(History vs Hollywood) Black Africans were involved in slavery long before the White man ever set foot in sub-saharan Africa — and when the White man finally did arrive in Africa, they found that Africans widely used their fellow enslaved Blacks literally as money — a form of exchange — and their tribal wealth and power were based on that lucrative inter-tribal slave market.
But the Jews of Hollywood have hidden this inconvenient truth from Blacks in the West — they’ve also told Blacks that the “evil” and “racist” White man ran the slave trade, when in fact it was largely the Jews themselves who financed and benefited from it. The southern port city of Charleston was the capital of Jewish power and wealth in America, largely built on this trade in black flesh. And the Jews were more than happy to let the “white man” take the blame for what they had, in fact, largely orchestrated themselves.
The “noble” history of Blacks in Africa is largely a fiction created by condescending Marxists in the West — aided and abetted by Jews to create artificial racial tensions between “dispossessed” Blacks and their White “exploiters.”
One of the greatest of ironies in the film is that many of the weapons these “fierce” female warriors used — swords and guns — were acquired from White traders in exchange for Black Slaves who ended up in the New World — no Black tribes had the skill and technology on their own to produce such advanced weapons necessary to fight in these large battles, especially against the well-armed Europeans.
So we shouldn’t be surprised when kosher Hollywood churns out woke black fantasy shtick like 2022’s “The Woman King” — which falsely portrays Black female warriors of the Dahomey tribe as “anti-slavery” when, in fact, the Dahomey were the biggest slave traders on the continent — and it was the white British “colonizers” who tried to put an end to the Black-on-Black slave trade which the Dahomey — along with many other African tribes — fought tooth and nail to resist.
…Viola Davis’ character was significantly fictionalized when compared to the real-life female generals of Dahomey. For example, General Seh-Dong-Hong-Beh….commanded the Agojie during at least part of the reign of King Ghezo….In 1851, Seh-Dong-Hong-Beh led an army of 6,000 Dahomey female warriors against the Egba fortress of Abeokuta in order to obtain slaves for the Dahomey slave trade. The battle took its toll on the Agojie. Their swords, spears, and bows were largely ineffective against Egba’s European cannons. Only about 1,200 Agojie warriors survived the lengthy battle. Her actions contradict the anti-slavery stance of Nanisca in the movie….
…The fictional General Nanisca (Viola Davis) is staunchly opposed to slave trading in the film, which seems to be a bit of an exaggeration of the Agojie’s actual stance at the time….[The] Agojie had a history of participating in slave raids. Even after Britain succeeded in stopping the Kingdom of Dahomey from engaging in the overseas slave trade, Dahomey still kept slaves to work its palm plantations. Each Agoji woman also had slaves of her own. When an Agoji warrior left the palace, they were preceded by a slave girl who rang a bell to let others know they were approaching. Citizens were to keep at a distance and look away from the women warriors. To touch the Agoji meant death.
…[However, in] real life, the Dahomey are much more the villains than the heroes. The Kingdom of Dahomey was a bloodthirsty society bent on conquest. It was customary for the Dahomey to return home with the rotting heads and genitals of those they killed in battle. They conquered neighboring African states and took their citizens as slaves, selling many in the Atlantic slave trade in exchange for items like rifles, tobacco, and alcohol. Many of the slaves they sold ended up in America. They also kept some slaves for themselves to work on royal plantations. The business of slavery is what brought Dahomey most of its wealth. For them, it very much came down to either enslave others or become enslaved yourself.
The Agojie (women warriors) fought in slave raids along with the male fighters. There are accounts of Dahomey warriors conducting slave raids on villages where they cut the heads off of the elderly and rip the bottom jaw bones off others. During the raids, they’d burn the villages to the ground. Those who they let live, including the children, were taken captive and sold as slaves. The movie strategically downplays this part of Dahomey’s history, so as to not complicate the story with the truth.
Each year in Dahomey, roughly 500 slaves and criminals were mass executed in large-scale human sacrifices during the religious ceremonies of a festival known as the Annual Customs of Dahomey. Most were sacrificed by way of decapitation, a method of killing widely used by the Dahomean kings. The 1727 Annual Customs of the Dahomey ceremony reportedly saw as many as 4,000 people sacrificed….
…Ghezo was King of Dahomey from 1818 to 1858 and was known for his military reform. It’s true that under his rule, the Agojie (Dahomey female warriors) became a significant part of the Dahomean military, expanding from roughly 600 women to as many as 6,000. While colonization by the Europeans was indeed a concern, it didn’t escalate until after King Ghezo’s reign. Territorial disputes with the French that began in 1863 led to the First Franco-Dahomean War in 1890 and the Second Franco-Dahomean War in 1892. Dahomey was defeated by the French in 1894 and the kingdom became French Dahomey, a colony of France.
The Kingdom of Dahomey had attained most of its wealth through the slave trade and King Ghezo was a strong proponent of slavery. He had risen to power though a coup with the help of Brazilian slave trader Francisco Félix de Sousa. Dahomey took the people of neighboring African regions it conquered and sold them in the overseas slave trade. They also kept slaves for themselves to work on the royal plantations. King Ghezo reportedly told the British, “The slave trade has been the ruling principle of my people. It is the source of their glory and wealth. Their songs celebrate their victories and the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery” (from “The Fortunes of Africa”).
In reality, the main conflict with white Europeans during King Ghezo’s reign came through the efforts of the British to bring an end to the Atlantic slave trade, in which the Kingdom of Dahomey was a major player. The British had to blockade the ports of Dahomey in order to put a stop to the Atlantic slave trade. Even after promising to end the slave trade in 1852, the year after the British imposed the blockade, King Ghezo resumed trading slaves in 1857. To this end, King Ghezo and the Kingdom of Dahomey are the villains of the true story.
…Actor Hero Fiennes Tiffin’s character, the villain Santo Ferreira, is a white slave trader who speaks Portuguese and is looking for strong black laborers (slaves) to take back to Brazil. While he doesn’t seem to have a direct real-life counterpart, he was possibly loosely inspired by Brazilian slave trader Francisco Félix de Sousa, who in real life wasn’t an enemy but rather helped King Ghezo rise to power. To return the favor, King Ghezo made de Sousa the principal trade official at the port of Whydah. de Sousa became a key figure in the Dahomey slave trade and the de Sousa family had a significant amount of political influence during Ghezo’s reign…
…Depicting the Dahomey as heroes or the “good guys” is quite a stretch, especially given their lucrative role in the slave trade and King Ghezo’s reluctance to put an end to it. The Dahomey were brutal conquerors who enslaved their enemies and sold most of them for profit. They thrived on slavery, and it was the source of most of the kingdom’s wealth. In fact, many slaves that they sold or traded were sent to America in the transatlantic slave trade. While the film acknowledges this troubling part of Dahomey’s history, it creates the fictional Nanisca (Viola Davis) to stand against it, a character that didn’t exist in real life.
“Israeli President Isaac Herzog went on CNN with Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday to announce he’s “extremely pleased” with Kanye “Ye” West being canceled for making “anti-Semitic” remarks and revealed he personally met with President Biden at the White House to discuss Ye’s “anti-Semitism.”
“ADL keeps posting pro-jewish bullshit on Twitter”
Access to Banks
Kayne – Student Awakening
Bible – Kayne
Kayne – Jew Cancel list
Kayne Can’t breathe
“Kanye opened a door”
Black Evil spurred on by Jews,
Who can it be now, transporting third world to US.
Ah… race war.
Just one more tool
in the Jew arsenal.
In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves. The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation.
Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000.
In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860, 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings. In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners.
Fact 5: In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the US census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves. Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
The figures show conclusively that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters in pre-Civil War America. The statistics outlined above show that about 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves—as opposed to less than 4.8 percent of southern whites, and dramatically more than the 1.4 percent of all white Americans who owned slaves.
Jews want to dominate Blacks Itsvan Bakony.
In Curaçao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.P17Jewish Pirate, Jean Laffite
The smuggling business boomed after the United States prohibition on imported Africans in 1808 opened a feverish activity in the Mexican gulf area as the price for a Black male.soared from $300 to $1,000 in New Orleans. Plantation owners from all along the Mississippi River and its tributaries arrived to purchase more and more slaves in the clandestine trade.Jewish pirate Jean Laffite smuggled goods and slaves into Louisiana, about 50 miles west of New Orleans. From that station, river craft transported the slaves and merchandise north to St. Louis and to nearby New Orleans.328 Laffite, whose enterprise spanned the Caribbean, marshalled the forces of the area’s maritime thugs in a massive operation against free trade. Rabbi Sharfman described the organizational process:
… Jean Laffite noted that instead of taking advantage of the principle of supply and demand, the buccaneer captains… in rivalry, stole each other’s blacks, and offered prime males for sale at a mere dollar a pound. Accusations and arguments between them would soon result in open warfare that threatened the very existence of Barataria. It was then that the fighting captains agreed to unite under Jean Laffite. Standing on a hillside before a motley assemblage of almost 500 sabre-rattling sea robbers and cut-throats, knife-and-gun-brandishing felons and desperados, the Jewish Creole dandy stood firm, yet relaxed, speaking in his gentlemanly fashion.P65
Text version of above audio book as orig. has been corrupted by you can guess!Down load Zip file..
Jean Laffite was a cutthroat kike? I am surprised that they no longer teach about him in US schools then.
Paying $1,000 dollars, in real currency, for a negro?! An old Southern proverb was that it takes 2 slaves to help a third do nothing, and American Renaissance has period pieces for how inefficient black slaves were. Apparently plantation owners had to buy fortified tools for the negroes to use as they would otherwise break the tools for a laugh.
If kikes hadn’t imported nogs and done the devil’s work of tempting Whites into paying through the nose for them, we would have invented the tractor at least century sooner.
Jews who were kicked out of Spain and Portugal celebrate their 400 years of their barbarity enslaving Africans in Suriname, part of the story that people don’t know much about because of the language https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Suriname
“The Sinister Cabal Behind Race-Mixing Commercials”
“Just four Jewish owned mega-corporations control the vast majority of all advertising agencies. The Omnicom Group of New York, WPP of London, Publicis of Paris, and Interpublic of New York are the key corporations in the West.
The New York Times states that these companies are so powerful “they can indirectly set network television schedules and starve magazines to death or help them to flourish,” by deciding how and when to spend advertising dollars. Each company owns dozens if not hundreds of smaller agencies; Omnicom has bought over 150 firms alone.
Globalist CEO John Wren currently heads Omnicom Group. Omnicom was founded by Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard, and John Bernbach, all three are Jewish and promote the exclusivity of Jews ~ but work hard to destroy ethnic-European ethnicity.”
“The War Against Whites in Advertising”
“The mass-marketing of interracial relationships, particularly white women with black men, has become so ubiquitous and so militant, even the least observant members of our culture have begun to notice.”
“The War on Whites in Advertising: A Follow-Up”
“The first thing I found when researching this one was that the advertisement was not one that the Coca-Cola Company (which own Sprite) ran in Germany or elsewhere. The commercial was, in fact, a speculative advertisement, or “spec ad.”
Spec ads are independently-produced advertisements that have not been commissioned or requested by a company. They are a way for those working in the advertising industry to boost their portfolio or win contracts with prospective employers by showcasing their skills. Spec ads are the equivalent of a “writing sample” in some ways, but can serve as a way to shift advertising trends while pushing social norms….”.
“In the Land of Blind Dupes the one-eyed Jewish psychopath is King.”
“The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ~ Max Horkheimer, Marxist Jew of the Frankfurt School
Jews are white but they hate the White people, they seek first to rule them and then to destroy them. Masons are mostly, but not always, White and they do whatever is demanded of them by their head Freemasons, which is controlled by World Jewry.”
[SEE: Valkyr @ April 15, 2015 @ 6:57 pm]
“Proof Ashkenazim Jews Have Always Been Racial Separatists”
“The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews”
“Blacks and Jews Singing About killing White Men”
“Reportings of the murders of whites by blacks are purposely underreported”
“In every year that statistics exist, blacks have killed at least TWICE as many whites as the other way around. This is while black males make up less than 6% of the US population. Blacks are 12 times more likely to rob whites than vice versa. Half of all carjackings perpetrators are black. Blacks even disproportionately commit hate crimes.”
“Jews Selling Blacks”
“The Truly Horrific, Racist Mass Murder in America! — No It’s Not Against Blacks!”
“Rahm Emanuel’s New Police Chief Sucking up to Blacks- blames 2nd amendment, The Man, Sarah Palin for Crime in Chicago” [June 27, 2011]
“A mob of African-American male youths terrorized White residents of Peoria, Illinois as they shouted “kill all the White people” while rioting in the downtown area late Saturday night.”
The leftist media likes to report on domestic terrorist acts performed by Whites, but they will hide terrorist acts performed by sub-Saharan Africans and Arab Moslems.
Slavery was Legally Established in America—by a freed African slave named Anthony Johnson:
Anthony Johnson also owned White slaves.
Importing African slaves was the road to upward social mobility for many black slave owners in America.
“By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.”
I read about black-on-black slave trade some years ago. Also with my original facebook profile, I ran groups where people shared news items and information articles of interest, some found it helpful.
Anyway this black-on-black slavery is not new to me, you know where the phrase “sold down the river” comes from black-on-black slavery where slaves were sold shipped down the river. It’s expected for “jewood” to distort the truth like they do. They like to steal other people’s identity and like to blame whites for their crimes.
People call me names like Jew troll but I keep telling it like it is….. “They like to steal other people’s identity and like to blame whites for their crimes” because Whites enable them. The political persecution and torture of Julian Assange is a perfect example. Julian Assange exposed the corruption and war crimes of the racist Zionist supremacist Jews who dictate American foreign policy, but Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Hillary Clinton and a host of others Republican’s and Democrats walk in lock step with their fascist imperialist world domination agenda. Obama who was put in the White house by the racist supremacist Zionist Jews in America, put the saga in motion. Christians (White people) compromised their own principles to please the racist supremacist Jews and they just can’t get enough of it.
We Thought They Were White – Jews and the Slave Trade:
It must be a great job to be a Jew looking through black history & deciding “Which horrible acts did they commit that I am going to blame on white people & make a movie out of today?”
Somebody thought I was joking but I read this article years ago when I was still in racist Bolshevik communist Zionist apartheid bastion New York. Originally published in the Washington Post, and adapted from a Rosh Hashanah sermon delivered at Adas Israel Congregation by rabbi Gil Steinlauf….
“In a flawed and racist society, we Jewish Americans are prospering, reaching the top echelons of privilege and power. With racism and injustice entrenched year after year, generation after generation, we must now ask ourselves: What role do we play in that injustice now that most of us live as white people in America? We must cease to consider ourselves to be part of the social construct of whiteness, despite all the white privilege that America affords us, privilege that eluded many of our parents and grandparents. Starting in this new year of 5776,
we must teach our children that we are, in fact, not white, but simply Jewish.”
“The brilliance of being Jewish, though, is that we stubbornly refuse to fit into any social construct of power or oppression. We are simply Ivri’im, people from “somewhere else,” people who struggle with God and justice, who demand that the rest of the world does, too,”
Somebody did humanity a service by putting it in the public domain. The rest of the world especially Europeans need to know what “the brilliance of being Jewish” does to Blacks and Whites people in America.
Kanye West is upsetting the planned Black v White race war being perpetuated by the Jews to cover up their major role in slavery.
When Blacks find out that Jews were the biggest slavers, it will get interesting.
Kanye going off of the reservation has been interesting, though it seems like he has already been memory-holed. Hopefully blacks will develop discernment between Whites and Jews.
I did see that (((Ben Shapiro))) made a short video on Kanye’s comments, where he used the term “anti-semetic” more than 10 times to refer to them, even though Kanye’s tweet specifically explained why he is not anti-semetic. Seems to me that if Kanye says he isn’t AS, but (((Ben))) says Kanye is AS, then (((Ben))) should have to give a reason why. Naturally, he did not.
Yeezy’s got brass balls for sure. I hope they don’t do to Ye what they did to Malcolm X & MLK.
But they’re arrogant enough to think they can get away with murdering anudda Black leader.
The genie is out of the bottle and its not going back in. I lived and learned through experience how the racist Jewish Zionist supremacist play the game in America and blame White people for their crimes against humanity. I questioned why I had to go through those horrible experiences but I now know why. What I experienced at the hands of Jews in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and New York, USA who constantly cry victim of antisemitism prepared me to tell the story about the cruelty of Jews who from the comfort of the Kingdom of the Netherlands put in motion the trans-Atlantic slave-trade that they blame on Christians….my country is at the center of this 400 years of Jews selling Africans as cattle and enriching themselves through that exploitation.
Rotten Tomatoes got caught faking positive reviews with bots….
Allegedly some black actresses hired for The Woman King found out the black heroes were actually actively engaged in the slave trade and quit the production.
The article mentions “Portuguese” slave trader Francisco Félix de Souza who traded with the King Ghezo of the Dahomey Africans:
The de Souza family allegedly descended from Portuguese royalty, but one look at his portrait will tell you he’s part sephardic Jew. And de Souza is a common sephardic surname:
This makes sense because sephardic Jews ran the slave trade. But of course the movie portrays de Souza as a very white European looking man….
Another so called “woke” negro film to be released around the middle of November this year is “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.” Wakanda is a fictional world where Negroes are superior to all mankind. ( I don’t consider the Negro a human; but a beast).
Just like Negroes claimed to have built the pyramids, and they could fly until the White man had taken it from them. Right, just too much jenkem huffing.
Negroes have no history. Never invented anything on their own. Everything was given to them by White settlers. When the White man was forced to leave or on their own, whatever was given to the savages fell into disrepair, just like the cities in the U.S.
The only history they have known: from chains to handcuffs.
South African Jokes