A large group of African migrants has gathered at the U.S.-Mexico border where they are demanding asylum hearings so they can enter the country:
Hundreds of Africans protested at a Mexican customs office near the Laredo International Bridge, local outlet KGNS reports.
One man told reporters that he and fellow Africans have been in Mexico for a month, and are frustrated that officials are not doing enough to facilitate their entry to the U.S., alleging that priority is being given to Cuban migrants.
“We are worried because at the shelters, the Cubans are paying and us Africans, we can’t,” the man said. “We don’t understand what’s happening.”
“There are so many people, not enough space. If you take your camera, you’ll see – it’s so bad,” he said of the migrant facilities in Mexico.
Customs and Border Patrol issued a statement on the matter, saying, “The number of inadmissible individuals CBP is able to process varies based upon case complexity; available resources; medical needs; translation requirements; holding/detention space; overall port volume; and ongoing enforcement actions.”
“Port of entry facilities were not designed to hold hundreds of people at a time who may be seeking asylum. And we are also charged with keeping the flow of legitimate trade and travel.”
One America News Network (OAN) cites National Border Patrol Council VP Art Del Cueto in confirming that there is indeed a surge of Cuban nationals at the southern border, along with a swell of Chinese and African migrants, although it is unclear how they are traveling to Mexico.
“About 4,500 Cubans are staying in Juarez, Mexico, as they wait for their asylum claims to be heard, but Cubans are just part of the story,” OAN reports.
“Agents in the Rio Grande Valley sector are coming in contact with increasing numbers of Chinese nationals and even migrants from a number of African nations as the word gets out about what some, including President Trump, would call America’s ‘weak immigration laws.’”
So these invaders (and yes, this is literally an invasion) aren’t just from Latin America but rather from every region of the world where apparently word has gotten out that the southern border of America is literally open for business, and that “business” is unrestricted Third World “immigration” at levels much higher than under the uber-liberal Obama administration. How is it that after all of Trump’s tough talk on border security in the last three years, the border has become more symbolic than literal?
At this point we must assume that the Trump administration is intentionally flooding America with the Third World in order to create a “crisis” which will be solved by passing more draconian “reforms” that will take away even more freedoms from the American people in the name of “national security”. And, of course, such a porous border will inevitably let in thousands of potential terrorists and other assorted violent criminal types who will use weapons in violent crimes which will be cited as another reason to restrict our Second Amendment rights. It’s a nation-wrecking “win-win” for both political parties.
The Process of Making a Slave Nation – Anti-Zionism is Now the New Anti-Semitism.
Trump “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers EVER”
The Jews and Weaponized Immigration
The jews are notorious con-artists and flimflam men. They are expert at disguising their anti-White agenda behind euphemisms that sound altruistic, and hiding their nation-wrecking behind two-faced, moralistic preening. In typical jewish fashion, the purpose of the positive propaganda terminology that inevitably accompanies all kosher degeneracy campaigns is both offensive and defensive: unthinking good goyim accept at face value the semitic bloviations, while the jews can also use their self-described (and disingenuous) compassion to vilify any opposition as cruel, unfeeling, and hateful. This despicable and evil strategy allows the jews to avoid any debate over the substance of the destructive ideologies they promote, and their genocidal consequences for Whites. Any negative reaction is instantly met with shrieking, near-hysterical ad hominem attacks, and the poisonous effects of the kosher machinations are left to further necrotize the remaining vestiges of healthy White societies.
Africa is a what 30 something hour ride and expensive. Who is paying for their flight or did they sail here? Besides the dummies are people under a spell, sorcery? Must be because no one is asking the right questions. The country they are coming to full of “free” people, the average person couldn’t afford a coast to coast flight or even half way and they are gainfully employed. But these poor,poor migrants somehow made it all the way from Africa. Miracle! someone should really ask how they managed it
John Kepler
“Thousands of Africans, Chinese & Cubans Flooding Porous US Border With Mexico”
Ezekial 38:4 is my joy. This headline is simply a reprint of a prophesy. Yahweh is building an army of bastards and devils to surround the encampment of the Saints. Yahweh will put hooks into their jaws and drag them here for our punishment…spots in our feast (our punishment)… This is not news, and moreover these events are a great joy to see it happening before my eyes!
John Kepler wrote, “This is not news…”
Of course not, as Scripture makes clear, “There is nothing new under the sun.” This has happened to White kingdoms in the past, but there was always somewhere else for our people to go, i.e., “White flight”. Because the Jews will not tolerate us being a “holy” and “separate” people, they have followed us to the ends of the earth throughout history, feverishly plotting our demise, forcing these cankerworms into every nook and cranny of true Zion. Joel 1:4, Nahum 3:15
Trump’s cosying up to influential Jews is nothing more than paving the way to future business associations once he leaves politics. Trump is a morally corrupt (and a very poor excuse for a) politician.
This may explain his motives
Those bastards are protesting and demanding?!?!?!?! Foreign invaders demanding to be allowed to invade a country and be given room, board and celLphones… WHY is the military not there repelling the invasion and defending our borders as is their only real duty? Or why aren”t there just land mines? And who is paying them? Realistically, why aren’t you and I down there bustin’ caps..
You forgot to mention the free ATM cash cards that they give these “valuable” migrants, courtesy of George Soros’ “Open Society” nation-wrecking NGO. If this were a sane world, Soros and his minions would be indicted for international espionage and treason.
The catholic church has established so called “safe routes” across Africa where immigrants are supported by an infrastructure of churches, missions, monasteries etc..until they reach european territory.
The catholic Caritas international is the most powerful outfit promoting the mass invasion.
Promoting internationalism and open borders is a christian speciality – to spread the Gospel across the world is at the center of their ideology and there’s nothing we can do to change their mind.
Again, Karl, you use any opportunity to bash Christianity, but you’re making a straw man argument against it:
The Catholic Church was completely infiltrated by the Jews by the early 1960s, and ever since then, they have increasingly walked in lock-step with the Jews and their nation-wrecking agenda. There is nothing “Christian” about the current treachery of the Catholic Church, as it aids and abets the migrant invasion of White lands. It’s pretty clear that the Great Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation is indeed the Catholic Church, now an instrument of the Jews to convince naive Catholics to eventually accept the anti-Christ World Government seated in Jerusalem.
Irish Savant
Correct. In fact (sorry, but I don’t have the source to hand) Jews have themselves boasted about the role of cryptos in Vatican II where the Traditional Church was fatally undermined.
The infamous agent for the Zionist Jews at Vatican II was Malachai Martin, who was a Catholic priest and a cryto-Jew himself:
You should know better Chesterton!
That people have always promoted universalism! Their very name means universalism in Greek!
Again, Karl, your understanding of real Christianity is shallow. The Catholics have indeed promoted universalism, but that’s because it was infiltrated with crypto-Jews and “converted” Jews from its very beginning.
Christianity originally was not a “universal” faith for everyone, as Christ himself attested when he stated that he literally came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel (Matt 15:24), the literally descendants of Jacob. The Catholic Church makes the outrageous and unsubstantiated claim that the Church and its followers are “Israel”, a complete lie.
Gee…how’s the weather in Tel Aviv today there, “Karl”?
Obviously, your knowledge of Christianity is nil. Also, quit equating catholicism with Christianity – they are at odds with each other! The Apostle Paul was already warning us against many of the tenets of what would become known as catholicism in the first century. Besides, every pope since the 1100s has been jewish…and we see the results.