According to Welsh historians, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, the whole concept of “Anglo-Saxon” identity and history is a fabrication of the Oxford academic establishment to intentionally obscure the real history of the British people which undeniably connects them to the Khumry of the Assyrian captivity:
Thousands of members of the public in Wales, England, Scotland and across the globe are fully aware of the conspiracy to cover up the truth, perpetuated by the BBC and others in academia and beyond.
Real Welsh British history can now thankfully be found being increasingly discussed, researched and debated online.
Contrary to what many (mostly elite English establishment historians) have tried to tell us, the Britons were a highly advanced, culturally developed, literate, metal-working civilization who had followed Christ and his teachings since 35-37 AD – not the illiterate barbarians that the establishment academics would have us believe.
Any notion of a shared or inclusive Brythonic heritage were forgotten however when the London establishment and Crown imported the German Hanoverian family of the elector of Hanover as their puppet Kings and Queens claims Wilson:
“From this point onwards everything historical had to be politically and religiously redesigned into a suitably acceptable form to promote the new Germanism in England in particular, and Britain as a whole.
“From this time onwards the centuries of assaults upon all ancient British history, heritage and culture, accelerated and increased. Everything British had to go.
“The numerous, strong, culturally advanced British nations had to be transformed into primitive tribes of uneducated barely civilized peasant barbarians and the German origins of the Anglo Saxons needed to be promoted and extolled.
“Periodic control of parts of Britain by the Romans were expanded to an imaginary period of 400 years of total domination and described as ‘Roman Britain’ with all the British dynasties suddenly eliminated.”
Wilson and Blackett are certain that, despite the sudden devastating effects of the crashed comet, there were no dark ages in Britain in the political way we have been led to believe. The major Khumric British Kings continued from at least 500 BC to1300 AD and the Khumric British line of kings persisted right through the greatly exaggerated alleged ‘Roman period’.
Commenting on the Dark ages narrative, Wilson writes:
“The near 80 successive Khumric Kings, who ruled from circa 500 BC to AD 1300, included King Arthur I (the first Arthur) son of Mascen Wledig of circa AD 345 -400, who did defeat the Romans as Soissons – Sassy and kill the Roman Emperor Gratian as Lyons-Lugdumum in 383 AD. The sixth generations later King Arthur II (the second Arthur) son of King Meurig, who was born in AD 503, died in 579
“What the Academics in London, Oxford, Cambridge, and elsewhere cannot get into their heads is the provable fact that the British line of Kings persisted right through the greatly exaggerated alleged ‘Roman period’ and that there never was any Roman Britain of the order they imagine, and imagine is the correct word.”
Wilson adds:
“Because it was not possible to murder the entire ancient British nation, the strategy has been to destroy, to eradicate, and to obliterate the vast and entire corpus of all ancient British history. At this present time this deliberate and evil campaign has been largely successful, and the demolition of the truth is gathering pace.
“These organizations have succeeded in transforming the correct image of our ancient British ancestors from being a very well recorded highly civilized, literate, advanced and developed culture that was comparable to anything that Greece, Rome, or Judea, had to offer, into a gross caricature of misrepresentation as a disparate spread of loose primitive near savage tribal peoples.
“The misrepresentation of our ancient British Ancestors is so grotesque as to be almost beyond imagination.”
Of course, the English academic establishment is now top-heavy with Jews who have a vested interest in keeping the real history of the British people hidden from them. It is from these “trusted” scholars that we’ve been told that the British people are descended from ape-like hominoids such as the pre-Saxon Neanderthals and Cro Magnons, putting them on the same level as ape-like missing links that allegedly roamed the plains of Africa. This fabrication of history was meant to not only dehumanize and demoralize us but also to intentionally send us down endless rabbit holes in search of our true origins.
In order to justify the true British people being ruled over by non-British Germanic kings, historians fabricated a false common European history that was embodied in the mythical “Anglo-Saxon”. Of course, the British and Germanic peoples are related, but not the way the court historians allege. It is that ancient relationship that must be obscured at all costs.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
The first video below is historian Alan Wilson talking about Britain’s two King Arthurs – this was on Edge TV where i first heard of Common Purpose. It was one of the only channels that told more truth than the msm until it was shut down:
Finding King Arthur: Alan Wilson’s Quest for The Holy Grail
Legendary historian reveals the truth about the Ark of the Covenant:
Alan Wilson: Historic 1992 Lecture – Hidden History:
Alan Wilson – The True History of Britain
Real British History:
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
more fake history , the construction of stonehenge so is stonehenge a fake historical attraction is it part of creating a false history of briton which was also known as albion
Paul Michael O Donohoe
i have thought for a long time that history is not what it appears to be like some have given examples here anyway 400 year roman occupation of briton was a quite a stretch , who were the emperors of rome during those 400 years the more you go into it the more things do not match up nor make any sense , who were the roman leaders of briton the roman commanders of each region they would make it up , i never paid much attention in school i liked to look up things for myself critical of things , schools these days are indoctrination centers pushing lgbtq degeneracy critical race theory , since this article links to the assyrian captivity something i have noticed is statues of king david with his harp when i saw the harp i thought its exactlly like ancient celtic harps that were played at ceremonies especially bardic ceremonies here is another pic this is a welsh celtic singer with harp very coincidental . in my region there is a place called hebron in wales there are many place names the same or similar to biblical lands
“History” lessons at my school consisted of one thing. We were told the Crusaders from a nearby village held their swords by the blade in approximation of the Christian cross, and then went off – somewhere – to fight a “holy war” against – – – someone. That was it. No recent history, not even the two world wars, and no ancient history, just the Crusades and no real information even about them.
I’ve been “sort of” aware of the beliefs of “Christian Identity people” for some time, and a lot of what they say seemed to make sense, but I wasn’t entirely convinced, and I’m still not there yet, but I seem to be coming round to the idea that perhaps we really are descended from the true Israelites. After all, why would God choose a tribe of devils as His “favourites”?
Suddenly discovering these articles about the ancient Israelites being the ancestors of the people we now know as the Welsh is fascinating, and I hope there’ll be many more on the subject.
We know the White Race IS the peak of Creation, but I formerly had difficulty in understanding how we could have migrated from the “Holy Land” to where we are now (geographically speaking), and these articles are starting to fill some of the gaps in my knowledge.
THANK YOU, Christians for Truth.
Check out this documentary by E. Raymond Capt called “The Traditions of Glastonbury”….about the early connections between Christ and English Israelites:
Thanks for that, Chesterton. It makes sense that we (White People) are the original Israelites, a people, never a place, but few try to explain how we came to be in Britain. Instead we’re told all races “back then” were barely more advanced than primitive cave-dwellers.
I’ll be re-watching this video a few times this week.
This video is short but covers all the major points, very informative:
The Assyrian inscriptions reads ‘Tiglath Pilesar captured Bit Humria (Beit – House of Omri) and the land of Napthali ‘. Omri was the commander in chief of the Northern Tribes of Israel. The House of Omri migrated out of Assyria (where they picked up the red dragon) and right across Europe. Called the Brythonic Celts – the Kumry and the Omri are one and the same – their ancient Coelbren is a form of Hebrew, Old King Coel was one of their kings.
Welsh is a Saxon word welas (foreigner). When the Saxons invaded the Isles – Sussex (South Saxony) they encountered the Welas on the wealds of Kent.
Here is the mighty harmony and epic rendition of Cumry’s national anthem: Hen Wlad Fy Nhadu sung to the New Zealand (English / Saxons) at Cardiff Millennial Stadium in 1967.
This does not make the throne of the SaxeCoburgs in England legit – they are just an agency of The Crown (of the Judaic Supremacy on the Sq Mi of The City in London anyway). But the Saxons have been in the Isles for a long time and were traditionally governed by their Chiefs and the Witan. The Brythonic Celts know who they are and so do the Saxons, Angles and Jutes (collectively Albion) as do the Gaelic Scots (Alba)
The Anglo Saxons are indeed real, and certainly are a major building block of the ‘British’. The Angles were/are a Germanic people. The Welsh were/are a Celtic people. They are brothers, and are both ‘Saxons’; the term ‘Saxon’ can be traced to be a derivative of ‘Isaacs sons’ – both peoples ARE Isaacs sons, the TRUE Israel people! The Anglo, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred folk are ALL ‘Saxons’ in that they are the literal – as well as spiritual – descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel. [as well as Adam we might note]
It IS true tho that the Celtic folk – including what we would call Welsh – were in the Isles way before the Angles or the Nordics. They DID have a very advanced civilisation with significant accomplishments in the arts and education. Plus, we might note that the first ‘above ground’ Christian church was indeed in Britain [heartily suggest the book ‘Drama of the Lost Disciples’].
Indeed there is a concerted effort to obscure and obliterate accurate history on most fronts, and especially in this area. if the goy ever begin to understand WHO they are, and who [[[they]]] arent, the jig is up. And [[[they]]] know it.
Knowledge is power my people, learn the truth!
While what you are stating is in some ways true, from the perspective of the Oxford historians, the Saxons were not the “sons of Issac,” which is the truth that they are paid to ignore, obfuscate, and if necessary, completely deny. The concept of the Anglo-Saxon was first construed by those who wanted to hide the truth, not tell the truth.
precisely correct; that the ‘powers that be’ try to obfuscate the facts doesnt change the facts! The Angles were indeed ‘saxon’ in that they are direct descendants of Isaac. [[[their]]] spiel about AngloSaxons is entirely false. The establishment/paid operatives in ‘history’ and sociology departments routinely ignore fact, solid research and archaeology since truth is in direct opposition to ‘the narrative’ – no one with a brain will argue that. [although there are even some honest historians who reject Christ and His people that still cannot help but tell the truth {at least partially} in their work like the fellow that wrote the book ‘How the Irish Saved Western Civilisation’. its not 100%, but i bet he never worked in academia after it was published!]
Like I said, learn the truth my people, for ‘the Truth shall set you free!’
The Anglo-Saxons were no myth, they were real, but they lost the game of Thrones. And since then the rulers have been hiding behind this name, and English, as to not upset the people who, before the mass invasions the last decades, were of Anglo-Saxon heritage.
I understand what you’re trying to say, but the point of the article is that there were Brits and Saxons, but they were separate peoples, though distantly related, not a people with much of a recent common history.
The Saxons entered Europe through a pass in the Caucasus Mountains from the Near East; while the earliest Brits or Khumry arrived via ships from the Eastern Mediterranean. Their common history is in the ancient Assyrian captivity, not in Europe. Their common history in Europe began when the Hanoverian kings unjustly took the British throne to which they had no right.
Apparently it was the Welsh who ‘lost the game of thrones’ to the Anglo-Saxons, and the Anglo-Saxons have in turn lost it to the “Stein’s”, and it is the “Stein’s” essentially at the heart of this great deception, as both the Welsh and the Anglo-Saxons are suffering from it since it involves the rewriting of both their histories, with only one group benefitting from it – the “Steins”.
It has always frustrated me how history is taught in our schools. They especially make it droll and burdensome, though I always had a natural affinity for it, praise Yahweh! For as long as I can remember, I have been a firm believer in understanding that you can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been.
I am a self taught historian, so to speak, as I am sure many of us here are. The information is out there. We can ill afford to believe that it will be served to us on a silver platter. And it is as simple as understanding God = Truth, Satan = lies. Who does the scriptures declare is currently the prince of this world? That’s right…so don’t expect to be told the truth about ANYTHING…use what God gave you and figure it out for yourself!