(Robert Faurisson) Jews have never been known to come up with original ideas on their own — rather, they have a reputation of adeptly appropriating useful ideas from others — and when it came to the Gas Chamber™ propaganda in World War II, they merely recycled and embellished World War I Allied atrocity propaganda which had falsely accused Germans and Austrians of “gassing” 700,000 Serbians, according to reknowned French historian Robert Faurisson:
The myth of gassings of Jews during the Second World War is merely the product of a recycling of the myth of the gassing of Serbs during the First World War. It may rightly be said that a myth seemingly born in the early 1940s and, today, fifty years old thus goes back in fact to 1916-1917, and is [now] therefore 75 years old…
…In 1916-1917 the Allies spread about the tale of Serbs being gassed systematically and in large numbers by the Germans, the Austrians and their Bulgarian allies. The gassings were reportedly taking place in delousing facilities, churches and other places. This canard disappeared after the war, as from the beginning of the ‘20s.
Likewise, other inventions of [WWI] Allied war propaganda also vanished, at least apparently: the legends of Belgian children with their hands cut off by the Uhlans (forerunners of the SS) — and of corpse factories where the Germans were said to turn human fat and bones into fertiliser and soap — forerunners of the “extermination camps” in the service of Hitlerite science said to produce fertiliser and soap from the corpses of Jews.
The success of these war canards was probably fueled by the spectacle of quite real atrocities — the ravages wrought by the use of poison gas on the battlefields and the piles of bodies of typhus victims, in Serbia in particular…
…The three items presented below show how the shift from the myth of gassings of Serbs to the myth of gassings of Jews [evolved].
The first piece is taken from a book — “Schattenriss einer Generation 1888-1919” by B. Guttmann [Stuttgart, K. F. Koehler, 1950, p. 146] — in which a former correspondent and collaborator of the Frankfurter Zeitung tells incidentally of an interview given to him in Berlin on November 20, 1917 by Richard von Kühlmann (1873-1948), Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
It will be noted that [Kühlmann] — exasperated by the behavior of his Bulgarian allies — seems disposed to welcome any canard about them from the Allies. Thus he believes the Bulgarians are carrying out a policy of physical extermination of the Serbs [so-called “genocide” before the Jew, Raphael Lemkin, contrived the term in 1944] — and that, under the pretext of “hygiene” — those Serbs are being led into “delousing” facilities in which they are, [allegedly], gassed — foreshadowing the story of Jews led, under the [similar] pretext of delousing and showering, into buildings where they are “gassed.”
The two other items are both taken from the same London newspaper, the Daily Telegraph.
On two dates 26 years apart the Daily Telegraph used the exact same figures — on March 22, 1916 it announces the murder of 700,000 Serbs — and then on June 25, 1942, it headlines the murder of 700,000 Jews.
In 1916 the public are told that the Germans, Austrians and Bulgarians are “exterminating” — that is the word — the Serbs in different ways — in particular, by means of asphyxiating gases — either in churches or in other, unspecified places — these gases emanate from bombs or gas-producing machines.
The Daily Telegraph
March 22, 1916
“…The State Secretary [for Foreign Affairs, Richard von Kühlmann] is of grave and sombre mood. Peace seems far off. He has doubtless harboured many illusions about England’s desire for peace. All our allies instil in him a deep mistrust. The Bulgarians are insatiable; when given a jacket and trousers, they ask you for a shirt and shoes. He tells of how they are systematically “liquidating” the Serbs [word for word: auf dem Verwaltungswege – by bureaucratic means]; under the pretext of hygiene, the latter are led into delousing facilities and, there, are eliminated by gas.”
“This is the future, he adds, of the battles between peoples.”

[And then], in 1942 the [very same Daily Telegraph] newspaper wanted us to believe that the Germans are “exterminating” — still the [exact same] word — the Jews in many ways — and in particular – this is the [modernized] aspect – by using one, and only one, “van fitted as a gas chamber” which eliminates no fewer than a thousand Jews daily.

[End of Faurisson article]
So then — in a daring act of chutzpah — Jewish propagandists in World War II combined this World War I “gassing” atrocity myth with their own long-standing myth — going back to late 19th century and early 20th century newspaper articles — that “6 Million” Jews were being threatened with “extermination.”
These earlier accusations of 6 Million™ Jewish victims — or variations thereof — are documented in Don Heddesheimer’s book, The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During and After World War One.
Heddsesheimer shows how it was the notorious Jewish banker — Jacob Schiff — the financier of the bloody judeo-Bolshevik genocide in Russia — who used his wealth and power to plant stories in the sympathetic Jewish press to promote the so-called “holocaust” accusation of 6 Million Jews as early as World War I.
The occult significance of the 6 Million number — and its variations of 6 — can be traced back to the Kabbalah — where Talmudic rabbis believed that in order for the Jews to “return” to their ancestral home in Palestine, 6 Million Jews must first be lost.
Because these talmudic Jews believed that a single Jewish life was worth exponentially more than the life of a “gentile” — whom they believe are mere “animals” — they multiplied each Jewish death by 10, 100, or 1,000 fold to come up with the non-negotiable 6 Million™ figure.
See The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism by Ben Weintraub.
Jewish author — Rabbi Benjamin Blech — confirmed this occult numerology in his book The Secrets of Hebrew Words (J Aronson Inc., 1991, p. 241), stating,

And that is why the Jews have never budged on the 6 Million™ total — even after the initial Jewish death toll at Auschwitz of 4 Million was quietly lowered by 2.5 Million to 1.5 Million, as reported by AP News in 1990.
Instead of simply changing the official death toll to 3.5 Million, Jews then invented a new “Holocaust By Bullets” to account for those “missing” 2.5 Million Jews who weren’t “gassed” at Auschwitz.
Revisionist Jewish historians began claiming that these 2.5 Million “lost” Jews were literally shot one at a time by the German Einstazgruppen — during Operation Barbarossa — and then dumped into mass graves — such as Babi Yar and Jedwabne which the Jews have never allowed to be exhumed to confirm the presence of these murdered Jews.
Of course, these 2.5 Million “lost” Jews were never killed at all — they were safely moved east behind Soviet lines starting with the German invasion of Poland in 1939.
But the Jews knew that after the war, it would be impossible to locate 6 Million dead Jews in graves or even cremated remains — so as early as 1943, the Jewish press cynically and with cold calculation began planting stories to explain away why there would be — in the words of the Jewish head of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel — a “complete lack of physical evidence” to prove that the Holocaust happened.
Thus what became the official Holocaust™ was cynically planned long in advance by a cabal of elite Zionist Jews and their Freemason lackeys — where they combined the alleged industrial-scale mass extermination of 6 Million Jews as the raison d’etre to gain world sympathy for the establishment of the ersatz state of Israel directly following World War II.

Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), Victor Cavendish-Bentick in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943,
“We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it? So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running.”
–Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, ‘Inside the South African Reserve Bank’.
Ghost of Irma Grese. Irma accused of crimes in Auschwitz main witnesses admit lying after Irma’s death. Sgt. and Corporal court marshalled refused to take her to gallows- Ronald Cook Hangman refused to hang her and shot himself at home that night.
What Did the British Intelligence Service Know about the Holocaust?
In view of the fact that the messages from Auschwitz contain no mention of gas chambers or mass murders, the real question is: what was there really for anybody to “know” about? In other words: was there any Holocaust at all? Regardless of the general belief that hardly any historical event has ever been so thoroughly “proven,” one must, once again, expressly point out that, until the present, not one single material or documentary proof for the reality of any mass killings in gas chambers has ever been found. The only thing that exists,is mutually contradictory “eyewitness testimonies” and “confessions,” which can,at least in the latter case, easily be shown to have been given under duress.
There was video that was on youtube where a jewish lady admits, “we were told to lie about the holocaust”. In other words, go along with a phony work of fiction admitting it was made up. If i had a video download software at the time, I would of downloaded it. When i did get a video downloader software, i could not find the video again .
The Missing Holocaust
Bruno Baum Auschwitz propaganda- majority written by ourselves.
Dr Kautsky Auschwitz and other camps never saw anything that resembled gas chambers.
Sefton Delmer – Propaganda-Won the War .
His parents were from Australia ,and they had Jewish heritage.
Missing from your link for Sefton Delmar, is that he actually toured the Reichstag with Göring an the evening of the fire. He noted that Ven der Lubbe (who later confessed) was caught by the Berlin police in the building, and the only others in the building were Reichstag members fro the KDP (communists). At no time did he suggest, like others, that the fire was a NSDAP false flag. Hitler hater and Zionist skeptic was miffed that Delmar had “scooped” him.
A slight error, or minimally mis-direction, in the link is the Hitler “lost” the election. Proportional representation voting systems rarely yield a majority for one party, as was, and is, the case in Germany. At the time, the President appointed the Chancellor, and although the NSDAP won the most seats in the Reichstag, the President was not obligated to appoint the leader of that party as Chancellor.
‘Jews have never allowed to be exhumed to confirm the presence of these murdered Jews.’ This is apparently because it would violate the general rule about not exhuming burials but exceptions can be made to this rule. Many people have been re-intered in Israel many years after death. Theodore Herzel buried in Austria 1904 relocated to Israel 45 years later
So I wondered what would make good cause for a Rabbi to allow the up digging up a body/ies. And one of the first good reasons given by a Jewish authority is because the cadaver has been buried with a lot of jewellery or cash. No kidding!
But among the other reasons is to allow: ‘(so that) War dead buried in national cemeteries may be reinterred in Jewish cemeteries at home.’
Seems scandalously discriminatory that a proper Jewish burial is allowed for some Jewish war victims but not for those that died in the Holocaust.
The ongoing coverup. It is pure Sophisim.
You can find a great archive of actual newspaper and book clippings claiming the 6 million Jews will be “annihilated” by the Germans in WW2 here…..jewish “prophecy” come “true”:
The Holocaust is not a historical event. It is a religion. It is Judaism. As a religion it can never be challenged because it is a matter of faith, not a historical fact to be debated.
For secular, non-religious Jews, the Holocaust is the foundation of their Jewish identity. Without it, Jews are nobody. With it, Jews supplant Jesus Christ as the new messiah.
From “The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism” by Ben Weintraub:
“The Holocaust is a dogma or tenet of the doctrine of Judaism, as preached in the second half of the twentieth century.
“This hypothesis may be speedily proved by turning to page 9 of the Contents of the revised edition of “JUDAISM: The Classic Introduction to One of the Great Religions of the Modem World, An Anthology of the Key Spiritual Writings of the Jewish Tradition” where The Holocaust is listed under “Doctrine” (see “Definitions” section in this book)….
“A corollary of the fundamental premise above is that The Holocaust is the inspired result of rabbinical thought necessary for the fulfillment of prophecy.
“Unlike science which proceeds from an observed phenomenon, carefully documented and repeatedly verified, Jewish prophesying declares events beforehand, and then, most importantly for our century, works indefatigably to make its predictions come true.
“Naturally, disgrace is the result of having predicted what did not happen. The rabbis cannot tolerate the scientific questioning and disproof of the Holocaust as it would put their prophesying into a ridiculous position.”
I guess that is why “religious” Jew Dennis Prager claims that holocaust deniers will literally go to hell….as non-believers….
I think your argument needs to be repeated for emphasis for they substantively support a very credible hypothesis. You say:-
“A corollary of the fundamental premise above is that The Holocaust is the inspired result of rabbinical thought necessary for the fulfilment of prophecy.”
The Rabbinical thought which inspires the holocaust Dogma is the Sabbatean Frankist Kabbalism, which is the undercurrent that influences Modern Judaism. This Kabbalism, embraces the principle of “Descent For The Purpose Of Ascent” which is borrowed from “Jacobs Ladder” It requires “The Messiah” to don the garments of a “Marrano” and go un notices, and he “corrects holy sparks” from “Killepoth” Meaning, that the “Messiah” assumes all shades and colours. And that is why the Sabbateans/Frankists had “prophesied” that there was a war which was coming, and the Jews were warned that unless they joined the “Religion of Essau” (Meaning, assume gentile character) they would be annihilated. Those who did not heed, were all the Jews who were This was part of the many such “prophesies”
Your second point is also relevant in order to show why one may arrive at a very radical conclusion.
You say;
“Unlike science which proceeds from an observed phenomenon, carefully documented and repeatedly verified, Jewish prophesying declares events beforehand, and then, most importantly for our century, works indefatigably to make its predictions come true.”
So, I ask, if the Jews (especially the Elite Jews) “work indefatigably to make its predictions come true,” how then, were they to make the prophesy come true, if Hitler did not come into the scene? So, we must examine your last logical hypothesis, that:-
“Naturally, disgrace is the result of having predicted what did not happen. The rabbis cannot tolerate the scientific questioning and disproof of the Holocaust as it would put their prophesying into a ridiculous position.”
So, somehow, the “Holocaust” had to happen. Therefore, you gotta ask yourself, “Was is just a coincidence that Hitler wanted to “Annihilate” the Jews” and Zionists needed a “Holocaust”? Was it just a coincidence that Hitler wanted the Jews out of Europe, and the Zionists wanted the Jews to populate Palestine?
Is it just a coincidence that Hitler just happened to be convinced that only Labour Zionist was the best representative of the Jews in Europe, while he made all other Zionists organizations illegal in Germany?
Is it just a coincidence that the terror tactics were favourable for both the Zionists and the Nazi?
What a fortuitous confidence! What………indeed!
Bre-Rabbit, if you are insinuating that Hitler “was in on it”, you are way off base.
Theodore Herzl said that “antisemites will be our best friends” — meaning that Zionist Jews would help foment the appearance of antisemitism to scare Jews into fleeing for Palestine. In that sense Hitler did them a favor, not because he was “in on it” but rather they needed him to convince Jews to leave because they had failed to do so through their own idealistic appeals for a Zionist state.
Being the opportunists that they are, Zionist Jews took advantage of Hitler’s desire to rid Germany of its “Jewish problem” through physical relocation. That is what gave rise to the Havaara Agreement to resettle them in Palestine.
In “Mein Kampf” Hitler made it very clear that he did not support the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine — so that is not the reason he agreed to let them relocate there. He wrote:
“For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim [gentile]. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”
Gen. Walker; I will say like Sir Conan Doyle,
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” ( Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes, in The Sign Of Four)
It is impossible that Hitler did not know that Jewish International Bankers ruled the world by proxy.
It is impossible that He did not understand that Jewish International Bankers were more dangerous than ordinary Jews.
It is impossible that Jewish International Bankers were helpless in preventing Hitler raise to power, and they could only wring their hands in despair.
It is impossible that Hitler did not know that some of those who helped him were agents of International Jews.
Bre-Rabbit writes “It is impossible that Hitler did not know that some of those who helped him were agents of International Jews.”
I can agree with everything but your last line here.
Where’s your proof? Name one person who was an “agent of International Jews” who helped with Hitler’s rise to power. Name one person he could have suspected yet looked the other way.
Explain how two Rothschilds ended up in arrested by the NS, and one was put in a concentration camp.
Gen. Walker, Some Historians who are quite of repute, insinuated that Hitler was on it.
Here is what Anthony Sutton states;
“In October 1931, Warburg received a letter from Hitler which he passed on to Carter at Guaranty Trust Company, and subsequently another bankers’ meeting was called at the Guaranty Trust Company offices. Opinions at this meeting were divided. “Sidney Warburg” reported that Rockefeller, Carter, and McBean were for Hitler, while the other financiers were uncertain. Montague Norman of the Bank of England and Glean of Royal Dutch Shell argued that the $10 million already spent on Hitler was too much, that Hitler would never act. The meeting finally agreed in principle to assist Hitler further, and Warburg again undertook a courier assignment and went back to Germany.
On this trip Warburg reportedly discussed German affairs with “a Jewish banker” in Hamburg, with an industrial magnate, and other Hitler supporters. One meeting was with banker von Heydt and a “Luetgebrunn.” The latter stated that the Nazi storm troopers were incompletely equipped and the S.S. badly needed machine guns, revolvers, and carbines. In the next Warburg-Hitler meeting, Hitler argued that “the Soviets cannot miss our industrial products yet. We will give credit, and if I am not able to deflate France myself, then the Soviets will help me.” Hitler said he had two plans for takeover in Germany: (a) the revolution plan, and (b), the legal takeover plan. The first plan would be a matter of three
months, the second plan a matter of three years. Hitler was quoted as saying, “revolution costs five hundred million marks, legal takeover costs two hundred million marks — what will your bankers decide?”(See Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler; By Antony C. Sutton)
Bre …….
Anthony Sutton was/is a jewish gate keeper.
I wouldn’t trust him. “Eat the Meat, spit out the Bones”
That being said, I think this argument over Hitler is a waste of time and a distraction to what that entire conflict revealed — International Jewish Power and Control.
But why do you care whether Hitler was in on it or not?
From a personal perspective — I believe its a much harder sell to our Normy White Brethren.
Because, isn’t that our ultimate goal — to wake up our White friends, family and neighbors???
Bre-Rabbit, you didn’t bother to check Anthony Sutton’s source for this disinformation – “Sidney Warburg” a man who never existed, and the book about Hitler was a well-known hoax from the time it was published. It was withdrawn by the publisher immediately.
And the German who endorsed it, Franz von Papen, had a falling out with Hitler, so he had motivation to discredit Hitler by endorsing this book in his memoirs.
Many believed at the time and even now believe that “Sidney Warburg” was a pseudonym for Otto Strasser, again, one of Hitler’s political enemies, a communist and purported homosexual. He obviously had an axe to grind.
No one except people with political agendas to undermine Hitler consider this book a reliable source, and Anthony Sutton’s book isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.
Some call it “Holocaustianity”. I call it Judaism.
If the holocaust is a doctrine of Judaism and Zionism, then using public money to promote it is a violation of “church and state”. Promoting “holocaust education” is tantamount to promoting Judaism.
The Jews need to return all the money the US taxpayers have given, against their will, for every holocaust museum and every holocaust event, and educational course.
Pay up.
Right to the point Joe. Right to the point.
As the Talmud, Sanhedrin 98b exults, “It will be difficult to remove the Gentiles from their position without inflicting much suffering….when in the days of messiah the Jews are destined to eat their fill.”
The Jewish people are “the Messiah.”
(Talmud Ilia)