(Riverfront Times) Since their own ersatz version of Christmas — “Hanukkah” — is long over, Jews have nothing better to do than scrutinize every Christmas tradition to see how they can put a nefarious “anti-semitic” spin on it — and they haven’t spared Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol because — well — because they can’t help but see themselves in the character Scrooge:
Well, it’s that time of year again. Christmas. We all know what that means. Twenty-four hour marathons of “A Christmas Story” on TBS. Gaudy lights tacked onto just about every house in the suburbs. Overcrowded stores and that annual homage to Charlie Brown’s puny little tree.
Oh, and then there’s our favorite: Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. But are we the only ones who’ve noticed that this widely-accepted, celebrated piece of literature is actually wildly anti-Semitic? Seriously. Stop huffing and puffing. Stop talking to yourself about how absurd this claim is. Just stop and think about it.
“A Christmas Carol” tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge. Ebenezer, who just happens to have a Hebrew name, runs a counting-house. He’s generally thought to be a banker of some kind. Mr Scrooge is notoriously selfish and miserly — depicted as a greedy, unsympathetic man who’s icy-cold and bitter:
“External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty.”
A nice guy. Let us pause to recap. We have a man with a Hebrew name living in London. So it’s safe to say he’s Jewish and not, say, Welsh. Next let’s consider how Dickens describes Mr. Scrooge’s appearance:
“The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice.”
Hmm. As it stands, we’re dealing with a cold, greedy Jewish banker sporting a pointed nose. Nope, we don’t see anything stereotypical about that. Next, our evil banker is visited by three ghosts of Christmas. Ghosts of Christmas, huh? What else is a ghost but a spirit? And what about the etymology of the word “Christmas”? Oh yeah, it means Christ’s Mass. Basically, these ghosts represent the three spirits of Christ’s Mass.
Pausing for another recap: A trinity of Christ’s spirits visit a mean, greedy Jewish banker to preach redemption and salvation. Starting to see the undertones yet? In the end, it works like magic. Ebenezeer awakes reborn. He now has the spirit within and rains joy, compassion and charity on his fellow man (and that darling little Gentile, Tiny Tim).
Yep, that’s right. The miserly, Jewish banker opens his heart to the Spirit of Christ — and then, and only then, is he transformed into a loving human being. Scrooge done got himself saved. And had he not, well, we guess he’d still be an angry, greedy Jew banker destined for the shadows of an eternally-cold grave.
So, this holiday when you sit round the tree toasting eggnog and preparing for that holiday reading — okay, viewing, since we prefer TV to books now, and there are about ten zillion TV adaptations of this thing — just remember the hidden message you’re sharing with your kiddos on this day of love and grace: Jews are bad people doomed to hell unless they find Christ. Go Jesus!
This cantankerous Jew does what every paranoid, cringing neurotic does — project his self-hatred upon the non-Jewish world which he both envies and hates — and cannot help but desire to destroy.
It would never occur to this judeo-narcissist that there are so-called “gentiles” who behave — and have behaved — like Ebenezer Scrooge — and have, yes, been redeemed by the Spirit of Christ.
And this self-loathing Jew need not worry — the vast majority of Christians do not have any interest in trying to convert Jews — aside from traditional Catholics, but the Pope has decided that Jews have their own “special” path to the Kingdom without Christ — in complete defiance of Christ in John 14:6 — so the traditional Latin mass has been all but banned “for fear of the Jews.”
Evangelical Zionist Christians don’t really pray for the conversion of the Jews either — they merely pray and pay for as many Jews as possible move to Israel which allegedly will prompt their Scofield Jesus™ to return, rapture them, and then trick the stubborn Israelis to convert whether they like it or not.
That said, before Jews took virtual control of the publishing industry, characters like Scrooge were far more commonplace — unsavory Jews such as Fagin in Dicken’s Oliver Twist or Shylock in Merchant of Venice.
Jews have now become so easily offended that “evil” non-Jewish characters like Scrooge are not allowed to have typical Jewish-sounding names — such as Hershel Fink.
Once again Jews create even more anti-Semitism by obsessing about anti-Semitism — as they live up to their own negative stereotypes — stereotypes that Jews would have us believe have no foundation in reality — and are merely based on nothing more than irrational hatred of Jews –a “malignant disease” literally encoded in European DNA.
If anti-Semitism is indeed “encoded” in our DNA, then God put it there for a reason — as a natural part of our immune system to protect us from anti-Christ Jews.
And for that, “God bless us everyone!”
owO Vectrex
“Igor Shafarevich, a mathematician and member of the prestigious U. S. National Academy of Sciences reviewed Jewish literary works during the Soviet and post-Soviet period, finding a prominent theme of Jewish hatred mixed with a powerful desire for revenge toward pre-revolutionary Russia and its culture.
But Shafarevich also suggests that the Jewish “Russophobia” that prompted the mass murder is not a unique phenomenon, but results from traditional Jewish hostility toward the non-Jewish world, considered tref (unclean), and toward non-Jews themselves, considered sub-human and as worthy of destruction—a very reasonable interpretation given traditional Jewish ethics in which non-Jews have no moral standing.
People with such beliefs have no moral compunctions about the torture, rape, and murder of their perceived enemies. Hatred toward the peoples and cultures of non-Jews and the image of enslaved ancestors as victims of anti-Semitism have been the Jewish norm throughout history—much commented on, from Tacitus to the present.”
If the ones calling themselves Israelis were the Israelites of the Bible then according to scripture they would have been the founders of many kingdoms, have a dominate worldwide population, have a patriarchal lineage not a matriarchal one, be adverse to miscegenation, and be spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone.
But since that doesn’t describe them over the last few thousand years and does describe the white race is seems they are the true Israelites but have forgotten who they are just as scripture says they will.
None of the covenants between God and Abraham’s seed fit the ones calling themselves Gods chosen people unless the god in question isn’t the Most High God but the god of this world. Hmmm
Amen! You’ve hit the nail right on the head!
Bill Medford
Being Hebrew does not make one jewish. I refuse to capitalize that word.
Bartleby Jones
Jewish is an adjective, Jew is the noun, though Jews have tried to turn Jewish into a noun somehow. Non-Jews are not allowed to use the word “Jew”. “Jew” is reserved only for Jews. “Jewish” is the polite way for “gentiles” to refer to Jews.
Gentiles who use “Jew” use it in a derogatory, or less than flattering way, from the Jews’ perspective. Jews are allowed to use “Jew” in a derogatory way, but only toward Jews they don’t like who exhibit the worst qualities of Jews.
Either way, it doesn’t matter if “Jewish” is capitalized or not except from a grammatical point of view. It would be like not capitalizing “english” because you don’t like English people. Jews would rather that you don’t capitalize “Jewish” than use the term “Jew”.
It’s all just word games and semantics.
Al Liguori
Meanwhile (((they))) will be celebrating “Nittel Nacht” tonight. https://judaism.is/jesus-in-the-talmud.html#nittelnacht
Nittel Nacht: An Inverted Christmas with Toledot Yeshu
How Jews responded to the celebration of Jesus’ birth by creating a cynical version of Christmas Eve lampooning him.
by Shai Alleson-Gerberg
In Jewish sources, Christmas Eve is known as Nittel Nacht. The term nittel originates from the Latin Natale Domini, “Nativity of the Lord”; however, when spelled in Hebrew, it takes on a new shade of meaning, becoming a derogatory name for the Christian festival – “Night of the Hanged One” (nittel i.e., talui), or as other popular etymology stated – the night in which Jesus’ life was taken from him (leil netilato min ha-‘olam).
Mekor Ḥayyim, the commentary of the Ashkenazi Rabbi R. Yair Ḥayyim Bakhrakh (1639-1702) on Shulḥan Arukh, Orah Ḥayyim, is the earliest and the only Jewish source in the seventeenth-century to mention the custom of abstaining from Torah study on Christmas Eve, practiced to this day in Hasidic circles.[1] Earlier writings, however, reflect the existence of a unique Jewish tradition related to Christmas Eve, specifically, the writings of Jewish converts to Christianity reporting on what Jews do on Nittel. For example, the sixteen-century convert Ernest Ferdinand Hess wrote in his book Juden Geissel (“Scourge of the Jews”, 1589) that on Christmas Eve, while Christians gather in churches to praise Christ, Jews assemble in their homes, and when they hear the church bells ringing, they announce that at that very hour the bastard (mamser) is crawling through all the latrines (maschovim).[2]
A similar description appears about half a century earlier in the writings of Johannes Pfefferkorn (1469-1523),[3] and a few decades later, in those of Julius Conrad Otto (1562-1607)[4] and Samuel Friederich Brentz (converted in 1601),[5] all Jewish converts to Christianity. All three cases add that on Christmas Eve, Jews were accustomed to publically relate the story of Jesus, that is to say, they read the popular Jewish narrative Toledot Yeshu (“Life of Jesus”), also familiar as Ma‘aseh Toleh (“The Tale of the Hanged One”).
Patrick White
No one actually cares what Jews think any longer.
Everyone knows that they are self-serving liars.
This sums it up perfectly: “This cantankerous Jew does what every paranoid, cringing neurotic does — project his self-hatred upon the non-Jewish world which he both envies and hates — and cannot help but desire to destroy.”
Truer words were never spoken.
Yes!!! As Tiny Tim observed: “God bless us, everyone.”
My first experience with Dicken’s small novella was the cartoon with Mr.Magoo as Ebeneezer Scrooge which first aired in 1962; I was seven years old.
My next experience with the novella was in ninth grade English literature class as a reading assignment. I have read it since every year. Of course my maternal English roots adds to that. My grandmother’s parents having migrated here. There is a book called The Annotated Christmas Carol by Thomas Patrick Hearn; I recommend it to anyone.
The Jew is an impossible creature; slightly below a cock roach. Please, I’m being nice. The spirit of our Savior Jesus Christ puts a guard on my tongue, thankfully.
And once again, as Tiny Tim observed:. God bless us everyone!!