Last November members of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) voted unanimously to endorse and promote the recent call by an article that appeared in The Lancet to include the Holocaust in the curriculum of all health professionals:
In a commentary last summer titled, “Medicine and the Holocaust – it’s Time to Teach,” [The Lancet’s] editor, Richard Horton, explained that medicine’s success in the 1930s “contributed to its hubris and collusion with a racist political regime.” He also took notice of the recent rise in nationalism and anti-Semitism….
That was music to the ears of Dr. Frank Sommers, a Toronto psychiatrist and child survivor of the Holocaust. When the motion passed, doctors “burst into applause and I was very relieved and gratified,” Sommers told The CJN.
Sommers, a co-founder of Doctors Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (DARA), said teaching about Holocaust-era medicine in medical schools was an idea he’d entertained for years, but The Lancet article provided the impetus for him to take it to the OMA.
The vote followed an impassioned plea from Sommers, who was born in Budapest in 1943, just before the Nazi occupation of the city, and whose immediate family survived by hiding in the basements of bombed-out buildings.
“My larger extended family were shipped, stripped of their human dignity and murdered in the gas chambers and crematoria of Nazi extermination camps, which were planned, produced and directly supervised by German doctors and scientists,” Sommers told the OMA meeting…
Sommers said he’s also received support for the idea from the Canadian Medical Association.
Now, “we need to reach out to all medical schools,” Sommers told The CJN. “Faculty needs to signal to young doctors that this is a very real and serious part of medicine. There was a high level of scientific and medical complicity” in the Holocaust.
As the journal Academic Medicine agreed in 2015, the subject “needs to become a mandatory, integral component of 21st-century health professions education, aimed at enlightening health professionals to what went terribly wrong, what can still go wrong, and making sure it does not recur.”
…In Israel, a curriculum module on the Holocaust and medicine became a requirement for all medical students at Bar-Ilan University in 2017. The idea is to integrate lessons from the Third Reich into doctors’ “professional identities.”
In the United States, about 20 of the country’s 140 or so medical schools teach about medicine and the Holocaust, and that may mean only one lecture, according to the Houstan-based Center for Medicine After the Holocaust…
There is a long, disturbing litany of moral failings by doctors during the Nazi years. For one, German doctors and health-care providers joined the Nazi party at a higher rate than any profession, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, with 45 per cent of them signing up, compared to seven per cent of teachers. They were rewarded with the jobs of Jewish doctors and professors who were ousted from their posts.
Guided by eugenic theories of race, German physicians, nurses and bioscientists forcibly sterilized as many as 400,000 people and “euthanized” another 200,000 disabled children and adults under the so-called T-4 program.
Perhaps the best-known example is Josef Mengele – the “Angel of Death” – a doctor who decided which arrivals to Auschwitz would live and which would die, and who performed barbaric experiments on prisoners.
Of the 20 physicians tried for war crimes at the post-war doctors’ trial in Nuremberg, 16 were found guilty and four were executed.
This article conveniently leaves out the fact that Josef Mengele was not only not tried at Nuremberg, he wasn’t even wanted for war crimes at that point, nor did any witnesses mention him, which is extraordinary considering what a prominent role he allegedly played in Auschwitz lore.
And Mengele wasn’t even the head doctor at Auschwitz. That post was held by Dr. Eduard Wirths, who received commendations for his work in stopping the spread of deadly typhus among the jewish prisoners.
After the war ended, Mengele was going to turn himself in, but when he learned that he would not receive a fair hearing, he decided to flee to South America, where he spent the rest of his life.
After his death, his private diaries went up for auction, and a wealthy Jew bought them but never published them. We can be certain that if there was anything incriminating or which substantiated the criminal allegations against Mengele, those diaries would have been reprinted in every newspaper in the world.
That they weren’t tells you what you need to know about this jewish boogeyman, this so-called “Angel of Death”.
>>>”After his death, his private diaries went up for auction, and a wealthy Jew bought them but never published them. We can be certain that if there was anything incriminating or which substantiated the criminal allegations against Mengele, those diaries would have been reprinted in every newspaper in the world.”
whoever runs this website has good knowledge. I had never heard this factoid until now.
Their lies have been discovered and the truth about jewry is spreading like wildfire. They need some sort of “science” mixed in with their holocaust racket to inject a pseudo legitimacy and cause people to think “well if the Ontario Medical Association is involved in holocaust education, then it MUST be true.” These jews are slick in their deceptive methods of mind control.
The Jews will not stop us in our quest to ensure that the whole world discovers their lies and learns the truth.
Makes complete sense to me. What passes for ‘doctors’ and ‘medical care’ these days is as much bullshit as the Hoaxaco$t. The indoctrination of the jewish fairy tale only ensures the medical field to be staffed with the exact kind of ‘medical practitioners’ they need!
Nancy F.
Yep, most doctors today are either Jews or assorted non-Whites, so there’s very little danger of a Nazi uprising in the medical profession.
From all accounts, Mengele was a very accomplished and intelligent man, from a very learned family. Someone with his intelligence would never attempt to inject blue dye into the eyeballs of Jews to see if he could transform them into “aryans”.
Only a Jew would think “evil” Nazis would do such a thing, but no reasonable German would consider it, no matter how they felt about Jews. That’s where a lot of this “eyewitness” testimony fails the common sense test.
The same goes for the so-called “twins studies” at Auschwitz. Mengele understood basic genetics with twins, and the alleged experiments that he did on them presume he knew nothing about them, as all the experiments would have been contradicted by common sense, which seems a rare commodity among Holocaust “survivors”.
Exactly! And Mengle WAS a good man with sound morals. Never believe a single word that comes out of a jew’s pie hole. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. For it is the teaching of the jews, to NOT save a goyim’s life and to “kill the best of the Gentiles”. The truth about WW2 Germany was “stop the deaths at the work camps at all costs.”
John 3
Yes, there is a well-known document from the “evil” Heinrich Himmler to, I believe, Rudolf Hoss, the commandant at Auschwitz, demanding that every effort be made to preserve the lives of the inmates so that they could continue to work and support the war effort. Jews have claimed this document is “fake” to hide the real intention of the camp, but that’s absurd.
What is absurd is how the Jews claim the Germans wanted to exterminate them all but at the same time use every one of them to work to support the war effort. Death camps or labor camps? Which one makes sense from a German perspective? Doing both at the same time, as the Jews claim, is impossible.
Germans did not have the extra manpower or raw materials to waste on murdering millions of jewish laborers in the camps, cover it up, and still win the war. No rational person can believe that. And since Jews mock the Germans for how cold-hearted and rational they are, they’ve really shot themselves in the foot on this issue.
canadians are as insane as the french and germans these least those European countries have SOME resistance movements – the canucks just bend over and spread em every single time.
Remember, in canada, truth is irrelevant in court – they say so in official documents. Reckon truth has no place in med school either… guess thats why emergency rooms in Detroit have lines every Monday of canadians needing non emergency care…
Yes, as a former Canadian, I can tell you that the country is completely dominated by bolshevik Zionists, just like America, but the big difference is that Americans have an ethos of independence and “don’t tread on me” that the Canadians don’t have.
Americans have refused to give up their guns, their BIG guns, and the Canadians feel virtuous for having done so.
Canadians pride themselves on being polite and accommodating while Americans don’t shy away from telling you exactly how they feel, even if it hurts your feelings.
And Canadians have no experience dealing with millions of feral, violent non-Whites now flooding the country, even the small towns. And without their guns, the Canadians are in for a lot of heinous, ugly crime that hopefully will wake them up before it’s too late.