening in the world me included but this is how I feel I feel compassion, sorrow and sadness for others suffering and dying in the world there have been times where I have had such emotion come over me that I would weep and cry for many hours and
I would end up saying a prayer a very powerful one?
be the beacon of truth that shines so brightly among the darkness let the light fill the world with love an peace bring people out of the dark into the light of peace and love and show them the way?
just thought i would share
these words with you. you must take action your self and show a better way and lead the people from the dark into the light. ones own journey comes from spiritual enlightenment and awakening.?
sometimes I feel sad its like I sometimes feel the
sadness of the world and I don’t know why just like I feel sadness now I just want to cry it hurts so much seeing all the death in the world?
i put my faith in god in in jesus christ gods angels
i did not have to say this but i wanted to
there is only christianity in my opinion , a well written article christians for truth , i find i visit your website more than any others i point people in your direction , speak your mind tell the truth no matter what god bless to you cft
Jesus Christ is not religion! He’s REALLITY! chrisanity is tainted with jude-christian fakery that is sadly vast majority of whine people especially those calling themselves christian but serving the synagogue of satan ( jews ) Jesus the Father calls them out in Revelation ch 2 and 3 addressing the Churches. Church stands for congregation of peoples not a building !
You are in the right direction , but need much more work on your Faith you seem to be luke-warm and Jesus the Father spits those people out to the curb. Please decide now and hurry what direction you want to be SOLIDLY PLANTED because we are in the tribulation at the end portion of it .
Tribulation= 2017——2024 eclipses act as the seven year window prophet Daniel tribulation of trouble especially for persecution of the white christians.
“the art of persuasion has displaced the simple virtue of truth.”
To which can be laid at feet of the Jew, Edward Bernays.
“Politicians appeal to a Judeo-Christian tradition, but religious scholars say it no longer exists.”
Actually it never existed; only in the twisted hearts of pulpit pounders thus, with their congregates becoming starry eyed dreamers for a lie.
“For scholars of American religion,” Newsweek states, “the idea of a single Judeo-Christian tradition is a made-in-America myth that many of them no longer regard as valid”
Right, maybe to Talmudic scholar Jacob Neusner and his ilk. But to the average Joe and Suzy Christian sitting in the pews of the local church, the banner of Judeo-Christianity is still flying high. I know the CI movement is slowly making progress. I always say when the Demonic Jew takes off their masks of deceit and shows who they really are, and the hideousness of their evil souls; the Zionist loving churches are in for a rude awakening. My fervent prayer is that it should not come to that. When I get a chance to do so, I recommend the CFT website. I feel it is our responsibility as members in the CI community to do so.
Quote: Marcion of Sinope was an early Christian theologian, an evangelist, and an important figure in early Christianity. Marcion preached that the benevolent God of the Gospel who sent Jesus Christ into the world as the savior was the true Supreme Being, different from and opposed to the malevolent demiurge or creator god, identified with the Hebrew God of the Old Testament.
Therefore I am a Marcionist Christian & not a Judaeo- Christian ….
Judeo-Christian is a not only a lie, but a seductive one that easily preys on those who have been commanded to worship Jews.
Judeo is the Cross & nails, the Christian part is the One who got nailed to that Cross. That’s your Judeo-Christian.
Rabbi Martin Siegel, reflecting a Messianic zeal, was quoted in the 18 January 1972 edition of New York Magazine as declaring: […] “I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish.”
In my own words: I truly diabolic agenda, to say the least.
Great article. The term Judeo-Christian always seems to be used in practice to weaken Christian self-confidence in the contribution of the Christian message to civilisation. Pity its author is not recognised.
“Synarchy…is ‘government by secret societies’, or by a group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes….
“Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere, so that now only years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that Christian religion.” (Protocol 17.2)”
“The zionist states of America has a government position to literally shut down any dialogue about jewish supremacy” – [Lipstadt (twitter)]
An Alternate link: https://nitter.poast.org/StateSEAS
“Oh, just swearing in on a Talmud. They couldn’t even have her swear in on the Tanakh or something. Nope, she is swearing in with her hand on a book of Halakhic law that says Christians are cattle, Jesus is in Hell, there are six types of gender and babies are not living things until their heads have exited the birth canal.”
Time to wake up.”