Although this should come as no surprise to anyone with eyes to see, America’s largest and most powerful ticket broker — Ticketmaster — is implementing new guidelines that will require proof of COVID vaccination prior to the purchase of tickets to any public event, such as concerts and professional sports:
Ticketmaster will soon begin to verify the coronavirus vaccination status of fans attending events as soon as the vaccine is available, according to Billboard.
Ticketmaster said it was developing a system that uses phones to verify vaccination and COVID-19 status.
Ticketmaster president (((Mark Yovich))) said he thinks that technology will grow in demand for airline companies, amusement parks and places of employment.
“We’re already seeing many third-party health care providers prepare to handle the vetting — whether that is getting a vaccine, taking a test, or other methods of review and approval — which could then be linked via a digital ticket so everyone entering the event is verified,” Yovich told Billboard.
According to Marianne Herman of reBUILD20, this technology will be essential to creating a safe environment for these live events. reBUILD20 is aimed at assisting entertainment companies re-establish themselves during the pandemic.
“Integrating ticketing platforms with the guests’ verified testing results is one key way to re-imagine how we’re going to get fans back to live events,” said Herman. “The experience of attending live events will look completely different, but innovation married with consistent implementation will provide a framework to get the live sports and event industry back to work.”
Americans are pathetically addicted to sports — bread and circuses — and those who are in the process of gutting our Constitution and subverting our nation are using that addiction against them, and why wouldn’t they?
If you are willing to take an experimental and dangerous vaccine that has not been properly tested just so you can cheer on your favorite sports team in person, then perhaps you will be getting what you deserve.
What, after all, is the fate of those who take the mark of the beast? According to Revelation 19:20, they are destined for the Lake of Fire anyway.
But as the article makes clear, this vaccine verification system is also going to be tied into employment — everywhere you turn in Mystery Babylon, your vaccination status will be requested and required.
Of course, this could be a great opportunity for Americans to assert their independence and call their bluff and refuse to buy their vaccine-friendly tickets — and bankrupt Hollywood and the sports industrial complex — but that’s no going to happen.
These entertainment events, after all, will distract them from the shame they feel for not standing up to these tyrants who are hell-bent on robbing them of their once-great nation and God-given freedoms .
Vaccination has its privileges.
Kevin Ron Rose
Why would any sane person want to attend a sports event?Or a modern concert? They are all Trash. So, who cares. They will only hurt themselves.
Covid Vaccine-DNA changing, Drug delivery system (drugs from your body),5G Remote 5G control, crypto currency chip 060606, Luciferase ID tattoo for Vaxxx compliance.
More from Dr Carrie Madej interviews here disseminate very widely NOW …….
Egon von Greyerz Global Debt Implosion Coming.
UK Colony of Israel calls for ban on free speech about DNA altering Covid Vaccines.
Covid-19: Stop anti-vaccination fake news online with new law says Labour
— “Americans are pathetically addicted to sports…” —
South Africans were banned from sports under Apartheid. In the referendum to end Apartheid, in part, they voted so that they could have their sport back.
The love of sport is a particularly vexing and self-destructive illness.
Sports didn’t alter apartheid.
An international boycott did …
Paul David (j) Hewson aka Bono Of U2 led the charge.
While America is locked down as part of the “Great Reset”, mentioned in my comment below:
“Biden Admin Seeks to Throw Open U.S. Borders While Instituting ‘Strict’ Second Lockdown Domestically”
“Osterholm [Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to the Resetter’s goon Biden] claimed that for the lockdown to be effective it “has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible.”
As a reminder, Zeke Emanuel — who has already been enlisted to join Biden’s prospective cabinet — suggested back in April that lockdowns will have to go on indefinitely and said “we cannot return to normal until there is a vaccine.”
Meanwhile, while we’re being subject to Australian and New Zealand-style brutal lockdowns, Biden’s administration will be throwing open the borders to illegal immigrants and refugees!
NEW — President-elect Biden is set to start reversing Pres. Trump’s immigration legacy.
The Biden team is planning to fully restore DACA, enact a 100-day freeze on deportations, limit ICE arrests, overturn green card restrictions and much more. @CBSNews. “.”
There’s a lot more in this article. Good to read it all.
The standard for “common sense” has been lowered to dismal levels as Trumpites clamor to prove how “un-racist” they are. It’s almost as if this was all set up so that the masses would beg for unrighteousness to reign over them. Their moral high-ground is a band aid to disguise the incurable wound of festering fear.
Ticketmater is only the leading tip of the overall plan . Cutting you off from all travel and essential services, and making any resistance, armed or otherwise, seem futile, is just a small part of the “Great Resetters” plan. We know a lot about where the plan comes from. I think we can be certain that these would be the Biden backers.
This first article below, has details about the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] and those globalists who love them, Fauci, the Gates, and WHO.
“Dr. Fauci , Bill Gates , the WHO , and the CCP” [November 8, 2020]
“What is the GPMB?
The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) is an independent monitoring and accountability body to ensure preparedness for global health crises. Comprised of political leaders, agency principals and world-class experts, the Board provides an independent and comprehensive appraisal for policy makers and the world about progress towards increased preparedness and response capacity for disease outbreaks and other emergencies with health consequences. In short, the work of the GPMB will be to chart a roadmap for a safer world.
Created in response to recommendations by the UN Secretary General’s Global Health Crises Task Force in 2017, the GPMB was co-convened by the World Health Organization and the World Bank Group and formally launched in May 2018.” ….
Georgetown University Medical Center, DC:
“WASHINGTON (September 14, 2020) — In a new report commissioned by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), Georgetown global health experts say the success of any effort to redress pandemic preparedness failures demonstrated by COVID-19 requires a re-centering of governance that would include greater accountability, transparency, equity, participation and the rule of law.”
[“greater accountability, transparency, equity, participation and the rule of law.”; Meaning:
“Individuals – follow these rules, openly stated, or we’ll lock your ass up in jail”]
“GPMB report underlines why populism should be eschewed for collectivism”
An internationalist muzzie RESET scum does’nt like Trump’s opposition to the Covid lockdowns, or that Americans don’t love China’s communism. Americans need to be “collectivized” … just like the Chinese Communist Party does to the people in China.
“Hamzah Rifaat Hussain is a former visiting fellow at the Stimson Center in Washington, and currently serves as assistant researcher at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) in Pakistan.”
“… unlike the U.S., Beijing eschewed populist rhetoric for community engagement with the central leadership of the Communist Party of China…”.
“Collective action against any threat entails cooperation at both bilateral and multilateral levels. Bilateral relationships between states with multilateral forums acting as conduits for tabling policies are the hallmarks of a collective global response. Many governments with populist leaders in power have instead resorted to employing rhetoric bordering on denial, deflecting blame, or touting their administrations….”.
Well hey look at that, never figured I would be seeing the En(d) times in my lifetime but all this crap sure fits the bill!
The photograph of “the Swamp ” must be Gainsville football and not DC. I infer that if one must have a vaccine to visit the football game all the players have already been vaccinated and vaccine certificate is compelled for spectators. Completely unlawful . But what is not? They are not planning deaths from it . And if an informed victim tries to recover reparation for illness they have bureaucracies to protect both pharmaceuticals and affiliate bureaucrats and laws to preclude it. SO can it be they have placebo as thier prepared nostrum ? There are those who comply with this government arrogation not because they are afraid of plague or death but of disobedience to the government that has presumed a divine role.
Patrick White
It’s okay, (((Mr Yovich))) – I already have the DVD.
Beholden NWO Rockstars
But if you are a member of a huge band used by the PTB for their purposes like say, U2, you don’t have to get shot (medically speaking). A bullet, a needle. You are getting shot with the possiblity of letha side effects.