A new study out of Denmark to be published in the Annual Review of Political Science concludes that the mantra ‘diversity is our strength’ is, in fact, the exact opposite of reality, that ethnically diverse societies become weak and atomized:
Does ethnic diversity erode social trust? Continued immigration and corresponding growing ethnic diversity have prompted this essential question for modern societies, but few clear answers have been reached in the sprawling literature.
Taking this as point of departure, this article reviews the existing literature on the relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust through a narrative review and a meta-analysis of 1,001 estimates from 87 studies.
The review clarifies the core concepts, highlights pertinent debates, and tests core claims from the literature on the relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust.
Several results stand out from the meta-analysis. We find a statistically significant negative relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust across all studies.
The relationship is stronger for trust in neighbors, and when studied in more local contexts. Covariate conditioning generally changes the relationship only slightly. The review concludes by discussing avenues for future research.
The powerful money interests that promote diversity do so not because it is indeed ‘our strength’ but rather because it creates division, tension, and conflict, all of which are essential to their ‘divide and rule’ strategy. White Christian hegemonic societies are very difficult to infiltrate and undermine, which is why Jewish groups especially have been relentlessly promoting and supporting massive and unrestricted Third World immigration.
This study also makes it abundantly clear that pro-diversity propaganda, or ‘covariate conditioning’, has very little impact on creating social trust and cohesion which is permanently destroyed by diversity. And Whites as a group will not respond to public shaming for not embracing diversity; instead they will quietly sell their homes in the face of creeping diversity and move to another area where the “schools are better.”
The Jews would do well heed the advice of Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’ which warns, “Never chase after a retreating enemy army, leave opening for a surrounded enemy army, never pressure a desperate enemy army. This is the art of war.” If the Jews force the White race into a situation where they have no choice but to fight the encroaching enemy, they will unleash a fury that they will not be able to control with their empty slogans like ‘Diversity is our strength.”
Diversity is our Enemy, multiculturalism does not work, it is a social experiment. Look around your cities and see how it is divided into little cultural ghettos. East Indians live in a majority of one area, like Mill-woods in Edmonton, Alberta. It is becoming like this everywhere, Diversity is an experiment that will cause chaos in the end.
I would like to comment as Jew – This Jew conspiracy nonsense is pure bullshit. Israel suffers from the same globalist agenda that infects the western world.
Funded by traitors like George Soros, and globalist *European* funds, the diversity bullshit is pushed into Israel, the Jewish homeland, too.
By “isreal” do you mean Zionist occupied Palestine? It sounds like Palestine is having a diversity crisis of its own
Sounds like something a Jew would say
As a Christian, I am with you. For anyone who believes Jews are the ones practicing divide and conquer, please try the following experiment.
Each time you read a defense of our society and traditions, note the ethnicity and nationality of the author. Do this for a week. What you’ll find, supposing you aren’t exclusively on Christian sites, what you’ll find is at least 30% of the writers are ethnic Jews.
The reason for this is 30% of American Jews are conservative / Republican and 70% are liberal. In Israel, those percentages are exactly reversed.
The reason 70% of Jews are liberal in America is historical and is too complex to be expressed with my thumb one letter at a time. Suffice to say the brightest of these are waking up to what is happening in America and are becoming our leading lights and biggest guns.
This is about globalism vs republicanism, fantasists vs realists, elitists vs populists, collectivists vs respect for individual conscience.
Jews are especially effective and able across the board within the wheelhouse of intellectually-oriented culture. Thus the disproportionate representation. It works both for and against us. This gives rise to the illusion that X is something Jews are doing.
The solution is to not desert our commitment to understanding the locus of accountability in the individual soul. We white men are not all the same ( you might have noticed) and so it is with Jews. Each of us has an individual soul and an individual conscience.
The parents of that white child in the photograph should be prosecuted for child abuse.
How can ‘diversity is our strength’ agendas have any traction when the obvious end result is the elimination of ‘diversity’? (((Lies and sorcery)))
A world of mud colored people – how diversly ‘multicultural’…
Correct! David Duke who has been much maligned makes it clear that the way to maintain diversity is through separation. Do birds of a feather flock together? Yes they do. They don’t mix. Nature is wise!
What most people fail to understand is that they’re looking at this “from the wrong side”.
Perhaps for the first time in history, the jews are actually telling the truth when they say “diversity is (((our))) strength”.
By paying primitives to come to our countries, the devil’s vermin are exercising THEIR strength in destroying our lands, our cultures and our people without having to lift a finger.
Diversity is not OUR strength, but (((theirs))).
But… But… What about all the lovely restaurants, ethnic markets, and enclaves? Whites had no culture or distinct cuisine until the generous third worlders generously shared their ways with us, you know? And let’s not forget the avant-garde adoption of insects as a protein source by Asians, Africans, aborigines, and South Amerindians. We need to live like them if we want to save the environment. Whites have brought only destruction into this world.
Unfortunately, many Americans still hold these positions. I’m positive that it’s going to take even more diversity and “cultural enrichment” before we no longer hear such pathetic and ridiculous arguments.
this is the reverse racism that needs to be met with appropriate response.. no culture or distinct cuisine? Steak & eggs, hot dogs, cotton candy, cracker jacks county fairs, back yard BBQs, cajun food and little league baseball etc etc etc…. You are just one of many jealous & vengeful “minorities” and foreigners that want to see whitey dead… you want to take over now and steal the things the “white devil” built because you 1) are poor losers still bitter from being conquered in a time of conquerors , and 2) are also a hate filled, vengeful & savage people who are empty inside